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File: 88 KB, 850x400, quote-there-is-no-gender-identity-behind-the-expressions-of-gender-identity-is-performatively-judith-butler-4-36-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13217975 No.13217975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is gender performative? Is she right?

>> No.13217989
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>> No.13217994

I only teach it to my high schoolers, because it negates materialism, and Cartesian dualism.

>> No.13218007

Gender obviously is. Sex is not. All anyone can do is debate the toss between them

>> No.13218017

Who cares?
The people most obsessed with delegitimizating gender are the people most beholden to it.

>> No.13218043

> Is she right?
the answer to this is always no.

>> No.13218118

You're part of the problem

>> No.13218122

What gender are you after you die?

>> No.13218132

Read Hegel

>> No.13218149

Pretty much. Obvious there's "people who have penises" and "people who have vaginas", and on strictly physical terms that's a pretty strict binary (with the odd hermaphrodite thrown in), but all the norms of behavior and such that come with it (ie "people with penises like sports, so that's 'manly", or "people with vaginas like the color pink, so that's 'girly'") are just nonsense that arises for social and economic reasons. You "perform" masculinity or femininity by wearing certain clothes, speaking a certain way, etc, when there's no real reason you have to just because you have certain genitals.

>> No.13218183

>Gender obviously is. Sex is not.
Sex can be performative too, insofar as sex characteristics are markers for gender assignation. The "It's a [insert gender here]!" cry at birth is like the original sin of gender as a performative inscription on the body. It then spans outwards from there, to gendered puberty traits, hormones, physical deteriorations (menopause & erectile dysfunction) and even into crises that are engineered to dictate and control bodies (the aids crisis amongst homosexuals, the fight for women's reproductive rights in america). The fact that biological sex is out there and exists does not have a monopoly over the way in which gender should operate within society.

>> No.13218256
File: 2 KB, 125x79, the_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the alcohol compromising me, or is most of of this a colossal non sequitur to what the other post was saying?

>> No.13218261

What gender are you before you are born?

>> No.13218276

Meh. I have to nod to the Liberal overlords once in awhile to maintain my job.

I do more than my share in other regards.

>> No.13218286

Before touching any of these people, read Weininger. He anticipated all of this shit a century ago.

>> No.13218293

Why? The other post claimed that 'sex' isn't performative. I argued otherwise. do try to keep up

>> No.13218350

partially, but it's an evolutionary adaptation. knowing one's role and what to expect from others simplifies decision-making for every individual. everything is quid-pro-quo. those who lashed out against this prior to the industrial revolution would probably just die; the surplus that exists now enables unprecedented rates of antisocial behavior.
consciously breaking norms will always be more performative than adhering to them.

>> No.13218359

yes but saying there's nothing behind gender performance is lunacy
>nonsense that arises for social and economic reasons
sense and nonsense arise for "social and economic reasons." so you have no right to say they're nonsense.

>> No.13218361

>The fact that biological sex is out there and exists does not have a monopoly over the way in which gender should operate within society.
This, for example. How is that a relevant response to what they said?

>> No.13218365

Isnt reality

>> No.13218376

do you consider dicklets have a penise in any sense?

>> No.13218401

Gender is influenced by biological sex whether that be evolutionary pressure due to gender roles or the latter being influenced by it. A women ready for sex behaves similarly to a bitch in heat and that's a result of her neurochemistry.

>> No.13218409

If Gender is real, what is Jesus' gender? Also needs citiation.

>> No.13218411

Gentleman… easy on the vidiya.

>> No.13218417

Embrace your body, tranny.

>> No.13218422
File: 65 KB, 750x744, 1558859038564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MUH mybody
tranny double-triple agent propaganda detected

>> No.13218431

>Obvious there's "people who have penises" and "people who have vaginas"

Imagine this being your entire understanding of sex.

Ever heard of this thing called birth? Last I checked, all healthy societies were structured around the fact of reproduction, its consequences, and the structures and laws that govern it. It's far from an afterthought.

Women and men are different. Get over it.

>> No.13218432
File: 960 KB, 1280x720, Archer_Got_Dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*performs homosexuality*

>> No.13218443
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Moot point.
What would such a conjecture seek to change on the nature of gender and from where are the means supplied to do so?
The same could be said of all manner of human behavior. Is this from her observational comedy routine? Varying facets of performativism fluctuate on a subjective basis, their true extents beholding the soul of the individual.
She's employed presumed characterics of the gradient in order to subvert dogmatic conceptions of the whole they constitute.
Masses undoing masses terminates in the echo of a dead end.

