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/lit/ - Literature

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13222711 No.13222711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you dream about her

>> No.13222719
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I like books too

>> No.13222738

Move on, anon :3

She’s either there for you or she’s not

>> No.13222740

hahaha KEK

>> No.13222749
File: 1.49 MB, 474x316, 84C21C71-CC06-42BA-B0CF-5C3024CD2D46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you have a nightmare and she grabs your hand
>”it’s ok anon, it was just a dream”

Life is good bros

>> No.13222756

I dream about her every day even though I've had two different girls since. Sometimes I wake up delirious in the middle of the night and masturbate to the thought of her alone

>> No.13222759

who the fuck is this "her" i keep hearing about?

>> No.13222763

your mom

>> No.13222765
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>> No.13222773

it really wouldn't have been hard to post a relevant poem as a pic and be on topic
could have superimposed the feels guy if you felt he was integral

>> No.13222781

Yeah that movie was stuck in my head when i first saw it

>> No.13222797

For fucks sake lads, why do I think of her all the time? I say her name at least twice a day without thinking about it. I haven’t seen her in two fucking years.


>> No.13222803

i'm feeling you

>> No.13222807

desu delet this

>> No.13222810

e r o s _ c o s m i c

>> No.13222840

fuck off to r9k incel

>> No.13222853

I didnt see her for a year. She just left
And today, fucking today, she wrote me, asked me how im doing.
All this year been turning myself into self loving successful nihillist and after first message i'm again turning into my old self
guys pls help

>> No.13222862

shes toying with you. Play it smart

>> No.13222878

what is smart? She makes me stupid, Ive been in love for too long with her

>> No.13222891
File: 89 KB, 1000x600, 5a61f1fd12e5ee95b0db4a37dc0eafdd070cff48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falling for the bourgeoisie concept of love

pic: some unrelated bourgeoisie dude

>> No.13222900 [DELETED] 

Yea she got dicked down a few times and needs your attention for a second before she goes looking for Jamal with her thirsty friends. Be the bitch that you are and whine to us about it. Geez man your fucking single and you have a dick. You like literature and you have internet access. Get fit and walk over those feelings. Unless she is te mother of your child or she is supporting you somehow, a girl has should ZERO access to your manhood. Where are your balls? Grab them right now and respond to her with “SUP BITCH”

>> No.13222912

Yea she got dicked down a few times and needs your attention for a second before she goes looking for Jamal with her thirsty friends. Be the bitch that you are and whine to us about it. Geez man your fucking single and you have a dick. You like literature and you have internet access. Get fit and walk over those feelings. Unless she is the mother of your child or she is supporting you somehow, a girl should have ZERO access to your manhood. Where are your balls? Grab them right now and respond to her with “SUP BITCH”

>> No.13222915
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>> No.13222921
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Thank you. honestly. I needed that

>> No.13222989

Morning alone, blonde hair on the cover.
Goodbye honey hair, it's all over.
Yesterday's thoughts, yesterday's coffee.
Yesterday's dreams, in bed beside me.

>> No.13223005

>keep having dreams where I'm always reassured how much people like me (for example just dreamed a teacher from elementary school was telling me how much all the other students respected me)
What doth this mean

>> No.13223006

Holy shit that guy has an amazing tummy.

Also op this is such a lack of respect from her part that you should just tell her to go fuck herself. She wasn't there for you when you needed her, and now she's been played and had her heart broken she comes back to you for free attention. Tell her to fuck off, you won't be together (anyway it would be all downhill from hereon, if you have ever been in a relationship you know insufferable women are and how they suck your life energy and turn you into a miserable wreck), but she will respect you forever, and you will live in her head rent free for the rest of her life. She's gonna be sixty and still think "how come that beta male rejected me", and this is how you turn into an alpha Chad. The price to pay, the sacrifice to make to become a real man is letting go of all your dreams of being with her, and it's made easier by having a few relationships and realizing that being with a woman isn't gonna make you happy, and that having a wet holes to unload your cum isn't worth dealing with the bullshit. Prostitutes are more worth it for that.

>> No.13223054
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>dream about her
>she isn't real

>> No.13223082

Exactly, treat her like a prostitute. Don’t try to develop feelings for her. The girl you develop feelings for is the girl who is loyal to you. The girl you can’t help be loyal to. Treat her how she’s asking to be treated. Don’t do the beta thing and run away. Keep her close, fuck her when she’s ready. Pull out!

>> No.13223085
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>> No.13223091

Ugly as hell, dude

>> No.13223108

If youre trying to play that game then you dont make a big show of rejecting her you just act like you dont care whatsoever. have sex if she pushes it on you or if some obvious opportunity arises but never call her and respond to like 1 out of 5 texts. this is elementary stuff

>> No.13223110

ITT idiots from /r9k/. Go back to your faggot board and stay there you disgusting vermin.

>> No.13223118

>Look at monitor
>discord tranny

>> No.13223161

Id go so far as to say make her feel special. If you are gonna turn a girl inside out the least you could do is be courteous about it. Whether she thinks she wants it or not, that kind of work really digs deep into a chick. Believe me. Be nice. Give it to her good. Then take what cash she has in her purse

>> No.13223171

fucking lmao
why are discord trannies a thing

>> No.13223203

Cucks. You guys don't realize the situation do you. ANY attention given will effectively be a victory for her. Any at all. No fucking dignity. The answer is to walk away, anything else and you're already being played and cucked.

>> No.13223213

Shut your whore mouth!

>> No.13223214

Haha. I haven't dreamt in months. Stupid cunt.

>> No.13223217

It's the tulpa you constructed for that novel you'll never write.

>> No.13223350

>Tfw I’ve actually dreamed about reading Finnegans Wake

>> No.13223362

I have been having a recurring dream about a female lover who takes off her clothes in front of me, only to reveal a body covered in hair.

What does it mean?

>> No.13223366

so you'll only ever read it in your dreams huh

>> No.13223373

closet furry obviously

>> No.13223381

At this point I just feel angry every time my mind even runs up against sex. Anything about it. Anything about masculinity, femininity, gay, straight, trans, fucking all of it. I hate it all so much. I wish that I was never taught about any of these things. All of the narratives about finding a partner, the narrative of love. I hate all of it. Every relationship I've ever been in has made both parties worse off as we collapse into cliches.

>> No.13223395

You're the whore of Enkeydon't.

>> No.13223402

>No gf in 25 years of existence
>Suddenly have two girls after me
>Realize I actually don't want a gf

>> No.13223422

You can only get cucked by your SO. This is just some chick whose vying for attention.
>don’t let her win
Lol This ain’t a competition wtf bro she’s a girl. She wants to feel in control, let her, especially if she’s gonna give it up. If not, oh well. Your thinking is sad anon

>> No.13223464

and then I wake up next to her.

Isn't life grand, anons?