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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 161 KB, 1600x1200, ws_Civilization_5_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1322835 No.1322835 [Reply] [Original]


I figure most of you guys should be pretty smart. How many words are in your English vocabulary? The median is about 27,000, but something tells me that you're all above my range of 29,700.

>> No.1322837

I have not checked out that link yet (I will though), but something tells me the way the word range is gonna be evaluated on there is based on a very dubious method.

>> No.1322842


I admit I got damn nervous at the end. Holy shit the words I saw there... They really shouldn't BE in the English language in my opinion....

>> No.1322843


They test about 120 words (check the boxes if you know the definition of the word) and base the results on words similar to them, their complexities, as well as the user's education level.

>Captcha: 1776 torieti

Well that would've been nice for my original post.

>> No.1322844

There's no fucking way the median is 27k. Either most people simply lie or there's a gigantic selection bias...

26.1k ;_;

>> No.1322845

I only got 17,900 :(

>> No.1322846


That was kind of fun.

>> No.1322848

Oh my yes. I just finished it, and it simply lists words from what looks like an SAT list, with checkboxes. Easily manipulable and probably invalid even if it wasn't.


>> No.1322851


>> No.1322853

The results of this are about as meaningful to me as the "Which author do you write like?" quiz that shows up here all the time.

>> No.1322858


>> No.1322861
File: 48 KB, 523x564, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21,100. Whoo boy. Also,

>> No.1322863



> To understand how we come up with the exact number at the end, let's start with an analogy. Imagine you have the whole dictionary of 45,000+ words, with words arranged in order from most-common to least-common, and you mark all the words you know. At the end, you go back, and discover that at exactly word #15,000, there are 2,000 words that came earlier (more common words) which you didn't know. And at word #15,000, there are 2,000 words which come afterwards (less common words) which you do know. The 2,000 after which you do know cancel out the 2,000 before you don't, and in the end it means you know 15,000 words.

> We follow the same principle, but using only a small sample of words (around 120) to achieve the same result. Among all the words you check in the second step, we find which word (say, #55) has the same number of blank checkboxes before it (say, 18), as it has checked boxes after it (again, 18). We then look up the frequency rank of this "midpoint" word #55, which turns out to be #15,000, which means that you know 15,000 words.

> In reality, the math is actually a bit more complicated than that, because the sample words are distributed logarithmically in rank instead of linearly, but the basic concept is the same.

>> No.1322864

It would be so easy to cheat this, but I was totally honest with myself and got 26,400.

>> No.1322865


u jelly?

>> No.1322866 [DELETED] 


>> No.1322875

how do i get a good vocabulary?

>> No.1322878

I only got 19,100 :(
However, I am only in 10th grade. The reason the average is so high is probably because it is only taken by smart people such as the people on /lit/ who read alot. If more 10th graders or just dumb people took the test, then the average would be alot lower. I know my score can't be below average since I score in the 97-99% on SAT and have the highest lexile in my Honors English class.

tldr: I MAD

>> No.1322884

It says it has very little info on underageb&

>> No.1322886
File: 8 KB, 218x275, bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never took the SAT but I got the best score on the ACT out of anyone in my class. (2nd-worst-place-so-far-fag here)

Of course, my school was really bad so being the best of shit probably doesn't carry much weight. Eheh.

>> No.1322887

33,600, though some of the words I checked are ones I know and can use in context, but would be hard-pressed to write a coherent definition for.

>> No.1322890

Better than I expected, I thought it was going to be much lower with the amount of boxes that I left unchecked.

>> No.1322891


27k being the median lol. Yeah, okay. That's why I can read many times faster then most and others say I read literature which would make their heads explode.

Whatever... although the English language has over 600,000 words so this is quite humorous.

>> No.1322894


Considering you don't know the difference between than and then, I'm not surprised by your score.

>> No.1322895


>There's no fucking way the median is 27k
I agree completely

>> No.1322900


Self, I am disappoint.

brb suicide

>> No.1322901

lol dude u dumb.