>> No.13218446



>> No.13218452

She has a strong jawline and the eyesocets than most of average white men

>> No.13218453

I don't really give a fuck.

>> No.13218461

No, just another demented leftist ideologue. If any of these people studied a real science they'd understand evolution and how deeply stupid they are.

>> No.13218467

*proceeds to not give a shit and DABS on trannies*

>> No.13218471

I'm a gay incel btw, how could I be a masculine top? Also I prefer cuddling than cocksucking and anal sex.

>> No.13218477

Sounds interesting, any specific works you recommend?

>> No.13218485

my twisted world

>> No.13218496

this is about as ridiculous as saying fitness and physical health is performative, yes gender is embodied in actions but there must a gender identity that is pre-performative that is embodied in the first place. don't you think having a tube of meat between your legs is going to dictate how you act as opposed to not?

>> No.13218502

>some people are just born to be fat!

>> No.13218506

some are
some become fat because noxious shit is shoved down their throat. just like queers.

>> No.13218511


>> No.13218513

Are there any books that deal with why retards lap up this obviously false gender nonsense?

>> No.13218554

All thought and language is performative.

>> No.13218791

Many people don't understand that Butler's work is deeper than that statement. It is about how and why we call things “the way they are”, especially those that are “naturally are”. It is not a permit for someone to become an attack helicopter, it is an explanation of how these permits are issued.

Moreover, gender problem doesn't require any “progressive” subjects. The initial question might be this: “Feminism is women's rights movement. Then what exactly constitutes a women?”

>> No.13218820

I would specifically like to read the published works of the pioneering psychologist that defined a bunch (some ridiculous number like 87?) genders. I watched a documentary on him several years ago and but I cannot remember his name.

>> No.13218823

She looks like Michael J. Fox is retaining water.

>> No.13218864

>It is not a permit for someone to become an attack helicopter, it is an explanation of how these permits are issued.
stop kidding yourself. you know good and well that this faux objectivity of just describing practices is just an excuse to promote the practices you think are good. in this case, attack helicopters.

>> No.13218882

>Is gender performative?
I found myself wanting to rephrase this and it wound up sounding a lot like your meme caption. That having been said, I can see that someone might take this position, but this completely disregards the natural link between gender and sex - which I believe to be too relevant to disregard.
>Is she right?
I fail to see the importance of her statement. What is the end goal of this line of reasoning? Historically, we have had a very rudimentary structure of gender that, rudimentary though it was, functioned well within the paradigm of human physiology. Now, it seems people want to philosophize on the topic and make both a wider and more thorough analysis on the topic - but any experts that I see expound on the topic seem to necessarily want us to all devolve into faggotry.

>> No.13218886
File: 319 KB, 1536x864, z19638118IER,Judith-Butler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me ages but i finally found this pic where you can almost see her nipples through her shirt

>> No.13218893

probably has something with what impregenants eat

>> No.13219210

Anyone else think that the use of gender as a completely social thing is a useless term?
In what situation would knowing someone's "gender identity" be useful? In fact the whole idea that gender is seperate from biology was because a couple of intellectuals decided it would be, and since then there have been countless unproductive debates that never result in anything useful being concluded.

>> No.13219255

>is a woman right
Almost never.

>> No.13219273

Gender doesn't exist.

>> No.13219286

I can't even tell if that's a man or a woman and he (assuming it is a man, as one should always when the sex of the subject under discussion is left unspecified or indeterminate) wants to lecture me about gender (read: sex)? No thank you, sir. I believe I have a better idea on the subject than you do. As an aside, how does one become so confused as to mix up his confusion for expertise?

>> No.13219291

Then how come transsexuals are so unconvincing and offputting?

>> No.13219369

Look up Dr. Money, the man who coined the term gender. He really fucked up a whole family with his retarded gender theory.

>> No.13219583



>> No.13219600


>> No.13219613

This is just a vaguely hidden /pol/ post OP, 10/10 bait though, shit seems to work every time.
Do the chapo guide to revolution post again one of these days, those are also always fun.

>> No.13219617

Mate, however you feel about this shit you can't just throw away an entire field of study cause the guy who originated it was fucked in the head. That'd be like throwing away philosophy cause Socrates was a sperg.

