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13221246 No.13221246 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13221278

It only tackles the direct role of Jews in the economic capitalist system. It does not address the indirect role of Jews in shaping the superstructure (culture) to further their economic position within capitalism. Pretty good otherwise.

>> No.13221296
File: 22 KB, 253x255, 0FDD3C67-0C9B-466C-9230-C98D4296FCF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a jew writing about other jews
Oh boy I’m sure Marx, the jew with one of the most well documented ancestral lines, will be completely partisan in his critique on his fellow jews.

>> No.13221314

It's good, follow up with the Origins of Totalitarianism for maximum value
It outright denies the role of Jews shaping the superstructure, that's the role of capitalism. Are you sure you actually read it and didn't just skim it for some of that confirmation bias dopamine?

>> No.13221326

Of all the covers you could have chosen, you went with the one in which Arthur Kemp pretends having 4 BAs makes him an authority on anything at all?

>> No.13221468

>It outright denies the role of Jews shaping the superstructure, that's the role of capitalism

>> No.13221522

What's funny? The rise of Jewish power in Europe was precisely the result of Christian nations practicing usury through a disenfranchised minority class they felt they could exploit spiritually in exchange for material wealth. Capitalism, in conjunction with the superstructure of the time (i.e. Christian Feudalism), directly lead to the rise of the Jewish banking class. Since then Christianity and Feudalism have all but disappeared, leaving the Capitalist superstructure as the only meaningful arbiter in social and international relations This is like 8th grade history anon, keep up.

>> No.13221852

>What's funny?
It's a meaningless distinction. Whether Jews shaped capitalism, which shaped the superstructure, or Jews shaped the superstructure without an intermediate tool, is completely meaningless.

You yourself basically admit to Jews being the people who, through historical circumstances, shaped capitalism. It was basically their niche to be the "people with the money", who profited greatly from their usury business.
It becomes pretty clear that Jews for hundreds of years where at the forefront of capitalism, them not shaping it would be a cosmic coincidence.

>> No.13221880

It's just a title that didn't age well, most of it deal with how Jewish people have formed separate religious and economic social organization. You could do the same thing with Italian Catholics and Italian meat packers in Chicago.

>> No.13221929

No, Jewish people being used as a usury class for the benefit of Christian nobility doesn't mean "Jews shaped capitalism". Capitalism has it's own internal logic; it isn't some empty box you can fill with whatever you want. You either subscribe to capitalism dynamics or you fail, Jewish people subscribed just like everyone else ended up doing, they simply got a head start.

>> No.13221974
File: 235 KB, 2467x1644, tyler-the-communist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's less Jewish than Tyler the Creator is Black

>> No.13221978

Genetics doesn't determine personality. Claiming "muh x race will always act like y" is just dumb

>> No.13222004

There's a decent amount of inheritability with the big 5 traits.

>> No.13222424

Culture does though. Jews have similar personalities due to their longstanding traditions and practices that they keep alive.

>> No.13223044

"Genetics" (i.e. you as a biological being) is determining every single thing about you, including every single personality trait.

>> No.13223097
File: 125 KB, 670x1193, 35B54565-5ED6-4560-A58A-C741476DE239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy gevalt

>> No.13223127

>the jews have no relation to capitalism you dumb goyim now go protest for tranny rights!
Fuck off kike

>> No.13223168

Every single trait (behavioral, physical, or otherwise) is the result of genes expressing in an environment.
No genes = no behavior.
No environment = no behavior.
Two non-identical individuals will behave differently in the same environment because they are genetically different.

>> No.13223183

If you don’t think the idea of constant, incessant class struggle isn’t a key idea and tenet of the inner Judaic cult, then you obviously have got to dig a little deeper :3

God is real, but the Israelis, many of them, have fallen into the idea that their particular sect should be responsible for educating the masses via media or collegiate circles.

>> No.13223771

The only part of this that you read was the title, wasn't it?