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File: 143 KB, 741x454, GermanMisconceptionsUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13190934 No.13190934 [Reply] [Original]

language learning general.

i'll start, any good books for german grammar? i can more or less read german but i have a lot to improve, would be nice to get some books recommended to learn high level grammar

would be also nice some etymology books, i find german words difficult to pin down unless i know exactly what they mean, while on other more latin related languages it's easier to guess, so it would be good to learn some german etymology, also some clarifications about how to interpret verb suffixes like an-, ver-, zer-, and all that stuff, like the difference between anhören vs hören and stuff like that, i know in this case anhören is something you do actively (listen) vs hören (hearing), but would be nice to learn any kind of logic that allows me to partially guess this stuff from the suffixes

also pronunciation books and phonetic alphabet stuff in general appreciated too

>> No.13191052

We should've nukes Germany too.

>> No.13191081

Calm down Pédro. Iran will get you first

>> No.13191088
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1523802253657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13191094

Abstain for gains.

>> No.13191144


>> No.13191146

Belongs on /int/, not /lit/. They can help you out a lot more than I can.

For your question about anhören vs. hören, I suggest you study up on "seperable verbs". All it boils down to is recognizing the base verb and the preposition. To be fair, "an" prepositions are kind of wild at first, but overtime it will start to click. And most other prepositions make much more sense. Example: aussteigen vs einsteigen, ansehen vs aussehen vs wiedersehen, etc etc

One last piece of advice, I would recommend:
>"Die Gelbe aktuell" published by Hueber (infamous big yellow grammar book)
>Foreign Service Institute German basic course
>German tv shows (Netflix has some good ones like Dunkelheit, Perfume)
>Unironically use Duolingo for lots of exercise

Ich kenne deinen kampf anon, ich hab seit 1.5 Jahren Deutsch lernen. Es geht immer langsam aber du sollst nicht aufgeben! Und auch, weil dieser post wird schon lang und wir bei /lit/ sind, ich empfehle dir manche gute büche.
>Homo Faber - Max Frisch
>Die Physiker - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
>Faust - Goethe (ein Riese aber ein guter)
>Der Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse

Macht es gut!

>> No.13191157

really an int thing, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a foreign literature general on this board. especially since most works in any language are untranslated into another language

>> No.13191198

I'm a German and I have this conception about both other Germans and Americans.

>> No.13191248

>They aren't that smart

>> No.13191260

Those are all pretty accurate descriptions of every American I've encountered

>> No.13191812


>> No.13191834

I was born in or wrong country

>> No.13191911

My german friend came over and told us we were all too materialistic on the second day she was here.

Ironically she lives in a godless US satellite state whos econom yis built around production of high tech zoomer tools and GRUN material world view while the US still has a spirtual component to it.

>> No.13192224

'twas probably but a mere error of typography, considering that the keys which produce on-screen characters "s" and "d" are directly adjacent. a simple slip of the finger could have been our culprit here.

>> No.13192424

German grammar books by Heiner Schenke and Karen Seago are useful and easy to find online. Look up Assimil German without Toil book and audio; it's from the 60's but I found the combination helpful.

>> No.13192456

US misconceptions about Germany:
There are still Germans in the country.

>> No.13192463

Why do Euros hate us so much guys. There are some dumb people but there are dumb people everywhere

>> No.13192530

Pic related is all true though

>> No.13192696
File: 37 KB, 634x271, 12309100-6925175-image-a-8_1555352435015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your president is dumb.
I'm not an antitrump faggot but he genuinely dumb.

>> No.13192716

Why would I care what brown people think?

>> No.13192761

success breeds jealousy

>> No.13192765

Dumb isn't the right word for it. Euros get a strong sense of wilful ignorance from murica. As in, the idea that the American way is the right way (re all sorts of social issues) and any other way of doing things is wrong or not as good by definition. And that America is the only country that matters, and that you are already the best at everything, and that America somehow already has everything and the rest of the world is just kind of there taking up space. Euros feel that attitude from America, alongside a seperate stereotype that in actual fact you culture is pretty shallow and materialistic and lacking in real history. So those two attitudes combine in the Euro to form a powerful feeling of contempt. It's not resentment. It's how you might feel towards a younger relative who thinks they are god's gift to mankind but you know for a fact that they are actually just a cocky twat. That's just my hot take as a Brit. (Most of us [Brits] actually secretly love you and your culture btw).

