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File: 50 KB, 759x168, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13193075 No.13193075 [Reply] [Original]

Why do leftist writers never write about the issue with materialism from a psyochological well-being perspective? What I'm referring to here is ofcourse depression, reclusiveness and all other comparable conditions. Marx in particular is a big villain in this regard. If only we can distribute wealth and make sure everyone has their "basic needs" covered they will end up happy. Of course, you won't hear them discussing the fact "basic needs" change with times and technology. Nowadays a smartphone would be considered a basic need. Do they really think that people today are more happy than people of old simply because they have more gadgets now? Can we positively say, that we are "happier" than cavemen were? If there are any leftists here who actually believe this please come with good arguments and not stuff like "try living without a smartphone then".

>> No.13193107

Fisher has a lot of texts about depresion. There is a lot of feminist who also write about corporal illness and stuff like that. I don't remember names but there was a think about "ill corpse theory" or something like that.

>> No.13193117

t. never read Marx

>> No.13193122

Their antidote is always "just give them more resources". It doesn't respond to my original question. Why do they think that will solve anything? Don't get me wrong it's very intuitive to think so but I'm still not convinced by both anecdotal evidence and the way many more well off people carry themselves

>> No.13193255

there is no substitute for the comfort of Jesus Christ

>> No.13193261

>Their antidote is always "just give them more resources"
What? They don't say that. They are closer to disvolve identity politics than "gibe more resources" or something like that. You should read something before implying those /pol/tard memes.

>> No.13193279

Then why is minimum wage and UBI such a hot topic at the moment?

>> No.13193319

If the Lockean “state of nature” were, in fact, contrary to human nature, then a lot of people (mostly Anglos, but also left continentals) would have a lot of splainin to do.

>> No.13193422

Because the fundamental theorem of leftist ideology is not first and foremost the right to happiness, but the right to equality. From a leftist viewpoint, most of (western, I couldn't tell you about others) socity is highly segragated, the largest factor being that in living conditions between those of high and low income. The underlying reasons for this segragation is irrelevent when trying to implement UBI and increased minimum wage as solutions.

Essentially, society as it is today precludes happiness by its very nature, as a less segragated society would yield a higher standard of living - something which by itself does not make people happy, but is a fundamental element to be able to construct a society in which people are.

>> No.13193461

it's economic future-proofing in the face of mass automation, immigration and worker alienation. how else would you contend with what will soon be an all time low participation in the job market?

>> No.13193513
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>turning 22 next month and I've never even kissed a girl let alone had sex or a relationship

>> No.13193747
File: 48 KB, 615x679, A01CC7A1-A737-4BE9-9861-64D85C9078D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that anyone can get a gf if they drop their nasty ego and put in the effort

>> No.13193851

Have sex and do your readings, undergrad retard.

>> No.13193873

>have sex
Does the left even understand how they're destroying themselves?

>> No.13193943

Have you ever read Marx? He talks about how wageslaving causes alienation. Ffs...

Maybe it is hard for a clueless whiteboi like you to understand but making sure people have homes and food and enough money to survive considerably lifts the spirits. Yes, we all know rich people are still unhappy. I think this is a good thing. Also, this is why I do not believe Marxism will result in Nietzsche's Last Man as certain individuals theorize. Even if we are all paid fairly for our labor there will still remain spiritual malaise and enlightenment and love and hatred and adventure and discovery and art and beauty within the world. For such is the human condition.

>> No.13194895

We all weep for the Luddites and their horse carries

>> No.13195017

Not even Ana de Armas mommy cuddles?

>> No.13195029

Nietzsche's Last Man is already here. Contemporarily called the Bug Man. He underestimated how long it would take.

>> No.13195058

This article addresses the issue quite well...


>> No.13195065

>a gf
>that pic
a caretaker maybe, oh well i can still fap behind her back

>> No.13195096

You will one day, no worries.

>> No.13195115

It's over lad. Your virginity is forever etched in your physiognomy. People will take one look and they will know that you post on image boards and listen to death grips.

>> No.13195117

Yeah with a girl who has been there done that.

>> No.13195134

Attacking incels is the stupidest thing lefties have ever done. They're alienating the youth, their most important constituents, by denying a youth crisis. The right wing will take all but to join the left you have to "have sex". Especially if it keeps getting worse and the ratios of people who are having sex and aren't get more even. The left has literally committed suicide.

>> No.13195157

Have sex incel.

>> No.13195162

Maybe I am a Chad but I am 28 and I've fucked 12 girls and I'm pretty sure I'm like a 5 or a 6 looks-wise. It's all about who you are as a person. By the time I was 22 I was at 3.

>> No.13195165

I'm not an incel, just not an idiot. You're gonna reap what you sow.

>> No.13195174

> Marx in particular is a big villain in this regard. If only we can distribute wealth and make sure everyone has their "basic needs" covered they will end up happy.

he never wrote this

>> No.13195177

You're what I call one of the good boys. The new less accepting environment is going to churn out less of you and more disillusioned kids giving up.

>> No.13195185

Maybe, maybe... Do you want sex, or a life partner? A virginal life partner sounds good, but how will you teach her about sex unless you have learned from the "been there, done that" sluts? Just don't take them as life partners, more like training partners...

>> No.13195191

Let's not pretend anyone needs to be taught about sex beyond sex ed.

>> No.13195209

Ya. But is winning misogynists over important? I've worshipped women all my life. I have always been leftist. I have always been atheist. I have cringed at many swings on the internet meme pendulum. But I rose above it all. And had several serious relationships and a few hookups. STD free too. Support sex ed. Colleges are great for free condoms.

>> No.13195218

>But is winning misogynists over important?
It's you who is creating misogyny. It's important that you stop, though it's honestly probably too late to recover.

>> No.13195228

Do your readings.

>> No.13195292

We are in the age of superfluous men... how can you make yourself useful?

>> No.13196517
File: 18 KB, 240x280, 1510101505925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22 y.o. virgin

>> No.13196523
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>tfw Christian so not ashamed of my virginity

plus i'm probably going to marry my current gf

>> No.13196551

>tfw when virgin and feel useless and without human worth

>> No.13196554

>Nowadays a smartphone would be considered a basic need.
I thought this was a zoomer-free board.

