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/lit/ - Literature

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13226965 No.13226965 [Reply] [Original]

Stop reproducing

>> No.13227018
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>> No.13227039

Progress itself is not something that unfolds in a single line. Every present period is simultaneously now and yet millennia old. This millepede moves on political, economic, cultural, biological, and countless other legs, each of which has a different tempo and rhythm. One can see this as a unified picture and elaborate it in terms of a single cause by always keeping to a central perspective, as Spengler does, but one can also find satisfaction in the exact opposite….

It is now perhaps possible to understand what I mean when I ask that such theories (insofar as they are not explicitly true or false) be treated as nothing more than experimental intellectual principles for forming the inner life, instead of–as always happens today–ascribing an emotional quality to theory in such a simple and clumsy way. What people refer to as intellectualism in the negative sense, the fashionable intellectual haste of our time, the withering of thoughts before they ripen, is caused in part by the fact thatwe seek depth with our thoughts and truth with our feelings without noticing that we have it backwards, and are often disappointed at not getting anywhere. Sweeping ideological attempts like Spengler’s are quite beautiful, but they suffer today from the fact that far too few of the inner possibilities have had the ground prepared for them. One simply explains the World War or our collapse first by this, then by that cluster of causes; but this is deceptive. Just as fraudulent as explaining a simple physical event by a chain of causes. In reality, even in the first links of the chain of causality the causes have already flowed and dissolved beyond the scope of our vision. In the physical realm we have found an accommodation (the concept of function). In the spiritual realm we are completely helpless. Intellectuality leaves us in the lurch. But not because intellect is shallow (as if everything else had not left us in the lurch as well!) but because we have not worked at it

>> No.13227071
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The reason Spengler is becoming more popular today is because pretty much everything he predicted has happened or is happening. We have the hindsight of a century since The Decline of the West was written but Musil died in 1942, and that particular piece was written in 1921.

>> No.13227088

fuck you eraserhead lookin ass

>> No.13227106

Spengler is popular today because he is a meme. no other reason.

>> No.13227117

Nigga lol, got emmmm.

>> No.13227122

his hair was dope desu

>> No.13227129

“. . . we trusted our luckystars . . . saw to ourselves . . . we were racially pure and clean shaven all over . . . We men knew how to enjoy each other . . . liked being together . . . there weren’t too many of us . . . five thousand at most . . .
“—But evil was brewing . . . something was coming . . . something that would destroy our world forever . . .
“—Was it women?
“—It was women! The inferior race! Three openings! Snakeless crotches! . . . Darkness covered the land . . .
“—They spread like the plague . . . like gangrene . . . we were used to having things our own way, no regular mealtimes . . . letting it all hang out . . . minding our own business . . . no curfews, no responsibilities . . . just whim and will and almighty nature . . . God in heaven, if only the coastguard had blown them out of the water! Before it was too late . . . they got beneath our skin with gooeyeyedloveydoveyness . . . stumpylegged, narrowshouldered, steatopygic monsters with repulsively swollen breasts . . . How could respectable barbarians soil their cocks with that?!
“—One word, the foulest word there ever was, began to make the rounds: Cunt . . . they had cunts, people said, like little furry animals, smoother and softer than anuses, not as heathenishly narrow . . . All who tried it were sold . . . the Wound, the gaping, bloody, festering sore that wouldn’t close . . . They used cunts to take Norrland from us!
“. . . They were like lemmings! Modern men with real jobs and sound minds! fawning, prudish, lecherous cunts!...They brainwashed wounded prisoners of war and little boys alike! Taught them to love pussy! and everything else that makes life a living hell! Work! Sobriety! God and church! Law and order! . . . After the invasion of the caitiffs and shrews life became what it is now…predictable . . . mundane . . . soulless . . . They killed fantasy, honor, and ecstasy . . .”

>> No.13227138

To reproduce at all would require a female, and no female is interested in me (and, by extension, never could be). Therefore I will never reproduce regardless of the moral charge of reproduction itself

>> No.13227326 [DELETED] 
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These are the werewolves of literature and philosophy. Discuss.

>> No.13228490

“We’re having chicken tonight.”