>> No.13219621

Not the guy you're replying to be Money proved himself that his own theories were wrong

>> No.13219687

>you can't just throw away an entire field of study cause the guy who originated it was fucked in the head
It's a bad seed, no different from Freud and Psychoanalysis. Can you separate Money from his work any better than one can separate Freud from his?

>> No.13219722
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>> No.13219774

They aren't. Stop being a straightbrained fucklord.

>> No.13219781

I've seen people in public who were clearly men dressing as women
Call me a bigot but I don't think it's appropriate to do that in public, and it shouldn't be encouraged

>> No.13219787

>They aren't
Nobody actually passes irl.

>> No.13219799

No, but how does initial research being done unprofessionaly and unethically warrant throwing out an entire line of research?
The existence of trans people proved his theories wrong, that being said Money's research failing in its purpose does not mean that an entire field suddenly holds no value. As already said, unintentionally though, by >>13219687 , Freud's work being essentialy mostly hackwork does not disprove the entire field of psychology and psychoanalysis.

>> No.13219802

Sex and Character

>> No.13219803
File: 268 KB, 474x379, ajay-holbrook-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, check out this hot biological woman. Unghhhh, I'm a biological essentialist so this is clearly a peak woman, check out those fucking hot double x chromosomes on this lass UUUUUUGGggggghhhhhhhhh.

>> No.13219818

Carefully angled pictures with the lighting just right aren't real life anon. Nobody passes in real life

>> No.13219834

Ah, the frame problem. NPC golems break down every single time, whilst spiritual people see the essence.

>> No.13219843

Trannies are gross deviants and transexualism is a social virus. That such a phenomenon is encouraged in our society at all is evidence of the decay therein.

>> No.13219858

Imagine actually believing this. Wouldn't want to live like you man, constantly on the lookout for who is and isn't a 'real' man or woman.

>> No.13219912

You don't need to be on the lookout, because no-one passes in real life. The best you can hope for is an uncanny valley effect, where people you meet know something is wrong with you, but can't put their finger on what.

>> No.13219924

Again, imagine actually believing this. Why do you think the word 'trap' is such a meme?

>> No.13219928

those are some fat tits though

>> No.13219929

Traps don't pass in real life, because nobody passes in real life.

>> No.13219934

Did Butler have a mental breakdown in her teens?

>> No.13219945

She was sexually abused by her rabbi

>> No.13219974

u bes be rusin'

>> No.13220006

No she's completely full of shit and is clearly mentally unstable just like so many other 2nd wave fem 'theorists'. You can see why many people invoke the idea of there being some kind of Judaic or 'cultural marxist' conspiracy in the universities- how else do you explain this kind of pomo nonsense STILL being considered gospel in certain areas of academia? For any rational non-ideological thinker, this shit doesn't even stand up on a single reading, it is empirically and philosophically untenable, and has certainly outstayed it's welcome. Ideas resting on a 'blank slate' reading of human psychology are already out of date by DECADES- social constructivist nonsense should have been thrown in the trash by the early 80s at the latest yet here it still is stronger than ever, infecting other disciplines. That the name of Judith Butler is being discussed and debated with an air of seriousness is an absolute offence against our intellectual culture.

>> No.13220040

> 2nd wave

>> No.13220055

The differences between men and women are literally encoded into the structure of the brain, a process which begins IN THE WOMB due to exposure to varying levels of hormones. Society recognises innate differences and then reflects them back. The differences don't originate inside society. Clearly! How willfully blind do you have to be to believe that gender is some cultural invention? Fuck.

>> No.13220056

Based brainlet, where did you get the idea that Butler subscribes to the ‘clean slate’ theory? Saying that there is no gender identity behind its forms of expression is not the same thing as claiming that there is an absolute heterogeneity or blank canvas on which all gendered differences are then inscribed. Production is not the same thing as inscription, gender is “produced” through social dynamics and the normative conditions which govern them, both of which are presupposed through the more palpable category of biological sex. Using biology to make claims about how men and women differentiate themselves is an is/ought fallacy and always will be.

>> No.13220059

Who are you calling a lord? My family lost their peerage four generations ago.

>> No.13220067
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Yes, it's a complete weasel word. We assign roles to sexes, not to "genders". People only ever said "gender" because sex became a rude word.

People have essentially worked themselves into a place where "man" and "woman" mean nothing. We can't say a woman is a person with an XX chromosome or a vagina because that's transphobic and we also can't say that a woman is someone who fuckin does the vacuuming or looks after children or who cooks either. It's just an empty label you apply to yourself. And this word "gender" is the entire reason for this.

