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/lit/ - Literature

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13210528 No.13210528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anons, why is reddit so much worse of a place to discuss literature? It’s like nobody there can be bothered to think about what they’re reading, and they call anything with pages literature, regardless of its lack of literary merits. I’ve been lurking there for a while trying to find something REALLY worth making fun of, and I stumbled across pic related. Grammar is a fundamental construct to the flow and convention of language, yet nobody there gives two shits, and you’ll actually get downvoted for correcting others. Meanwhile, there are boards where they make fun of 4chan because we’re “a bunch of retarded incels that think we’re smarter than everyone else.” They’re a community that preaches open-mindedness and they’re 1000 times our size, yet their discussions are shallow and homogeneous. They can’t think deeper and they either overlook those who try or downvote anybody who encourages them to.

>> No.13210556

go back

>> No.13210572

r/books is shit. But the specific author subs are unironically better than this shithole. At least they're respectful and offer discussion.

>> No.13210574

>yet their discussions are shallow and homogeneous
Sounds exactly like this place.

>> No.13210609

I don't understand the sort of people that use Reddit. When I go there and make a comment, no matter what it is I'm always getting replies from the most irrational and argumentative people I've ever talked to. If I make a post that isn't downvoted I'll assume I said something stupid.

>> No.13210616

Maybe don't be an asshole? That might work.

>> No.13210628

I have absolutrly zero idea how reddit is or works desu. I used it once when I was into morrowind modding

>> No.13210638

I'm not an asshole, it's just me disagreeing with people because that's usually the only time I feel like saying something. It doesn't matter how strong my argument is.

>> No.13210648

>exclusively make argumentative posts
>'bro why is everyone elso so argumentative'

>> No.13210653

>I’ve been lurking there for a while trying to find something REALLY worth making fun of

>> No.13210662

I'm using the word argument in two sense that mean different things. When I make an argument I'm giving a reason to believe something, and when people respond to me in an argumentative fashion, they're being an asshole.

>> No.13210685

Reddit is the island of Lotus Eaters. Everyone eating their own rancid fruit. And they have so much of it they can't leave it. I'd rather be here fuck Helen.

>> No.13210715

Anonymouses, wherefore is reddit the most worsest place for literary dialecticals? It seems noperson there has the capability to be ponderous concerning their readables, yet they namedub anything with leaves as Literature, unregardless of its avoidity of bookish meritation. I hath been skurking there for a whilom trying to find some exemplum to ABSOLUTELY satirise, when I strumbled across this pictoral delineation. Grammer is a pre-eminently indispensable erectation to the fluxion and protocolities of vernacular, yet noperson there gives a solitary scat, and thou wilt veritably get downwardlyvoted for ameliorating them. In the meanwhile, there are cliques of communiqué where they ridicule Fourchanathan because we are "a batch of mentally-deficient Virginians that cogitate we are intellegenter than the general sundry". They are a coterie that sermonises unrestrained-thoughtliness and they are a chiliad manifold our magnitude, yet their discussions are superficial and of the same geneous. They can't ruminate profoundly and they either underregard those who try or downwardlyvote anyperson who emboldenates them.

>> No.13210717

It's a hub of the modern narcissism disease

>> No.13210770

You need to go back.

>> No.13210772


>> No.13210780

because it's populated by you-tier retards

>> No.13210817

>>better than this shithole
If they discuss literature at all they’re 1000X better than /lit/. Look at the front page right now — only 2 threads literature-related, of which one is “books that made you cry” and the other is some feminist thing. It’s hugely obvious that /lit/ doesn’t actually like literature. It’s a shame.

>> No.13210827

/lit/ is two boards at once
a slow board that's about literature and a fast one that's not

>> No.13210868

Stay mad, nerd.

>> No.13210890

nah, I disagree

/lit/ is unironically the best board out there. We actually do have literature related topics most of the time and have meaningful discussion sometimes. So, in contrast to le reddit, they mostly have virtue signaling and really common knowledge comments that take all the attention. Reddit's literature subreddits are unironically filled with children who want "their mummy to pat on their head" by getting all that karma when they say that "THIS BOOK SAVED MY LIFE! IT CURED MY DEPRESSION!" which get popular cause it is really hard to disagree with that and nobody down votes it and thus it only gets upvoted and then becomes more visible and then even more upvoted and so on and so on... while the though provoking comments usually can not go through without having someone disagree with them which results in them being invisible unless you scroll through 100 comments of said virtue signaling.

