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13204013 No.13204013 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite book, last interaction with a female that wasn't your mom or from your family, your age, author that you think is not only based, but also redpilled

>Petersburg by Andrei Bely
>I was in the hallway drinking protein shake when a cute girl from my class passed by and said "hi anon" i looked at her and said "hi". this was 3 years ago.

>> No.13204035

>Disciplin and Punish by Michel Foucault
>Met my female friend/ex love interest at a river and drank red and white wine, went with her to the city, met her mother and little brother, went with her to a bar and met a friend of hers and another female friend of ours, and drank beers and talked about music.

>> No.13204053

>Suttree/Mrs. Dalloway
>went out for drinks with my friend and his gf, last week had a final night hanging out with a fuckbuddy of a few months before we both finished undergrad

>> No.13204626

did they start making out and left you feeling sad and pathetic? i never hang out with one of my friends because of this.

>> No.13204642

this is the most pathetic attempt at a thread. hang yourselves. no one wants to read your fucking blog posts, faggots.

>> No.13204659

no it was a good time they got back from travelling in spain so we just talked about that. sorry to hear that anon that's inconsiderate of your friends.

>> No.13204671

yikes, let's unpack this... who hurt you? it's almost as if you're an incel. hmm, nevermind, you are an incel. oh sweet summer child

>> No.13204687

>Something wicked this way comes
>Standing outside class, lone black girl was there as well so we started talking, ended up talking for thirty minutes (think we might share a mutual attraction), last friday
>Don't care

>> No.13204699

>Divine comedy
>girlfriend three days ago (she’s on a trip with family now), honestly don’t remember what we did

>> No.13204708

is this a joke?

>> No.13204712

are you black? if not, do you speak to blacks with that little thang in your accent, that ghettospeak? i want to talk to blacks in an ironic blackspeak y'know like "sup nephew, we be bustin them hoes in the library knowhatimsayin, already read two play-doh dialogues this day, gonna read thee-teetus tomorrow y'know, yo, brother, toss me that pigskin, yea, toss me that old book n shit, that one with the hardcover, mortimer adler or somethin, i'mma read this one on the way home"
honestly, i don't know why people hate blacks so much, their accent is funny as fuck, and they don't seem to know how to express themselves

>> No.13204743

I'm the whitest guy in class.
Don't speak like that anon, it makes you seem retarded.
I do make black jokes to my friend, but that's because he makes fun of my whiteness to, I'd never say them to a black girl because they'd beat the shit out of you.

>> No.13204757

i'm not american so i'll probably never have the chance to do that but yeah, i know blacks chimp out on that kind of stuff. i think they should ease a bit and let whypipo say the n word because if not, a whole white generation who grew up with black culture will feel alienated and revolted, and a race war will erase them both, leaving the us to the asians and latinos

>> No.13204776

>black people need to let white people said nigger or there will be no choice but a race war


>> No.13204783 [DELETED] 

nigger lover

>> No.13204785

It's true though attempting to restrict speech is an assault on freedom you feel good beliefs idiot.

>> No.13204792

I'm not american either though.
That N word pass is a yikes from me though.
Most black people are cool with the occasional "basket ball, fried chicken or grape soda" joke but some faggots aren't.
In a perfect world, white people and black people would openly be able to make fun of each others stereotypes.

>> No.13204801

>Cities of the red night
>just kissed my girlfriend after getting home from work

>> No.13204809

do you like people actively supressing your speech? didn't you learn with your mother that you "shouldn't say bad works like f*ck and sh*t!!"? how did that go? i bet you say f*ck and sh*t and even worse things nowadays. don't mess with free speech yo, people really like saying what they want, especially when it's harmless, arbitrary stuff like "nigga". i can understand why blacks don't want to be called nigger, but they get beyond enraged if a white kid says nigga when listening to rap, and that makes no sense. don't they remember how they were treated like not even a century ago? they should take the opportunity that whypipo consume their culture so much

>> No.13204832

>Cities of the red night
I've hear that's the easiest and best Burroughs book. I tried reading the Nova Trilogy and thought it was absolute trash with no discernable talent. I might give this one a go, why do you like it so much?

