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13202979 No.13202979 [Reply] [Original]

Books that talk about how Shin Megami Tensei is real?

>> No.13203028


>> No.13203046
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>> No.13203065

Does Jung actually believe in the existence of demons or are they just psychological symbols for him?

>> No.13203083


>> No.13203092

Avestas have a similar philosophy in regards that other Gods are just high powerlevel demons and so on.

>> No.13203112

he believed they actually exist. which is why he is a fringe psychologist for crackpots to this day

>> No.13203117

>Jung is fringe
You're retarded

>> No.13203136

I’d be interested to see where he talks about the existence of demons. He is academically accepted, after all

>> No.13203206

I don't think Jung says that these thought forms are real in the sense of the term referring to the material (carbon, wood, iron, steel or silicon) but that they have a certain autonomy and can "hold" in time and manifest themselves.

According to legend, the day Jung died, a lightning bolt split his favorite tree in two. The gardener worked on the place and planted a new seed, which germinated.

Clearly Jung found something.

>> No.13203385

Thanks for sharing anon, that reminds me of the lighting bolt that struck after Jesus died on the cross.
Where do you recommend that I start with Jung?

>> No.13203396

>when you're jumping around boards and forget if you're on /x or /it

>> No.13204024

I want to fuck mastema

>> No.13204226

tha bibble