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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 227 KB, 500x743, 4679C091-3C15-4EE9-9D7C-46FC7687A6C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13197042 No.13197042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gaytheists and fagnostics are on this board right now
>they think they’re intellectual cause they watch Rock and Morty
>they reject the entire mystical world in favor of “duh I don’t see it so it be like not there and shiet”
>they will never be able to fully understand Shakespeare, Dante, or Milton like Christchads do
>”my mom made me go to church and I’m still angry”
Sorry gaytheists and fagnostics, you’ll never be able to understand literature on a higher level. Maybe repent and see what it does to you

>> No.13197050

>entire mystical world
You mean pretend bullshit that isn't real?

Call it what it is.

>> No.13197053

The only thing atheists do is to reject the idea of a deity with human traits such as the one portrayed in Christianity.

>> No.13197059

Do you have a defeater for the christiab god?

>> No.13197062


>> No.13197066

the only thing dumber than an atheist or agnostic is a christcuck

>> No.13197072

t. Based and muslimpilled

>> No.13197076

>Calling your opponents 'gaytheists' and 'fagnostics'
>I was never brought up in a religious household and I've never been to church.
>I have no problem with most religious people, except for fundamentalists and people who use religion to abuse.
>Humans are all irrational and we can believe what the fuck we want.
And yet I'm an atheist. I just don't see the evidence therefore I don't believe it. Simple. What does this do for your immature ridiculous bait post now?

>> No.13197078
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, E9EA3AB7-04B8-4305-AB0E-2982CD8B13D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I’ll call it what it is: the mystical world
Here’s your future home, by the way

>> No.13197080

>I just don't see the evidence therefore I don't believe it.
So you're an agnostic?

>> No.13197081

>haha guys bacteria isnt real

>> No.13197091
File: 186 KB, 630x384, 75F93BB0-F120-4E04-BBFA-9F8BED4FC25C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG ATHEISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13197094

>Smugly posting a picture of hell on an anime image board and saying it's some anonymous person's "future home".
Yep, that's not cringe-worthy at all.

>> No.13197097
File: 11 KB, 61x80, 1558453743457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in hell

>> No.13197098

retard atheists deny the divine in any form

>> No.13197100

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13197110

i cant wait to slaughter both christmutts and atheshits when islam takes over

>> No.13197115
File: 78 KB, 673x1024, 7DAF9A4C-FBD0-47D5-9FD9-E3F918D7E5A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything they'd still be alive, you worthless sack of shit” - Wil Wheaton
Gaytheists and fagnostics are so embarrassing

>> No.13197125

This is not how normal people talk. If you want to argue about theology, don't come to the table with insults a 5 year old could make up.

>> No.13197126

Was he wrong though?

>> No.13197131

have sex, butthurt incel

>> No.13197136

Adding to the repertoire it is, then.

>> No.13197138
File: 64 KB, 500x454, 32B02FD1-BF5F-4AB2-B1AE-B917EE23F956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible says praying people never die
>even though Jesus dies after praying in the garden of Gethsemane
Why are gaytheists and fagnostics so retarded?

>> No.13197143

define fundamentalist, and use religion to abuse.

I bet you think someone who thinks being gay is a sin is an abusive fundamentalist

>> No.13197144

These words are going into my vocabulary.

>> No.13197149

lmao have sex

>> No.13197151

Do you have any books about theology or faith you would like to talk about? Or maybe your just larping to distance yourself from liberuls, in that case /pol/ might be more your speed

>> No.13197152

Not an abusive fundamentalist, just someone who happens to follow the bible/quran word for word and can't think for themselves. Someone whose own insecurity is so great that they can't deal with homosexuality and need to conjure up eternal hellfire as a punishment.

>> No.13197153

my brother actually embodies this perfectly except he doesent have the rick and morty dlc but everything else is spot on

>> No.13197171

>homosexuality is bad because ur insecure
>inb4 ur secretly gay if u hate gays
fags are bad because they act purely on their lust, while straight people act both on lust but also the inborn preservational instict of the species, therefore we can see which of them is objectively to be shunned

lmao get rekt faggot

>> No.13197186

Homosexuals are just people like the rest of us. They just happen to like cock. Who fucking cares? It genuinely baffles me that there are people out there whose sole goal in life is to take issue with a complete strangers sexuality.