>> No.13196555


It is still to be established that segregation emerges from arbitrary power structures designed to keep people in control as opposed to the idea that segregation occurs due to fundamental differences in the biology of poor vs rich people. That in the vast majority of instances a less segregated society will bring down the quality of life of the higher strata by a greater degree than uplifting the quality of life of the lower strata as their are biological traits often found in poor people that cannot be rectified through education alone (e.g. predisposition to instant gratification and a higher degree of reckless behaviour). It may yet be the case that true desegregation is only possible through genetic modification or a form of soft eugenics, but this is a double edged sword as our grasp may exceed our reach and we may jump the gun in genetic engineering, changing DNA before having a sufficiently complete picture of all it’s behavioural effects.

>> No.13196561

I was in your shoes (i had had a terrible sloppy.kiss once) when I found my exgf, who was also a virgin. We had a 2y relationship that really allowed me to explore kindness, love and sexuality. Of course, she was younger than me. Don't give up.

>> No.13196580

I am 26, althetic and I am commonly asked if I am a model, because I'm supposedly extremely beautiful. I have only had sex with one person, the only gf I ever had (not my gf since 2 years ago). We had lots of sex, though. I also readily admit this if people ask me about it. I really don't care, I don't dissociate sexuality and love/kindness. I feel extremely lonely and left.out of society because almost no one seems to share my way of being, but I am still proud of bring loyal to my belief.

>> No.13196608

any movie by Sophia Coppola

>> No.13196638

I'll be a wizard by the end of the year. I cannot fathom the fact that people actually have sex with each other. The very concept is completely alien to me, even though I see it all the time in pornography. I feel basically that I am not a human being, or perhaps I am but none of you are. Either way it's the same outcome.

>> No.13196644

when did marx talk about happiness?

>> No.13196658

who is your favorite artist? Justin bieber or what? Fucking stop looking at pop culture and see it for what it is, cultural degeneracy.

>> No.13196665

I'm not christian, like the other guy, though

>> No.13196667

ah yes, all those left-inclined incels. all three of them

>> No.13196674

>who is your favorite artist?
Idk, the smiths and the sister of mercy.

>> No.13196679

They're not left-inclined because the left will mock and spit on them if they so much as whimper about their problems.

>> No.13196691
File: 38 KB, 657x527, apuapustustot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a feminist magazine a while ago (A physical one), and they were surprisingly woke on incels and wanted to show them compassion and understanding.

>> No.13196698

if you don't like cultural degeneracy why do you use curse words? or slang?

>> No.13196703

And for every singular obscure article that exists, how many hundreds of news headlines are there about how incels are evil misogynists?

>> No.13196722

Can women/normies really tell when you're a virgin? I'm 22 and one. I even so, I've only been asked once by my mom's degenerate friend. He was "surprised" I guess but not much happened. I have no friends and don't talk to anyone, but can random people on the street figure it out? I don't really care. I only want sex with attractive women and if it would lead to kids.
But to your question, op. I'm not going to pretend like I've read any materialist or economic literature beyond very basic works. I don't know what It is they claim to want as outcomes or whatever. All I know is, having lived in abject poverty my entire life, you can find happiness in virtue (aka greek ethics). I have pretty much lost all desire to dig myself out of poverty and have instead shifted my gaze at destroying the all devouring beast that is modern civilization. I'm not well suited for this endeavor, but this is the only worthwhile life I can see. Don't fall for their lies

>> No.13196732


>> No.13196735

Yeah, I like how not being chosen for sex means you hate women automatically. Sure, some guys who are rejected ad nauseam do turn to hate because why not. Some guys do get jealous. Some guys just want to hate. But some of us (at least me) have stopped caring altogether about relationships and sex beyond saying, "wow, I wonder what sex feels like," and simply leave women alone. I know that if girls are subjected to the presence of a man they don't like it is essentially rape, but I'm more than happy to leave women alone even if they want to laugh behind my back

>> No.13196738

I'm 29 and a virgin and I get asked in work contexts if I'm married/have kids/etc. When you say no people always act funny about it and I have to come up with some kind of excuse. No one's ever asked me whether I've had sex though, so who knows.

>> No.13196745

Have sex.

>> No.13196759

The internet in general is retarded, fren.

>> No.13196772

Calibrating speech towards the recipient. I speak like a degenerate when i talk to arabs here in germany, because they can not understand any other language most of the time. Only so called "kiezdeutsch" and talking in a different way would instantly destroy my credibility in their eyes. I want to communicate therefore i can use degenerate language if in the end i make an effort to elevate their language by building rapport through mirroring, and then leading. Basic salesman 101.

>> No.13196781

Unless you can demonstrate some sort of widespread support within leftist political organs for the problems of incels, I'm simply going to have to go with what I see day in and day out in all of their mass communications media. I don't know why you're even arguing here. You have to know as well as I do that if someone actually tried to bring up incel issues in a leftist area they would be treated with nothing but hostility.

>> No.13196792

based and blackpilled

>> No.13196799

They're dating. She threw herself at him after seeing him on a TedX Talk or something.

>> No.13196809

>She threw herself at him after seeing him on a TedX Talk or something.
>women are attracted to status over appearance, even something as insignificant as a tedx
who'd have thought.

>> No.13196830

the ”incel problems” cannot be solved by anyone but incels themselves. far from everyone in history have had sex, or ended up married with children. some folks are simply out of time, looks- or personality-wise, it’s just a sad fact. blame hollywood for pushing beauty standards and subjecting you to fantasies about guaranteed companionship, not powerless leftists. what could they possibly accomplish in the incel question anyway?

>> No.13196841

>people not having sex is sad

Also, what a shit thread full of low IQ redditors/normalfags.

read books

>> No.13196843

True. At a certain point, people just don't want to accept that reality. It would go against whatever exists in their head

>> No.13196849

It will be solved when civilization finally gives way. There will be a raping horde that would make Genghis Khan blush

>> No.13196865

This is such a cop out lmao.

>> No.13196873

What's weird is that people act like getting married at my age is normal or something. I know for a fact that all of that is on the decline, and I don't even work in an educated field where marriage rates would be better. But apparently I'm expected to have started a family already. What a fucking joke.

