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13202064 No.13202064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are 15 books that will help me respect women?

>> No.13202071

Do you mean on principle or as writers?

>> No.13202087


On principle

>> No.13202092

Jane Eyre convinced me women can write, after all.

>> No.13202102


>> No.13202105

Is there anything sadder than actual boomers who have trapped themselves in a mental prison where they have to constantly parrot ever changing neoliberal-compliant sentiments that they have come to associate with the perceived radicalism of the 60's hippy mythology that is the crux of their incredibly limited sense of person?

>> No.13202725

>Read a book but not like a book that disagrees with me. Read this particular book and dare not read anything else
Leftoids are gross

>> No.13202824
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Respect is a loaded term.

It would be better to ask for 15 books that will help you UNDERSTAND women, and then you can decide after that if you want to respect them (or if they have earned your respect, however you view respect, you get what I mean).

>> No.13202831

>50 shades not included
but that book and the phenomenon of it in popular culture are literally some of the most revealing glimpses into the mind and soul of women

>> No.13202838
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>> No.13202840

Read Montherlant

>> No.13202866


>> No.13202871

Why is respecting women important?

>> No.13202876

I’ve watched too much porn and have watched women in real life act like the women in porn to ever be able to respect that despicable sex.

>> No.13202888

This. My mom had a daughter a few years (so my half sister). She's only four but has already grown up on pop music and YouTube videos. She literally sticks her ass out all the time like it's funny and I'm the only one that says anything. Shit's fucked

>> No.13202903

and specifically excluding it is a most revealing glimpse into the ideology promoted by the tweet.

>> No.13202919

I had to put down The Bell Jar when she started bashing manlets. Why should I learn to respect them when I know they already hate me.

>> No.13202924

Watching porn is the fucking problem. You've damaged your brain

>> No.13202929

What kind of megacuck do you have to be to respect an entire gender based on a couple of books? You should respect individuals, not groups.

>> No.13202934

>expose yourself to reality
>"You've damaged your brain"

>> No.13202935

how young are you?

>> No.13202940

the only female author I like is Emily Bronte, and in the same vein as Alexandre Dumas there are always those exceptions that prove the rule that women and minorities cannot write.

>> No.13202942

I’ve met enough women happy to throw away love or any higher goal the moment they find something bigger to shove in themselves. Porn was right about their nature. The problem is that it tries to celebrate it.

>> No.13202996

Honestly the only truly great female author I've ever come across is Marilynne Robinson with her books Gilead, Housekeeping and Lila. Interestingly Housekeeping, the first book she wrote is, in my opinion, her best. Other than her though I really cannot think of another fantastic female writer.

There's something that's been on my mind for a while though. Despite men being the absolute titans of every field, from literature to cooking to physics to chess to sculpture and so on, the middle ground is almost always (some exceptions occur) dominated by women. Then when you reach the lower end of the bell curve you reach the utter dogshit people and they tend to be men again.

It's like women have less variation, and so proportionally dominate the middle ground which represent the rough limits of their variation, compared with men who are spread out further towards the extremes. So, to use books as an example, while there are many many hugely popular female writers, the writers that are down in history as transcendentally talented are almost always men (this of course necessitates the distinction between good and popular - JK Rowling is popular, but far from good).

I makes a bit of sense from an evolutionary biology perspective. Think about it: men are disposable, so there is not so much pressure on them to adopt traits that guarantee 'stability' i.e. less variation between individuals. Women however are the bottle neck for the species, so it's better to guarantee as many are fit to serve their biological purpose, which means no frills, which actively puts pressure on the safe middle ground. Thus men are more likely to produce both immensely gifted and unbelievably shitty individuals in terms of their proficiency in a given field.

Thoughts, lads?

>> No.13202999

How old are you?

>> No.13203014

Have you had sex before?

>> No.13203018


>> No.13203020


You're exactly right and this is true for 99.99% of examples you can think of.

Even life itself. most CEOs, presidents etc are men. But then so are most homeless and suicides.

>> No.13203032

Most women don't respect themselves, why should I bother?

>> No.13203043

You always hear women complaining about how men dominate this or that, when first of all they never say why that shouldn't be the case to begin with since there's nothing in the natural world to suggest that men and women are equal at everything and there's fucking tons of evidence to suggest that they aren't in many ways. But the big second thing they miss or neglect to mention or just straight up don't know about is that men are so much more fucked compared to women in almost every way. Suicides, homelessness, life expectancy, incarcerations, working the worst jobs, divorce law etc. etc.

Now, I don't necessarily think that men shouldn't have this fraction of shitty and hard done by guys, in fact I would predict it going by this little theory I've developed, but women seem to want it both ways. They want to remove men from their top positions, but don't want to help lift men up from the bottom.

Makes me annoyed, ngl.

>> No.13203098

yes, an incel on 4chan jumping through mental hoops to justify his biases and shit on others who have different opinions.

>> No.13203109

Have some more. Missionary style

>> No.13203115

I barely respect men as a group, there is no reason to respect women as a group. Respect is such a meme word in modern discourse anyway

>> No.13203143

Stop being so negative and judging.

>> No.13203152

This is a post of the highest quality, thank you anon

>> No.13203155

Define 'respect'

>> No.13203165

Worship them, buy their premium Snapchat, and marry them when they are 30

>> No.13203171

>marry them when they are 30
oh I see, after they've 'had their fun', right?

