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/lit/ - Literature

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13218995 No.13218995 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of space novels when realistically we will never make it to other worlds?

>> No.13219018

What is the point of romance novels when realistically you will never have a girlfriend?

>> No.13219030

>things will always be the same way they are now
Sure thing!

>> No.13219031

What is the point of adventure novels if you never go on adventures

>> No.13219042

I get so triggered with all the "artist's renderings" that NASA puts out of space shit like it really looks like that. space is such a fucking sham.

>> No.13219050

Wow. Combo breaker. Three really good posts in a row ruined now

>> No.13219060

go fake another moon landing NASAtard.

>> No.13219067

>the erth is flat!
So’s your head

>> No.13219068

t. Hollywood film producer.

>> No.13219070
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be wary thats a legit pedo

>> No.13219072

Do you not understand the point of fiction?

>> No.13219212

What's the point of hentai if you'll never get laid?