>> No.13220134

> all the clueless brainlets ITT

>> No.13220135

>gender is “produced” through social dynamics and the normative conditions which govern them, both of which are presupposed through the more palpable category of biological sex

These ideas rest on implicit assumptions about the blank slate. They give way too much credit to the power of human societies in a way which borders on the arrogant. We don't like the idea that we are mainly the product of biology, and not society, because it is more deterministic. If gender is a social construction then we can just change society and then everything will be better. This is why the social justice types hate talk of innate differences, because it pulls the rug from underneath them. So they try to do the same back to the natural sciences preemptively which is where the pomo radical relativist conceptions of truth come in, to try to discredit the very foundations behind ideas like innate pre determined biological realities. But the differences between the way gender is expressed cross-culturally are way smaller than the actual differences between men and women, which you can see cross culturally (if you need to). These differences are decided in the womb. Sorry to all the trannies and homos, god still loves you, but get your dirty paws out of philosophy and the sciences.

>> No.13220184

You are: a) a century late; b) getting “news” from media.

At least read some fucking Foucault.

>> No.13220197

Cells. Eggs or sperm. Everything else is decorations.

>> No.13220236

There is no gender. There is only sex. Source of much confusion, I know. Cheers.

>> No.13220240

To an extent yes, a large part of masculinity/femininity originate in contemporary consumer culture and marketing.

>> No.13220373

When you say "differences" are determined in the womb, what kind of differences are you talking about? Butler talks about normative differences (desire, looks, sexuality) etc. that are culturally sanctioned and work only to reproduce certain type of expressions, but what kind of differences are you talking about? Got any data to back it up?

>> No.13220454
File: 38 KB, 535x960, simulacres_et_simulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One might even suggest that gender is a simulacrum

>> No.13220506
File: 52 KB, 363x564, 523dbc88ddf2ce4f9386802374a274c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender doesn't exist
Brainlet take. Like saying "judgments don't exist." Because there are sexes, individuals come to judge what is felt to be "natural" behavioral patterns and traits for each sex and what lifestyles are "best" for accentuating the qualities of each sex, forming "genders" that become an inseparable part of the sexes' identities for the judge. Modernists like to think they are above this process, but they aren't.

>> No.13220515

you do realize performative constitution of gender is not the same as saying gender doesn't exist? even butler does not say that female/male genders are something we should abolish or fight against

>> No.13220523

>you do realize performative constitution of gender is not the same as saying gender doesn't exist?
There's several posters itt who stated outright that it doesn't exist. I was commenting on those posts, not Butler.

>> No.13220530

oh, okay, my bad

>> No.13220552
File: 38 KB, 306x415, GrabsYouByThePronoun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept that your gender is performative or I'm going to perform the shit out of you.

>> No.13220553

Exposure to different levels of hormones in the womb encodes sex differences into the structure of the foetal body and brain. This is the source of differences in things like desire, looks, and sexuality, which dictate social norms and are reflected back by social norms but do not have their origin in the social norms. Butler-fags have it all backwards, and notice how nobody from the actual hard sciences takes any of that bullshit seriously. Reference to social forces in determining truth is all well and good but that way of thinking can so easily go way too far very rapidly and I hope the humanities learn that lesson soon if they want to be taken seriously again.

>> No.13220559

You're not being polite to the pronouns.

>> No.13220572

Who's the worst of the neotranscendental solipsists?
Who else?

>> No.13220584

can you link to any studies that show how girls calling their boyfriends daddy is an biological determination? or liking pink color is feminine, liking blue is masculine etc.

>> No.13220592
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It's time to ma'amhandle the eschaton.

>> No.13220614
File: 125 KB, 1536x1219, HowsThatWork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this performativenesslessness called?

>> No.13220652

I don't know about those things specifically. You can always Google it yourself if you aren't just being snooty and rhetorical. It's been shown that monkeys will divide gendered toys in the same way that human children will. Here is a link to one of those studies, but it has been replicated many times since

>> No.13220680

Why don't you post some videos of transwomen being perfectly normal well adjusted members of society to balance this out?

>> No.13220682

Lack of material

>> No.13220712

lmao why don't you?

