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1320951 No.1320951 [Reply] [Original]

ever think about what it'd be like to have a girl be one of your best friends? One to just follow you around and hangout with you and spend the night and all that good stuff, without the unspoken sexual tension? As if it were just like another guy?

God that'd be god tier.

Too bad it'll never happen though, eh guys?

>> No.1320954

I actually have that. I find it easier to be friends with girls, to be honest.

>> No.1321078

I tend to have at least one really close platonic female friend at all times. The friendships never last incredibly long, but I'm okay with that because by then I've usually moved on to another close female friend with whom all my old jokes are new again.

>> No.1321089

I'm a chick, I usually get along best with other girls but my closest friend is a (straight) guy. I've never really thought about it before but I guess it's pretty cool, back in high school we used to chill every night at a mutual friend's house, usually the three of us would lay in the field and look up at the stars and just talk.

Usually drunk but eh. Relationship's always been platonic, although both our parents secretly want us to get together. But neither of us want that.

>> No.1321102

I've always been on more friendly terms with my female friends than my "bros." I had two male best friends over the years and they've grown asshole inferiority complexes or something. As a result of that in high school and college I had really close female friends. I always broke it off when I started feeling too less than platonic about it though.

>> No.1321112

I'm trying for this with a girl I once dated but she's making it hard as fuck for me. She keeps mistaking my attempts at friendliness for sexual advances which isn't good because I doubt she looks at me like that anymore. It keeps making for awkward instances.

>> No.1321115

People here usually lie saying "but i've a friend! gf! a life" But this is true, one of my best friends is a girl, two years older than me and hipster as fuck in clothing and taste. Still she likes to mosh, drink cheap wine with juice and insult normal girls.

She's fucking awesome, sadly she has a new bf and he hates me, and my gf hates her.

>> No.1321117






>> No.1321124

I've been that before quite a few times
Unfortunately, guys usually muck it up by getting all emotional over you, then if you don't feel it back, they get insulted and no longer want to just be friends because you bruised their fragile ego. Sorry, but some girls really do just want to be friends, it's often much nicer than trying to force a relationship with someone who doesn't do it for you & doesn't see that you wouldn't do it for them, but has glorified you into something because they're not used to being just friends. Ok ,that's all, I swear

>> No.1321125

if you can't just be normal good friends with a girl you are p bad at life

>> No.1321130


I keep all good friends at arm throw's length, that doesn't really help.

>> No.1321134

Yeah I know what you mean, I used to feel bad turning down guys that I like to chill with because they were funny. But c'mon, a girl hangs out with you twice with friends, it doesn't mean she wants to date you. You should be content with friendship yknow?

>> No.1321144
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I have that. It's with my cousin though. We're best friends and there's no sexual tension. I think of her as a sister I never had.

>> No.1321146

If only it could be simple.
But of course you know it never works out evenly.
The guy who only wants that from me will seem irresistible, or something like that

>> No.1321149

I had this once and it was fantastic, except for the feelings I had for her that I had to keep to myself. In retrospect, my friendship with said female was actually limiting my own development. I never bothered to go find a girlfriend, because I already had the perfect one, sans sex.

>> No.1321150


Same here, it's hard to care about anyone else when you feel emotionally fulfilled with a friend.

>> No.1321151

I have this, but there is a little bit of underlying sexual tension if only because she has a boyfriend. I try not to get too close to her when we hang out out of respect for him.

>> No.1321173
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Incorrect, OP, I have felt this experience with a girl before, but that's because I am gay and we get women to be our friends easily.

>> No.1321178

I had this in high school. Her friends were total bitches about it though. Like it was so out of the ordinary that I should be scorned.

>> No.1321242


>> No.1321268


Wait, you can do that? I tried that with my cousin and it didn't exactly work out >.<

>> No.1321276
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The last two best friends i had over the last 3 years have been women.

I fall in love with them and then I take myself out of the picture by doing something degrading or acting like an asshole so they would start to loathe me.

I love them so much that I won't allow them to be with someone like me.

>> No.1321279

god, why are people so weird

>> No.1321286
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You, sir, are a true hero.

>> No.1321291


Soldier, you've earned yourself a medal.

>> No.1321292

I have plenty of girlfriends I can talk about prudish stuff without feeling any tensions.

Even a neurotic stalker.

