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13207859 No.13207859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Took a week off work
>No tv, no internet, no radio, no technology that I'd usually escape into
>Every morning I'd wake up about 7am, do any chores that needed doing and be finished by 8:30am
>Spent the rest of the morning until lunchtime just exercising, bodyweight, cardio, pretending I was swordfighting or sparring, practicing rolling on the floor, just anything that kept me active and moving about
>Had a shower, spent the rest of the day sat on the grass in the park just observing nature and relaxing with a book
>Came home, had a nice big piece of meat and some veggies/fruit
>Read a book until I was tired enough for bed around 10pm

What happened?

>Didn't feel the need to binge eat like I usually do. At all, not even a little bit. I even lost weight.
>I was more patient with people, way less irritable and annoyed at everything
>Felt more confident, especially as a man
>Didn't impulse buy anything, had no interest in buying anything that wasn't food or books
>Felt like I had all the time in the world
>Realised how badly technology was affecting me, and how I didn't like what it did to me
>Just a general sense of being at peace and not letting my emotions or thoughts control me in negative ways

Just try it for a week. You're all NEET's anyway and it costs you nothing but a week of your life.

>> No.13207866

Wow look, escaping from capitalism improves self worth. Who would have guessed.

>> No.13207882

It's escape from civilisation, not just capatalism you close minded fool

>> No.13207911

none of what you listed is an escape from civilization. you just used your apportioned time differently.

>> No.13207915

You used running water and electricity to shower and cook from public utilities. Your food was from farms. Your books printed by publishers. Your parks maintained by local governments. You may not have directly interacted with people, but you benighted heavily from society in almost every action you listed off. The only difference was you didn’t have a team of marketing specialists and psychologists shoving products and ideas down your throat through media. Even still, it’s still creeping in when you go to the grocery store or a book shop, just it’s classic 80s consumerism instead of modern hip technology based consumerism. It’s all the same shit. You never escaped completely, you just distances yourself from your own time period, which funny enough, is the only semblance of worth your life will have in the long run of human history.

>> No.13207927

t. Pedantic retards

>> No.13207928

>Goes on holiday
>Is relaxed and energised
Wow. I am agape with wonder.

>> No.13207956


I think there's validity to this but I also think much of it just comes down to "ignorance is bliss"
Living the "connected" life bombards you with information more than your humble brain is capable of processing without strain
Remove all that slow things down to a speed it's more comfortable with and yeah things become easy HOWEVER this is just a short term solution to a long term problem
Eventually one way or another our brains have to evolve unfortunately we all may have been born in a time where the growing pains are particularly bad but I suppose that's exactly why a tempered approach will serve us well
Either way remember stagnation means death seeking regression out of comfort is a fool's path

>> No.13208063

>Muh technology bad. Baadddd. I ain't no sheeple like you. dont'z ya know our evil government is poisoining us.

>> No.13208109

All of that is true

>> No.13208112

add involuntary conscription and rampant infectious diseases and you'll truly be a man of the olden times

>> No.13208147

>everyone died of war and disease before the industrial revolution
Where from did modern man come if all of his ancestors died?

>> No.13208153

the 1 out of 8 children who lived that the father sired when he was 16, of course

>> No.13208165
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>> No.13208185

Is that a problem? On one hand the media doesn't want more kids, but on the other says we need more people (immigrants) for dem programs. Besides, there is no inherent benefit to having 7 billion "people" over <1 billion
See above

>> No.13208939

>It's escape from civilisation
No it isn't. You'd have had to go live innawoods that whole week if you wanted to escape from civilization.

>> No.13208992

THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME. Good job, OP! Gonna try it next time I have a few days off.

>> No.13209026
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, CFC92011-DCA7-48C6-8F5A-D4B225F118A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird to see this thread. I’m spending the next week doing something similar (minus the autism). I’m a chronically unproductive person and simply have no drive to do anything that I know intellectually I should. I’ve read every bit of advice on changing my lifestyle and mental framework yet nothing seems urgent, weighty, important, or simply manageable, if that makes sense. Yet at the same time I spend most of my time reading and researching things online. I’m like an information addict and probably read the equivalent of 100 articles a day. This would be healthy if heavily moderated, but it’s like I trained my mind to only enjoy the search and acquisition of novel information.