>> No.13204845


im not advocating for some kind of anti-hate speech legislation, im saying that it is insane to think that free speech means black people should not be allowed get mad at you for saying culturally insensitive shit. if you go to another country and say insensitive shit about their ethnicity or way of life people would get mad at you and no one would think twice about it even if it didn't make sense. in some countries smiling at a stranger or giving a thumbs up or ok sign is very impolite, it's stupid arbitrary shit but there's reasons for it and you're an autistic child if you insist on doing shit that offends people just because it doesn't make sense to you why it offends them. it is simple as that. basic courtesy is usually arbitrary and that's especially clear interacting with different cultures. get over your faggot chan shit and live in the real world where thinking that not being allowed to say nigger is casus belli for a race war is schizophrenic

>> No.13204872

the difference is black people say whatever they like to whites all the time, but I can tell you are just going to handwave this away with some meme about power imbalances. Anyway enjoy cosntantly deferring to barely sapient retards on pain of total ostraciziation, definitely a normal social situation

>> No.13204875

But surely you recognize that attempting to stop people from saying nigger escalates racism?

>> No.13204876

I’m 28 too. Is life over for us?

>> No.13204889

you're taking the 'race war' thing too seriously, and i hadn't even thought how about the whole "not being allowed to say nigger is casus belli for a race war" is actually pretty funny, and i have to write a short story about it. anyway, see >>13204809 this is what i meant. i just think blacks are too 'offensive', and 'fuck whitey' at the moment. i understand their rage, given their past treatment, but i think that eventually they'll simply make average, white people, who actually want to integrate with their culture, turn away from them into a more ethno nationalistic view, that is on the rise. not because they aren't allowed to say nigger, but because blacks, in general, have a pretty offensive attitude to white kids

>> No.13204896

>favorite book
this is hard, perhaps calderon's life is a dream or pushkins evgeni onegin
>last interaction with a female that wasn't your mom or from your family
random women i talk with on my train trips, besides that few girls i talked to in passing years ago before i quit law school
>your age
>author that you think is not only based, but also redpilled
mishima, but i never read him, although id want to

>> No.13204903
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I'm not 28, but if you think about how long people live, and then compare your life, I'd say not quite. You're still as young as you'll ever be so make the most of it! remember 35 is still prime years and it's really not that bad until 50 depending on what happens to you.
We'll see if I agree with this post in a few years when I ge to 28.

>> No.13204905

I can answer the first and last:
>Sex and Character
>Adolf Hitler

>> No.13204941

Life after your 30s is just a massive cope, lol. You just work and build a family with someone you don't really like so you don't die alone. Your friends turn away to their own family, and there's nothing much to do in your spare time, other than go out and drink with people you don't really care about, and there's nothing much to do in life other than seek for empty career goals, that will secure some money for you later in life, but with no improvement on your happiness. Life ends at 25, at best, 28. That's the peak of a man's power, in looks, testosterone, and social ability. After that it's just cope. It's also sad that for some people they didn't enjoy the pre peak that is the 15-22 years old. Some even call this THE peak of a man's life. Living carelessly, having sex with multiple hot girls, or experiencing innocent teenage love. Imagine living through this period feeling alone and sad haha what a pathetic existence!

>> No.13204944

>The Day of the Locust
>recently went over to a friend’s house to sell a shirt to her roommate. Brief, but nice interaction.
>Lacan (sorry not sorry)

>> No.13204950

you are mistaken in your opinion from where the sadness comes
really, people who are sad wouldn't be any better if they lived hedonistically like you do because they are sad due to their own mentality

>> No.13204955

legally trying to stop people or exaggerating every instance of it into a "hate crime", yeah, that's stupid and a counterproductive strategy for something that would probably naturally fade out of relevance in a couple generations if the base problems facing black people were dealt with

>inb4 x y and z police and redlining dindu nuffin cucks

>the difference is black people say whatever they like to whites all the time

completely untrue. I'm sure you have some anecdotal evidence about teenagers making fun of you or a black lady being loud being tantamount to verbal assault, or some "i can tell u never lived around them" shit (my city born and raised and residing is 60% black), or some ragebait screencaps of college SJWs on twitter that you people farm, but i promise you in the real world rude black people are held as accountable as anyone else, sometimes more, and I definitely admit sometimes less but only in a minority of especially onions infested places that seem far more prevalent than they are when you see the world A. through chans and social media algorithms tailored for maximum engagement (i.e. outrage) and/or B. through academic institutions where arrogant liberals have their safe spaces and token pets

>> No.13204962


>> No.13204969

normies who lived hedonistically aren't sad, they're just empty later in life because everyone is empty later in life. at least, they had fun in their young age. they lived romantically and don't regret any of it. what about people who not only lived feeling empty through the ages of 15-28, but also feels empty at the ages of 30-50? can you imagine that? what a sad sad turn of events that must be!

