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13217538 No.13217538 [Reply] [Original]

Who's more important to read: Marx or Plato?

>> No.13217547

What a stupid question. They're important in different ways and there's no reason not to read both. In fact, you're going to read both if you major in something like Philosophy or Political Science.

>> No.13217555

Pyrrho > Tao Lin > Shakespeare > Freud > Pynchon > Blanchot > Tolstoy

>> No.13217559

Plato's Guardians can only ever be realised in a Dictatorship of the Proletariat

>> No.13217570

Patrician choice with Pyrrho. Trips of truth.

>> No.13217572

Both important but Marxs works are more relevant to the 21st century reader

>> No.13217573

Plato destroyed egalitarianism millenia before Marx was even born.

>> No.13217574


>> No.13217577

Plato because when Marx doesn't copy Engels, he's completely misunderstanding Hegelian philosophy.

>> No.13217585
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> he thinks Socrates' guardians or any of the shit they came up with during that discussing is meant to be realised

>> No.13217589

you can finish the communist manifesto in a day and the republic in less than a week

why even ask the question?

>> No.13217594

>marx was egalitarian
You haven't read either, have you?

>> No.13217596

>Socrates' guardians
Socrates in Plato's dialogues is a mouth piece for Plato. You know Plato even travelled to Sicily to try and realise the political program of the Republic with Dion, but failed?

>> No.13217604
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Marx is shit-tier compared to Plato

>> No.13217616

He supported Slave Morality and Ressentiment which was just the same.

>> No.13217623


>> No.13217632



>> No.13217645
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>Socrates in Plato's dialogues is a mouth piece for Plato

>> No.13217657


>> No.13217666

Probably Plato, but I read Marx first. Once you read others beside him, he loses his appeal. You should read both though.

>> No.13217667

To elaborate, the very fact that Plato chose to present his thoughts in a dialogue rather than a treatise makes it obvious that none of the singular viewpoints expressed in the dialogue are meant to be taken as a final answer Plato wanted the readers to accept.

>> No.13217668
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neather its jsut hipnotic speak
with fancy word play
dont get keked agin
jsut read the bigest dictonary
and study this concpet

>> No.13217683

>Marxism exists in nineteenthcentury thought like a fish in water: that is, it is unable to breathe anywhere else. [...] Their controversies may have stirred up a few waves and caused a few surface ripples; but they are no more than storms in a children’s paddling pool.

Blanchot is definitely better than Pynchon

>> No.13218808

Marx and engels never advocated for egalitarianism
>“As between one country, one province and even one place and another, living conditions will always evince a certain inequality which may be reduced to a minimum but never wholly eliminated. The living conditions of Alpine dwellers will always be different from those of the plainsmen. The concept of a socialist society as a realm of equality is a one-sided French concept deriving from the old “liberty, equality, fraternity,” a concept which was justified in that, in its own time and place, it signified a phase of development, but which, like all the one-sided ideas of earlier socialist schools, ought now to be superseded, since they produce nothing but mental confusion, and more accurate ways of presenting the matter have been discovered.” (Engels 1875)

>> No.13218861

There are full blown loud Marxists who had barely read Marx, so that answers your question.

>> No.13218883

just started reading plato, so this might be a dumb question, but was marx inspired by thrasymachus for much of his theories?

>> No.13218888

This. The basics of Marxism aren't hard to understand so unless you want to be able to defend or refute him seriously you don't have to read him.

>> No.13218913

>Plato destroyed egalitarianism
even if that's true, what's that gotta do with Marx?

>> No.13218920

>marx inspired by thrasymachus for much of his theories?
'inspired' is a stretch, but there are clear connections.

>> No.13219032

Plato is THE philosopher of the West. There is no one more important to read.

>> No.13219039

Where did you get this bullshit theory? His dialogues are dialectic. There are times where Plato clearly inserts into Socrates and wants to emphasize a point as a final answer.

>> No.13219577

This desu. Also the fact HE WENT TO SYRACUSE to mentor a tyrant on how to be a philosopher king is proof enough.


>> No.13219585
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>> No.13219603

Based Pyrrho poster

>> No.13219652

Both are important to read, but I think someone who poses this question would get more out reading Marx.

>> No.13219653

This. Good answer.