>> No.1321301

my only friend died

>> No.1321302
File: 25 KB, 259x400, the-sailor-who-fell-from-grace-with-the-sea-vintage-classics..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how you could have zero sexual tension with someone of the opposite sex unless you were raised with and/or related to them. Don't people of the opposite sex always flirt a little. Hell I'm pretty sure I flirt a teeny bit with gay dudes too. Without flirting and that bit of sexual tension social interactions would be ten times less fun. The only downside I find is that some people see interest when it actually isn't there. I have yet to find a kind way to tell someone that I'm not attracted to them. Wat do /lit/?

Also, pic /lit/ related to keep it relevant,
It's what I'm reading.

>> No.1321305


It's okay. He rose from the dead three days later.

>> No.1321307

my ex-girlfriend was my best and only friend. Starting 3 summers ago, we would spend about 14 hours a day with each other just hanging out, watching tv, and going on bike rides and crap.

Then she met someone at her work this past summer and left me.

Should've seen it coming. Oh well. Her loss.

>> No.1321313


I like that attitude. I lost someone I loved that same way. I kept wishing her new guy would get out of the picture. Two months later, he got Cancer.

>> No.1321320

you don't understand, op

the sexual tension is what makes everything so alive, awesome and colorful

>> No.1321326

Sorta similar here, I met a girl who was pretty much perfect for me, and then I just ignored her. Now she wants me as a friend, and all I can say is, "Fuck that shit." I'm going to continue avoiding her for a while, and then later ask her out or something.

But yeah, I've had many close friends who happened to be girls. Just, no girl friends.

>> No.1321327

My God that's hilarious.

>> No.1321334

femanon here - my closest friend is a straight dude. Except we've been friends for so long that romance would be more weird than anything else.

>> No.1321335


going off from what /r9k/ claims, that's just what you think

>> No.1321337

yall don't talk to any girls you're not attracted to?

>> No.1321342

I have this. She is more like a man than a woman in personality but she's beautiful at the same time. I wouldn't say the sexual tension is nonexistent, but there isn't much of it.

>> No.1321343


Hah! The biggest social failures are the tripfags, who would've thought.

>> No.1321346

There is a girl I have been getting to be friends with lately. She is a lesbian though, so no sexual tension. Also, since she is a lesbian, it is super easy to talk about how hot chicks are with her. Pretty much like a dude as a friend, except she gets invited to all-girl sleepovers.

>> No.1321349

probably. Sucks to be him, I guess.

>> No.1321354

That's a terrible strategy. Having a friend who you thought wasn't interested come out of no where to hit on you is strange as fuck.

Having a friend ignore you, and then do the above is even stranger.

The thing which moves people into the 'friend zone' is the mind-set/character which leads to inaction, rather than the proximity itself. You fix the character, not the proximity.

>> No.1321363

No joke, I laughed for a minute straight.

>> No.1321392


The two always seem to go hand in hand. I only befriend girls I'm attracted to and I always become attracted to the girls I befriend.

I just look for the same things out of best friends and lovers, I used to joke around that it would be so much easier if I were gay.

>> No.1321402
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I had that exact scenario with a girl for a couple of weeks, and then we started fucking. Woohoo. Its a really great relationship.

>> No.1321403

I've been best friends with a guy and another girl since about 7th grade. He's black, she's half Mexican, both of them got teased relentlessly for chilling with a white girl but ah well. They're like siblings to me, but closer. We've all slept in the same bed countless times, seen each other naked, talked about periods and wet dreams, told everything about our sex lives, etc. There's definitely been a few awkward moments, but we're such good friends that it was easy to just laugh at them instead of feeling humiliated. Like the time I got pinworms and was horribly embarrassed, or the time the guy got a handjob from another guy and felt guilty and unsure of himself. We start off feeling bad, then end up spilling the story and end up feeling good thanks to each other. Sometimes you just gotta know when to laugh at yourself and if you don't, then it's great to have someone to tell you when to. I guess I'm lucky to have such close friends.

>> No.1321421
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Except for the pin-worms and man-on-man handjob, pic related.

>> No.1321430
File: 13 KB, 450x300, 1286060122832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, it did come off like a high school "Who I Consider My Hero and Why" story dinnit?

>> No.1321434

This is what Harry Potter would be like if it were set in America and you can't deny that the popular imagination of a generation would have been improved with an interracial infusion of pinworms and gay handjobs

>> No.1321440
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1287423772976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, /lit/.