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File: 262 KB, 1275x1753, 81H48oy3c8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13196996 No.13196996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>unironically reading this communist crap for brainlets

>> No.13197004

And yet he was right. Checkmate.

>> No.13197008

And yet he wasn't. Checkmate.

>> No.13197063

>calling him a Communist
>Didn't read Prussianism and Socialism which 70% is about BTFOing marx

>> No.13197067

>claims West is declining
>West still failing to decline

>> No.13197090

>b-b-but he was the right kind of communist because he didn't like Marx!
Wrong. There's only one right kind of connunist. A dead one.

>> No.13197096

Post body

>> No.13197521

>*Opens Le Monde*
>*Africa section*
>pick up Smash Bros
>*its got Spanish on the back*
>pay 36% tax rate
>Mexicans getting free surgery at local county hospital

>> No.13197537

he is writing about the west

>> No.13197607

Wow, it's really the decline of civilization as we know it. Multiple languages on the back of video game boxes. World news in a newspaper. Widely available healthcare and a robust taxation system. It's the end of days

>> No.13197630

Nice attempt at trivializing the issues

>> No.13197700

It's been declining since the French Revolution, and will continue to decline for the next few centuries. The loss of fossil fuels along with environmental crises such as climate change will be the impetus for a dark age. The future high cultures that will eventually arise in North America and Russia will have completely different values, worldviews, and technology than our western civilization.

>> No.13197731

It was written before marx

>> No.13197755

The roman empire declined for like 400 years. We've already seen the territory receding. Don't get the insanely powerful acceleration tool that is the internet.

>> No.13197849

Though it isn't difficult it is rather fun. Like reading Jung.

>> No.13197971
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>> No.13197988

I regret to tell you but This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.13198079

Spengler is right in the 100% of things he said, you understand? Most BASED philosopher since Plato.

>> No.13198094


>> No.13198098

OP is assblasted because he's too poor to afford a quality Alfred A Knopf edition. He probably read the abridged edition L O L

>> No.13198109

The decline of your mom hahaha

>> No.13198122

Was he right about Islam fighting international banking?

>> No.13198131

yes, the Muslims are the only ones fighting against Israel

>> No.13198188

Ha, did he say that?! I just started reading it as an accompaniment to Asimov's Foundation series. Spooky! >>13197971
He's going to get a bunch of things right isn't he?

>> No.13198208

Well, *some* Muslims.

>> No.13198277

Teacher's gonna take your phone if you aren't careful.

>> No.13198315


Woah, how will tankies ever recover?

>> No.13198337
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This does seem awfully prescient.
But there may yet be a way out, for the Faustian man

>> No.13198372

>no actual arguments about how the West is actually declining

>> No.13198383

what issues?

>> No.13198384


>> No.13198390

According to Spengler, decline sets in when a civilization has exhausted the possibilities that its central symbol or platonic form allows, after which it will lack any energy or vitalism, and will succumb to outside forces. Spengler goes pretty deep into detail on how this process occurred in the past and how he predicted it to occur in the West which is why you should just go and read the fucking book.

>> No.13198408

chechen sharia banks are becoming increasingly popular in russia because they deal in zero (0) (null) usury

>> No.13198410

Wasn’t he a childless dweeb who collected swords?

>> No.13198413

>According to Spengler, decline sets in when a civilization garbled-mumb-jumbo-garble-garble-garble-garble.
Sounds like peak philosophy there friendo

>> No.13198418

>zero (0) (null) usury
is such a thing possible?

>> No.13198421

Yeah, he said that he wouldve gotten married if he didnt have to devote so much time to Decline

>> No.13198424
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>> No.13198432

>still no arguments explaining how the West is declining

>> No.13198439

Typical smarmy leftist playing semantics with "socialist" and "communist". They are LITERALLY the same thing.

>> No.13198442
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>> No.13198446

>They are LITERALLY the same thing.
Low iq take fampai

>> No.13198448
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>> No.13198449

It literally is declining. Violent crime rates are a good indicator of the health of a society, and the violent crime rate is literally 46 times greater in the modern UK than it was 100 years ago.

It's over.

>> No.13198450

Race is pseudoscience

>> No.13198459

You are literally a modern day Lysenkoist.

>> No.13198465

>there is just one breed. the dog breed.