>> No.13210913

>they make fun of 4chan because we’re “a bunch of retarded incels that think we’re smarter than everyone else."
This is literally true.

>> No.13210938

The number of threads that are interesting per total number of threads is still way better here.

>> No.13210939
File: 204 KB, 744x843, 1523738041449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like reddit so much fuck there.

Nobody is gonna miss you, redditors.

>> No.13210945

>“a bunch of retarded incels that think we’re smarter than everyone else.”
False. I know that I'm smarter than everyone else.

>> No.13210954

>fuck there.
Fuck off there*

>> No.13210955

>implying that reddit isn't "a bunch of cucked incels that think they’re smarter than everyone else

>> No.13210956

But I'll be honest I did not expect so many people posting the Bible here

>> No.13210971

Thanks my five year old sis makes that argument

>> No.13210983

What argument you idiot? I just saying that if you like Reddit so much you can go there. Nobody is stopping you.

>> No.13210987

>If you like reddit so much, why don't you marry reddit?
>Why do you like reddit? Are you gay for reddit?
>Anon and reddit sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Is it summer again?

>> No.13210993

this is what a lack of self awareness looks like. stop posting here. just fuck off you reddit entrained bugperson. go fucking consume whatever pop simulacra that's being marketed on reddit. go fucking suck the CIA's dick nigger. you are a fucking idiot, a miserable utterly average utterly unremarkable simpleton. you fucking plebeian omniphagist golem midwit nigger retard. i hope you die suffocating in a plastic bag

>> No.13210997

The argument that if something has better qualities not to complain but to fuck off there. Kills any hope of comparison.

>> No.13211012

>People thinks /lit/ is shit, and there's better alternatives out there, but somehow end up here anyway
Makes you think

>> No.13211020
File: 132 KB, 597x418, 1555919847109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know me, retard. Commit suicide.

>> No.13211024

There is but one quality here. The lack of fear for bullshit opinions. If that ain't what matter what is ?

>> No.13211027
File: 344 KB, 500x283, 305B3328-14D4-4F79-91D1-E5E9D7DF85E2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is about how garbage reddit is
>”If you like Reddit so much fuck there”
Do you have some kind of handicap, friend?

>> No.13211067
File: 402 KB, 904x1406, 923A83E8-9D52-4B8D-881B-D841DF1E9B39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon. As with everything, this problem can be responded to by turning to Calvino.

>> No.13211072

Anon fuck me dry

>> No.13211074

Sorry anon. I don't read well the OP.
My post was for the other idiots.

>> No.13211081
File: 297 KB, 904x1406, 1A77AE46-D73F-4559-915C-45A2C90007FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13211094

Is not arguing idiot because I'm not supporting a thesis. I'm just saying you to fuck off.

Asides, what comparison? You're just buttmad that this site is don't filled with basedboy ideology like Reddit.

>> No.13211106

I don't support the claim but just want to say that the argument you make is not a good one to make on the point. I agree with what you in that I prefer this forum to the reddit nerds but it seems silly argue that disagreement must equal exodus.

>> No.13211121

The one called literature is infinitely better than this shitty cesspool. The one called books is about as retarded as this place, but not nearly as funny. The thing you posted in your pic could just as well have been posted here.

The average OP word count here is something like 25 words. Average post does not amount to much more. A significant amount of threads are basically just "rate my taste guis", where people will invariably fling shit at each in some ill-fated venture to be considered more erudite or discerning in their taste, which is tragically paradoxical, as one would have assumed that anonymity would cause people to not give a fuck about something as vain as getting more taste-points in e-penis measurement contests.

People will laud 4chan over plebbit since anonymity allows you to really speak your mind instead of succumbing to social groupthink, which admittedly really is something that plagues plebbit and makes it mostly an insufferable place full of turbofaggots with nothing interesting to say. But I truly hope that it is not the case that what people are posting here is an expression of really speaking their mind, because then it would seem to follow that most people have no mind to speak of at all - again, most posts are somewhere between 25-100 words. This place is just as homogeneous and predictable as plebbit, just in a hateful rather than a milquetoast way.

