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13209336 No.13209336 [Reply] [Original]

Mysticism BTFO by based Hegel

>Still less must this complacency which abjures Science claim that such rapturous haziness is superior to Science. This prophetic talk supposes that it is staying right in the centre and in the depths, looks disdainfully at determinateness (Horos), and deliberately holds aloof from Notion and Necessity as products of that reflection which is at home only in the finite. But just as there is an empty breadth, so too there is an empty depth; and just as there is an extension of substance that pours forth as a finite multiplicity without the force to hold the multiplicity together, so there is an intensity without content, one that holds itself in as a sheer force without spread, and this is in no way distinguishable from superficiality. The power of Spirit is only as great as its expression, its depth only as deep as it dares to spread out and lose itself in its exposition. Moreover, when this non-conceptual, substantial knowledge professes to have sunk the idiosyncrasy of the self in essential being, and to philosophize in a true and holy manner, it hides the truth from itself: by spurning measure and definition, instead of being devoted to God, it merely gives free rein both to the contingency of the content within it, and to its own caprice. Such minds, when they give themselves up to the uncontrolled ferment of [the divine] substance, imagine that, by drawing a veil over self-consciousness and surrendering understanding they become the beloved of God to whom He gives wisdom in sleep; and hence what they in fact receive, and bring to birth in their sleep, is nothing but dreams

How will Evola-fags and Guenon-fags ever recover?

>> No.13209563

Hegel was already irreparably btfo by a Vedantin, there's no coming back from this one I'm sorry anon


>> No.13209686

>mysticism btfo by Hegel
it really depends on how you interpret Hegel, or which secondary material you read.
everyone from idealists to materialists claim Hegel as an inspiration.

>> No.13209784
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Certainly, Reason is Divine.

>> No.13210254

lol, it looks like he's talking about himself to be honest.

>> No.13210665

based lenin reading Hegel but just crossing out any reference to God

>> No.13210711

That's the point.

>> No.13210741


He's ALWAYS talking about himself.

>> No.13210748

Evola was a Hegelian though, he just seen where we were going on the tracks a bit

>> No.13212457

This is only critical of a certain type of mysticism. There could also be, as it were, a Hegelian mysticism. Not all mysticism has to hold to this definition.