>> No.13204981

ive lived that way because i cant find any enjoyment in things you describe
this "emptiness" has simply been a constant in my life

>> No.13204992

Divine Comedy

My gf in the phone (in person yesterday), my boss in person.


Carl Schmitt

>> No.13205083

oh boo hoo you massive faggot, with a mindset like that you're genuinely and unironically never going to make it.

>> No.13205206

Have sex.

>> No.13206487

Have sex

>> No.13206524

No favourites. Long list of recommendations upon request

Talking with my lady-friend today. We got to talking about the monthly for some reason and she claimed she was synchronizing to me. We laughed. She’s so sweet.


Ursula K. Le Guin

>> No.13206573

You are not welcome here.

>> No.13206584

Haha, yeah right.

Anyway keep wearing that collar, okay? You’ll be fine :3

Don’t be afraid to admit to doing things for me.

>> No.13206597

>discord call with my girlfriend
>WG Sebald

>> No.13206611

>Captain underpants
Fuck you I have fond memories of my childhood
>Girl that I'm trying to fuck at work asked me jokingly if I wanted to pay her student loans, said "absolutely not, I don't even buy stuff for my girlfriend"
>Stephen Covey
Dude sold millions of copies of a self-help book full of bullshit anecdotes. Motherfucker literally created a word so that he had reasons to go speak at corporate seminars. HE 'SYNERGIZED' CAPITALISM

>> No.13206623

>Called a coworker to make sure she had a ride to work (I was borrowing her van)
>Oswald Spengler

>> No.13206624
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>open thread
>seems interesting
>get about 8 posts down
>see this shit
>post reply and close thread

>> No.13206626
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I sound my hole to the thought of the slinky butterfly tranny pedo :3

>> No.13206632

contemporary public transport pretty much proves Rosa Parks was in the wrong

>> No.13206634

it's the tripfaggots that attract this bad attention

>> No.13206637
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discipline and punish
yesterday, my friend texted me about bringing me some stuff i left with her

shit i wrote mine before reading this

>> No.13206648


>> No.13206649
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>Absalom, Absalom
>seen my therapist, whomstve a female

>> No.13206651

> Catch 22
> interacting with a cashier as I bought cider and coffee grounds
> 23

>> No.13206658


>> No.13206683

Human All Too Human by Nietzsche
I can't even remember.
Nietzsche again.

>> No.13206747

The pictures you posted looked very young, if you are 46, you've done a very good job of taking care of your body

>> No.13206764

t. cracker

>> No.13206985
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>> No.13206994

It's a lesbian I think, probably hasn't had children.

>> No.13207100

>party a few days ago

>> No.13207105

>On The Genealogy of Morals
>Conversation about 45 minutes ago with fren's gf

>> No.13207117

>Moby Dick
>Slept with a girl over a month ago, haven’t talked to a woman since

>> No.13207154

>Less than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis
>Korean friend from high school came back to town for homecoming, we spent the day cruising around town and getting drunk while watching movies.
> Malcolm X

>> No.13207222

>The Pale King
>I liked a girls Instagram posts that contained her bare feet, then thought better of it and removed some and liked other photos that didn't have her feet showing so she wouldn't be creeped out. I also know where she lives and think about what sorts of shoes she might throw out. I think the seasonal change might mean the time to harvest may be soon.

>> No.13207301


>> No.13207317

>Blood Meridian
>Talking with a female friend from university

>> No.13207568
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>> No.13207665

>Magic Mountain by Mann / maybe even Walks with Walser too atm
>Returned a smile to a girl from my college on my way to class. Just got back from class.

>> No.13207695

>Runaway Horses
>Said hello to a coworker

>> No.13207710

>Qt from college invited me to go to the lake with her and her and some mutual friends. I couldn't because I had a trip for work I had to go on. Told her we should hang out after my trip and she told me text her when I get back.