I'm not much older (17) and I got 32,900.

>> No.1322904

>Considering you don't know the difference between than and then, I'm not surprised by your score.
>What? Recheck

Okay, I concede.

>> No.1322908

I bet half of the people on here would stutter and stammer if directly asked in real life "What's the definition for ______?"

But they wanted to feel smart so they checked the boxes they had seen before and kind of knew the general idea behind it.

>> No.1322909

I mostly learnt english reading stupid things on Internet.

>> No.1322917

I only got five.


>> No.1322921

this test is bogus.

I have 29500 and english is my second language. Also, some words aren't even english (even though they might be found in an english dictionary).
And if you know latin at lot of the more obscure words make still sense to you.

>> No.1322925

29,300 here, but I think anybody who got over 30k is lying to themselves

If you can't vocalise a definition for each word within 5 seconds, you don't know it. If it's on the tip of your tongue, or you know you know it but just can't put it into words, then you don't check the box. This is like those IQ threads with people claiming >150, seriously do you hate yourself so much you have to lie even when anonymous?

tldr: I mad, u dumb

>> No.1322933

The words were derived from a corpus of actual English usage. The origin doesn't really matter if people use it in English texts and speech.

>> No.1322936


> anybody who scored higher than me is lying to themselves

u mad, anonymous?

>> No.1322938

> sparge

> embonpoint
Reading Joyce has just been justified.

> 35,100
Now that's a word-hoard.

>> No.1322940

19.900 wat?

I know im not below average for sure >.> I would of figured a bit above average but definitely not that bad.

Maybe i'm only slightly retarded and its my family and friends who have it severe and I just never realized...

>> No.1322948

I could have sworn some of the words were made up.

Like in those linguistic tests where they implant made up words to call out the people who claim to know words they actually don't.

>> No.1322951

32,400 - I must give credit to Shakespeare. I teach 5-6 of his plays yearly so the language really sticks with me.

>> No.1322954

29,400 here, though man, I haven't seen so many words I don't know since I last opened a dictionary.

Which, contrary to popular opinion, wasn't so long ago.

>> No.1322959



>> No.1322964
File: 59 KB, 702x532, fry looking classy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably because i'm one of the few on this board who actually fucking read.

>> No.1322978 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 400x305, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 10th Grade
>mon visage

>> No.1322984

34,500 and in the 85th percentile.

>> No.1322986

Fucking half of the second seciton were irrelevant and obsolete Shakespearean words.

>> No.1322987

> test claims to evaluate bandwidth of vocabulary
> only asks about <100 words

this is like those 10 minute IQ tests.

To score below average is quite an achievement on the users side. Like getting an F in art.

>> No.1322989


I'm 16. Just like everyone there were a couple of words I decided to check with only a vague idea (or none at all) of what they meant.

>> No.1322994

I got 34,100.
I'm 19.

Disappointed at the amount of words I didn't know :(

>> No.1322996

> Just like everyone there were a couple of words I decided to check with only a vague idea (or none at all) of what they meant.

Shame on you. I didn't do that.

>> No.1323000
File: 29 KB, 184x184, Lord Voldemort Pointing at a Quidditch Match.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, what were those words at the end? That was insane. I'm going to go peruse a dictionary now.

>> No.1323001

just to put this in perspective:

How many words are in the english language?

>> No.1323004

ITT: people lying.

>> No.1323005

Don't open that can of worms.

>> No.1323010

Don't be ashamed that you scored 10,000 words. I'm sure you have a lot of non-linguistic skills to balance things out.

>> No.1323011

Don't. No. Bad /lit/, bad. Am I going to have to get the squirt-bottle?

>> No.1323014


sorry, didn't know that I was the epimetheus to pandoras box with this question

>> No.1323017


I was very strict with myself, and didn't check something unless I was absolutely sure I knew it. A few looked or sounded familiar, but I didn't check them. All that said, I think it's pretty accurate. I've never thought of my vocabulary as all that large.

