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13216370 No.13216370 [Reply] [Original]

>DFW and Mary "Meerkat" Karr
>Hemingway and Gellhorn
>Tao Lin and James Ellroy

Will Megan Boyle and Rupi Kaur's hot and heavy coupling and throupling affect their writing?

>> No.13216377

terrible rolling job

>> No.13216378





>> No.13216526

I don't see the problem in that roll.

>> No.13216607


The paper extends past the crutch (sounds petty but it will get wet with saliva, should be avoided).
There is wasted weed caught between the crutch and the paper.
The joint gets wide and fat, with a lot of wasted paper twisted up at the end. The weed should be better distributed to take up more of the whole length of the paper.
Also need to work on crumpling the paper less while rolling for better aesthetics.

Overall it looks smokeable but many aspects could be improved, 5/10.

>> No.13217139
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I rolled it with my feet tho

>> No.13217159
File: 30 KB, 500x500, jhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have to twist the end of your joints, it's badly rolled. if they end up a cone shape (and you weren't intentionally trying to roll a cone), it's badly rolled. if it's lumpy, it's badly rolled. I'm not one to use filters, but even I can tell that filter is at least twice as long as it needs to be. a well rolled joint is pretty much indistinguishable from a well rolled cigarette

>> No.13217278

Why is this so hard to achieve? What's the trick?

>> No.13217316

the bulk of the roll should be evenly spreading out the pot and pressing it with the side of the pack of rollies to make sure it's all flat. the pot should cover the whole paper, some will fall out the side, but that's fine. the goal is to have enough inside the paper so you don't need to try and fill in the ends post-roll, that's a major fuck up. the roll itself should take all of ten seconds; start from the middle and work your way to the edges, if you start at the edges and work your way to the middle you will end up with a preggo joint

>> No.13217420

looks like raw dough

>> No.13217433

Not disagreeing with you, but I wills say that here in WA state where weed is legal, most pre-rolled joints (i.e. weed sold as joints rather than loose weed that you buy yourself) cone as really long cone shaped joint and sometime have several centimeters of unused paper left on the end of the joint. Its usually just folded iver or twisted the way one would traditionally twist rhe end of the joint. It's really quite a lot of paper too. Probably enough to fit a little under 0.25g of weed or so.

>> No.13217614


As long as there is a good cone shape it's okay to have some spare paper and twist it, the problem with this joint was that it gets very fat then has a bunch of spare paper, which shows that a much better shape could have been achieved if the cone widened more slowly and used more of the length of the paper.

My suspicion is that the weed originally went closer to the end of the paper but the roll was loose and the top was padded down with a pen or similar, leaving a thick clump at the top and an empty end with spare paper. This is suggested to me by the way the paper crumples at the top of the joint and the fact the density with which the weed is packed looks thicker towards the top of the paper, but I confess this part is speculation.

>> No.13218200
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>> No.13218367
File: 272 KB, 547x586, 1_ag0U2vG2o3gbSvlyQMapsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW and Mary "Meerkat" Karr
you know even though they weren't in an actual relationship, yet he tried to stalk and kill any men near her-even her son-, right?

>> No.13218381

that doesnt sound one-sided at all, haha
crazy people agglutinate upon one another, senpai

>> No.13218397

>>Tao Lin and James Ellroy
wait what?

>> No.13218400

not every crazy people death-threats one another

>> No.13218428

Unironically why we need chastity

>> No.13218434
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A lot of his work was shared with her

>> No.13218438

I live in a place with legal weed and it is very similar, but as someone who has smoked way too much pot it's an aesthetic choice not a practical one. You get more weed in the paper, and it looks cool, but a standard joint will smoke better. Twisting the ends is needed for commercial joints so you can ship them or whatever but usually when I'm rolling a joint it's to smoke it, not transport it somewhere

>> No.13218440
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>marries his secretary right before his death
What did he meant by this? Is this supposed to be a romantic thing in south america?

>> No.13218462
File: 78 KB, 282x300, wat happen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why megan is lumped in with rupi in the meme scene lately, quick rundown?

>> No.13218624

There's a YikYak of Megan and Rupi sitting together

>> No.13218665

Lol that likely wasn't Megan. I don't think she wears high waisted denim shorts and gladiator sandals past her knee, probably another IG celeb