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13227746 No.13227746 [Reply] [Original]

Just write "in relation to", you pseud.

>> No.13227764

I ejaculated visa visa you're moms pussy

>> No.13227790

vis-a-vis looks cooler though

>> No.13227820

It's cringe

>> No.13227829

Exactly. A cool cringe.

>> No.13228043

>seven characters vs twelve
yeah, no

>> No.13228046

Monolingual pseud detected

>> No.13228101

>inter alia
Just say "and more" you pretenseuos douchebag

>> No.13228124
File: 39 KB, 596x415, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Cringe01 - RENAME BEFORE POSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13228134
File: 7 KB, 200x195, pepeischadnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vis a vis

>> No.13228140

Hey if you're a grown adult who still connects to cringe culture or uses the word cringe in conversation like that maybe kill yourself actually

>> No.13228168

>be american
>riducule everything
No intellectual discourse allowed in the glorious wastelands of freedom

>> No.13228179
File: 415 KB, 544x497, asdafdsfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prima facie
>sui generis
>status quo ante
>ad maiorem dei gloriam

>> No.13228188

we should abandon English and go back to Latin

>> No.13228190
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>salve regina mater miseri cordiae
>vita, dulcedo et spes nostra salve
>ad te clamamus, exsules filii hevae
>ad te suspiramis gementes et flentes
>in hac lacrimarum valle
>eia ergo advocata nostra
>illos tuos miseri cordes oculos ad nos converte
>et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris
>tui nobis post hoc exsilium ostende
>o clemens, o pia, o dulcis virgo maria

>> No.13228204

based and veritaspilled

>> No.13228214

I never understood why sometimes writters write words in other languages when it's clairement not necessary, fuck

>> No.13228304

Im french so I get a free pass

>> No.13228380
File: 58 KB, 490x798, 993D717B-F3B0-48CB-B0EC-D685B8089FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ithkuil or go home!

>> No.13228483

but it is often necessary for clarity. "through" does not mean, 100% exactly, the same thing as "via". they do not have the same associations, and may cause the reader to draw incorrect conclusions. you say "via" because of its historical context.

truly the mark of the pleb is not understanding this, imagine thinking people smarter than you will ever be just use foreign phrases to sound fancy* instead of to elucidate

*already some of them do lmao but most don't come on

>> No.13228497


*alright. I'm drunk or as we bantu say in south africa, utywala

>> No.13228626

Yeah, i know that, I'm talking specifically about exemples when it's clearly unecessary. My first language isn't english, so maybe that's different for english speakers. Often we see people trying to be fancy using words in english that already have a native word with the exact same meaning. It's like doing this:
"I'm excited to eat those apples!"
"I'm excited to eat those pommes!"
Wtf it's literally the same thing
"Today i woke up really early."
"Today i woke up trop tôt."
Not complaining about neologisms, but few words are just really unecessary.
We don't need the word "neige" when we already have "snow/anything in your native language", it's just pretentious and show a weak writting skill, try-hard.
And of course it differs from specific uses and well-know phrases such "c'est la vie", "laissez-faire", "ego", "etc", "blasé", "wanderlust", "langue vs parole" and "derivatio"(linguistics)...
Also different from, exemple: when refering to a russian grandmother using "babushka", more exemples like: "latin@", "sensei", "baguette", so on...

>> No.13228669
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Real big boys use w/r/t

>> No.13228678

Ive herd it up to there and back, franchement! Sir Manager lance ate too much cake last night this is an anonymous tip