I’m trying to “fast” from information and entertainment for a week or more in the hope that it clears my head. The idea is that if I stop the intake of so much information, my mind can “refresh” itself and be motivated for normal things (work, exercise, hobbies, girls). I need to be mentally hungry again. Cal Newport has written on this a bit in Digital Minimalism I think, though I haven’t picked up the book.

I’ve always felt a profound clarity after vacations, even when I don’t enjoy the vacation much. I think part of this is due the cessation of information overload while away. I’m letting my mind digest what’s in it and reorient itself to the world. Who fucking knows if this’ll work though, I just hope it does.

>> No.13209039

Man was a mistake.

>> No.13209045

>no stockpiling coffee

>> No.13209114

>attempting to somehow plug in your hate for the most successful economical practice
kys commie faggot. these things are likely made due to the freedom and ability capitalism provides but is by no means specific to it. everyone in the world is reaping the benefits of products made by capitalist society

>> No.13209116

Yeah what does this mean anon.

>> No.13209125

I stockpile coffee inside my body. Have a habit of drinking way too much coffee. I used that word because I didn’t expect to be taking a photo of my notebook and posting it to 4chan

>> No.13209127

this is what missing the entire point looks like

>> No.13209137

What is ‘the Motte’?
>unless it super important
Careful now

>> No.13209145

>agape with wonder
>not philia with wonder

>> No.13209148

The only escape you have from civilisation is through death

>> No.13209152

why are you analyzing my diary goy

>> No.13209158

Back to work! bossman wants new yacht

>> No.13209167

>oh no I think I’m wrong
>better call them retards with no explanation

>> No.13209181

>economic success = human success

>> No.13209239

Do you stockpile urine and shit in your body too?

>> No.13209265

>no R browsing
you know where you should go back

>> No.13209312

Just answer the question.

>> No.13209344

No, coffee has a laxative effect

Google, should be top result

>> No.13209518

addiction to searching. i know how that goes pal. you dont need to know everything.

>> No.13209601

>doing pointless shit
At least replace workout with actual physical work or gardening or something

>> No.13209655

Yes I come to 4chan to learn how to live my life

>> No.13209665

>Can't even control his bowels.
You're pathetic and weak.

>> No.13209680

Lol everything in this thread has convinced me OP is right. We're all miserable cunts behind a screen. I have to get out of here. Fuck every last one of you retards and fuck me, too.

>> No.13209745
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I'm with you mate. Fuck you and fuck me and fuck this place. Using 4chan and the internet too much leads to isolation and desolation.

>> No.13209751

I'm here because of isolation, not isolated as a result

>> No.13209762
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Should I just get rid of my smartphone? I’m scared of the consequences. Ted was right. What starts off as a luxury ends up a necessity

>> No.13209785

Yes, you really should. Unfortunately, however, for most jobs these days you have to be able to call and text so just get a dumb phone that can only do that.

>> No.13209789

>bloo-bloo society bad, technology bad
Go back to the caves then and hunt wild animals with wood sticks, losers.

>> No.13209801

That's not legal, so no. Change the laws or I will change the amount of bombs in the mail system

>> No.13209807
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The forest must win.

>> No.13209825
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>still believes in the communism-capitalism dichotomy
God you are so fucking braindead. Maybe stop watching Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro for a day sweete.

>> No.13210000

Modern medicine was a mistake

>> No.13210022
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Duuuuuuuuh buuuuuh buuhduuuuhbuuuuh duuuuuuh buuuuuh

>> No.13210023

No reason you can do this during work days?

>> No.13210024

>Spent the rest of the morning until lunchtime just exercising, bodyweight, cardio, pretending I was swordfighting or sparring, practicing rolling on the floor, just anything that kept me active and moving about