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/lit/ - Literature

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13216135 No.13216135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to be less sexualized ?

I'm going insane, I can only think about that.

>> No.13216177

every time you think about it, smoke a cigarette (100% guarantee it will work)

>> No.13216199

Plato is about fighting hedonism.

>> No.13216409

read anything on asceticism

>> No.13216423

started hooking up with a girl after being volcel for a couple years, I thought because she was lit we would talk about books and shit (we do, but I'm always thinking of pussy now)

>> No.13216424

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.13216433

You are supposed to need sex a lot, it is important for men. Once you get married and have your fill of sex every day, you will feel satisfied and stop centering your whole being around it.

>> No.13216438

most of the married men I know have no sex.

>> No.13216448

Kuffar are gay, news at 11

>> No.13216450

Married anon here...
Yeah, it's true that the one food which kills a woman's sex drive is wedding cake.
Live together by all means, but with the way the laws are today marriage=celibacy, if not right away, then within a few years...

>> No.13216458

Fucking sandniggers. go sawm till your gone

>> No.13216463

Well, yeah, muzzies are still allowed to have child brides, practice FGM and beat their wives if they try to refuse to have sex, 'cause, y'know, cultural reasons 'n' shit. You can do that anywhere in the US, Canada or UK and no one will say a word because they might get called "racist" (despite the fact that Islam is not a race, but whatever...). But White guys are cucked by Law in today's world...

>> No.13216464

Why is her sex drive important? A man has a much stronger sex drive than any (respectable) woman and needs sex far more, if it is done only according to her drive then the man will not be fulfilled. The wife should wish to please her husband even when the drive for her is not there

>> No.13216466

I so badly want her to kneel and I ran over and hit her with my knee in the face. Cam i have it in birthday?

>> No.13216469

This. Gee, you guys are pretty based, actually... Bet you're even redpilled on the JQ amirite?

>> No.13216473
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Yeah ok thanks for the advice

>> No.13216474

Despite being endorsed by Shafi'is, female circumcision is actually almost exclusively perpetuated by women, mothers have it done to daughters also many adult woman have it done.

>> No.13216477

Hey this is making sense to me! As they say in the MRM, men's desires matter!

>> No.13216482

Roger Garaudy is hailed by many Muslims as the greatest western philosopher since Aristotle

>> No.13216487

If they don't then your wife doesn't love you

>> No.13216488

Hmmm... Sorta like the way Western women were traditionally the ones doing all of the "slut shaming" and keeping other women in line, that now feminists accuse men of doing...

>> No.13216491
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Its Jesus or leave us.

>> No.13216511

>a Palestinian

>> No.13216525


>> No.13216567

Allah hu akbar
Is /lit/ ready for Islam?
Or do we need a little more time on Plato, Derrida, and how Christ never said he was God before we jump into that oasis ?

>> No.13216573

Same I can only think about booties, big fat bouncy booties.
It's such a pain and it made for a series of embarassing moments.

Not to mention how I really don't care who the ass belongs to, big booties just fascinate and arouse me . It's unhealthy and frustrating.

>> No.13216582

and i thought tripfags cant be based

>> No.13216584

>it's an abrahamic larper tripfag episode

here we go again. look dude, I enjoy what you're doing on the whole, but at some point you have to look and ask if shitposting on 4chan and being "technically correct" about autistic philosophical stuffs in front of a bunch of anime dweebs is the right call. I don't know the nature of god but this can't be right. and so being an islamic contrarian on /lit/ becomes as *snap* as /pol/tards who pretend to care about yahweh but only do so as a means of identity.

tl;dr I suspect that you don't unironically believe in demons and sorcerous powers, let alone seriously consider divinity. if that it true then please fuck off as you are a larper with no historicity

>> No.13216589

This gives me hope for a future happy conjugal life

>> No.13216622
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>> No.13216635
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The bible...trust me...

>> No.13216646

The Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.13216661

have sex

>> No.13216694
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>> No.13216695

On the contrary, conversion is very simple

>but at some point you have to look and ask if shitposting on 4chan and being "technically correct" about autistic philosophical stuffs in front of a bunch of anime dweebs is the right call

I believe in jinn, some are Muslims, some are kuffar, the latter can do things that is equivilant to magic but really based on their unique nature as beings comprised of something we can't detect yet

>> No.13216722

La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah

>> No.13216750

Has to be spoken in the presence of witnesses if possible.

>> No.13216782

I will check him out, thanks!

>> No.13216817

Only good muslim writer is Muad'Dib

>> No.13216822

My South Asiam pseudo-Muslim flat mate heard me utter it and smirked. Am I Moose now?

>> No.13216832

It has to have intent also it is preferably done before at least two witnesses