>> No.1323019


>> No.1323020

Over 600,000. Most of them used by scientists or in niche areas of study.

>> No.1323022

(but it's my third language)

>> No.1323026

Several people seem to be mistaking this for an intelligence test. There is a correlation between intelligence and vocabulary, sure, but that's not what this is meant to test.

Think of it this way: the "harder" words are basically just "rarer" words. Knowing rarer words is not strongly predictive of intelligence. It is much more predictive of how many words in total you might know, and that's what the test is about. Knowing what a word means is not a sign that your brain is somehow stronger, it just means you recognize a particular string of symbols. No word is really "harder" to recognize than another word.

( Most importantly, don't feel bad if you scored lower than you'd like. Especially if you're underageb&. I know what what mentality is like and you should kill it with fire. )

>> No.1323027


Felt good knowing hypnopompic and oneriomancy.

Felt bad not knowing so many.[spoiler/]

>> No.1323028


I forget the meaning of words I don't read a lot :(

>> No.1323030

Oh I know you - you're that fucking asshole who's always citing your inefficiency with your new language as the reason you appear so fucking stupid as well as asinine.
Hi again.

>> No.1323032

> oneriomancy

Oh, fuck that one. Is there anything worse than knowing precisely half a word?

>> No.1323035

28,800 words.
I'm fairly happy with that.

>> No.1323039
File: 165 KB, 1366x768, yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not amazing, but OK for a 12th grader. I think reading philosophy helped a lot. Planning to learn Latin in college, hopefully this number will go up then.

>> No.1323040

>Oh I know you - you're that fucking asshole who's always citing your inefficiency with your new language as the reason you appear so fucking stupid as well as asinine.
No, i'm not. I almost never comment, i just lurk.

>> No.1323041


how can I improov?

>> No.1323042

grade11fag here, got 29,100

>> No.1323043


>> No.1323044


>> No.1323049
File: 22 KB, 544x400, 1288983289698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not using the opportunity to learn the other half?

>> No.1323050


any recommendations? first time on /lit/

>> No.1323057


in b4 House of Leaves and Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1323063


>> No.1323083


Thanks, OP. I've got somebody to share this with.

>> No.1323097


no lyin', did not do any that i didn't know the meaning of

this is a completely meaningless number, of course

>> No.1323105


I skipped every single one I couldn't visualize a definition of within 5-10 seconds.

>> No.1323111

No, of course I did. Not in time, obviously.

>> No.1323112


>> No.1323122

14,900 words. Thanks Alabama public education!

>> No.1323124


Own a fairly recent dictionary and learn how to use it. Read the bit in the front that tells you what order the definitions are in and so on. Computer and online dictionaries are fine, of course, as long as you remember to use them.

Likewise for a thesaurus. Use it when you write to find the most appropriate word for what you mean. Don't use it to make yourself sound smarter by using words you don't know.

Read a lot. Read slightly above what you think your level is, but not too far. Unless it's a book you're reading as a challenge, you shouldn't have to consult the dictionary more than once a chapter or so.

Write a lot. Try to write better. If you just learned a word that you like, use it. If you find yourself using the same words over and over again, try to learn synonyms (but use them appropriately).

Take Latin if you're a total nerd. (I am a total nerd.) Otherwise, take a foreign language class for a language that English has drawn from. Taking Japanese or Russian (or whatever) is probably not going to improve your English vocabulary as much as French or German.

>> No.1323127

I felt inferior as fuck taking this because there were so many words I didn't know. I got 34,700. I have a good memory for words though (I study foreign languages).

>> No.1323134

Knowledge of latin and french helped.

>> No.1323146

hey faggot 11th here i got 35k suck my dick your weak excuses are invalid

>> No.1323152


meh :(

>> No.1323167


I'd like to thank D&D, Lovecraft, and purple prose abusers everywhere!

