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/lit/ - Literature

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13215468 No.13215468 [Reply] [Original]

Should we ignore any form of entertainment and dedicate our lives mostly to literature, art and music? Is this the appropriate way of ignoring toxic consumerism and capitalism?

>> No.13215775

literature, art and music are entertainment

>> No.13215854

4 u

>> No.13215868

If you really think that toxic consumerism and capitalism do not manifest in the form of literature, art and music, then you don't really know what they are.

>> No.13216025

I can differentiate when a medium is entertainment or not, the same way I recognize that pop music is consumerism and classical music is art. Thanks.

>> No.13216035


>> No.13216075

You are not immune to propaganda. No one is.

>> No.13216090

>Should we ignore any form of entertainment and dedicate our lives mostly to entertainment?


>> No.13216101
File: 624 KB, 739x472, MALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so tortured by this disguising world
Give your balls a tug

>> No.13216117


>> No.13216121

I love how everyone understands what OP was asking, but instead of answering the question and discussing the concept they just nitpick his use of language.

>> No.13216132

We disagree with the entire concept, making his question null.

>> No.13216141

>literature, art, and music
but that's precisely what toxic consumerism and capitalism is, especially the latter two

>> No.13216235

No. Read Spengler. All creative possibilities of Western man in the arts, music, architecture, literature, etc, are exhausted. Do not waste your time in pursuit of greatness that is no longer attainable, instead focus your efforts on the possibilities our age: science, engineering, politics, and statesmanship.

>> No.13216262

which spengler

>> No.13216295
File: 1.17 MB, 1680x870, Ryoji-Ikeda-The-Planck-Universe-macro-2015-Image-Martin-Wagenhan-Image-courtesy-of-ZKM-Karlsruhe-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolutely false, besides the meaning of art is not to reach greatness or beauty and to state that it is exhausted is rather naive and retarded. Most philosophers are kinda antiquate when it comes to art and they are not to be taken too serious about this argument.

Today the most forward thinking form of art embraces technology and science to create something never done before. Art is continuously expanding through technology and the newer tools that man creates, now it represents the age we live in.


>> No.13216309

I completely agree.

>> No.13216350

at the basal form, at least.

>> No.13216654


>> No.13216963

This is something completely new to me.

>> No.13217650


>> No.13217691

yep mr >>13216235 got it right, your post is evidence.
Flashy lights are not art.

>> No.13217731
File: 335 KB, 1024x768, tahira-ludassocial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he hasn't, your idea of art is stagnant and doesn't represent anymore current humanity.

>> No.13218482

Read Sartre anon.

>> No.13218545
File: 265 KB, 420x373, 1555976138835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow looks at all this crazy lights bro
>duuude cyberpunk lmaoo
>duuuuddee what iff we just like accelerate!!
Nothing of value is to be seen here, what a surprise.

>> No.13219680

There's nothing more sad than someone who refutes new things without even trying to understand them. The process of creation of those installations is brilliant, the capability to manipulate raw data from a computer and convey it into something with its own life is beautiful and requires code mastery. Also those are not "fleshy lights" but particle system you absolute brainlets.


>> No.13219790

I consume daily dose of degradation via youtube. I entertain myself mostly by watching highlights of twitch streamers.
So I have pretty similar question as OP.
Should I cut down on these things and stop watching at all?

>> No.13219811

Why? What would be your reason for doing that? If watching these things make you happy and don't harm you or someone else, there is no reason not to do it.

>> No.13219830

Classical music is more skilful and arguably less manufactured than pop music, but both are forms of entertainment. One may be ‘higher’ than the other, but all activities which involve you passively consuming something someone else made or did and taking some sort of pleasure in it falls under the entertainment category. Genre fiction is undoubtedly entertainment, no matter how masterfully written. You can go to an art museum and look at many different pieces of art and admire them, but it’s still passive entertainment. Your own opinions about what should be considered ‘better’ forms of entertainment than others are not objective fact.

>> No.13219832
File: 50 KB, 1067x458, pepe-glasses-e1475196933170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of 'art' is the ultimate cope of an entertainment-addled teenager.

>> No.13219851

I spend a lot of time watching these videos. In addition to fast and empty fun, I get nothing, but spend my time. Because of this, I often wonder if it would be better if I try to completely abandon this activity and replace these easy pleasures with a hobby or dedicating more time to books. I think it is very difficult and unlikely can make me happy though.

>> No.13219856

>“how should I live my life,” he asked the frogposters

>> No.13219881
File: 51 KB, 640x466, 1554748572062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Become a subsistence hermit if you'd fed up of consumerism and capitalism

>> No.13219891

I wish, my life has been reduced to buying time until my death with dumbed down entertainment and alcohol.
When I engage in deep thoughts, depression hits and I am reduced to a psychotic suicidal cretin.
Partly it's the lack of social life, partly my regrets dragging me down.
One thing is for sure, this is not life.
Being an adult sucks, I want to be a child again.

>> No.13219901

The key is balance. Don't abandon it all together but do smaller amounts.

>> No.13219904

Blah blah blah. Do something or stop bitching

>> No.13219908

Thank you, I'll try

>> No.13220013

This kind of nihilistic dissection is what kills culture.

>> No.13220123

>it can't be true if I don't think about it

>> No.13220255

If you deconstruct all art down to the level of simple entertainment then nothing can be art. Art isn't entertainment, it's an expression of the soul; it's a language that communicates the soul feeling of the artist to another person. The only purpose of dumb entertainment is to stave off boredom. Devaluing art only leads to the decline of art.

>> No.13220390

what does deconstruct mean

>> No.13220411

Well OP, your problem isn't what you consume "mindless vids" or "high art" is how you consume. And so if you cut yourself from one, in a blind hope that this would elevate you is misguidade. As any human expression can go down the drain, with the same utility as the vids that you say that don't add nothing to you, like a highschool students (in general) try to read a very complex work because he is obligued to do so, will be worse than if he read a comic book. The high art in general force you to think beyond what you "consume", the words on the page, the painting on the screen etc. However the high art in general is analise of the "normal world", "the pop", "the useless". How many are critics of a problem at large, are cautionary tales of what they see reserved in the future if we keep that way, their (or other) feelings and expression about this and that. And so very few good "art" is made by just the input of art itself. The great author or artist, would just give his own view and insights they have in their prefered form, pursuing doing their best. You can go right now on that vid you just watched, enjoyed and dissmissed as unworthy, and now look beyond their mere jokes, and analise in search of a insight about a topic that you enjoy or are knowlegedble about. Ask the same questions you ask when you read your books, to why, how, etc... And so you would stop just consuming, and gain more than the momentary delight. I hope you don't close other veniuos and consume both the "high" and the "low" forms of human expression, and don't feel that you should change, just because it look like the right thing to do, there are more on the world than just that.

>> No.13220414

neophile faggots. Novelty is not a characteristic of art, beauty is. There is more beauty in sticking led's in my poopoo than there is beauty in this dubsteb pseudo art.

>> No.13220490

literature, art and music are a form of entertainment.

>> No.13220684

Define beauty in 2020, good luck.

I think you're just a conservative bigot who has never been exposed to something like this before; there can be 'beauty' in any form of art, present or past. Associating beauty to a traditional canonic sense is retarded and mind-limiting. Things change through time and assume new meanings and semantic languages based on the current age.

An installation of Ryoji Ikeda has its own language and life, it's an expression of technology conquered by man and it represents perfectly how raw data surround our lives and we're molded by it. There's beauty in it and I can see it, why people like you don't?

>> No.13221129

The key word here might be "passively", no?

>> No.13221140

ignoring is exhausting just become hyper focused on your own shit