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/lit/ - Literature

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13225073 No.13225073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the highest form of literature?

>> No.13225075

interspecies romance

>> No.13225086 [DELETED] 

I wonder if she fucks that dog

>> No.13225088


>> No.13225092 [DELETED] 

Putting peanut butter in your pusy and letting your dog lick it out and writing poems about good it made your clit feel

>> No.13225093

Me on the right

>> No.13225096

my dairy haha oops..I mean my DIARY!

>> No.13225098

Op the highest form of lit is copywriting for an ad aganecy

>> No.13225099 [DELETED] 

based pusy post

>> No.13225106

What type of poetry?

>> No.13225108 [DELETED] 

Haha imagine if yuo was dog lmao

>> No.13225114 [DELETED] 

Considering the lengths my dog will go to get peanut butter out of a toy this disturbs me.

>> No.13225117

"Type" doesn't matter, all that matters is quality. The contemporary inclination to obscurantism is a plague, though.

>> No.13225118 [DELETED] 

That's one happy doggo.
God I wish that was me.

Took one of those sexuality spectrum tests .
About 85 %/ heterosexual and 35 % homo.
Apparently I still qualify as a heterosexual though ?

Whatever that means.

I feel terrible, like there's a parasyte inside me or I'm deseased.
I fucking hate my life.

Boy I love ass btw.

>> No.13225119 [DELETED] 

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.13225125 [DELETED] 

Please delete this thread.

>> No.13225139 [DELETED] 

holy kekemoley, can i get a BASED in this club?

>> No.13225142 [DELETED] 

holy pickle rick batman on a popsicle! now this is worthy of upgolding!

>> No.13225143 [DELETED] 

You guys are fucking retarded :3

Blondes are nice, but not whores. Just content yourself and separate the world of women into two kinds:

- Those that wear yoga pants

- Those that do not wear yoga pants

The ones that wear yoga pants are 'whores' and should be treated as such. Since many of you want an 'art hoe gf' I can't know for sure if this is getting through or anything, but basically you want to stay away from whores. You'll get along better with women who have sex less anyway, it'll lead to a happier relationship. :3

>> No.13225145 [DELETED] 

stfu nerd

>> No.13225150 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ shut up

>> No.13225162 [DELETED] 

whereas a man would do it for free

>> No.13225163 [DELETED] 

You get two kinds of people:

- Those that can be put into one of two categories.

- Those that can't.

Also the :3 looks both like her butt and the appropriate expression for resting your head on her butt :33

>> No.13225164 [DELETED] 


>> No.13225165 [DELETED] 


>> No.13225233 [DELETED] 

Jesus I've never cringed this hard before.

>> No.13225243 [DELETED] 

It's my pleasure.

What was the previous thing that my post managed to usurp from its lofty position as your cringiest of cringe?

>> No.13225255
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>> No.13225260

now this is a good, very literary thread

>> No.13225263

The booty is flat like the cover of my literatures.

>> No.13225265 [DELETED] 

Beast is my fetish. There is very little hotter than seeing a woman show her true colors by fucking the most primal things she can.

>> No.13225270


>> No.13225271

Are you a nazi ?
If not what would you define yourself as ?

>> No.13225368 [DELETED] 

I want the girl to bully the doggo with stinky braps.

>> No.13225373

suicide notes

>> No.13225379

Product labels are unironically the highest form of man-made literatùere

>> No.13225380


>> No.13225385


>> No.13225410 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 937x1170, sjad1TX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's white... so, yes.

>> No.13225446 [DELETED] 

He would probably like that. The ass and the surrounding regions are the stinkiest parts of the body, even on females. You have probably noticed that her legs are spread quite wide in this picture. Not only is the dog attractes to her pinky stinky, but the spreading of her legs have forced open slimy labia releasing an unholy stench of semen, lubricant, smegma, and stinky cock. I'm sure the dog is enjoying the plethora of smells her nether region is oozing. One more fart would be a blessing.

>> No.13225457 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 700x473, 1543511536909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucks dogs
>tight little ass
>blue eyes
>indeterminate hair color
>necklace thing
>Germanic nose
>white teeth and skin

>> No.13225493

I wanna do a reverse Dillio so bad right now. (Also wish Koch bros could take a joke.)

>> No.13225507

holy reddit...I want no more

>> No.13225519

Except obscurantism is what retards say to oppose any works that are difficult. It's what editors say so that they don't have to engage in critical thinking. It also carries an ideological bias towards the reading which sees the voice as implicitly abstract and therefore never an opportunity to understand intent or the human that wrote the piece. Your desire for concrete images and plain speaking people is itself a plague of groupthink.

>> No.13225529 [DELETED] 

Have sex incel

>> No.13225691


>> No.13225698 [DELETED] 

Girls would rather fuck dogs than non-Chads

>> No.13225704 [DELETED] 

We really need a beta uprising and fast

>> No.13225713 [DELETED] 

It's coming. Many young men are becoming disillusioned with video games and porn

>> No.13225716 [DELETED] 

Complete win.