>> No.13192912

Ich kenne deinen [K]ampf [A]non, ich [lerne] seit [1,5] Jahren Deutsch. Es geht immer langsam[,] aber du [darfst] nicht aufgeben! [Weil dieser Post schon lange wird und wir auf /lit/ sind, empfehle ich dir noch manch gutes Buch.]

Mach[] es gut!
Macht would have been correct if you hadn't adressed your post to a single anon.

>> No.13192969

Macht can also refer to a single person, though

>> No.13193004

That's archaic and only used in combination with the royal they or other such nonsense.

>> No.13193755

an- can have a lot of meanings, ver- and zer- are more clear, zer- in perticular.
zer- is used to express that the object of the verb splits into pieces or is destroyed. (e.g. zerstäuben= atomize. zerstören=destroy, zersägen= sawing something until it becomes apart)
You could attache zer- to any verb to add this meaning to the verb. It does also work with ver- to express that you made a mistake while doing something(e.g. If you put too much salt on something i.d.you made a mistake while salting
you have versalzen your meal.If you guessed the wrong amount of flour to put in your sauce i.d. you made a mistake while guessing
you have verschätzt yourselve.
If you walk somewhere and you don't know any longer where you are i.d. you made a mistake while walking you have verlaufen yourselve)

>> No.13193795

>It's not resentment.
Lmao. Sorry eurobro but speaking as an Australian I can’t take that seriously. It’s the you feel toward a younger brother who is a dumb piece of shit but who is successful in life and who helped fix you up after your prescription medicine suicide attempt and is now paying for your rent and and who barely even realises you dislike him.

>> No.13193945


>> No.13194166

Thanks for the tip on darfst instead of sollst and Mach instead of Macht, I was being careless. But I don't care about capitilization lol.

>> No.13194220
File: 35 KB, 370x499, easy.ways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive the meme title. This book kicks ass for working with cognates if you are 3rd year or more into study.

>> No.13194240

I am very sad that you have only experienced our retards.

>> No.13194272

Notre Dame is in Paris. Paris is on the Seine. The Seine is large enough to support fire suppression aircraft like we commonly use in the US. Logistically, provided France has aircraft such as this, it all makes sense to me to use them.

>> No.13194290

>But I don't care about capitilization lol
You'll never make it.

>> No.13194393

It's the sort of liberal narccisim you see in America itself that serves ultimately as a defense of the reality of liberalism, as if their governments, banks, intelligence agencies, ect. don't run in parallel ways to that of the US', apparently just having a few more social programs in their countries makes everything else about them non-existent.

>> No.13194639

It's a building, not a fucking forest. Using them would destroy the whole building.
And there were 200 firefighters looking for solutions during hours at that time, does Trump really thinks he is more qualified than firefighters to chose how to fight a fire?

>> No.13195112

>does Trump really thinks he is more qualified than firefighters to chose how to fight a fire?
Nah, he's just spitballing.

>> No.13195211

Absolute media-addled autistic cunt you are

>> No.13195332

That pic is completely accurate though
Not that modern Germany is much better

>> No.13195341

Is there any hope in saving the fatherland?

>> No.13195728

can you explain how you used this book?

>> No.13195753

He shows examples of cognates and then shows how you can generally assume meaning even though you do not know the word. He gives an example; then proceeds to give incrementally more difficult examples. By the time you are done, you are reading well beyond your level because he laid the cognate foundation for you. Eventually you drop the training wheels and do it without his assistance.

>> No.13195842

Thanks just got the .pdf I'll give it a shot.

