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13194012 No.13194012 [Reply] [Original]

Ligotti's and Schopenhauer's premises require the identification of pain with bad. Yes, of course if you consider pain the definition of bad, life is undesirable. But if this were the case, that bad and pain are synonymous, then Brave New World would seem like a utopia. However our soul, or perhaps our spirit, instinctively recoils from it as abominable. Why is this? Because pain is not the same as bad. Pain can be bad or good.

>> No.13194544

Aye, Ligotti's take seems to be straightforwardly the result of his clinical anhedonia - makes for some uniquely affecting atmospheric prose, but not much further.

>> No.13194667

If only he knew his ahedonism would not follow him to Jannah

>> No.13194704

Pain is bad, fuck you.
So is Islam.

>> No.13194759
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>> No.13194763

schopenhauer isnt anti natalist retard

>> No.13194788
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based and neetpilled

>> No.13195123

He literally praised pederastry because it didn't lead to procreation

>> No.13195144

Dumb frogposter

>> No.13195155
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Have children

>> No.13195238

Tell me about Islam anon, would it actually help me start a family? I'd like that, but as a poor Ameriburger it doesn't look likely in the near future.

>> No.13195284

They might grow up to be dumb frogposters too

>> No.13195318

It would if you got a good job or education (the former is attainable through a mosque if you become sincere in the eyes of an orthodox community)

>> No.13195400

not the same thing as being anti natalist retard

>> No.13195623

How not? He considered procreation unethical

>> No.13196201

good, fuck life, I wish my mother aborted me FUCK HER FUCK HER FUCK HER

>> No.13196733


>> No.13196754

citation needed

>> No.13196906

Early in volume 4 when Schop gives a complete analysis of procreation as part of the will to life

>> No.13196929
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Based and Jungerpilled.

>> No.13197207

That is a good essay. Have you read Mishima?