>> No.13203183

Actually, it's called "discovering themselves" and "traveling." Get it right, incel

>> No.13203208

Based incel basher. We need more anti /pol/ sentiment.

>> No.13203264

Imagine thinking that someone lives a miserable life because he doesn’t read novels written by women

>> No.13203277

Well, love of women is the only mark of an enjoyable life, didn't you know?

>> No.13203278

woke onion

>> No.13203280

The Quran desu

>> No.13203309

have sex

>> No.13203323

Yeah, this >>13203098 as well as men who read Machiavelli and Aurelius because a blog about masculinity told them to.

>> No.13203384

Try Anne Bronte. The tenant of wildfell hall makes an interesting sequel (of sorts) to Jane Eyre.

>> No.13203420


>> No.13203452

I had sex once five years ago, but it seems to have been a fluke.

>> No.13203491
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*ting* *ting*

>> No.13203953

The Fountainhead

>> No.13203965

>read Machiavelli and Aurelius because a blog about masculinity told them to.
implying that you can't learn how to be masculine from reading the stoics and thinking like the prince... ....
who's the brainlet here?

>> No.13204039

I know I shouldn't be fragile about this shit, but seeing this book being taught to hight school students and being propped up as a feminist masterpiece that all girls should read is legit fucking triggering to me. I felt like actual garbage after reading that segment where she bashes short guys

>> No.13204045

>sex is like how porn depicts it
How can I tell you're an incel virgin?

>> No.13204070

Post some quotes or something.

>> No.13204072
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Have children

>> No.13204074

I read books written by women all the fucking time. I'm an incel because I'm ugly, short, and socially awkward. Why can't people just accept the notion that a lot of women select based on genetic characteristics? I feel like I'm being gaslit into believing I'm a bad person just because I'm physically unattractive.

>> No.13204090

It was a whole plot point where she was meeting up with some Latin American guy for a blind date, and she was deathly afraid of him being short because Latin American guys tended be short. Her relief when he ended up being tall is legit the most depressed I've ever been reading something in my life. It triggers every insecurity a short guy feels when it comes to dating. This was also my first big experience reading "feminist literature," which probably colored my impression of the entire ideology.

>> No.13204102

you really can't, the most you can teach you is superficial things that won't fool anyone, let alone yourself
what you actually need is Jesus

>> No.13204118

You are but not just because they want you to shut up and be a good worker drone without disrupting the lives of your betters. They also don't want to admit to themselves that we don't live in a just world.

>> No.13204126

Stop thinking of women as being different people. They have access to the same language/ideas as the rest of us

>> No.13204130

thoughts on The Will to Power?

>> No.13204157

Was that it, though?

>> No.13204164

>tfw 6 ft and basically king of the manlets tier at this point

>> No.13204187

They aren't really that self-aware, but kind of yeah. https://archive.is/C6WNp "nerds aren't chad and that's why they are bad and we can shit on them" but much less flippant.

Dang, harsh. The blindspots on some people.

The size of the y chronosome is not too far off from the genetic difference between humans and chimps. Just saying.

Move to Mexico city. Millions of people and none past your chin.

>> No.13204201
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How many of them have you illiterate retards even heard of? Go do some reading for once and finish at least 70% of this list before you attempt to talk about female writers

>> No.13204270

Well, you probably already known that some scientits think men's IQ is more variable.

>> No.13204286


>> No.13204302


The Bell Jar unironically helped me interiorizing the concept of women as human beings. Even though they take every opportunity at hand to prove me wrong.

>> No.13204309

I get it. People always say that reading it has given them a better understanding of the female perspective. It just reminded me how petty and hateful they are.

>> No.13204319

I stopped expecting so much from women and it made me a lot happier.I'm also not hideous so that helps im sure

>> No.13204322

HOLY based

>> No.13204340
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>Have sex, hurr durrr.

>> No.13204349

Good women are psychologically damaged women. There are no good books about women who are not lesbians/spinsters/depressed/suicidal/weird/etc

>> No.13204357

That's because the average woman is hollow, so she can more easily fit any man.

>> No.13204368

A little kid doing things like that is so innocent it's not even worth getting worked up about.
Stay close to your sister as she grows up and don't be too preachy, you will be a strong influence on her.

>> No.13204388

Nah. She's not my kid. I'll try my best to be a good influence, but there's only so much I can do. My mom lives in a city and my sister will no doubt go to a nigger high school. I hate seeing the end before it even began. I guess if she turns out decent, it'll be all the more rewarding for me though

>> No.13204406

That's right. Step aside and let the niggers be the men in her life.

>> No.13204495

Hey, no one wants a decent upbringing. I'm far too "bigoted" to be taken seriously. Hope my family enjoys the halfbreeds and whatever

>> No.13204709

>This was also my first big experience reading "feminist literature," which probably colored my impression of the entire ideology.
bad news for you anon, it doesn't get much better. particularly if you get into anything that takes "women's knowledge" or "feminist epistemology" seriously. bunch of solipsistic hacks

>> No.13204724

>Stop thinking of women as being different people.
he hasn't read the science about brain differences

>> No.13204744

Just read less

>> No.13204754

Surely you will no have problem pointing out which posters ITT are women

>> No.13204772

Male feminists try to emulate women on top of having abnormally female brain structure. They are also different people.

>> No.13204793

My sister went to a high school full of niggers. She dated one at 14 but since then has only dated white guys.