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13217119 No.13217119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, is he literally /ourguy/?

>> No.13217129

he has one of the normiest, liberal, psuedo-Marxist takes I've ever listened too; makes me ashamed to call myself a Communist

>> No.13217133

contrapoints is our guy
contrapoints never got exposed as a completely vapid baseless idiot by that fucking furry mauler like hbomb did

>> No.13217135

Okay, this is now /reddit general/

>> No.13217144

Based. Same. Breadtube is awful.

>> No.13217152

Literally who

>> No.13217163

How is he /ourguy/?

>> No.13217188

What's wrong with hbomb?

>> No.13217192

He sounds very condescending. I generally agreed with the 2 or 3 videos of his I saw, but his tone just put me off watching anything else.
His hairline is also tragic, and he probably gets his hair cut at home or at a salon rather than a barbershop.

>> No.13217197

He supported a charity that castrates children

>> No.13217198

I know British genes when I see them. I don't know him but I saw him gushing over AOC when she joined a stream of his. If he agree even a little bit with her economics and politics then he's an idiot.

>> No.13217461

is this bait?

>> No.13217475

he's a smug mendacious cunt
honestly i'm pretty aligned with him about a lot of shit but the way he goes about is unbearably obnoxious and fallacious and actively undermines the points he's making
he's the michael moore of youtube

>> No.13217486

He's ugly and stupid.

>> No.13217494

agreed. his taste in games is good except his defense of dark souls 2 but otherwise everyone else on breadtube is better than him, and i'm already sick of breadtube more generally. functionally socdems with the normiest philosophy takes imaginable and a weird parasocial cult following. i only really watch cuckphilosophy these days and i'm not really sure he's part of breadtube

>> No.13217508

ContraPoints is every bit as vapid and obnoxious as hbomberguy. Hell, the whole breadtube scene is insufferable. It's the left-wing equivalent of the "skeptic" community.

>> No.13217517

>he's the michael moore of youtube
that's might be philosophytube
agreed, cuckphilosophy is the only decent one, and I never really considered him a political youtuber so much as a philosophical youtuber. contra gets an honorable mention but the father she moves away from academia the worse it gets

>> No.13217519

Vaush is the only good breadtuber

>> No.13217520

this is true but contra is /lit/ as fuck if you look at his shelves in early videos and he has a certain awareness that makes his videos interesting

>> No.13217525


>> No.13217531

i appreciate you

>> No.13217532

I've seen him attack people because of things their fans say. Something like if you're fans are Nazis that must mean you are. He is certainly of the left.

>> No.13217550

>contra gets an honorable mention but the father she moves away from academia the worse it gets
agree with this. in the same vein philosophytube used to be tolerable when he just straightforwardly explained philosophy (despite the memes), but i can't stand him these days

>> No.13217554

All the costumes and other faggotry doesn't really do either of them good.

>> No.13217569


>> No.13217578

She identifies as a woman and is currently transitioning, sir.

>> No.13217600

I would rather brush my teeth with steel wool than watch any of the idiots who unironically think edgy YouTubers (e.g., PewDiePie) and milk toast right-wing pundits (e.g., Jordan Peterson) are dog-whistling crypto-fascists.

P.S. Lmao that these retards are seriously trying to argue that Ben "PROTECT ISRAEL AT ALL COSTS" Shapiro is an antisemite alt-righter.

>> No.13217602
File: 360 KB, 911x988, lolntra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a man no matter what his delusions tell him. He will always be a man no matter how many of his friends play pretend with him while he crossdresses.

>> No.13217603

Ignore all pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians.

>> No.13217605
File: 84 KB, 618x750, 1554592881752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlike you, I am a man of great culture and learning

>> No.13217625

His worst offence is not being a smug videogame youtuber. It's being unfunny, knowing it, and STILL trying to make jokes in that stupid fucking ironic "haha im not funny am i? but im laughing listen to all my unfunny jokes" way.

>> No.13217627

Wow, SHE looks so beautiful in that photo.

>> No.13217629

So we should skip the Greeks?

>> No.13217631

Why do you think the Greeks were pseudo-intellectuals?

>> No.13217664

>watching YouTube "intellectuals"

>> No.13217670

better than the philosophy chube guy

>> No.13217673

Philosophy Chud

>> No.13217677

>asking me to expand on my views
I'm afraid this discussion must come to a close, the time for discourse has passed. Have a good day.

>> No.13217831
File: 397 KB, 885x623, stateofcontra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like contra but now it's basically just a trans channel. I'm not interested in video after video about trans insecurities. I don't even have a problem with trans people but I'd rather a popular leftist channel actually be about theory and practice.

>> No.13217849
File: 101 KB, 463x658, 1558899737619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XX is female
XY is male
Anything else is a genetic anomaly

'ate trannies
'ate lefties
'ate feminism

Nuff said

>> No.13217858

not as good as cuckphilosophy
better than most of youtube

>> No.13217871


>> No.13217876
File: 132 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His taste in games is good.
>spending your golden years hunched in front of a screen, chastised to a life in simulation.
Grow up, gamebaby

>> No.13217894

Nothing you said is different with books.