>> No.13196888

The sad thing for myself is that I want kids, I would make a decent dad (drawing from experience with my younger siblings), and want to help a new generation of people to be better equipped than I was. But, something went wrong and I'm an undesirable. I've accepted it, but it just makes me a little confused when I see tattoo-ridden drug addicts with 7 kids in the streets. I don't try to understand, but I just wonder what I am supposed to do instead.

>> No.13196918

how? please explain What Is to Be Done, im genuinely curious

>> No.13196942

You do whatever you want. Society rejected you, so you don't have any obligation to it.

>> No.13196947

I know. I personally feel like Uncle Ted was right. I want to bust him out and burn some farms

>> No.13196962

>powerless leftists

>> No.13196974

>society as it is today precludes happiness by its very nature
>no one is happy
Jesus Christ.

>> No.13196990

You probably have no awareness that the idea you have constructed about your own self as an undesirable is you own idea, and you just force everything that happens in your life to somehow conform to your interpretation. You should find a good therapist and deconstruct that belief you have - yes, it is a belief, not a fact.

>> No.13197001

Holy shit me too

>> No.13197014


Its not that satisfying basic needs gaurantees happiness, but it gaurantees the opportunity to pursue happiness. I mean, realistically, a man with a strong soul, who knows how to suffer, can be happy in any situation. But having food and shelter (and i suppose for today, internet access) are all one really needs to become happy; as we know happiness to be a state of the soul, rather than a product of materialism.

>> No.13197018

yes, I know this. It's not objective undesirability but more so chronic isolation. I have never had friends or hung out with people my age. It just never happened. Somewhere along the way I lost whatever social skills I may have had and now just don't really care. I don't want to be desirable aka a normie. I've lived too long on the outside. I don't want back in, conceding however much or little effort it is purported this would take.

>> No.13197105

I wasn't telling you to conform to social standards. However, it is quite clear that you are not truly satisfied with your situation. Therapy, when done correctly, helps us build the mechanisms necessary for us to start tackling the problems in our life. This seems to be a big one for you, for which you currently do not have the means to try and tackle it. Also, therapy can also be a way for you to practice and regain social skills. In this case, it could be helpful if your therapist was female, for example.

>> No.13197113

>Nowadays a smartphone would be considered a basic need.

You say this as if the statement in itself is an argument.

>> No.13197120

Why not just give money to the welfare system, why UBI?

>> No.13197121

I'm pretty content in most regards, just bored. The only thing that can fix this issue is action, which I am taking soon. Planning a walk across the country, or at least a few states. Don't know how I'll make it. I'm not in shape, nor do I have "adequate" funds to pay for food and shut. We'll see

>> No.13197127

it's different for anyone, you can't say that
use tinder

>> No.13197134

>turning 24 next month
>never had a gf
>care less and less with each passing year
>now I care so little that I forget that girls even exist
>just do my work, read, go on with my life, etc

Anyone else here experience this? Will I suddenly regret not having a gf some years later?

>> No.13197145

I put my desire for kids on hold by convincing myself I'll have enough money someday to afford a surrogate and nanny.
Women in general disgust me

>> No.13197155

Sort of. For me it was after I read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger and realized women can't experience romantic love in the way men can

>> No.13197177
File: 71 KB, 600x750, dave approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how no one replied to this. This is the final challenge to be confronted.

>> No.13197293

>use tinder
No. Casual sex would probably be the most alienating experience I can conceive of.

>> No.13197304

Dude like vagina lmao

>> No.13197307


You'll start caring when/if you stop considering women as a commodity.

>> No.13197312

I'm sure you meant something by this, but I can't tell what it is.

>> No.13197333

Just have sex

>> No.13197337


>> No.13197341

Well, fuck you incel. FUCK YOU

>> No.13197356

Why do normalfags get mad if you don't have sex?

>> No.13197364


>> No.13197382

Most women think like you.

>> No.13197386


>> No.13197387

Why would you assume I see women as a commodity?

>> No.13197393

Because you don't view them as desirable sex objects

>> No.13197408

>not viewing women as sex objects = commodifying women
Well how does that make sense?

>> No.13197416

Based and Buddhapilled.

>> No.13197433


>> No.13197434

Maybe when they hit the wall (still doubt it even then)

>> No.13197440

>I've accepted it, but it just makes me a little confused when I see tattoo-ridden drug addicts with 7 kids in the streets.

What is confusing about low inhibition-low IQ trash naturally ending up with a shit ton of offspring?

>> No.13197441

I was joking. That guy isn't making sense

>> No.13197444

Not why or how it happens, but why it is permitted

>> No.13197472

.....aaaaaand the nice decent fella who’s supposedly good with kids but cannot attract a mate outs himself as a fascist

quelle surprise

>> No.13197493


Happiness is an habit, not a state.

>> No.13197495


>> No.13197534

When quality>quantity is fascism

>> No.13197573
File: 103 KB, 640x425, Göbekli_Tepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Marxists largely ignore the recent archeological discoveries at Gobekli Tepe says all you need to know about their intellectual honesty. At least Christians responded to heliocentrism and Darwinism. Marxists just pretend that a huge temple that completely disproves Marx's theory of alienation, according to which religion could not exist before social stratification because it is merely a result of class conflict, doesn't exist.

>> No.13197611


>> No.13197617

He clearly was lamenting his lack of romantic affection, not the act of penetration, idiot.

>> No.13197629
File: 41 KB, 700x557, 1557500814472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw IQ result came in
>mfw 120
>confirmed midwit
I finally understand why I'm depressed; too dumb to be happy, too smart to be ignorant

>> No.13197651

>use tinder

Yes, among the literally thousands of eligible Chads and Chadlites who would fuck anything that moves the girl would choose the "soon to be wizard" guy.

Tinder is actually responsible for a lot of the incel phenomenom we see in the last few years. Women now have it too easy, they can quickly get a date with a high value mate through dating apps so why should they even consider average guys they meet through school and work human beings anymore?

>> No.13197682

Books on this ?

>> No.13197706

Conflict is older than modern man, don't be stupid.

>> No.13197756

Okay, just to clear things up, the whole "virgin over 20" thing is a meme, right?

no one here is actually in their mid-twenties and still a virgin, right?