>> No.1323169

36k:( I need to read more

>> No.1323173

>82 posts

Yeah fucking right. There are about a dozen people on /lit/ at any time. Unless all the other boards are coming over to post their vocabulary results.

>> No.1323185

probably the afternoon posters did theirs, then the evening ones came by and saw it and it got bumped to the top, etc.

Plus a good chunk of the thread is
>I'm so much better than everyone else
>You faggot you cheated
>No u just mad that you're not as smart as me


>> No.1323208
File: 24 KB, 311x311, youguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12k here. 18yrold austfag.

Am i in trouble?

>> No.1323214

I got 28,6000

I speak French as a second language, and at least 10 of the words I knew because of that.

Also, I only checked words I absolutely knew the definition for, not words I recognized or had seen before.

>> No.1323216

Yeah, that's 28,600, not 28,6000

Thought I'd make that correction before the retards at 27K and below start chiming in....

>> No.1323240

11th Grader here.

Anyone under 38,500 needs to go read a book.

>> No.1323263

25,200 after zipping through in three minutes and probably missing a few.

>> No.1323276

I got 14,000.

>> No.1323281

Get a job.

>> No.1323315



>> No.1323332

I got over 9,000

>> No.1323342

35,600. But I'm older, have an advanced degree.

>> No.1323343

37k is already the 95th percentile...which I imagine is only that high because a lot of people are lying... which I imagine you did as well.

>> No.1323354

Anyway, I got 27,300 so I'm not really complaining, but some of those words are seriously inane ;_;

>> No.1323355

That means 95% of people scored less than 37,000. Why does that surprise you?

>> No.1323369


Not bad for an 11th grader.

>> No.1323371


feels good man

>> No.1323377

non-native speakerfag here

only got 19,200 ):


>> No.1323382
File: 228 KB, 1255x2280, funtimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do well? Too lazy to read the thread

>> No.1323387

non-native here, same results bro.
And I work as a translator.

>> No.1323388

Define these words then, I trust you wont google.


Theyre in the first part, so they shouldnt be too challenging for you.

>> No.1323389

I learned imbroglio from Action League Now

>> No.1323390

There's a flaw in the test : being french, imbroglio and a lot of other words were easy to understand.
Hypermnesia is another kind of easy (greek).

>> No.1323391



>> No.1323392

And it means...

>> No.1323394


uxor is latin for wife
you should know this

>> No.1323397


i dont know why you're asking me this, but i have no idea what either of them mean, honestly

>> No.1323398


however i assume hypermnesia is some sort of opposite to amnesia, as in remembering things awfully well?

>> No.1323404

a- in amnesia means no mnesia, no memory.
hypermnesia would be too much memories, and opposed to hypomnesia.

>> No.1323407

Where would i ever fucking hear or read the latin word for wife.

>> No.1323428

Real estate documents, property tax statements. John Doe et ux means John Doe and wife.

>> No.1323434

Just... Just, really, just stop being so pretentious. No-one admires you, no-one respects you, you just have internet access.

>> No.1323439
File: 20 KB, 300x341, 1249762453629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I feel all warm and happy inside now.

>> No.1323443

See, there you go again.
>Anyone who disagrees with/opposes me is unintelligent and inferior to me

>> No.1323449


Well that's shameful

>> No.1323460
File: 28 KB, 480x640, 62138_1646339444081_1404773494_31739408_2212721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35,100. Yep. Pretty pleased with that.

>> No.1323476


I'm a classics major in his fifth semester of french, though, so this is my forte if anything is.

>> No.1323481

Oh man, the link to my results is


I am very, very pleased.

>> No.1323500


Meh, I don't feel much concern over it. I made a 30 on my Reading ACT, even if I don't immediately recognize a word, I can figure out what it means through sentence structure. Fun quiz though~

>> No.1323515

34,900 words

I didn't even graduate highschool

suck my dick try hards

>> No.1323528

> a 30 on any portion of the ACT

At least tell me you didn't study then fail so hard.