>> No.13198468

Try again lads. An actual argument backed up with facts will suffice. Or you could define 'West' and 'Decline'? That would have been my first move to avoid getting BTFO as you are being

>> No.13198470

He had a different definition of race. Race to him meant national character. The capitalism of the English, the Prussian virtue of the Germans. He talks about how Marx wasn't a true German but an English style upside down capitalist.

>> No.13198472

And yet you know exactly what hes talking about

>> No.13198476

Why don't you read the book nigger, I'm not here to spoonfeed you.

>> No.13198479

Low IQ Ben Shapiro tier argumentation

>> No.13198480

You're either being obtuse or are ideologically blinded.

>> No.13198482

>literally a draft dodger

>> No.13198505
File: 21 KB, 600x429, homicide-rates-in-germany-and-switzerland-local-estimates-and-national-series-13th-to-20th-century-eisner-2003-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he's a retard then?
>muh decline
Remember kids, pointing at a brown person is not evidence the West is declining

>> No.13198531

>Dude war good

>> No.13198537

Spengler thought that lots of homicide was what made western civilization so thanks for proving him right

>> No.13198560

you are such a stupid fucking nigger holy shit
go back to listening to ben shapiro podcasts you midwit fucktard

>> No.13198571
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>low murder rate bad

>> No.13198920
File: 261 KB, 1271x845, Screen_Shot_2014-06-23_at_5.07.38_PM2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The West (Europe and it’s settler colonies+ USA) in the 19th century:
>Complete technological, political, economic, cultural and spiritual domination over the world despite being a minority demographically
>Europeans (and their descendants in the colonies) are not only absolutely unapologetic over their global domination and declare it as their god given right to rule over the nonwhites, they openly declare all other peoples and cultures as inferior
>Britain and france have globe-spanning empires with lots of colonies
>Societies are healthy (from a darwinist perspective) and have high birthrates

>The West in the current year:
>Europeans (and their descendants in the settler colonies) are being replaced inside their own homelands both demographically and culturally by arabs, africans and south americans
>Those immigrants largely don’t integrate culturally and feel no pressure to do so.
>Political and economic hegemony is more and more challenged by asia, meanwhile the middle east, south amercia and africa, while still being economically dominated by the west are increasingly successful in their resistance.
>Britain and France have lost almost all of their colonies
>Whites in South Africa (who have lost all their power) are being slowly genocided both in rethoric and in action.
>“I’m so sorry for my colonizing ancestors my dear non-whites. I will check my white priviledge every day. Diversity (which basically means less Europeans and more non-europeans) is our strength. non-europeans are better than us anyways”
>“Lol who cares if us whites become a minority you stupid right wing bigots!, non-europeans have better and more exciting culture than us anyways! muh egalitarianism, muh humanism, muh tolerance. I'm a world-citizen, we are all the same!”
>Societies are weak and decadent (from a darwinist perspective) and have low birthrates

The intellectual dishonesty in your desparate attempt to deny the western decline is just laughable.

>> No.13198967

>Never colonized by Europe

>> No.13199004

This image is retarded. When was the American west ever controlled by Europe?

>> No.13199069

people didn't become "pacifistic", we simply weeded out violent retards incapable of anything other shallow brutality and became capable of refined violence.
people who take spengler and other mumble-thinkers seriously are midwits.

>> No.13199088

Steven Pinker wants a word with you

>> No.13199087

The picture of western decline is so ridiculously obvious I can only imagine people who don't see it are blinded by technological achievements of the past century.

>> No.13199090

>people didn't become "pacifistic", we simply weeded out violent retards incapable of anything other shallow brutality and became capable of refined violence.
The only thing the Pax Romana achieved was softening up an entire sub-continent to be invaded by Germans. The Pax Americana is in the process of doing something similar.

>> No.13199095

>Marx wasn't a true German
Yeah, he was a Jew.

>> No.13199112


>> No.13199114

No, it's that they think others are idiots they can trick

>> No.13199145

I hope you aren't one of those faggots that complain about degeneracy while praising mcdonald's because it's economically successful

>> No.13199212

The title was his editor's idea and he didn't like it

>> No.13199255

>X is pseudoscienece becasue i don't agree with it
>but Y is science becasue i agree with it

>> No.13199258

No it is people brainwashed to not see race or demographics

>> No.13199259

>Other upcoming titles
>Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler

>> No.13199285
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>> No.13199286

>The Pax Americana is in the process of doing something similar
which faction do you think is mostly likely to sack washington.