>> No.13197764

I most certainly am a male, over 20, and have never had sex with, a kiss, or even a hug from a girl. I don't know if that constitutes "virgin"

>> No.13197770

I lost it at 22. Super close call

>> No.13197776

In japan more than half the population is incel. It's fine that you want to deny the crisis, but you should probably start focusing harder on getting rid of guns in the us.

>> No.13197780

Which should be just another nail in Marx's coffin, since he (and Engels) believed that conflict was a result of the alienation brought by class stratification, and would end with the abolition of class society.

Now we know, through archeological records, that this isn't true, so why do we still take Marx's theory of alienation seriously?

>> No.13197785

I'm not a virgin in my mid-twenties. I'm a virgin in my early thirties. It's the easiest thing in the world to achieve, really, at least as a male, you just need to never try.

>> No.13197793

Nobody in the right mind takes a everything marx said seriously, but the class struggle in a genuine insight.

>> No.13197794

>poor people are poor
Where is my revolution?

>> No.13197832

It is extremely superficial, as even Marxists realized when the working classes of Europe joined their nation's militaries in 1914 instead of doing a revolution as Marxist theory predicted.

>> No.13197844

bullshit. this is like an extension of the ryan gosling chair clattering meme.

you guys should really stop before some poor zoomer on here takes you seriously and thinks it's normal and actually does up end a virgin in his early 20s.

>> No.13197845

You mean idealistic.

>> No.13197853

So basically you're still going to be in denial as it gets worse? Just gonna tell yourself it's 4chans fault?

>> No.13197877

My belief is born out of consistent rejection and disinterest

>> No.13197878 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 684x418, 1559060889203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Socialist Revolution is always something foisted on the working class by a so called vanguard cadre. It is a means for a handfull to rise to power, never an end in itself... Often it involves systematically teaching people to stop being happy, as the above linked article desbribes: >>13195058

>> No.13197898

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're a faggot

>> No.13197906

Good bait, tasty. 25

>> No.13197924

>as it gets worse?
as what gets worse lol?

>Just gonna tell yourself it's 4chans fault?
I'm saying it's a 4chan inside meme that everyone pretends to go along with lile that farside cow tools comic strip, but that it might negatively influence impressionable young men who aren't in on the joke

>> No.13197928

What joke you dumb nigger you

>> No.13197927

As the crisis that is incels gets worse.

>> No.13197955

Will chad defend his harems to the death or will he throw out some scraps?

>> No.13198054

If Chad was the one in control, he would let us some leftovers, as he did before. But now we have women willing choosing to go to Chad's harem instead of being in a monogamous relationship with a beta male, so no, there will be no scraps. Women would rather die than settling for an average man after tasting Chad.

>> No.13198069

let's just try with brown workers now, it will surely somehow work

>> No.13198077

Everyone has their own idea of what should be and what should not not acceptable in society.

Get married, have sex, and raise children

>> No.13198078

legalize polygamy and forced conscription for incels

>> No.13198081


>> No.13198090

>Giving weapons to incels

Why not just euthanize them?

>> No.13198099

Leftism/Marxism isn't about resources, it's about power.

Redistributing gibs is a liberal/socdem thing. No leftist supports UBI.

>> No.13198103

By having sex?

>> No.13198110

I'd recommend you to take that dildo out of your ass, or just go back to lebbit.

>> No.13198111

>The left has literally committed suicide.
But /pol/ told me leftists rule everything and there's no way to defeat them so we should all just accept clown world. You're saying the left doesn't even exist?

>> No.13198118

Contrapoints has a whole video on how incels have legitimate grievances and need to be understood

Chapos are volcels and look down on people who have sex instead of gaming

>> No.13198123

>the problems of incels
The problems of incels is that they whine instead of having sex. Leftists tell incels to have sex instead of whining. That's the support for your problem.

It's better than the right's "scream about women and post racial statistics on the internet, that'll solve your problem, you're an epic lad, good for you"

>> No.13198127

incel coping fantasies, you hate to see it

>> No.13198137

Why do faggots waste a good portion of their lives white knighting and groveling just to get with a 6 once only to later pretend that they know women and condescend on those who didn't?

>> No.13198150

Its the normie cope. They cant build an actual relationship but hey at least im better than a filthy incel! (Which is right but its pretty cringey in its own way) I have a friend like this. Male feminist type.

>> No.13198151

Why do faggots waste their lives complaining about women on 4channel?

>> No.13198157

I know this exact feel, I often feel like sex is some kind of conspiracy

>> No.13198182

You guys are female minded. All this romance stuff. Women love that

>> No.13198361

This "women are romantic" meme only exists in the popular imagination, it doesn't have much basis in reality. If you probe a little you'll find that it's not romance they're looking for per se, but rather it's 'experiences', which is to say dickings. Dickings in all their holes - vag hole, emotional hole, social life hole, status hole, and so on. In their eyes every man is just a bunch of peens for their respective holes.

>> No.13198365

Based and Otto Weiningerpilled

>> No.13198375

Would you say a man's worth or attractiveness is a function of how many holes he could theoretically fill? I.e. a Chad will fill the majority of these metaphorical holes, whereas an incel probably couldn't fill even one? I'd say this is an interesting development if so

>> No.13198423

What you're thinking is 'men are romantics and women are realists' and what you would usually do is cite an app like Tinder as an example of jungle like hypergamy, but what you see parrell in what women see, and they constantly complain about this, hence why 'men are bad' meme is so popular on twitter and elsewhere. I guess you're going to respond invalidating that and somehow say your concerns as a man is more 'valid' and 'real' because 'any woman can get laid' yada yada.

>> No.13198566

Men are more inclined to be romantics, often to their detriment. Romanticism can foster some unhealthy expectations if it’s not accompanied by self-awareness.

>> No.13198586

Brown workers rape white workers daughters with no remorse. It won't work.

>> No.13198587

>why do leftists *
Can you guys actually define what it means to be left because it seems to change every other day depending on what you want to complain about

>> No.13198600


>> No.13198608

On 4channel a leftist is anyone who doesn't say the word "faggot" ten times a day for no reason

>> No.13198621


>> No.13198640

Contra is the exception, and even he got a shitload of things wrong. Also his narcissism makes it difficult to sit through

>> No.13198644

29 here. Same. Don't wait.