>> No.1323530
File: 11 KB, 229x261, 1289789593250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool. i guess when someone asks you, how's that 9th grade education working for you? you can reply with this and show 'em yea

>> No.1323534

I didn't study, but a 30 on a 36 pt scale is good, brochacho.

>> No.1323537

No, a 30 on a 36 point scale is all of six points away from a full score.

>> No.1323538


not natively english, no idea how good/bad that's supposed to be for non natives

>> No.1323542

i needed a genius up in this bitch - i had been wondering how to spell brochacho.
if you are taking this thread and this test seriously you have bigger problems than a vocabulary deficiency.

>> No.1323544

er, flip those reference numbers.

>> No.1323545


>> No.1323549

32K only one year of college. I know Spanish, German, and Chinese.

>> No.1323550

No problem brosephus.

>> No.1323552

>study for the act
hahahah oh wow

30 is really bad though.

>> No.1323557
File: 24 KB, 746x511, vocab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I've taken this test.

I'm 19.

u jelly?

>> No.1323565

For reading 30 puts me in the 91 percentile, for the 29 composite, that puts me in the 94 percentile, inb4 made a 36 composite while getting a blow from the coordinator on my 12 inch dick, top 10% for something I didn't study for is fine by me.

>> No.1323572

yeah but you have to understand percentiles are pretty worthless because most people suck

anything under 90th percentile on a national high school test is pretty shameful, tbqh. you shouldn't be comparing yourself to that 90% of society, that's not the standard that matters - the standard that matters is where you place in that top 10% (inasmuch as this matters at all which really it doesnt)

>> No.1323586

I can agree with that

>> No.1323602

I'm questioning this. I got just over 27,000 but I checked somewhere around 80% of the listed words, and I know enough average people to say that there is no way in hell they would mark more than 30-40% of the words in step 2.

>> No.1323605

24 years old.
I'm average yeaaaah!

>> No.1323628

>The main four tests are scored individually on a scale of 1-36, and a Composite score is provided which is the whole number average of the four scores

Average English score: 20.6
Average math score: 22
Average reading score: 21
Average science score: 24
Average composite score: 21.1

Anyone who is sneering at a 30 on any subject in the ACT best be trollan, because otherwise you're insufferable.

>> No.1323673

I'm not even going to bother taking the test, for I already know I would get a 100,000
>but it only goes up to

>> No.1323681


>> No.1323714
File: 121 KB, 1423x749, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24400 words

non-native speaker...feels bad man..I always figured I was quite good at English; In uni I get straight As in all things related to grammar. Pic related

>> No.1323733
File: 55 KB, 1280x800, vocabtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seemed like the last screen was designed to test discipline-specific jargon.

>> No.1323753


I expected to do better than that, honestly.
Funambulist is now my word of the day.

>> No.1323801

Key word is >estimated

>> No.1323816
File: 612 KB, 735x512, 1277078868647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19,200 words...
Seems right.

>> No.1323859


I only checked the words that I had an absolutely concrete definition for in my head. Ones that I thought I knew I didn't pick. There were some that I had absolutely no idea of.

>> No.1323862

Shit I feel dumb: 20700

Too many obscure words that, while fun to know, say, and maybe use, are almost never seen.

>> No.1323872

Eh. If you read a lot, you notice them. And you work out a rough definition from the context.

Also, in several cases (oneiromancy, uxoricide) you can work out the parts from the roots - oneiro is dream, mancy is prediction of the future usually, uxor is wife, cide is murder.

>> No.1323905
File: 208 KB, 834x892, 1291170657368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert dessert

>> No.1324059


Aw yeah

>> No.1324107


A large vocabulary is useless if it's full of useless words. Funambulist? Fucking Latin.

>> No.1324220

also 10th, however i got 35k, BOOM MOTHERFUCKER, SUCK ON MY LITERARY COCK.

>> No.1324238

See, I refuse to believe anyone like this could get a score that high. This test is obviously flawed. These scores mean nothing so long as people are allowed to test themselves.

