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/lit/ - Literature

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13200304 No.13200304 [Reply] [Original]

ok this shit slaps

>> No.13200357

really enjoyed watching the new BBC version to help me picture the events, I think it detracts a little from the story that Homer’s characters are white because I don’t get the same sense of raw masculinity, but I just mentally replace them with the BBC cast

>> No.13200449

You're use of the abbreviated form of the British Broadcasting Corporation within this context makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.13200516

It’s a tidy pun that the corporation itself is aware of and lately goes out of its way to make.

>> No.13200520

>watches the BBC

>> No.13200564

And, fascist? Take a shower.

>> No.13200590

There’s actually no proof that Homer even intended many characters to be white. Considering the proximity of Greece to Africa, it’s not wild to assume that he imagined some of the characters to be black. Or to assume that Homer himself might very well have been black.

>> No.13200630

What is the best companion book to this? I'm only considering a book about greek mythology and Paideia, by Jaeger.

>> No.13200709

Bronze-age Greeks had words to describe black people (colloquially niggers) and differentiate them from native Greeks. The words "melan" and "melas" - root of melanin and melancholy - meant shrouded in shadows, overcast, sad; "Ethiopian", meaning burnt face, etc. They saw them as distinctly different and other, and Homer would have made it explicitly clear if black people featured in the Iliad.

>> No.13200762

>jew detected
Don't listen to this shill. Greeks were white as fuck. Look how many lines of dialogue reference skin colour/tone
>shoo shoo shill

>> No.13201145

>>jew detected
can i get a yikes in this club
go back to your "woe is me i'm a virgin" thread

>> No.13201245

>thread about the Iliad
>debate on race within the first 10 posts
Had to make sure I wasn’t on pol

>> No.13201302

insecure white boys, what can you do

>> No.13201304
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>companion book
Just read it lol

>> No.13201308

lmao based

>> No.13201566
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>> No.13201570
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>> No.13201656


Thoughts on how Homer stacks up against Gilgamesh or Beowulf? Or how primary epics compare to secondary ones?

>> No.13201669

> two shitposting threads about this book on the front page of one of the slowest boards on 4chan
/lit/ badly needs a devoted mod or at least a few janitors who give a fuck, this is ridiculous.

>> No.13201670

Easy. Blacks don't have long hair. That is thoroughly noted in the Iliad.

>> No.13201676

It's thoroughly noted that blacks don't have long hair in the Iliad?
First of all, no? Second of all, yes, blacks do have long hair, look up a fucking picture of Future you stupid bitch, though I deign not to post it here myself, so far am I your utter superior. It's very possible that Achilles could have had long dreads, dyed like fire for the occasion of war.

>> No.13201755

Nope his hair is not long and flowing. Blacks did not have dreads until America because they weren't smart enough to fix it that way on their own, so they'd cut it because it was a bother.

>> No.13201877

Based bait poster

>> No.13202388

Why would you even read this? Like nigga, just watch a movie with Brad Pitt.

>> No.13202397

Simone Weil's "Iliad or Poem of Force" essay.

>> No.13202400

This. Shit. Slaps. It’s soo good.
(Cancerous infection now makes it way to the spine)

>> No.13202416

Everyone knows that Homer was a black transgender woman

>> No.13202690

in odyssey odysseus mentions eurybates,that he was a black dude and on top of that had a mind most similar to odysseus.it seems very odd like this was unusual when the information is revealed .

>> No.13202793


>> No.13202837
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>> No.13202848


I am glad others think this. The Aenead is such shit, classicists read it to appear cultured and to show off their shitty latin, but it doesn't hold a candle to Homer.

>> No.13202854

kys redditfag.

>> No.13202856
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you knew it was bait, and yet you chose to respond, why?

>> No.13203220
File: 30 KB, 914x1091, BYgmMHb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg /pol/ epic bait xD
Upvoted and screenshotted for our Bros on Reddit

>> No.13203232

Haha ships are like boring bro how can anyone read this just watch marvel movies lmao