>> No.13198646

aaaaaaaaaaaaand the faggot turns out to be a redditor. Go back to /r/badphilosophy with the other cockroaches.

>> No.13198648

>look mom! wikipedia says brown people are bad icky rapists!
>guess we better vote hitler into power, genocide the jews, and execute all refugees!

>> No.13198662

>ask for source
>get source
>whine about it like a little bitch
yup, it's a redditor alright

>> No.13198664

have sex

>> No.13198670

Her narcissism is the best part

>> No.13198671


>> No.13198678

Nah, it makes him insufferable to anyone who isnt a cultist yet. I found his Nykytyne vids to be far more bearable.

>> No.13198692

why they mad tho lmao

>> No.13198720

On one hand there are apparently a disproportionate number of autistic trannies. On the other hand you'd expect autists to be more individualistic and less open to postmodern faggotry on average. They'd certainly be pulling more than they are now, though.

I will say that having a scary yet laughable enemy gives the lefty coalition something to fearmonger about while also reassuring their victimhood olympians that they're not the pathetic ones. It's conceivable a few more spergs on your side doesn't outweigh that.

That's not contradicting his point, retard.

>> No.13198727

Nearly 28. I know what you mean, seems like something from a different world. Relationships as a whole do.

>> No.13198730

This isn't true. Women have it native to their brains because they are more emotional and value bonding more so than sex. You must be around a lot of greyfaced normies and roasties

>> No.13198755

you could try one of your mass brainwashing and social normalization campaigns like you're doing for trannies.

>yeah well it's not like we could help them anyway
is one of the shittiest possible deflections from
>why do you keep making enemies out of this demographic

>> No.13198760

Sex is their bonding

>> No.13198765

Nah, hence why men get 'friendzoned'.. Too litle sex on his side and too much bonding, which most women are OK with. The key is to do both. It's not hard. If you still fail at women it's 100% you or you are chasing idiots

>> No.13198810

You’re touching on what I was trying to say in my original post.

The fact that men often struggle to realise what you said suggests that they’re much more prone to a irrational kind of romanticism in which interaction between a male and female is assumed to end with sex by default.

It’s actually amazing how little men understand women despite it not being that difficult to get.

>> No.13198820

Thank you oh pious one of the female faith

>> No.13198833

I for one cannot wait for dysgenics-feuled societal collapse. In no other age has biowaste multiplied as fast as in this one

>> No.13198854

more than 20 years of dropping IQ now, itsa comin

>> No.13198872

>sisters of mercy
Absolutely patrician

>> No.13198886

There's nothing romantic about that. Women can be puzzling because of what they require, and what they require is not natural to many men, or it was and has been taken away. But why do you find them to be more simple than men think?

>> No.13198906

>don’t be a doormat
>don’t be an emotionless and potentially abusive rock
>provide emotional support when necessary
>be willing to receive emotional support when necessary
>have personal responsibility

Seems simple to me. Then again, I’ve always been surrounded by women, so maybe I’m biased.

>> No.13198913

Have you ever stopped to consider you hold men to higher standards than women

>> No.13198932

Not particularly. Everything I listed is criteria I’d use as a measuring stick for a gf as well.

>> No.13198950


>> No.13198996


>> No.13199096

holy shit contrapoints was one of those early weenie athiest youtubers? lmao I remeber him making a vid about how its feminist to watch softcore lesbian porn

>> No.13199123

yeah that was him

>> No.13199158

She has transitioned and identifies as a woman now. I’m sure you know this and are only trying to be edgy. ContraPoints won’t be hurt by your intentions, but I just want to point out how sad you are

>> No.13199170

No I'm talking Nykytyne, Id use she for Contrapoints

>> No.13199172


>> No.13199203

Zizek actually wrote a pretty good article about incels


Basically you cannot really expect on all levels for everything to be handed out for you. Universal ism is not a carte blacnhe for an inclusion for rights for every need, but a space for you to exercise your freedom. Theoretically socialism is not an extension of "rights" in the social sense, but a struggle for political representation and decision making. Getting more shit of everything is not really socialism, like getting more shit from everything is not really welfare.

>> No.13199229

Maybe you should take that as one of three things:
1) your behaviour is somehow inadequate for the situation that leads you to be rejected, not you as a person
2) you are consistently choosing the wrong people to try
3) you probably interpret small neutral/desinterested reactions as hard rejections

>> No.13199231

Depends how you define freedom

>> No.13199237


>> No.13199243

>Basically you cannot really expect on all levels for everything to be handed out for you
We should really explain this to minorities and women

>> No.13199250

How convenient that the only commodity socialists say they won't or can't redistribute is the one they don't have any difficulty acquiring.

>laissez-faire when i can compete, regulation when i can't

>> No.13199252
File: 360 KB, 911x988, NFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, totally a woman.

>> No.13199261

>Basically you cannot really expect on all levels for everything to be handed out for you.

>"Wow, you're horribly ugly and cant get laid in the digital age when women can go to Tinder for a quick fuck? Umm have you thought getting a haircut, lifting and just b-ing yourself?"

Funny how these commies become die-hard capitalists when it involves intimacy.

>> No.13199270

>Legal prostitution

Woah solved the incel problem, but wpuld the le socialist paradise actually have that many willing prostitutes is the question

>> No.13199277

1844 manuscripts.

>> No.13199280


Erotic love wouldn't be well love if you just distributed it like tin cans of spam. Love is an exercise of freedom because it is uncontrolled and spontaneous. Social problems like envy on an interpersonal level cannot really be solved by politics no matter the system, capitalism or communism. In a perverted sense some crazy bolsheviks did have that idea of totally controlled society where even death and sexual love would be abolished, but then we are at the realm of fantasy or eschatological religion and not reality. Something like starvation is not qualitative the same because there , there is a complete absence of freedom and to realize what you are as an individual. Which is why Zizek got so much in trouble with the pc crowd, equality as a philosophical proposition doesn't mean anything, as political view it doesn't really affect anything either at a structural level.

>> No.13199283

The left wing was essentially always an antimale rhetoric.

