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13210537 No.13210537 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Kindness?

In trying to understand kindness, deconstructing the word offers a glimpse of what it entails. Kindness means seeing and feeling a kindred affection towards others, seeing them as your kind. The kind of kindness that extends to everyone, humanity as such, is by far the most difficult it seems because we recognize in certain acts and behaviors in others things that are not of our kind, sometimes the very opposite of kindredness. But do we then fall from our own kind, based in kindness, and resort to something other, or worse the very opposite? If the enemy displays the worst in humanity, antagonism and animosity, and if they are bringing out the worst in you, the same, aren’t you, in engaging with them on their level, showing them kindness, thereby joining in the ranks of division? And even worse, since kindness, at its fullest development, is a recognition of a sense of humanity, are you not being unkind to yourself? Perhaps that is what is meant when it is said that anger hurts the possessor most and to live without compassion and regard for others is to gradually deteriorate inside. The cruel and misanthropic are wounded. Maybe that’s what Plato/Socrates meant when he said “we do not envy the miserable”. I want kindness /lit/

>> No.13210854
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You need to shorten your explanation of what you mean but I would like some wholesome books and kindness as well. Bump

>> No.13211191
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>> No.13212306

Kind characters are generally ignored within the cruel novels in which they appear. However Pierre Bezuhkvov in War and Peace comes to mind as a major instance of a kind character.
Kind characters are most effectively faced with situations wherein their kindness is questioned, --themes of courage. True kindness learns to stand up for itself, but how? A presumed cowardice is the besetting sin.

>> No.13212315

This thread needs AA Milne.

>> No.13212339

Charles Dickens, even.
Bob Cratchitt, Scrooge redeemed.

>> No.13212344

Tigger though

>> No.13212361

>True kindness learns to stand up for itself, but how? A presumed cowardice is the besetting sin.

Care to go in on that? I think I understand what you mean

>> No.13212367
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this is me 100%

>> No.13213818 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13214313

I'm at work now but I'll be off in about 4 hours so I'm bumping. Essentially this theme of courage is 'needed' in order to 'bring out' a character's kindness: kind character in literature as in life tend to be taken advantage of (as general politeness is taken advantage of by conmen and salesmen, telemarketers, etc.) but more soon.