>> No.13195872

most languages can be easily learned without books, only free online resources
>keep a notebook to write down every piece of grammar you learn, also have a section devoted to vocabulary (this is especially important for languages not written with the Latin alphabet)
>translate random sentences into the language from your own using an online dictionary, writing down new words in your notebook as you go. if you don't know enough grammar to translate it, Google it; read the Wikipedia page, check forums, etc. also write down any new grammar in your notebook
>if the language has complex conjugation or declension systems, copy charts of every pattern into the notebook
>learn IPA, use Wiktionary to check pronunciations, use phonology pages on Wikipedia to make sure you understand the distinctions
>watch YouTube videos, TV, and movies in the language
>learn IPA, it will improve your accent
>if you want to try your speaking abilities, try Duolingo or find someone IRL who fluently speaks the language to practice with

>> No.13196428

>Heiner Schenke and Karen Seago
>basic grammar
how basic is it? i've already done classes at a C1 level, even though i'm probably not C1 as i went through the classes but didn't memorize the stuff properly

>> No.13196544

>>learn IPA, it will improve your accent
good resources? i guess books are not the best for this

>> No.13196567

So he is taking French for genuine retards. He wouldn't be wrong though.

>Hurr trump no retard trump intelligent its because of the jews

>> No.13197569

clozemaster is lit bros

>> No.13197711 [DELETED] 

How long to be able to read books in french? Maybe 30 min a day of study.

>> No.13197738

Hes half retard for sure but he also has moments of intelligence. I prefer Macron desu, just wish he would flip on immigration

>> No.13198321

best way to learn a modern aramaic language? which one? where/how to learn it?

>> No.13198356

Let it burn.

>> No.13198702
File: 47 KB, 180x567, PISA2015BySteveSailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you evaluate yourself highly, Europe is the land of Dunning-Krueger

>> No.13198710


>> No.13198717

This. Let's read the great modern European wri- AHAHAHAHA

>> No.13198718

that's literally what the rest of the world thinks about you guys

>> No.13198726

>that's literally what the rest of the world thinks
kek'd hard, that's a funny way to say receives opinions from higher up

>> No.13198767

>suffixes like an-, ver-, zer-

>> No.13198788

I would argue if you were not right. Fuck every slob cunt that would be pumping gas in north carolina that thinks they are hot shit because they have been enabled by a good school system to become a somewhat proficient worker drone.

>> No.13198806

As a non-native you should stick with every rule of the language; you don't want to pick up any bad habits.

>> No.13198943

it's not about being dumb really, it's more about naivity, obliviousness and self-absorption
the stereotype is that for americans US is the only country in the world and they can barely locate continents on the map, much less individual countries
according to the stereotypes, the average american only knows that europe is a country with a queen and the eiffel tower, russia is cold and evil and whatever middle-eastern country they're currently fighting

>> No.13198992

>every minor inconvinience is da Joos fault
and you wonder why people think you guys are oblivious

>> No.13198998

>Ordnung first
>stylistics secondary

>> No.13199242
File: 77 KB, 720x402, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our problem with you is not that there are dumb people, but that the dumb people think they're not actually dumb

>> No.13199248

Wikipedia has audio files and explanations of every sound found in a natural language. the chart is here:
the files are found on each individual sound's page on the right margin, beneath the encoding information. you'll also want to read up a bit on phonetics in general, particularly distinctive features, place of articulation, manner of articulation, air-stream mechanism, voicing, vowel height, vowel backness, and vowel rounding

>> No.13199254

note that every topic I mentioned has a Wikipedia page that's easy to read and understand without a formal background in linguistics

>> No.13199292

Who said anything about Jews? Looks like this chart>>13198702 was right.

>> No.13199417

> language learning

>> No.13199422

I'm kinda freaked out that i completely understand this post. I never really learned German but Dutch is my mother tongue though.

>> No.13199565

This is all good but you need to lodge your vocalizations somewhere for external review by a native speaker. As an example you can lodge something here:
and link to it on an /int/ thread.

>> No.13199701

Ich lerne Deutsch fur ein vergleichbare Zeit; hier sind einige andere Empfehlungen:
> Im westen nichts neues - Erich Maria Remarque (einfach)
> Schachnovelle - Stefan Zweig (sehr einfach)
> Das Parfum - Patrick Susskind (ein bisschen schwierig fur ein Einsteiger)
Mein lieblingsbuch sind Nietzsche's Zarathustra; aber ich brauch viele Hilfe von mein Worterbuch wann ich das lese.

>> No.13199852

>I don't care about capitilization lol.
You chose the wrong language then

>> No.13200270

I've been working my way through wheelocks and lingua Latina and I want to learn ancient Greek on the side. Does anyone have tips/recommendations for studying two languages at the same time?