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13208545 No.13208545 [Reply] [Original]

this book is fucking garbage and its insulting that its always mentioned in conjunction with 1984 and BNW. i legitimately think the only reason its popular is bc schools needed something to convince kids not to burn books so they could keep selling them harry potter at scholastic fairs

>> No.13208945

I wanted to read this but I have seen a lot of people shitting on it. Should I read it.
My sequence for this type books is 1st 1984, 2nd We, 3rd Brave new world, 4th F451, i guess gotta skip this shit.

>> No.13208990

It's definitely the weakest of the big three of dystopian fiction, but I like it. I say give it a shot. It's less than 200 pages long and Bradbury's prose is very easy to read.