>> No.13199287

post your shoulders, little bitch

>> No.13199299

communism means people are rewarded with the value of their labor and have control over it. capitalism means the value of your labor goes to a stranger and you have no control over it.

demonstrating value, asking someone out, providing for them, and getting laid is communism. capitalism would be every time someone wants to sleep with you the police force them to fuck a stranger instead.

>> No.13199321
File: 141 KB, 468x468, 1539799813168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont fucking know bro

>> No.13199324

>demonstrating value, asking someone out, providing for them, and getting laid is communism.
It really isn't, because the 'value' you provide is dependent on another's judgment. It's not objective, and they can just shoot you down for being undesirable, far beyond anything your 'labor' could ever compensate for. This is implying that anyone can become sexually attractive through work alone, which is just blatantly false.

if anything, your example shows that seeing everything through the myopic lens of materialism creates an extremely botched and reductive worldview of what humans really are.

>> No.13199327

>demonstrating value, asking someone out, providing for them, and getting laid is communism. capitalism would be every time someone wants to sleep with you the police force them to fuck a stranger instead.
but this is the complete reverse of the situation with getting a job. Demonstrating value in capitalist society is acquiring skills, asking for a job, working hard, etc. communism is just being given one

>> No.13199330

sincerely hope this bitch gets skinned alive by some melanin enriched friends

>> No.13199336

Historically speaking, superfluous men have always enacted revenge by burning down the world that rejected them.

>> No.13199340

communism doesn't give you jobs you're not able to do

>> No.13199345

wildly untrue, theyve often just been cannon fodder or slave labor

>> No.13199348

>use tinder
Why would you want sex just for the sake of sex?

>> No.13199352

>seeing everything through the myopic lens of materialism
I'm not the one who said dating is capitalist

>> No.13199356

but it will pay you nonetheless no? Isn't that the point of the bit about to each according to his needs

>> No.13199363

I didn't say dating was capitalist, i said the attitude communists have to the incel-problem is capitalist, since they're basically repeating the "pull yourself by your bootstraps" nonsense that they (rightfully) criticize capitalists for in the economic sphere.

>> No.13199375

Not communists, lefties. Communists have abandoned the left.

>> No.13199376

You're pretty quick on the uptake lad, you'll make a good Nazi yet

>> No.13199377

Is that really the conclusion you draw? The more sensible conclusion is that incels are a necessary unhappy result of markets, just like the poor, and trying to equalize either situation is perverse and dysgenic.

>> No.13199390

But low iq africans breeding like rabbits isn't dysgenic?

>> No.13199396

>Attacking incels is the stupidest thing lefties have ever done.

good one buddy

>> No.13199401

Before you decry the "unnecessary" nature of the gadgets you mentioned, first wonder why they have become necessary. Smart phones are an arm of the Internet, which is the defining interface by which society functions in this millennium. It's only natural that reliable, location-independent connectivity is a basic need. It's an advantage that any society would wish to achieve.

>> No.13199405

Because nothing the communists offer or can offer will help? With Tinder and online dating, basically everyone is free to date whomever they want, but rather than cause everyone to be happy and get laid/relationships, you instead get a very small amount of men who have sex with a very large amount of wome, while the rest of the men get nothing. But the solutions offered by the communists (liberation from archaic institutions) would only make this problem worse, as we saw when the Bolsheviks tried to implement 'free love' and were forced to stop because it was an unmitigated disaster. Inducing more 'freedom' will only make things even worse.

This isnt due to markets, this is due to innate biological differences between man and woman that have been suppressed for the past millennia, but have now returned. Just like in that distant past, we now see a huge discrepancy between the amount of women having sex and the amount of men.

>> No.13199411

how do you suggest they approach this issue, then?

>> No.13199413

The triggerment of truth.

>> No.13199418

Same way it's been dealt with for the past 2000 years. Marriage for life, and that's it.

>> No.13199425

As the world and society we live in was built by man, woman can be considered anti society.

>> No.13199428

Liberals (capitalist cucks) are not leftists. Please stop being American. There are no leftists in America.

>> No.13199434

Marx in the streets, Rand in the sheets

>> No.13199440

Eurofag here, our commies/lefties are exactly the same. It might be that this cancer started in the USA, but ours are no better at this point. Maybe Eastern European commies, but im not familiar with them.

>> No.13199448

and how would promiscuity be regulated? via social credit, china style?

>> No.13199453

Marxists don't get to decide what is "left"

>> No.13199462
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>> No.13199468

Same way it's been regulated for the past 2000 years.
public shaming and death

>> No.13199481

Yeah I am sure letting solely young woman decide the genetic make-up of future generations isn't perverse or dysgenic

>> No.13199492

Hell yeah dude single moms rock

>> No.13199529


>> No.13199546

Would not exist in large numbers without the state subsidizing them

>> No.13199673

>I cannot fathom the fact that people actually have sex with each other. The very concept is completely alien to me, even though I see it all the time in pornography. I feel basically that I am not a human being
This is a feel I've never been able to put into words until now. I understand it entirely. Less than even sex, I feel touch-starved. Physical affection is all I ever wanted - even the most friendly, platonic things. The few times I'm touched, even lightly, I jump. I'm not used to it, but all I want is to know everything around me is just as real.

>> No.13199836

Beautifully written

>> No.13199948

>powerless leftists

>> No.13199980

Be a cuck in other words.
Maybe roasties should drop their corrupted and soiled "ego".

>> No.13199987

To me having sex, or any kind of physical intimacy in general, always felt like flying. Sure, you'd want to fly, you dream about it, fantasize what would you do if you could, but you know it's not part of your nature, so you shouldn't feel that bad because you aren't able to do it.

Just like that I know that, as much as I would like to do it and fantasize about it, I know having sex is not part of my nature.

>> No.13200018

get a girlfriend. most girls love slow, peaceful cuddling and hate the PIV-obsessed idiocy of typical men

>> No.13200029

>wealth and power are not being concentrated at an alarming rate

>> No.13200032


>> No.13200114

Thats the lowest barrier ever.

>> No.13200117

>you interpret small neutral/disinterested reactions as hard rejections

See this is where modern dating is hard. Push too hard, you’re a rapist/creep. Don’t push at all, and the number of women you sleep with over a lifetime greatly diminishes.