The philosophy threads are sometimes OK-ish, but the literature threads are invariably shit. I've been on a hiatus from this place for a year, popped back in, and lo and behold, it hasn't gotten any better. It's semi-funny memes and intelligent shitposting, worth maybe 20 minutes of your time a week if you have any modicum of self-respect and awareness of your own mortality.

The truly worthwhile thing here is the wiki.

>We actually do have literature related topics most of the time and have meaningful discussion sometimes.

Open challenge, not necessarily for you, but for anyone willing to defend this shithole: scroll through the catalogue right now, and link one (1) thread with meaningful discussion.

>> No.13211126

okay you can go back there now

>> No.13211139

Then where is the light anon ? I am a lost soul looking for scum like me to talk about books. reddit is a mess, so is 4chan. Where is Moses to lead us out ?

>> No.13211198

>This place is just as homogeneous and predictable as plebbit
No, is not.

Just look at you faggot. You and other don't stop complaining saying that Reddit is superior and blablabla. In Reddit you would be downvoted, moderated or banned for not being part of the hive-mind.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13211209

Are we free ?

>> No.13211224

I am

>> No.13211232

desu that is probably the distinguishing feeling from reddit then

>> No.13211254

Good post.
Maybe there is nowhere else. If this is the best there is, it’s a frightening thought.

>> No.13211256


>> No.13211267

Are there any forums without autistic mods?

>> No.13211270


>> No.13211273

The Lego Message Boards (Eternal).

>> No.13211285

I heard about the CDC chat forums.

>> No.13211291
File: 5 KB, 130x136, 7E6EFC89-D942-4E79-990E-1D206C778E26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying word count == intelligence
Sure thing bud

>> No.13211312

ITT: Reddit tourists.

>> No.13211334

/lit/ is the best popular public option, but i'm sure there are better smaller sites/groups. The reason /r/books and reddit is general is so bad is because the site is so big and why some people say some of the smaller subreddits are better (although i wouldn't know i haven't really spent a lot of time there). Popularity is the biggest hurdle to quality and it's why the most populous boards here are the worst.

>> No.13211343

>do i fit in yet?

It's 4channel in 2019, and it's one of the biggest sites on the net, most people here are newfag tourists. You can stop pretending to be an 03 oldfag now.

>> No.13211423

The fact that people can openly talk about browsing reddit and not get told to fuck off just shows how shitty 4chan has become

>> No.13211524

You guys are just searching for something to point at so you can get your daily dose of superiority.

For example, this fag
and this fag
are completely the same.

Not once during the writing process of their posts did they think that we have read the things they are writing at least a million of times already.

You are not capable of giving us at least the little bit of credibility we actually deserve, but you want to pass judgement about the quality of the whole board? Go fuck off to Reddit.

>> No.13211567

>Not once during the writing process of their posts did they think that we have read the things they are writing at least a million of times already.
>>13211121 is literally about this place being predictable. What's also predictable, apart from his own post, is that no one has taken him up on the challenge to link a single meaningful thread.

>> No.13211656

go be meaningful on redd*t :)

>> No.13211696

So he's talking about how this place is predictable by writing one of the most predictable posts on the whole website.

>I've been on a hiatus from this place for a year

Meaning, I've been away for 2 days, but I'll write down a year, that'll give me a better position.

4chan having 95% shitposting is a standard. Discovering that is the equivalent of finding out that water is wet, deciding to tell it to everybody and expecting a reward. Oh, wow, really? You figured that one out ALL BY YOURSELF? What a great intellectual achievement. /lit/ is not about meaningful threads? Not about quality? Guys, gather up, we've found ourselves a bright one!

>> No.13211699

>>no one has taken him up on the challenge to link a single meaningful thread
Likely because either (a) there are none or (b) everyone’s too lazy. Let’s face it — /lit/ is abysmal and unlikely to improve. Even F***book has better literary discussions.

>> No.13211751

>”You can only lurk on 4chan”
>”muh exclusivity”
>”faith towards a single platform is more important than a diverse range of ideas and conversations as they’ve been stratified across different types of social media”
>”it’s perfectly fine to shit on other platforms without an understanding of the actual inherent flaws in their user bases and legitimate reasoning for doing so, despite those reasons existing”

>> No.13211779

No, it’s because nobody gives a shit. Why should we waste our time pulling up threads for this retard just because he can’t be bothered to find them himself?