>> No.13199322

I don't know about America. But I see a very similar situation in Europe right now to the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt. Which is also the "contemporary" epoch with us in Spengler's timeline. In that time foreigners trickled in over decades due to the weakness of the 13th Dynasty and when the Egyptians finally realized mass immigration was a bad thing, it was too late. Que the Hyksos war which led to the establishment of the Egyptian empire.

>> No.13199328

IQ is going down

>> No.13199339

I hope it's not another abr*dged ed*tion

>> No.13199341
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>>still no arguments explaining how the West is declining
you're right
it's all in our heads

>> No.13199353

it's obviously adjusted for modern borders to show perspective

>> No.13199478

it unironically is

>> No.13199495
File: 2.76 MB, 360x640, Notre Dame muslim reactions.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i said

>> No.13199511


>> No.13199598

the west only seems in the decline because you are, most of us are doing fine

>> No.13199618


>> No.13199643


but i said i agree with you

>> No.13199670

So now ancap kiddies are mad that le decline man isn't a libertarian?
Literally no conservatives (none of the smart ones at least) are libertarians. The market is the most progressive force on earth

>> No.13199681

We are on the third stage of the cycle according to glubbs timeline, luxury and decay

>> No.13199683
File: 345 KB, 582x377, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 4.29.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not seeing a clash of civilisations, but the fusion of all civilisations under the aegis of the managerial liberalism globohomo leviathan, the imposition of a single sterile corporate monoculture of atomised consumer units. Islamic Jihad wasn't a clash between the christianity and the ummah, but the desperate last act of resistance by a dying islamic civilisation under siege. Christendom was defeated by the French Revolution and the origin of the species, all recognizable remnants of what once was called ''the west'' were wiped out by 1945. I believe Alexandre Kojeve and the RAND corporation played a crucial role in all of this together with computers, in short the west is dead and we are all doomed. Only nihilistic rebellion would be capable of bringing down the neo yuppie world order, but it would also result in human extinction and we don't want that sort of thing, don't we?

>> No.13199779

You don't know how to greentext.... 89 replies in and nobody has pointed this out.... 4channel is over...

>> No.13199847


>> No.13199860

are the Democrats "Culture" or "Civilization" (as Spengler uses those terms)?

>> No.13199913

everything in the west now is Civilization per Spengler. The various political ideologies are just different version of the Faustian will to totalitarian domination of society in the mechanized metropolis era.

>> No.13199947

there is no Kultur in america, back in old dutchland, every child of a reasonable station knew his goethe and schiller and kant learnt latin and greek and the gymnasium, the germans participated in for our standards extremely sophisticated discussion about arts and Kultur, which is a very specific german term, the Kultur Zivilisation dichotomy is difficult to translate. Spengler and the Frankfurt Schoolers(and Nabokov and Proust) alike were just nostalgic for a late 19th century bourgeoisie society, which to be fair is probably the comfiest level of human existence yet to be reached by any culture.

>> No.13199968

>they're NOTHING alike!
low iq communist that isn't very good at lying

>> No.13199975

You seem to not know what colonize means.

>> No.13199978

>Spengler and the Frankfurt Schoolers(and Nabokov and Proust) alike were just nostalgic for a late 19th century bourgeoisie society,
Spengler thought Culture was already gone in the late 19th century, the very last gasps were people like Wagner and Menzel.

When he talks about Culture in the West he means Gothic cathedrals, Dutch golden age oil painting, the counterpoint of Bach, Shakespeare's tragedies.

>> No.13199986
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>nostalgic for a late 19th century bourgeoisie society, which to be fair is probably the comfiest level of human existence yet to be reached by any culture.

It really does seem like the comfiest way to have ever lived.

>> No.13200011

The emergence of bourgeoisie money politics and its triumph over the nobility marks the beginning of Civilization. Spengler hated the influence of money in politics and was highly critical of democracy because of it, for the same reason he was critical of Marxism.

>> No.13200014

This, the average disingenuous leftist enters the "debate" with the a priori conviction of their absolute correctness and sees only a mass of ignorant plebs that need to be propagandized into the right thinking

>> No.13200045
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it was the nineteenth century that allowed for that sort of historicist comprehension of culture, for centuries gothic cathedrals were dismissed as barbaric and ugly, shakespeare a crude artisan who didn't even know his aristotelian unities and dutch painters as wasting precious oil in banal scenes.