>> No.1324253

Considering how high I am right now and how many times I've seen the word puddi in the last ten minutes I consider that an achievement.

>> No.1324264

39.3k lol

>> No.1324270


Not a single fuck was given, though, considering all the inferior non-English words I saw shoved in there.

>> No.1324285

19,500 :(

>> No.1324316


22yo non-native english speaker reporting in.

>> No.1324319

20,000 and proud

>> No.1324326

18 yo non-native speaker

>> No.1324341

7,620 here (non-english). Either 1) this is complete bullshit, because I'm reading/watching series only in English with a comprehension >90%, or 2) as someone said, people just check if they have seen the word once, but couldn't tell the definition accurately.

Even in my native language, there are a lot of words I know, but if asked, couldn't tell exactly what they mean unless they are a context.

I think I heard this was from Einstein (although not sure): "If you think you know something, but can't explain it to a 6 year old, then you don't know it."

>> No.1324346



>> No.1324349


Lying, of course. I don't remember my original score, something just above average, but I went through and checked the definitions for each as I clicked them /and/ read contextual sentences (plus writing a few of my own). I probably won't retain most of them, but some is good enough for me.

Valetudinarian I already knew, so I felt pretty fucking cool. And 'svelte' was in this Carmen Sandiego game I have. Suck on that, ages 9 and up!

>> No.1324351


>> No.1324362

18 400

I don't know whether it is good or bad since english is not my native, but still i'm a bit disappointed.

>> No.1324366
File: 46 KB, 409x405, 1264632893046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 22,000

Which is pretty okay, considering i am a non-native speaker

>> No.1324399

27,200 words. For a non-native speaker, I suppose that's alright.

>> No.1324405

Jesus, you guys make me sad

>> No.1324407

but those are some damn fine upside-dubs!

>> No.1324409

ITT: Faggots equating large vocabularies with intelligence/writing ability. Having a large vocabulary just means you have a large vocabulary. And yes, I butthurt; I got 27,700.

>> No.1324419

native oldfag, tested twice
first 22,900
2nd 25,800
assumed 3rd try 31,000

>> No.1324425

30,400. Only clicked the ones on which I was absolutely certain.

I'm a little skeptical about some of the rest of you, and I have my doubts about the veracity of of statistics of an honor-system internet survey. I'm not a logomaniac by any stretch, but I know I'm nowhere near the bottom 70% of English language users.

And if you guys are telling the truth, I hope you become hippopotomonstresesquippedaliophobic and choke.

>> No.1324445

Dutchfag here: 23,900. Around ~25% percentile, but I still felt pretty good about it seeing as I'm not a native English speaker, and I assume a fairly large amount of respondents is cheating anyway.

>> No.1324473

I believe you misspelled hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobic.

>> No.1324498

puddi puddi

>> No.1324507

I knew 'svelte' thanks to a blooper a few years ago from House. "The hair is adorable, I don't deny that! The figure is svelte!"

>> No.1324520

I got 45. That's it. I am pretty much using all my vocal just to write this

>> No.1324525

Got 23.500, I'm fucking Romanian tho. meh.

>> No.1324526

Pretty good considering english is not my first language and I'm 15

>> No.1324529

>I'm 15
Reported. Don't ever come back!

>> No.1324532


Pretty atrocious considering I edit for a career.

>> No.1324545


American. Enjoyed school. Literature major. Makes sense.

>> No.1324563

25,900 words

I hope I don't seem like I'm a whiny little brat, but I think that English is a little inflated by a lot of those words.


I suppose I'm just not very experienced in reading a lot of good pieces of literature, but I have literally never seen these words in my life. However, I have no problem with learning what they mean. I enjoy using big words.

>> No.1324573
File: 12 KB, 426x304, 1266802978613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I think that English is a little inflated by a lot of those words.

>I enjoy using big words.