>> No.13197190
File: 81 KB, 750x719, 85DDFC63-1DFB-49AB-BBB2-0A1AD9736275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born to a religious family and a grandfather that was a pastor and have revised the bible multiple times. I never questioned god but because of this exact reason I was never really "sure" i guess but I still prayed every night. All it took is one day for me to ask:Would I have come up with this myself? And from that I concluded you can only believe in yourself and everything other than you, not the self but you, are the only key, the only guide. I think all religious people are loonies and that seems to be the stigma around it too nowadays

>> No.13197192
File: 324 KB, 813x673, wil wheaton net worth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck up so badly as to been on several hit TV shows but only be worth $500k. If he had even bought a shitty house in one of LA's slums with some of his TV money his net worth would be twice what it is now. He has the net worth of a middle-manager his age. What a putz!

>> No.13197196

Based, the only thing close to truth in this life are your beliefs and thoughts when looked at through the lens of logic and reason.

>> No.13197201

Prepare to get the piss taken out of you for 1)not using childish buzzwords and 2) using reason.

>> No.13197203

ahhh yes the biggest AIDS carriers arent a danger at all

lmao kid sit down u probably believe faggotry is genetic, god globalist scientism really has done a good job brainwashing incels like u

>> No.13197204

>Homos are people just like us

>> No.13197211

Yeah, just show the 1% and not, I don't know, the millions upon millions of people that just go on with their lives.

>> No.13197213

Oh, am I talking to a genuine American deep south retard? I've always wanted to do that. I'll get my pen and tick it off the list.

>> No.13197214

ah yes, a bdsm fetish fair is a great example

>> No.13197220

>completely ignores arguments against faggotry for a cheap >implying
im not a disgusting amerimutt thank god, but obviously u are,

get straight sex faggot

>> No.13197227

Wtf are athiest talking about when they say that most people see religious people as loons? Secular society is doing everything it can to defend muslims rn.

>> No.13197247

only because they want to protect the idea of living in a multicultural society, where plenty of different and sometimes conflicting views can find some common ground. Most secular people would prefer muslims to be like the holiday-christians, aka not really religious at all.

>> No.13197255

These types of threads will be gone after summer. R-right?

>> No.13197259

Multicultural sicily under the Normans was one of the greatest societies of the medieval age
I don't know why right wingers hate the idea so much

>> No.13197263

So shallow consumerist retards like most everyone else? Yikes. Im not even religious

>> No.13197266

Yes. Catholics and /pol/tards are the same people mostly, and only post now because they are stuck indoors over their school holiday.

>> No.13197267
File: 85 KB, 354x315, 1558943409535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why atheists faggots always believe they are in a superior level of reasoning if they actually are systematically BTFOed in every metaphysics argument they join?

>> No.13197269

Check the archives, sweaty, these threads a'int going anywhere, we're here to stay :v

>> No.13197276


If everyone treated god more lile santa and less like god everyone would be far better off.

>> No.13197287


>> No.13197295

>yeah that's right atheists, we're going to post on an infamous anime website and there's nothing you can do!
I'm pretty sure Catholics aren't supposed to visit websites with 20 porn pages and a long legal history of child porn.

>> No.13197299

If your mother ensured that your pa wore condoms that night everyone would be better off too, but eh, can't win them all.

>> No.13197300

>I'm pretty sure Catholics aren't supposed to visit websites with a long legal history of child porn.

>> No.13197329

>hurr durr keep watching rock and morty, atheist XDDDD
>le tip fedora
Why do Christians always resort to ad hominem attacks?

>> No.13197332
File: 114 KB, 1120x630, Merton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't confuse longstanding /lit/izens with summer Deus Vult posters.