>> No.13200061

Negrification of your speech will lead to negrification of thought

>> No.13200065

based and slight alzheimerpilled

>> No.13200080

If you want to deconstruct Spengler that way then go for it, but he was emphatically not pining for the late 19th century.

>> No.13200083

>the average disingenuous debater enters with the a priori conviction of their absolute correctness and sees only a mass of ignorant plebs that need to be propagandized into the right thinking
As if the one-eyed man isn't king...

>> No.13200084

>let's have a quarter of our racial stock running into machine gun fire, that'll surely make our nation stronger!
literally subhuman logic

>> No.13200089

>you're a virgin
Ad hom is an admission of defeat

>> No.13200101

Dang, should've removed disingenuous

>> No.13200132

No, this is specifically a leftist thing, the haughtiness that comes from university education while having failed to achieve a proper bourgeois career, so with an explosive sigh and dramatic rolling of eyes they slink over to the worker and the peasant (or the rural and suburban retard) and start trying to trick them into radicalizing

>> No.13200167

>let's just call it human populations and pretend it isn't the exact same thing as race

>> No.13200176

Right wingers understand the left view, lefties don't get right wingers at all

>> No.13200192

This is true.
Right wingers might understand the ideas and motivation of the left, meanwhile left is incapable of putting themselves in the shoes of the right. They don't even try to, it's just "you have opinion that doesn't align with tmine, therefore you are XYZ"

>> No.13200202

Most right wingers here think the left just means social justice warriors

>> No.13200212

Absolutely this. Most right wingers are well read on the left while the left mostly just think "right = literally hitler!"

>> No.13200215

Most leftists buy into the same identity politics shit that right wingers hate. /leftypol/ anti-idpol crypto-nazbols are a small minority

>> No.13200229

This isn't 2012, right wingers know that left is much more than just typical SJW.

>> No.13200302

Spengler thought that he could point to four or five historical analogies that supported his thesis and then to Hegel in order to devise an apodictic theory of history. He was a grandiose idiot. I'm actually thankful for "philosophers of history" like Spengler and Toynbee; they did more to break the paradigm of German Historicism than any critique of the whole program ever could. Weber über alles.

>> No.13200323

Well what else is it?

>> No.13200326

and yet the west continues to decline

>> No.13200328

Spengler belongs in the tradition of Leftist Doomers like Gramsci and Debord. I don't know how he ever started to get memed as being right right or traditionalist

>> No.13200330

Antiwhite antimale bigots

>> No.13200336
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where to start

>> No.13200343
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More ad hominems?

>> No.13200353

Anything can be said to be declining if you sufficiently narrow your definitions. The accuracy if Spengler's theory remains undemonstrated and undemonstrable.

>> No.13200358
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>if im gonna call it ad hominem then it doesn't count

>> No.13200361

'being replaced by immigrants' seems like a fairly objective metric of decline

>> No.13200371

>romance language
>not western civilization

>> No.13200416

You are attacking the characteristics of some "leftists" while ignoring that they aren't the ideology itself. I could just as easily post a picture of Hitler and go "look how bad the right is"

>> No.13200419

I bet you would be ok with European immigrants you hypothalamus

>> No.13200428

>starts to rise after 2000

gee I wonder what could be causing that?

>> No.13200432

careful now, talking about the physical brain is very dangerous territory where distinguishing betwen Europeans and other peoples is concerned. Anyway Europeans can't replace themselves is the point, almost all Europeans are below replacement level and accepting mass immigration.

The civilization itself was European, so the civilization is declining. I dont know what's hard to understand about this.

>> No.13200438

Class divide

>> No.13200440

By what metric?

>> No.13200456

well then, what is the modern left?
because the leftists that seem to be running the show are the crazy ones.
moderate leftists are like moderate muslims, they're either secretly over-joyed at the antics of the "some" radicals, or they're too scared to say shit because they're afraid of reprisal from "some" leftists.

>> No.13200463

I'm not talking about people. Read some modern thinkers or something instead of judging the left on twitter comments

>> No.13200483

>i'm not talking about people.
>read some modern thinkers
>modern thinkers aren't people
or you could, you know, just give me a name(s) of "modern thinkers" (how smart they sound!).
or do one even better, give a name, then sum up the central thesis of their argument in less than a novel.