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13210265 No.13210265 [Reply] [Original]

Going to the gym now. Reminder to all of my fellow e/lit/e /lit/izens to get your natural endorphins pumping so that your brilliant minds can soak up as much as you are reading. Stay strong <3

>> No.13210285

Waiting to go swimming because it's still too hot out. /fitlit/ was the best thing to happen to this board.

>> No.13210296

Bad people rub off on you. Women there serve to lead you astray. Gyms held me back. Most people there are apex bugmen who aren't doing this for any other reason but to get laid.
Better to work out with what you can at a home. Buy your own workout equipment. It's cheap with financing given how expensive gym memberships are these days.

>> No.13210319

Yea but there also good honest people there too. A lot more of them then the later. There’s something about being in a communal environment that is inspiring. At home my workouts last 10-15 min tops

>> No.13210327

Good movie.

>> No.13210344

There's absolutely no point in lifting. Absolute waste of time

>> No.13210358
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>> No.13210384

Getting back into shape as well.
I just need to find a place where I can go running, possibly somewhere far from people.
Maybe I'll sneak into the local soccer field early in the morning.

>> No.13210390

>I just need to find a place where I can go running, possibly somewhere far from people
All of outside?

>> No.13210579

That sounds nice.

>> No.13210649

God I wish I was fat.

>> No.13210724

Best way to get large forearms? I want them to look like the ones workers in communist posters have.

>> No.13210730
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>> No.13210740

That was quick! You got something for calves too?

>> No.13210751

Run (walk if you have to) up hills. That's all you really need for calves. Their look is more based on genetics

>> No.13210752


thanks for the reminder anon. i've neglected it too long.

>> No.13210766

This is an unironic struggle in most of central/western europe tbqh.
I have to go quite a distance before I can assume I won't see some human around me for some time.

>> No.13210774
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>> No.13210793

God I just want a cute bf; not even a trap, just thinn cute.

>> No.13210830

/fit/ is for meatheads that are one step above animals, you're giving into the societal conditioning that says you need to be strong to protect women.

/fitlit/ doesn't even read books, they're 'roided up jocks that are pretending to be knowledgeable to gain more pussy.

>> No.13210845 [DELETED] 

I don’t sound like a nice person. Might wanna look into getting a therapist and addressing those deep seated issues stemming from your childhood that your trying to ignore

>> No.13210850

U don’t sound like a nice person. Might wanna look into getting a therapist and addressing those deep seated issues stemming from your childhood that your trying to ignore

>> No.13210852

That's brutal. After walking about 15 minutes from my home I can assume I will see less than 5 people on the path. After half an hour maybe a farmer or two out in a field (too far to make any contact though)

>> No.13210859
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>there also good honest people there too
They just pretend to be good and honest.
They're wretched on the inside.

>> No.13210861

>t. brainlet misanthrope with low-T

>> No.13210866

>muh nice person
Nice argument, sheep.
Being nice is to keep you in line, don't think too hard about that.

>> No.13210869
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>And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

>> No.13210927
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You know what I like to drink after a heavy exercise. That's right. A refreshing, ice cold bottle of Coca-Cola®.

>> No.13210967

wtf is happening


>> No.13210978

that's seriously gay anon

>> No.13211015

No, being mad is. By keeping you in a constant state of frustration they suck out all of your drive, and you end up stalking image boards shitting on projections of what you fear about yourself. You’re not happy, there’s nothing empowering about that. I don’t envy you.

>> No.13211025

Should i be doing hamstring exercises? I do a lot of leg press and squats but nothing related to hamstrings. My thoughts are that legs are designed to do the 'push' motion so hamstrings aren't that important, only auxilliary, and as auxilliary (balancing) muscles, they will be trained while doing quad-focused exercises. Will this affect my development, leg strength, aesthetics, etc.? Thanks for you help
I'm posting this here because I'm range banned from fit by the way

>> No.13211029
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I was just thinking about it these days. It was great indeed.

>> No.13211036
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>being mad means I’m free


>> No.13211059

When I tried getting fit, my social anxiety was my worst enemy. The fear of people seeing me running kept me inside of my room for quite a long time. The stupidity of it all made me feel even worse

>> No.13211084

If you have tight hamstrings u most likely have tight hips, weak core, rolled shoulders and a slouch. I’ve been doing isolations, focusing on weak links. Took me a few months to notice the obvious, my entire left side is weaker than my right. I’ve given my right side a break and it’s absolutely incredible getting balance. Balance anon. Balance is everything.

>> No.13211098

>/fitlit/ being actually well-rounded and wholesome
>/pol/ assblasted with /mlp/
it was a good few days

>> No.13211101

/mlpol/ was actually a gift we didn't deserve

>> No.13211165

practice a sport then. understandable if you find lifting boring, but do get in top physical shape

>> No.13211824

Thank you