>> No.13220749

interesting study. But I still think bio-scientists and so called "social constructionists" talks about different kind of things. When Butler talks about gender, she has in mind this normative dimension of "you should do/act like this and only this, or else you're social outcast", whereas scientists, that look for biological determinations, usually talk about certain mechanisms that determine our preferences to certain things. There is a difference between saying "biological males are naturally more disposed towards liking car-toys than girls" and "boys should play with cars, don't let them touch any dolls, because it is in their nature". In the second moment, you make an injunction out of an empirical observation.

>> No.13220756

can't tell if this is a joke or not

>> No.13220774

I have a theory gender reveal parties are a trend seeded by conservative think tanks as a response to the gender debate.

My proof: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=gender%20reveal
gender reveal parties appear to not have existed before the start of this decade.

Not American tho so maybe there's something obvious I'm missing.

>> No.13220815

I don't believe anybody is making this injunction out of the empirical observation. I think that that is what it might look like however to those who already believe that gender is primarily a social construction. That there must be some active enforcement of gender roles to explain all the measurable variation.
Actually it has been noted in recent years that the more free a society is when it comes to gender roles, the greater the measurable differences in personality temperament. Objective differences push up through the cracks in the cultural layering.

>> No.13220820

Do those exist

>> No.13220839

>I don't believe anybody is making this injunction out of the empirical observation.

nowadays maybe not so much, but in the older days (e.g. my parents generation) was filled with this "boys should x and only x, and girls should y and only y"). Homosexuality and other non-comforming expressions were pathologized untill pretty recently too, which is a social regulation. You are probably talking from a comfortable position, from which you did not experience any of these "social norms" I'm talking about, for you they are non-existent then.

>Actually it has been noted in recent years that the more free a society is when it comes to gender roles, the greater the measurable differences in personality temperament
yes of course, no one is denying that there are biological differences in women/men. also I've read a study recently, which showed that the more financially stable women become, the more they choose older men as potential partners (contrary to egalitarian opinion that "women will also like younger partners, but societal brakes don't let them).

>> No.13220959

My point was that it doesn't matter whether or not society is strict in its enforcement of gender roles, the underlying biology will always account for almost all of the individual's gender expression, and in fact greater psychological dimorphism is seen when cultural rules are enforced LESS. The desire to be concerned with things rather than with people, and so with toys with moving parts rather than dolls, is correlated with your level of testosterone not with your parents' attitude to gender roles. Social constructivism is a red herring and as I said several post ago, should have been thrown out of academia onto a pile of phlogiston and mesmerism.

>> No.13221020

>how does initial research being done unprofessionaly and unethically warrant throwing out an entire line of research?
It is tainted to the core. If someone wanted to engage in serious study with rigorous controls then they should be starting elsewhere. I would draw a distinction between his "line" of work and the entire "field".
>does not disprove the entire field of psychology and psychoanalysis
This is the ultimate strawman attack. I never stated "psychology". Miss me with your reductive reasoning bullshit. You are unironically using the same reductive reasoning that Freud, Money, and Hirschfeld use in their work. You might consider this fact for a bit. Their influence on you may have seeded this characteristic in your reasoning.

>> No.13221024


>> No.13221031


>> No.13221091

It still seems like you’re not really understanding the distinction being made. The idea that gender is performative does not discredit the fact that biological reality exists, what it does do is show how most claims about gender roles, behaviours, aesthetics, etc. constitute parts of ideological reproduction. The minute you start mapping out performative expressions of gender onto sex chromosomes, you’re no longer talking about sex from an objective/scientific standpoint because the neutrality of the description has already been contaminated with a prescriptive conception of why gender should reproduce its biological equivalent, and not do something else instead that might serve everyone better. There’s an argument to be made that gender differences do result from sex differences but the argument that “gender is immutable because biology is immutable” isn’t sound at all.

>> No.13221227

>People only ever said "gender" because sex became a rude word
I am an oldfag and I watched this happen in the 70s. I was taught to use the term "gender" synonymously with "sex" for this very reason. I have always wondered if that mechanism of replacement was used specifically for getting the term introduced into the common vernacular for later use in a more expanded sense.

