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13194865 No.13194865 [Reply] [Original]


Been seeing a ton of Junger threads lately. Very surprising no one posted the ultimate testament against Junger and radical conservatism in Germany. The author of this thesis absolutely exposed Junger and all conservatives for what they are.

The only reason Junger and other Germans became radical conservatives is because of a craving for friendship. This dissertation proves that Junger and others only became conservatives out of anxiety.

Curious to hear your thoughts on this. Junger has been exposed. Once all of you have finished reading it this will likely be the final thread dedicated to Junger.

>> No.13194889

Bures is a cool guy. He's hosting a conference on the Conservative Revolution next autumn I think. This is a really bad thread.

>> No.13194891

Lonely, alienated people are the perfect candidates for far right extremism

>> No.13194892

>Once all of you have finished reading it this will likely be the final thread dedicated to Junger.

>> No.13194903

>teaching fields: holocaust

>> No.13194924

This sounds like gay horse shit.

>> No.13194956

this is actually a pretty interesting paper

>> No.13194960

that thesis is classic leftist projection

>wtc shirt Junger is wearing in pic

>> No.13194963

How did you find this anon? Also, any tips on how to find theses of people in general? I really enjoyed Kissinger’s thesis also

>> No.13195000

Googled "Junger PDF" looking for anything I haven't read about him. Actually you shouldn't look for theses on people, they are almost always fucking garbage.

>> No.13195018

>Some literally who's thesis
>Dude just make friends
>If everybody was a cosseted early-21st-century academic like me you would stop having opinions that make me uncomfortable

This faggot probably probably has a student (who he's trying to fuck of course) writing about how Mencius Moldbug needs to have sex.

>> No.13195061

>Man is wounded a dozen times in one of the worst wars in the history of the world, has his critiques of modernity co-opted by one of the worst state regimes ever to exist (under which his son is shot for treason). After said regime drives his homeland into the fucking ground in a war which manages to be even worse than the last one, becomes an early user of psychedelic drugs. His continued literary output makes him one of the leading intellectual lights of the continent.
>As you can see from the fact that this guy communicated with like-minded people, the REAL philosophy is the friends we made along the way.

desu I think this whole paper is basically a way for him to advertise that he knows German well enough to read Junger's then-untranslated letters.