>> No.13225767


>> No.13225873

You have to get into the mindset of a girl to understand. To be at that level of self absorption is something dogs will find very hard to comprehend.
The whole reason she took that pic is because she thought that the silly face she was doing made her look cute, but she can't just post some random pic of her making that face because it would be weird. So she looks around and tries to find something weird going on that would be a good excuse for her to make that face. She can't really see anything but she sees some dog and thinks maybe I can use the way he's sleeping as an excuse to take a pic of me making my sexy cute face. Now the dog in the pic looks like a perfectly normal dog who isn't really doing anything weird but that's not relevant. He was just a prop she could use to further her own vain pursuits. His feelings or even the way he was sleeping didn't come into the equation at all.
It's like when a girl tweets "When he is a good boy <3 <3 xD". She's not thinking of the billions of pitbulls who aren't good boys that might get upset about that. She's just thinking about that one dog in her park and what she can do to get him to notice her. "hmm maybe he doesn't know he likes me. I know! I'll post a tweet saying I like dogs who look like him". When you start to take dogs feelings out of the equation only think inwardly it becomes easy to understand.
Basically when she posted that pic the only thing that was going through her mind was "I hope people think this face makes me look cute"

>> No.13226180 [DELETED] 

based & redpilled

>> No.13226194 [DELETED] 

take the dog pill


>> No.13226247 [DELETED] 

Fuck...I want her so much bros

>> No.13226255 [DELETED] 

just reincarnate as a dog bro

>> No.13226284

One chance at life and I wasn't born as a Chad or a dog

>> No.13226299 [DELETED] 

who is she?

>> No.13226302 [DELETED] 

No idea. I'm just turned on a little

>> No.13226314 [DELETED] 

She's who I've been waiting for my whole life

>> No.13226422

I wish that was me

>> No.13226455 [DELETED] 

How dare you insult white people! my friends on the /pol/ discord will be hearing of this.

>> No.13226457 [DELETED] 

why would anyone take advice from this guy? He sucked the trannys dick

>> No.13226460 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13226463

>implying it's an insult and not the highest expression of female sexuality
I am disappoint

>> No.13226507 [DELETED] 

imagine I lick her pusy

>> No.13226536 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 1090x720, 8287829A-16A9-4632-86C6-EBE827894110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only to be dog

>> No.13226539

>he contemporary inclination to obscurantism is a plague, though.
What do you mean? Can you be more precise/provide examples?

>> No.13226550


>> No.13226560 [DELETED] 
File: 747 KB, 1000x1000, Atomicdogpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13226591 [DELETED] 

I think a little higher of women now

>> No.13226650 [DELETED] 

>thread full of zoofags
>discussion is basal brainlet shit

>> No.13226665 [DELETED] 

Yes, mental masturbation is a much better fetish

>> No.13226677 [DELETED] 

Most animal torture videos also feature women. This is the female version of pedophilia, taking advantage of a lesser being that can be easily manipulated. Men just take it a step further

>> No.13226682 [DELETED] 

Defensive little reply that says nothing. It’s just further proof that zoofag cumbrains are retarded is all I’m saying.

>> No.13226696

Unironically this. Literature is masturbatory, over-rationalized contrivance. As is most hip hop where the lyrics are written with care. Only freestyle egoist braggadocio is the Tao

>> No.13226845 [DELETED] 

Please take your fetish to /trash/, they have threads just for you.

>> No.13226857 [DELETED] 


>> No.13226861 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 408x523, Bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me to reply good job.

>> No.13226867 [DELETED] 

I wish I was the girl. Tight pants seem nice, but when I wear them parents get mad at me.

>> No.13226871 [DELETED] 

How common is this?

>> No.13226883 [DELETED] 

90% of white women have fucked at least a dog and a nigger

>> No.13226889 [DELETED] 

Nice stat, /pol/, but I'm looking for sources that aren't complete shit like your ideology.

>> No.13226907 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 640x853, kkij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /pol/
I guess some pills are too hard to take, white boy. Don't worry too much, dogs are bros.

>> No.13226912
File: 1.02 MB, 1275x1600, Combat Between the Champions of Ish-Bosheth and David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scripture, followed by Epic Poetry
Not an argument
>the human that wrote the piece
have sex

>> No.13226927

At this time, there is none. Even philosophy and science are considered fiction/poetry right now.

>> No.13226945


>> No.13227156

Escapist genre fiction

>> No.13227165

I literally can’t wait

>> No.13227172

>What is the highest form of literature?


>> No.13227184


>> No.13227185

Is this board pro-/beast/?

>> No.13227194
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x2008, litspiration word count3000px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13227205

Have sex

>> No.13227253

How come half of the replies here got deleted?

>> No.13227273

mods probably finished jacking off and did their jobs for once

>> No.13227285

This one lacks any desirable Aryan traits.
She actually exhibits a prominent Jew nose.
To the Camps with her.

>> No.13227289


>> No.13227310


Are you actually a woman, as God intended?

>> No.13227316

How hecking new are you?

>> No.13227320
File: 252 KB, 1200x1491, SamuelTaylorColeridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Of Logic and its neglect, and the consequent strange Illogicality of many even of our principal writers—hence our Crumbly friable Stile, each Author a mere Hour-Glass, and if we go on in this way, we shall soon have undone all that Aristotle did for the human Race, and come back to Proverbs and Apologues
>The multitude of Maxims, Aphorisms, and Sentences and their popularity among the French, the beginners of this Style, is it some proof and omen of this?

>> No.13227428

please respond

>> No.13227516

smut written by women

>> No.13227573

any non retard who understands how to make an argument is against it
there is zero reserach supporting the fact that animals engage in and think of sex like humans, outside of the most intelligent (chimps and dolphins) so there is zero reason to believe in sex being a mutual exchange between most animals and a human

>> No.13227586

Whatever Meditations on the Tarot is

>> No.13227807

Does it matter?

I'd never read a book again if she let me hit that.

>> No.13227819


>> No.13227825
