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/lit/ - Literature

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13223911 No.13223911 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw I leave /lit/ for 3 months and come back today to find that everyone’s a Marxist now

>> No.13223917

We became based.

>> No.13224093

They're just chabo holdovers from the zizek debate, they'll leave in a few months

>> No.13224102

this this this :3


>> No.13224115

Lad, I've been Marxist since you were reading Captain Underpants.

>> No.13224119

>pretending like /lit/ hasn't always been one of the more left leaning boards on this site

nice meme faggots

>> No.13224129

im not
im still a heterosexual non-millennial zoomer who doesn’t like star wars

>> No.13224134

Left-leaning doesn’t mean retarded

>> No.13224137

>everyone's a marxist whiteheadian

>> No.13224139

Go back to sleep and wait for jesus

No no. You see, I’m driving the rats away, and the regulars aren’t larping along with you “trads” as much now. Always just a vocal minority. Go back to your old board

3face especially

>> No.13224147

*drapes my penis over your head*


>> No.13224195

>even having a unified idea of what a polynesian plastic eating fungi research forum is

>> No.13224211
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bro as much as I fucking hate 99% of women for being the hypergamous abuse loving sluts they are, you are a fucking cumbrained ape and I'd beat your ass silly if I could reach through this screen. stop fucking simping and stop watching porn

>> No.13224216

These are empty threats my man and if you were in front of me you wouldn't even have the balls :3

This is my woman and I will drape my penis over her if I want.

>> No.13224221

OP, what are you talking about? Christianity is more popular on /lit/ than ever, THAT'S what's taken over /lit/. I haven't seen a proper Marxist thread in ages.

>> No.13224283

I love smelly commie dick. I also cut out the semen stains from shirts I wore with my ex boyfriends and patched them together into a Che Guevera quilt. Resist my fellow comrades.

>> No.13224298

/lit/ was originally Marxist, entirely unironically. /leftypol/ has its origins in /lit/. the reactionary period was the deviation, tho there has always been neat occult autistic reactionaries like Evola, there was just a minute there where we were having unironic Mein Kampf threads

>> No.13224309
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>> No.13224314 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13224315


Just answer this question: do you own a collar with my name on it or not?!

>> No.13224320

The only somewhat respectable Austrian economist.

I have my own personal gripes with him, but I also have some gripes with Schumpeter as well. Just not as many. Schumpeter was the better of the two that's for sure.

I'm also about to read Morgenstern's On the Accuracy of Economic Observations pretty soon. No clue how good that one is.

>> No.13224324

Austrian school economist, I should say for the first sentence. All three of those were Austrian economists, but only Hayek was 'Austrian school'.

But, on the other hand, really Hayek supported government monopolies and even economic intervention when necessary, out of that whole school he was the most reasonable. Mises and Rothbard are terrible. :3

>> No.13224326

Obviously not

>> No.13224334

I live on Pennsylvania Avenue :3

>> No.13224341

unironically a reddit raid that is somehow supposed to stick it to /pol/

>> No.13224352

And the other thing: I think you do, but you at the very least should.

Most people looking on can see exactly what I mean: the behavioral tendencies you have. Stop pretending you don't WANT my penis draped over you. :3

>> No.13224357

thank you for your service

>> No.13224359

>thank you for your service

>half the front page of 4chan is just me and her flirting back and forth

It's hilarious how insidiously we both took over this site. I'd like to think she knew what she was doing this whole time as well. :3

>> No.13224365

The Road to Serfdom was the most underwhelming of all the canonical Western thought books. Years after hearing it was a complex and deep refutation of Keynes, I find out it's a poorly reasoned polemical against blind socialism written at a 7th grade reading level, and Keynes theories were not even referenced in any meaningful capacity

>> No.13224366


>> No.13224374

It's not supposed to be a refutation of Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money.

That was a good book in its own right as well, but also flawed. :3

>> No.13224433

>/leftypol/ has its origins in /lit/
No. Leftypol are redditor npcs. The left has lost the marxists.

>> No.13225520

Zizek dabate then leftypol jumped on the bandwagon

>> No.13225545

all the serious marxists are trads now, the problem with marxism is it can do shit against the woke capitalist hegemony.

>> No.13225548
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>> No.13225559

Outlander go away

>> No.13225569

Imagine having such a naive view of human behavior and thinking Marxism is possible

>> No.13225725

Schumpeter made me a more mature socialist

>> No.13225997

No. They just scream the loudest. Ideologues tend to do.

>> No.13226011
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Nah I'm still le ebul stormweenie invader from 2012 but now that /tv/ has recovered from 200 GOT/capeshit threads I can go back to there more. I don't even watch television, in fact I hate it. But I get so tired of the hysterical dishonest redditors and their scripted lockstep responses to anyone who slightly offends them. Its so ridiculous. I'm probably gonna stay on /tv/o/k/out/qa/ for the summer. /lit/ is honestly one of the most retarded and one of the newest-user boards proportionally. Its really bad and it has been equally this bad since at least 2014. Peace niggas.

>> No.13227610

t. bootlicker

>> No.13227713

I know that now, but it was sold to me as one, and when I was 16 my economics teacher kept referring to Road to Serfdom as the book that btfo the general theory.

>> No.13227762

I enjoy the debates between marxists and various sorts of reactionaries. It's a lot more interesting than what you normally get on the internet, since those two groups barely ever tolerate each other's presence on their own forums.

>> No.13227891

Nah, /lit/ is the most ideologically diverse board. I, for instance, am an Evolian Neo-Nazi Guénonian Wahhabist.

>> No.13227936
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>everyone’s a Marxist
No. Not at all.The summertime reddit invasion is in full effect.
Everyone's an incel now.
There. fixed it for ya.

>> No.13227939

Its summer,what do you expect ?

>> No.13227947

literally all you need to read is adam smith and marx. everything else economics is autistic useless bullshit with no actual bearing on reality.

>> No.13227948

It does tho

>> No.13228216

Same. I just wish there were more Keynesians/radical centrists/anarchists/Sunni Islam. Debates would be far better with greater contrast in opinions

>> No.13228275

It's summer. All the Zoomers are posting more

>> No.13228283

>summerfags forcing the /lit/ is leftist meme
>If I close my eyes and wish upon a falling star it will be true