>> No.13197339

Yes, and even though i take this route and do not believe in a god. Saying "Fuck you god" "Jesus was a bitch" "God doesent exist" or even doing anything beyond the Christian moralist lines still makes me feel as if its incorrect. The moralist view that was imposed on me still affects me today, and its not as if i'm striving away from the masses to be "edgy" or being contradictive just to be so. It's the zombie like moralistic view that scares me and its the question of "Why do we/I think like this?". It almost horrific to think-those born in the U.S. as this is my only experience-that everyone born in the west is immediately imposed with a moralist view regardless of how your raised, its a disease of society. "Don't steal" "Why?" "because stealing is bad","You have to love your sibilings anon" "Why?" "because your suppose to, its just how it is"

What I hate the most of using or thinking any rational ideals is that we're given a stereotypical edgy persona that really doesent fit the lot of us, like why can't I question your god? It's against rules that don't exist/have not come from directly within you?

>> No.13197343


Thanks for the money.


See what I'm talking about. You wouldn't be a jaded cunt now if people followed what I suggested.

>> No.13197354

>ahhh yes the biggest aids carriers aren't a danger at all
>globalist scientism
Kek. Hey retard, you know AIDS can only be transferred through contact between blood or sexual fluids of an infected person and an uninfected person? That means that unless you're shooting up heroin with a gay person who has aids, or *dare I say it* having unprotected sex with them, they're not going to transfer it to you. Unthinking cunts like you are a cancer to any intellectual progress humanity might make, now fuck off back to /pol/, you absolute cretin.

>> No.13197355

Same vile shit, just more autistic.

>> No.13197365

How? Not even an atheist just want to watch your little brain feantically struggle to defend its stance.

>> No.13197379


>> No.13197403


>> No.13197442

To be fair, no one posts more strawman arguments than atheists.

>> No.13197455

How what? How they are victims of their hyperatrofiated illustrated EGO? You have them larping in the board just in this moment.


>> No.13197462


>> No.13197486

>So you're an agnostic?
Are you genuinely retarded? Nothing about calling oneself an atheist denies agnosticism. Not believing in something is not the same as making a claim to absolute knowledge of whether or not it exists. Hence anyone who calls themself atheist could easily (and almost certainly always is) also be an agnostic, because theism concerns belief, and gnosticism concerns knowledge.
Christfags who are serious about their christfaggotry already know this as well as atheists do. Don't ask pointless idiotic tautologies that are only tangentially related to the conversation.

>> No.13197536

>disease prone
>high association with pedophilia
>take pleasure from ripping the anus of their ‘lover’ and mixing shit semen and blood

Yeah sounds normal bro, LEGALIZE LOVE

>> No.13197548

Ahh yes I’m pretty sure Jesus meant this when he was chilling with the tax collectors and hookers instead of the Pharisees.

(It’s realy like you’re totally ignorant of religion yet still talk as though you are an expert, yikes dawg)

>> No.13197571

There are few nastier people than the Christians on this board. It's probably because it's one of those American bastard offshoots of Christianity where everyone's a dick and Jesus is viewed as Rambo rather than a nice guy or whatever. Fuck em.

>> No.13197896

>don’t call me out

>> No.13197923

Atheism is peak pseud.

>> No.13198525


>> No.13198549

holy BASED

>> No.13198554


>> No.13198561

They reject the idea of there being a deity of any kind at all. Stay in school, kids.

>> No.13198568

You mean like borders, laws, ideas, arguments, etc?

>> No.13198588

All of which precede the dead jew on a stick.

>> No.13198605

Weird flex but ok

>> No.13198610

>There are few nastier people than the Christians on this board.
yeah it's weird, I know christians have their morality, but they are very sadistic here

>> No.13198614

The topic was the mystical, not the "dead jew on a stick". The mystical far predates science.

>> No.13198769

Everything science describes and governs was created simultaneously as the universe. The mystical is a very vague term, but if you're referring to unicorns and Astral projection, then it's not a real thing outside of our fantasies. Science predates everything.

>> No.13198778


you should have your empty head caved in with a brick you fucking manchild redditor i would kill you with my bare fucking hands and feel neither remorse nor guilt

>> No.13199783

>I’m a Christian who isn’t secure enough in my beliefs to keep it to myself
Enjoy your faith while it lasts

>> No.13199876

Atheism has become a cult of intellectualism reliant on feeling more intelligent than the opposition. They aren’t actually interested in finding truth, just defending what they perceive as the intelligent mans version of truth.