>> No.13217912

Isnt Nykytyne2 our guy? Contra deleted pre transition atheist channel

>> No.13217918

do you know if any of these videos are saved somewhere

>> No.13217930
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1558723705858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone referring to contrapoints as female needs to fuck off back to redddit

>> No.13217932

There is no symbolic, spiritual depth in gaming. All games simulate is infantile materialism. The sensuous world that literature lives in is much richer and holds a mature grasp on reality.
Life isn't a game, gamer.

>> No.13217936

His song "Jesus Freak" an atheist cover of Super Freak.
Its Cringe Kino, enjoy.

>> No.13217946

Someone hasn't played many games.

>> No.13217958
File: 112 KB, 1315x395, Dan_Olson_Knew_About_Sex_Offender_JewWario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that most of these uber leftist YouTubers are fundamentally broken and/or awful people. Hbomberguy was a super edgelord who harassed people for laughs. Dan Olson admitted that when he was associated with ThatGuyWithTheGlasses he knew that JewWario was a sexual predator, and he didn't speak up about this because he was afraid GamerGate would use this scandal to discredit anti-GamerGaters. Lindsay Ellis had an abortion, suffers from depression, and also didn't speak out against JewWario. And as for ContraPoints, I don't need to mention what's wrong with him.

>> No.13217968
File: 69 KB, 651x481, 1558294340741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical gamer cope as expected. I only play games on the couch with my friends.
Playing games destroys the faculties necessary for higher thought. A gamer is in no position to speak for themselves or understand how deprived they really are.

>> No.13217978

Banal political rhetoric mixed with poorly executed camp doesn't make for good content. I guess it's still better than Destiny debates.

>> No.13217982

>Playing games destroys the faculties necessary for higher thought.
I get the feeling I academically outrank you, but keep coping.

>> No.13217997

No. Cuck Philosophy is a better fit.
You can him a socdem anon

>> No.13218019

>I get the feeling I acedemically outrank you
Perhaps all the life spent grinding exp points for mammon's simulacrum have left yuo quite avaricious. Understand this, gamer; I spiritually outrank you.

>> No.13218024

play Killer7

>> No.13218040

Are all the genetic anomalies their own gender too, or do they fit in the male/female categories?
Because if the former, god damn you super leftie, stop trying to name 200 genders.

>> No.13218092

They are male or female based on genitalia. If they have both they can choose, fuck it. I'm no leftie, gender is binary

>> No.13218102

Ypu know, your brain malfunctions when you lie to yourself.

>> No.13218107

Is English not your native language, anon? Their gender will ever be male; female; a subset of either, or a mixture of the two.

>> No.13218127


>> No.13218150



that FAS disneyfag girl is nothing special but come on, you can't look at her and contranny points with a straight face and genuinely say they're the same sex

>> No.13218152

I have a visceral hatred of the word chud every time I see it
As far as I can tell it was consciously memed into existence by chaponiggers to mirror the stupid /pol/ flavor-of-the-month insults that gave us cvck, nu-male, and soiboy in the past couple of years, which is retarded enough already, but also seems like it was designed to be an insult without the capacity to offend any Marginalized Communities™ like it was made in a fucking focus group

>> No.13218170


>> No.13218171

Every time I see one of these attempts to sleuth out some kind of damning information of an e-celeb, whether it's actually shitty revelations or dumb shit like "he once made an Anne Frank joke so he's an anti-semite," I get the overwhelming urge to tie whoever wrote it out to a chair and slap them until they understand how fucking stupid it is to care about this inane horseshit
You are the internet's version of TMZ viewers or People Magazine readers

>> No.13218180

Is that Jenny Nicholson?

>> No.13218192

Oh if only Dan Olson had spoken up about someone who was literally already dead, maybe things would have been different

>> No.13218198

If there's any trannies here you should know that you will never pass. No matter how many hours you put into your makeup and clothes you will always be spotted because you physically can't even walk like a woman since our skeletons are different. You will always be a freak and at the very best the people around you will suppress the natural revulsion they feel. Not even the most hardcore leftist will leave you alone for an extended period of time with their kids and that's because deep down they know you're a pervert who let his crossdressing fetish get carried away.

>> No.13218211

Methinks she doth protest too much

>> No.13218212

Yeah you caught me. I'm actually a tranny.

>> No.13218221

>had an abortion
oh no the horror! the horror!

>> No.13218232

Imagine wasting your life obsessing over people you'll never meet simply because they hold different politics from you and acting like you're better than anybody in the process. Seek help :)

>> No.13218239

Umm excuse me sweetie but abortion is now banned in the more forward thinking states uwu

>> No.13218271

There's some shameful shitty leftists on youtube but hbomber is downright absolutely embarrassing

>> No.13218288

t. sweatie

>> No.13218289

Reddit as shit thread right here wew, imagine watching youtube videos to stroke your ideological horse. Wew and yikes

>> No.13218316

Looking fucking jacked. Those traps are insane. I gotta do more shrugs so I can be fucking YOKED like that.