>> No.13221240
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No I do understand this distinction, thank you for describing it so neatly. Biological categories are innate but prepared in advance of experience to react to particular stimuli. Just like for language learning or prioritising certain visual inputs over others. Gender expression is a performance to an extent but I don't think this has any explanatory power nor is it revelatory. All too often this kind of approach to gender is used to justify the belief that such identities are arbitrary and subjective and changeable, and that this negates any essentialism. Your reading of these pomo thinkers is the generous one, I would rather nip them in the bud. Performativity is an interesting observation but the explanatory power lies with biology and evo psych not with the cultural determinists.
I recommend everyone watch pic related if you get a chance. This guy goes around the world and lives with a different tribe each episode for several months, and they are living essentially prehistorical lives, mostly hunter gatherers. They ALL have stratified gender roles, division of labour, and so on, the stereotypical 'masculine' and 'feminine' behaviours are mostly but not entirely identical to what we have in the modern west. Biological categories uber alles. Calling it a 'performance' just doesn't do the reality of gender any justice.

>> No.13221249

I had never heard of it at all until the last few years. I assumed it was a recent consumerist tack-on social media trend for vapid women like washed-up sorority sluts do with their unique name reveals, but it would make some sense if it was a consumerist tack-on social media trend for vapid women being pushed with ulterior motives.
I've still never met somebody who actually had one, but I'm only 22.

>> No.13221305

>Gender expression is a performance to an extent
A performative is not the same thing as a performance, I cannot stress this point enough. Before we go any further I'd recommend reading How To Do Things With Words by JL Austin, its a fantastic primer on performative language and speech act theory, and will really help to illuminate what Butler is trying to do with gender.

As for that doc, I have seen it before and it is fascinating, but the fact that stratified gender roles exist everywhere doesn't make them necessarily dependent on biological constraints, just that those constraints can be used to justify and reinforce dominant cultural attitudes to gender. The biological imperative might push us towards certain ways of organising gender relations, but there's no legitimate argument to suggest that the imperative to centre human society on sexual reproduction/the gender binary is 'ethical' (as the anti-natalists have demonstrated); its simply the evolutionary prerogative which has kept us alive all these years, a hangup from our pre-cognisant beginnings that is becoming increasingly irrelevant as we learn to adapt, co-operate and supplement our shortcomings with technology.

>> No.13221313


>> No.13221323

missing the point this badly is only possible with sincere effort

>> No.13221345

>society emerges out of nature through the evolution of higher intelligence and social complexity
>men and women with their biological differences and general behavioral proclivities naturally gravitate towards different behavior expressions
>21st century
>lol we just act different cuz society tells us to xD
Just as foolish as YouTube Atheists tearing apart Christian fundamentalists for the gratification of intellectual reassurance.

>> No.13221365


>> No.13221375
File: 2.51 MB, 1408x788, 1559410425543.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

>> No.13221544


Idk I think it's genuine. My older sister is a lesbian in her mid 30s and she's a really socially active, extroverted SJW type and her and all her friends have been having kid(s) for the last few years.

For whatever reason, they all have a "gender reveal" (although per their own vocabulary, it should be a "sex reveal"), and they seem to put a lot of effort into brainstorming and discussing what sort of obscure quirky names they're going to come up with like Alacyn, Jaeydin, Teagan and other low-brow working class sounding bullshit. It's also super cool if your kid has some sort of behavioral or nutritional disorder like gluten intolerance, aspergers, shell fish allergies, or child onset gender dysphoria.

Strange world, it is.

>> No.13221556

nah, not drunk, it's the right answer to a different question.

>> No.13221558

My nephew went through a phase of wanting to wear skirts when he was about 4, and his mom was obviously pleased to bits, because now she could say her boy was kinda trans and wasn't she progressive. She was even disappointed when a few weeks later he stopped and started playing with trucks again

>> No.13221713

>using uncommon words improves the strength of my vapid argument
nice try lol

>> No.13221781

>can't engage with the content of a post
>have to resort to bitching about big boy words
ESL shitskin, please go.

>> No.13221958

Androgynous faced, low digit ratio, wide shouldered, flat chested, flat assed, lesbian here- gender has no physical basis and is purely performative.

>> No.13222001

>Are these buzzwords buzzwords?


>> No.13222082

gender and sex doesn't exist, just like every framework. Frameworks are made from interpreting reality, not the other way around.

>> No.13222121
File: 116 KB, 1080x809, 1553810424022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13222228

How could you think gender ISN'T performative? It's entirely built on self-expression and identification, and the categorization and definition of it is a wholly social phenomena.

This isn't even something explicitly leftist or queer-aligned to claim, anyone with a brain knows this. It's only when you get into questions of what gender should be, how it should be expressed, etc. that it must be treated as an ideological matter.