>> No.13211788

Fuck off retard

>> No.13211811
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 34ACB0A7-1C25-4106-B99D-44E1B4E8BE19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good argument anon. Fucking off now

>> No.13211851
File: 197 KB, 1300x1700, Sera.Masumi.full.2200927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are like 50 of us in total. What the hell do you expect us to do? To write meaningful threads to fill up the catalog? What the hell. Do you know how large the catalog is? I may be a no-lifer, but give me a fucking break.

You guys are literally retarded if you complain about the quality of this place. If we can have one good thread a day it's an achievement.

Imagine those people who leave this place and post on other forums with the thought in their head that their new forum is better than /lit/. How pathetic. Get a grip on reality.

>> No.13211876

>total of 50 posters
I now imagine that the anons I argue with are the same 2 dudes that hate taxes and lawyers.
Luv u guis

>> No.13211886

It's not really our aim to be a forum. We're here to contribute to a discussion, and we have to get a job done. In that sense though... we should probably be careful what form that discussion takes.

>> No.13211896

>The most important thing in judging the grammatical validity of a sentence is how it sounds. If it doesn't SOUND good, it's wrong, even if all the grammarians in the world can find no fault with it. If it does sound good, on the other hand, a good writer will use it no matter what the grammarians might say, and they will have to modify their grammar afterwards to account for how he used it. Speaking comes first, even historically, and grammar much later, not the other way around, as Chomsky and his followers still seem unable to understand. Woe to the race of beings who waited for grammarians to invent a language before they began to talk! Woe to the child who must learn their rules before being allowed to open its mouth and say "mommy"! Language is a living thing, and what the Chomskyans are busy "analyzing" is so unreal it's not even dead. Theory comes AFTER action, not the other way around, and a priori knowledge of the kind which all philosophers (aside from our lord and master) have been hitherto fond of is no concept that can be grasped at all but a contradictio in adjecto.

>> No.13211899

>he actually goes to reddit
go back

>> No.13211903


>> No.13211929

lol hi redd*t

>> No.13211937

Whoa. The truth.

>> No.13211950
File: 186 KB, 1024x1396, ba009833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just check the number of posters for the threads with 150+ replies. This one has 36 and 50+ is for threads that are up for like 12 fucking hours. Covering two time zones. People are demanding quality from 50 people who don't give a shit about the quality of the board because they have their own reading backlog to finish and are here to fill some time with a little discussion and/or for legitimate recommendation to expand their backlog. They want to pass that demand for quality as intelligent critique and get mad when they get called out for their retarded bullshit. Wow, you've figured it out. 50 people can't fill up 100 meaningful threads.

Can I open a challenge too. A question to the people who put up challenges. Answer me, where the hell do you think you are?

>> No.13211956

based. though, i will admit, good conversations happen more frequently here than anywhere else I've gone. It's just a pile a shit you gotta dig through

>> No.13212027

so based
fuck reddit s*y "people"

>> No.13212039

Who are you talking to? If you’re replying to OP, you’re a retard who didn’t read the post. Otherwise, good point anon

>> No.13212069

I'm a retard either way, but I was indirectly participating in the discussion that formed about the quality of /lit/.

>> No.13212115
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, taps microphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck reddit, fuck niggers and fuck the janitors
OUT with you all

>> No.13212124


>> No.13212130

gets a bit better later in the thread, the early stuff is artfaggy shit

>> No.13212143


>> No.13212208

Precisely. Sometimes there's only a thread or two worth the notice, but yesterday there were near six or seven. fwiw

>> No.13213236

>reddit gay
Reddit gay
reddit gay

>> No.13213249

>diverse range of ideas and conversations

exactly the kind of thing you don't find in an upboat aggregation circlejerk groupthink normalfag midwit forum owned and controlled by the US government

>> No.13213254


>> No.13213523

>Find me meaningful discussion
You are having one right now dumdum

>> No.13213677

We have this thread on every catalog every 3 days. just get a kicker out of big anons like above that gets all the (you) poon. jealous of that dood, been at 4chan for nearly a decade and havent gotten swamped like that! Sheesh!