>> No.1324629
File: 9 KB, 406x243, Vocabulary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1324649

23,400. I doubt the average is that high. I'm pretty well-read for my age :S

Maybe I'm just from a crap area, but I doubt it.

>> No.1324656

17, natively English. I got 24,900. My ego is at risk here - I thought I was smart.


>> No.1324657

or mabey you are just dumb

>> No.1324661

I know all of the words

>> No.1324663
File: 64 KB, 481x314, 1291224151573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Score below average

>> No.1324664
File: 124 KB, 421x280, Tnetennba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, that's a nice tnetennba.

>> No.1324673


I believe you did as well.

>...quippe..., not ...quipe...

>> No.1324682

well I didn't mean it was a bad thing that it's inflated. It's just that people go "woweee english is the biggest language ever!" but then we don't use half of them on a daily basis

>> No.1324695

>Warning: This is a fraudulent website

>Your Virgin Media Security service has identified this website as a potentially fraudulent site.

>URL: http://www.testyourvocab.com/

>We recommend you do not visit it.
Also, for your security, you should delete any emails from this site.


>> No.1324697

I got 25,800 just doing words I could actually think of an actual definition to.

But then I saw that a good percentage of people on here are lying bastards and swiftly tab-spaced my way to victory.

45,000 words, motherfuckers. Why bend the truth when you can break it?

>> No.1324700

I barely scored above the median, but I suspect it counted my lack of college education against me.

>> No.1324706


I'm over average! Horrah!
(19 from England).

>> No.1324707


>> No.1324715
File: 2 KB, 118x126, 1287813486046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324720


>> No.1324724

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:
33,200 words

Checking every definition in my head as I went, not too shabby at all :)

>> No.1324725

6k lol.

>> No.1324727


Thats quite a wide sweeping statement there my friend, I got over 30K and honestly but I am oldfag so I should have a better vocabulary then someone who is 18 for instance. Also when I was at school there were a lot of words used that are not really in circulation amongst younger people now, conversely there are a lot of words in use now - internet, chatroom, forum and so on that were not used when I was younger or had/would mean different things.

>> No.1324731


No, no I'm pretty sure there are a fair number of "Hmm, I've seen that word before..." *click*

I'm quite willing to accept that a lot of people on /lit/ have a larger vocabulary than myself I find it rather suspect that the underage b& average is sitting around 33k.

>> No.1326596


>> No.1327479


20k when foreign
23k when american


>> No.1327481


some of these sound like harry potter spells.

>> No.1327488


>> No.1327512


never been to a english speaking country

>> No.1327518


I think that's okay, since I'm German.

>> No.1327564

25 500
kind of lame but I`m a spaniard so lets see how much spanish you know

>> No.1327572


Only checked them off if I was sure what they meant.

>> No.1327581

Protip: knowing big and specialized words is seldom of any use. But keep on wanking, keep on, keep on.

>> No.1327604

36500, also why did they need the SAT thing?

>> No.1327623


2nd language but it still feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.1327639

Where's the /tg/ thread for this?

>> No.1327653


I knew every word on every list, but I only checked those that are useful to me. As an extremely intelligent person I have these kinds of options.

>> No.1327674


31.8k. I'm kind of proud of myself!

>> No.1327689


They're collecting data to see how vocabulary (as measured by this test) correlates with age, education, and standardized test scores.

>> No.1327708


well it was good enough for a perfect score on the verbal part of the SAT so i ain't complaining

>> No.1327714

i lol'd hard

>> No.1327739

36,100 words. I'd rather it be higher, but it's not terrible. I had to think about some because I recognized the word, but it took me a second to remember the meaning. Mostly the archaic ones were like that.

>> No.1327762

I left out like the whole right side of the last one ololo


I guess having no life and reading a dozen books a month has paid off

>> No.1328241


I guess because read a lot... I'm 18...

>> No.1328259

Lol every faggot in this thread "OH NON-NATIVE SPEAKER HERE I GUESS I DID GOOD"

No one gives a shit.