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/lit/ - Literature

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13191970 No.13191970 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to start reading at 24? Not trying to be a writer but I would like to be well read in different fields. I have already started some Russians and am currently on the Greeks. Sometimes I feel like I'm fooling myself into thinking I can do this.

>> No.13192016

bro you're not 80 ffs if you live to at least 60 you'll have more than 30 years to become well read

>> No.13192021

id on glasses?

>> No.13192026

youre can do that, bun not for >like to be well read
try read what you like and enjoying process

>> No.13192032 [DELETED] 

it's never too late to start again. Butterfly is almost 50 and she hasn't even completed her hormone therapy but she still has time to transition and start a new life with me as my wife in a cabin by the sea :3

>> No.13192087


>> No.13192140

you understand nothing until you understand.

>> No.13192142

Sorry anon, the cut off was at 23. You can never be well read now

>> No.13192157

>Sometimes I feel like I'm fooling myself into thinking I can do this.
you're probably just dumb. you're definitely dumb if you started reading at 24.

>> No.13192177

by dumb I mean lacking in cognitive abilities. physically stupid. I have never met a single intelligent person who started late. doesn't exist. I started playing with books at age 2/3, and by 8 I was reading the canon.

>> No.13192412

I think you can be intelligent in life and other areas that don't require reading literature.

>> No.13192449

I’m 24 and I’m fat. Should I even bother to diet or should I keep stuffing my face with donuts every single day for the rest of my life?
See how dumb that sounds? It’s never too late man.
>except for teenage love desu

>> No.13192591

I don't think it's ever too late to starting, but maybe ready some comfy 20th century stuff before you start reading classics. If you build a love for reading first, the classics will be a lot easier for you.

I'd be starting with something like pic related.

>> No.13192596
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>> No.13192622

From this list I would start with Great Gatsby, then Catch-22, then One Hundred Years of Solitude, then whatever else you wanna read from that chart (or let your next book be whatever the fuck you want it to be- I prefer to let my fancy wander). Those three books should open you up to the wonderful world of reading enough to stop you from worrying if you're "too old"

>> No.13192687
File: 149 KB, 682x1024, Michel-Houellebecq-presente-L-enlevement-de-Michel-Houellebecq-a-Madrid-le-22-aout-2014_portrait_w858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Houellebecq

>> No.13192702

Not OP but when do you guys think the cutoff is to become a great writer? Not like Tolstoy/Nabokov level, but a solid 7-8 out of 10 writer.

>> No.13192714

Some of those are cringe, namely great gatsby and lolita are fun but particularly deep.

>> No.13192728

Yes but the point is to get OP to start giving a shit about books instead of giving a shit about being "too old." I'm sure once OP reads a handful of those books he'll be able to make his own observations.

>> No.13192744

Contrary to contemporary opinion 24 is still really young. Go for it- you could be pretty well read while still in the prime of your life.