>> No.13207836
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>Lord Of the Flies
>Just got back from a concert with a thot a couple of hours ago
>Camus or McCarthy

>> No.13207862

>also Absalom, Absalom
>buttfucked my gf this morning in bed before making her tea and sending her off to do some work at her friend's house

>> No.13207920

>Most of my friends are girls. I was talking to them just earlier today.
>Confucius, Sartre, Epicurus, Plato

>> No.13208099
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Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.
>Swimming with a young girl in the backyard pool. Her parents out of sight. Underwater wrestling.
Haruki Murakami.

>> No.13208114

Chick’s got a really punchable face

>> No.13208119


>> No.13208838

>Growth of the Soil
>A girl I work with drove me home from the place im moving into in August where I was setting up the garden. Other than that I pumped 3 nuts into some roastess last Thursday after an impromptu meeting and it was excellent. She was after a relationshit and I am incapable of deception so she could tell right away I was not interested. I will not be seeing her again unfortunately.
>the guy who wrote the book where >50% of the words were nigger and he posted it here a while back

>> No.13208899

Is it patrician to have a fetish for girls wallowing in mud?

>> No.13208991

>mason & dixon
>went on a date with a qt international art student from china last month, was her first kiss
>mo yan

>> No.13209053

Those pictures are from fucking ages ago, dude. They were dumped on here a LONG time ago, and no one knows for sure that they were ever her either.

>> No.13210214

probably still infinite jest
no joke 69ing with the gf
dumb meme William Gaddis

>> No.13210233

>Molloy - Samuel Beckett
>eating lunch with my gf while watching sean of the dead

>> No.13210701

this picture pisses me off so fucking much

>> No.13210731

Why can't she slip those socks off and go barefoot? ;_;

>> No.13210818
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>I was in the hallway drinking protein shake when a cute girl from my class passed by and said "hi anon" i looked at her and said "hi". this was 3 years ago.

Maybe the funniest piece of writing I've ever seen on this board. Astounding

>> No.13210825

Something wicked this way comes

Absolutely top tier taste, what's your favourite part of the book and why?

>> No.13210974

I'm reading Petersburg myself. It slaps.

>Under the Volcano
>About two hours ago, got concert tickets (punk show) and coffee with gf before work. Coworker of ours we wanna tag team popped in to say hello to us too, if that counts.

>> No.13211215

>The Pale King
>if I don't include banal interactions with female coworkers who are all 45+ years old, I honesly don't remember. It's been a while.

>> No.13211319
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>blood meridian
>fucked my girlfriend I live with before work this morning but then got a blowjob from one of the nurses here at the hospital a few hours ago at lunch

>> No.13211420

>Arabian Nights
>Currently texting with my ex gf (she still wants me to do stuff for her, even though I dumped her almost a year ago)

>> No.13211534

>Mumbo Jumbo
>I paid a white domina to play the racist and cruel mother of one of my elementary school friends and to cane me unless I safeworded. She was so proud of me taking every stroke she actually laid be down upon her dungeons bed, a set piece reserved for the highly popular "cuckold" roleplay of the day, but in our case a setting for a more conventional joining, Mistress springing my BBC from Chastity and applying medicinal THC ointments to my fresh wounds earned in service of her amusements, she joined her feet at the ankles and created between them a pocket that I was order to enter and so amuse her by being such a good "colored boy.'

>> No.13211572

Phoneposters don't have the right to laugh at anybody.

>> No.13211633
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>Favourite Book
Bronze Age Mindset
>last interaction with a womyn
Probably VC with one of two Bi girls that want me to impregnate them simultaneously, otherwise asking front desk girl at a fastenal place if they have thread gage last week
>Based Author
Cody R Wilson

>> No.13211648

>The Old Man and the Sea
>my gf, this afternoon
>Arturo Pérez-Reverte

>> No.13211652

>War and Peace by Tolstoi
>Kissed my fiancee before leaving for uni (Phd in Law)
>hard to say.

>> No.13211660

the unconsoled
my boss said "see you tomorrow" and i said "bye!"
fleur jaeggy

>> No.13211675


>> No.13211712

>Herodotus' Histories
>Had a phone call with an old uni friend earlier today but that doesn't count

>> No.13212270

In a perfect world there wouldn't even be black people to male fun of, anon.