>> No.13200124

Would if I could anon, but it's just not happening. 24, KHV

>> No.13200251

hence the proliferation of twitter women saying "the bar can't get any lower"

Something bitter incels/poltards/etc can't accept is that most women have countless stories of shitty men, and the consistent thread is all the values /pol/ and 4chan celebrate: narcissism, demands, paranoia, whining, aversion to novelty, petty insults, antisocial behavior, cluelessness, lack of empathy, inexperience, etc.

You get away from that shit and you're instantly a 5 regardless of what you look like. Wash your bedsheets and have friends and you're a 6.

>> No.13200261

Men date women though

>> No.13200263


>> No.13200272


>> No.13200277

The moment you need emotional support women will judge you weak and dump you. I've seen this happen to many times, a guy cries because their aunt died? Wimp. Time to find an aggressive and dominant fuckbuddy on Tinder.

>> No.13200279

Your life will be better. You will be stronger. Do it. Get off 4channel and do it.

>> No.13200284

Twitter is mostly performance for women, you are not meant to believe anything they say on there.

>> No.13200301


Why don't you go read some books on the subject since you clearly have no idea what you are talking about?

>> No.13200311

This is an incel meme. All men need emotional support and most men are in long-term relationships, so this is instantly bullshit. My gf(female) and I have emotional conversations all the time.

The issue is when you turn "needing emotional support" into a license to turn into an abusive sperg and lose any empathy for the person you're dating

>> No.13200347
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I have a little theory regarding this one.

You can pick out the dick hungry whores if you look at their behavior.

If a girl radiates a stereotypically male behavior then she wants the dick so badly that she's willing to drop the really good attributes of a female and succumb to the ridiculousness of male culture.

Under the peasant I know how to be the greatest of them. When it comes to swearing, being loud, being uncultured, talking shit, talking out of my ass, insulting someone, vulgar racist jokes, I can top the charts, especially since I've read my fair share of literature, so I don't give a shit if someone thinks I'm an ass.

But deep in me, I hate every second of it. I've always preferred the feminine, the quite and peaceful feeling I get when I observe her reading a book or just adjusting her hair. Why a women would change that peace for what is basically screaming around like an idiot thinking that's cool has only one explanation, she wants the dick that badly.

>> No.13200352

>and have friends
>don’t be a doormat
>don’t be an emotionless and potentially abusive rock
>provide emotional support when necessary
>be willing to receive emotional support when necessary

>> No.13200376

get off 4channel. stop sperging. repeat.

>> No.13200377

>And do it
That's the issue. It's not that easy. It's the ??? in the "Profit!" plan. I get off 4chan and then ??? and then I have girlfriend? Not happening.

>> No.13200381

>I've read my fair share of literature

>> No.13200383

ok, how do I cure autism

>> No.13200386

>It's not that easy
and yet you must do it.

>> No.13200392

Find someone you know in real life. Ask them how to get a gf. Do what they say. If you think they are wrong, do it anyway. Once you've don it, ask another person you know in real life. Do what they say. If you think they are wrong, do it anyway.

4channel will not save you.

>> No.13200401

>legalise prostitution
there, solved it

>> No.13200406

I was being literal anon, I actually have real autism

I dont know anyone who has had a girlfriend and is under 60 years old

>> No.13200410
File: 7 KB, 275x183, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your granny fucks.

>> No.13200414

You know there are women with autism too, right? Find them and date them. And be nice.

>> No.13200434

>most men are in long-term relationships

>> No.13200454

what fucking alternate history timeline do you come from

>> No.13200498

Are you unaware of the 8:1 gender ratio or just trying to trick anons?

>> No.13200528

>8:1 is the same as 8:0
I thought autists were good at arithmetic

>> No.13200534

In all seriousness my autistic cousin(male) married an autistic girl(female) and they're doing fine. If you're autistic, be in the top 1/8 of autists. Why not?

>> No.13200602

Because doing other things I enjoy has a better anticipated cost:benefit ratio than listening to motivational speeches from normalfags who have no clue what they're talking about and can only say "well just try harder" when confronted with new information. The way for autists to be happy isn't trying to win rigged games, it's to accept their reality and stop comparing it to normalfag fairytales. Your attempts to trick autists into pursuing things most will not achieve is misguided at best and manipulation for ulterior motives at worst.

>> No.13200616
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OP, your intuitions are correct. Marxism assumes the same Lockean state of nature as liberalsim (and accordingly all assumptions that underlie its economic system; capitalism), and by extension the same premsies and metrics by which it constitutes success; the mere satisfaction of material needs. Marxism is ontologically liberal. No one puts it better than pic rel.

>> No.13200617

Why the fuck are we calling incels autists

>> No.13200640

Because some guy told a meddling normalfag he was literally autistic and got uninformed advice as a result. Also because "incel" is a retarded word that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.13200716

>reducing bitter incel population by getting them laid
>ulterior motive
no, that's the motive

>> No.13200726

>The way for autists to be happy isn't trying to win rigged games, it's to accept their reality
So why aren't they happy? Why are they bitching so much?

>> No.13200770

Because they weren't put in a naturally happiness inducing situation in the first place. Then their culture started misleading them and shitting on them. Then they wandered into an antarctic orca avoidance seminar surrounded by other people who reinforced their flawed assumptions about happiness. Your just world assumptions are wrong.

>> No.13200843

>an antarctic orca avoidance seminar
you lost me

>> No.13200848

Why do incels believe they are entitled to a girlfriend just for the fact they exist? Millions of people throughout human history died virgins or lonely with no offspring to leave a legacy to, the only thing that has changed is the fact those people now have a place where they can sperg out about their inability to have sex, the internet.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, this is nature's way of filtering the gene pool, if you can't reproduce because you're too much of a beta, lacks charisma or is just too ugly then there's nothing inside you worth keeping around to begin with. It's not really that hard to understand, sooner people accept their place in the world and stop struggling to reach for something they quite literally weren't made for, the sooner the world will be a better place.

>> No.13200854

Are you sure that an incel army is what you want?

>> No.13200868

... with a refugee.

>> No.13200897
File: 2.58 MB, 416x307, 1558829772274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 28 year old virgin.

>> No.13200908

>Why do leftist writers never write about the issue with materialism from a psyochological well-being perspective?
because they are not retarded. Psychological well-being? Well, let me just take away your shelter and see how psychologically effected the lack of materialism imposes on you. Let's take away food and water too! and clothes, and all protection. Let's take away nature, too, since that too is "material". In fact, let's just take away all material. But this removes time as well, for time requires space. The anti-materialists are anti-existence (their positon can only still be held if they are anti-natalists). Since I don't hate myself so much I want nothing to exist, I think this is retarded, and you should too if you have any self-respect left.

>> No.13200920

you guys are really placing pussy on too high a pedestal
you know women are people too right? they are just more reactive to you how act. act like awkward loser around your bros and they don't care. act like that around around a girl and she will pull back.
I think for some of you there hasn't been any intimacy with opposite sex most of your adult lives so it seems so foreign. like how someone who gets dealt shit after shit in life think they will never be happy or whatever.

to rewire yourself is literally as easy as seeing a prostitute
go do it

>> No.13200931

Sexual Marxism is the answer.

>> No.13200940


Boy, have I got a writer for you.

Check out Bataille, particularly Accursed Share.

Answer to your question though: they have no solutions in this realm, on a fundamental level.

>> No.13200955

>What I'm referring to here is ofcourse depression, reclusiveness and all other comparable conditions
ressentment from people with material. Because people want stuff and hate others because they already have it, we should be anti-materialism... Bruh.
>If only we can distribute wealth and make sure everyone has their "basic needs" covered they will end up happy.
who knew! The anti-materialists are actually just resentful materialists!
>Of course, you won't hear them discussing the fact "basic needs" change with times and technology. Nowadays a smartphone would be considered a basic need. Do they really think that people today are more happy than people of old simply because they have more gadgets now? Can we positively say, that we are "happier" than cavemen were? If there are any leftists here who actually believe this please come with good arguments and not stuff like "try living without a smartphone then".
idiot who thinks happiness is the only element to life, and totally skims over how much new power each person is given because of material

>> No.13200963

>there is no substitute for the comfort of my imagination
the liberals would love you!

>> No.13201097

Fuck lefties are so dumb, it must be a component

>> No.13201108

Prostitution is illegal where I live.

>> No.13201127

How fucking stupid can these lefties be to think that buying sex is a solution to inequality?

>> No.13201149
File: 95 KB, 802x1000, f6e7c8e7-1a33-4fc9-b904-67b1a292a83a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a shame

idk dude I'm the guy that made the fuck a whore post
I'm not left, and I don't have time or patience to chase normal girls, so I just fuck a hoe

pic related, $280 aud an hour

>> No.13201186

1/3 of men under 30 haven't has sex in the past year, according to a Washington Post survey. That's a pretty big demographic no matter how you slice it

>> No.13201200

27 year old virgin here

>> No.13201240

No one's entitled to anything, including personal safety. The problem (and the reason why so many different cultures independently invented monogamy) is that if you have a bunch of lonely alienated young men, then chances are they will wreak havoc. Society is a contract, and if enough people don't want to take up the contract, then they won't.

>> No.13201250

The real reason is monogamy creates a stronger family unit and therefore stronger people. Degenerates just can't compete.

>> No.13201362
File: 499 KB, 500x227, afe8f3b0f51ca769ebb7f8ce6cc4406e2d306182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this thread still here?

>> No.13201371

>as opposed to the idea that segregation occurs due to fundamental differences in the biology of poor vs rich people.
>as their are biological traits often found in poor people that cannot be rectified through education alone (e.g. predisposition to instant gratification and a higher degree of reckless behaviour).
A lot of these differences are genetically common in all people but triggered through environmental stressors with poverty being one of the largest contributing factors. Poor kids growing up on 700 calories a day are never going to reach even average IQ.

>That in the vast majority of instances a less segregated society will bring down the quality of life of the higher strata by a greater degree than uplifting the quality of life of the lower strata
In a one to one comparison this is obviously true. If you take half a millionaires money and give a little to every poor person and then compare one poor person to that millionaire obviously half a million is a larger number.

If that half million provides 2K calories a day for 1000 children then you should be comparing the increase of 1000 to the decrease of 1.

>> No.13201381

right here
>>women are attracted to status over appearance, even something as insignificant as a tedx
anarchism seeks to abolish unjust hierarchies. your status as a total donk is good actually, and very attractive, just not under capitalism.

>> No.13201404
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Traditionally young incels would burn up energy on the periphery, clashing with outsiders.

>> No.13201558

I've been ghosted by women who i've been nothing other than sweet, caring and i'd even say interesting yet they do it anyway.

>> No.13201694

Yeah and what the fuck are they gonna do about it
I don't see any incel riots
They're all playing video games and masturbating. This "muh stability" shit is asinine. These men are KEKED SPINELESS CANDY ASSES! THEY HAVE ACCEPTED THEIR FATE!
Your juvenile wish fulfillment incel uprising will literally never happen

>> No.13201750

>will literally never happen
Perhaps - and perhaps not. The fact that it will come as a surprise to you if it happens is an interesting feature to consider. A lot of watershed moments catch the masses off guard.

>> No.13201785

I'm a fucking incel, the worst that happens if I'm caught off guard is I'm taking a shit when everyone else is chimping in the streets. It will absolutely never happen.

>> No.13201801

I spend time on /k/ and a lot of incels there do not fit the mold. They post images and they are not lardasses, either. If they decide to make trouble then the capability is there.

>> No.13201947

There doesn't have to be an armed insurrection for 1/3 of men refusing to participate in our society to affect it negatively. It's a large voting block, it's a high tax burden, it's a shortage of fathers and eligible partners. It's almost certainly going to be an issue.

>> No.13201998

My plan is to not contribute to society while sapping your tax dollars.

>> No.13202106

Lmao, you're overestimating the numbers completely.
All these limp dicked resentful incel cucks like yourself, are maybe 5 percent of the population. Normal people have sex you know, even if it's not a lot.

>> No.13202111
File: 555 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190529-115711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, incel coping is so pathetic.
>I- I don't have a job but it's n-not like I am a loser, I just don't want to pay taxes asshole.
>Haha, told em!

>> No.13202358

Extremely based