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13190554 No.13190554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get out of this? I couldn't hold back for more than 2 days. Just 2 fucking days. Normally I am fine as long as I am engaged in something, but the minute I am sitting idle doing nothing, my mind wanders and I get horny. Wasted the whole day today doing nothing but masterbating. How do I escape this?

>> No.13190563

Are you religious?

>> No.13190567

I think I'm on day 3... completely unintentional. I just jacked off too much and lost interest. Popped a boner last night, though. I haven't watched porn in a while. Idk. Maybe if life actually had something worth my time going on I would care to stop but it doesn't

>> No.13190571

Used to be. But then atheism happened at school and we weren't allowed to be religious anymore.

>> No.13190574

>watches a lot of porn
>thinks he's hooked
Come back to me when you're dropping $1000 a week on hookers. That's a whole new level of self loathing kid

>> No.13190575

>mfw I haven't had $1,000 in years
Eternal poverty

>> No.13190582

I was the same. Used to be atheist from school, but now Christian. You don't necessarily have to believe in God to stop jerking off though you just have to have a desire to self-improve. See yourself from a third-person perspective. Do you want to be pathetic forever?

>> No.13190585

This desu

>> No.13190587

Play some games, read books go out with someone to occupy the time so you cant do it.
I cant relay think of how else, its entirely up to you.

>> No.13190596

>DUDE jerking off is bad for you!!
it's amazing how this /pol/ meme got picked up by reddit, bolstered with psuedo-science graphs, and is suddenly all over the internet now.

there is nothing harmful about masturbating. just do it and move on. stop overthinking it.

>> No.13190603


>> No.13190606

Wait wait, What? It was you guys who said that jerking off was bad. This meme itself originated from /lit/. Something about transcending human desires. I've seen numerous /lit/ threads talking talking about rejecting human lust.

>> No.13190607

if you, in your mind, no longer consider it an option anymore - that is, you will under no circumstance allow yourself to do it, there is no lingering feeling of an open door (you have to decide this) - then you will find it easier to nip the thoughts in the bud when they begin, because they are only unhelpful. and you won't want to look at pictures etc either, because it will just make things more unnecessarily difficult for yourself. decide or dont decide but if you are not literally 100% resolute then whatever little percentage you have that is not resolute is going to take over and you wont feel able to control yourself. it sounds weird but its the real deal.

>> No.13190609

Maybe if you do it without porn. Porn defintely fucks up your brain and expectations

>> No.13190611

t. Hedonist

>> No.13190615

>12 years old, hit puberty
>Always hated feet, even as a child, disgusted by them
>Over the next 15 years of daily porn use I go through everything, Crossdresser, Trannies, Granny's, loli, shota, bestiality and even a weekend scat phase
>Still disgusted by feet
>2 years later
>I can now only get off to feet, and I'm incredibly specific about what feet are gap worthy
Porn is fucked up but what else would I do with myself?

>> No.13190626

Pleasure is the only measure of happiness. Fuck off

>> No.13190630

porn is difficult to stop because it is a balm to the emptiness and isolation that modern life creates. once you stop looking at porn, that emptiness becomes really apparent, and with a million distractions constantly at your disposal, difficult feelings can most often be buried - except for the really difficult ones, for which porn is more suited - as more of a heavy drug compared to video games, movies, social media. looking at porn is easy, it takes 3 seconds and pressing a few buttons. facing emptiness and takings risks, forming new relationships, rethinking your life, trying to understand what happened to you and to society and what you should do about, and then begin doing it- that is not easy. you will realize how ill-equipped you feel, how afraid you feel, how you don't even know where to begin. and porn is always there. but if you ever want to dig yourself out of the shit hole, begin you must, in whatever way you can find at first. books are a good start, and hopefully you choose to read ones that will help you become healthier instead of more ultimately fucked up. good luck on the path anons, friends!

>> No.13190631

Try Epicurus

>> No.13190632
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Read a book?

>> No.13190636

ive been addicted to porn since the age of 11 pretty much. ive been pornfree for a few months and the benefits are real and the damage repairs itself. neuroplasticity friend. don’t lose hope

>> No.13190638

retard it’s PORN that’s the problem not male ejalculation period

>> No.13190644

Just replace pornography with reading, you pseud.

>> No.13190645

What do you think this is, some sort of a pissing contest? No one ITT is saying that there aren't worst forms of sex-related addiction out there than porn addiction.

>> No.13190648

How'd you get out?

>> No.13190652
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>he thinks its that easy

>> No.13190654

most addictions are an attempted replacement for the feelings that real human connection provide. those experiments with rats and buttons that administer cocaine, and then the rats overdose... that only works when the rats are alone, and isolated. with the same set up with the buttons and cocaine, but without the isolation, and with access to other rats, other places to explore (the scientists in this experiment made what they call a "rat paradise"), the rats weren't even interested in the cocaine anymore. we weren't meant to live the isolated, stressed out lives we lead. though the system is not set up properly for it, we have to find ways in our modern world to make meaningful connections in our lives if we want to be healthy and not addicts. that is just a fact of life and to try and fight against it is a fools game.

>> No.13190662


>> No.13190668


>How do I escape this?

By growing up.

>> No.13190673

the fucked up cycle with porn is that it perpetuates more isolation because of shame, so its kind of a catch 22... and the deeper you are in, the more difficult it can be to stop. and the deeper you are in, the more shame you have, so the more you isolate yourself. and the more you isolate yourself, the more alone you feel. the more alone you feel, the more you feel the need to look at porn. that's why it takes a lot of determination to get out of the cycle. you have to really know why you want to stop, and have it clearly in your mind.

>> No.13190676

sheer willpower. there’s nothing else i can try to explain to you or say. my whole world opened up these past few months, i feel like I haven’t even been living really. constant twilight towards gradual daybreak as i will myself further and further. i realized that i’m an amazing singer and possibly a piano prodigy, i was always told i could sing and play really well when i was young but it never went anywhere because i was constantly consumed by my addiction. i’ve found something i love something I’ve always loved but never had the self decency to even attempt. i don’t know, i just decided enough is enough. i still masturbate occasionally, and i have sex regularly, that’s not the problem, porn is the problem, that’s what the nofap retards don’t understand. it’s porn that warps the mind, not a natural biological process your body was designed to undergo as often as possible. that being said i try not to masturbate that often and i usually prefer to save it for when i have sex, but i digress. i just decided that I had had enough and I never watched porn again. i’m lucky i’m physical chadmode though, i unironically feel for the permavirgins wizards and robots that roam this site because for them porn is their only option. sorry for the blog but yeah

>> No.13190677 [DELETED] 


I'd highlybrecommend that you read this pdf desu. It's essentially Allen Carr's "How to Stop Smoking" book converted almost word-for-word into a book that's centered around pornography addiction. And that book (Allen Carr's book) has been proven to be pretty effective in helping most of its readers in quitting cigarette addiction (and even both alcohol & sex addiction as well).

Currently reading it at the moment, and its some really good stuff.

>> No.13190680

im sure you're really smart with your mspaint image of a stupid person with text over it, gj you've defeated your enemy

>> No.13190688


I'd highly recommend that you read this desu. It's essentially Allen Carr's "How to Stop Smoking" book converted almost word-for-word into a book that's centered around pornography addiction. And that book (Allen Carr's book) has been proven to be pretty effective in helping most of its readers in quitting cigarette addiction (and even both alcohol & sex addiction as well).

Currently reading it at the moment, and its some really good stuff.

>> No.13190704
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>> No.13190729


>> No.13190738

Internalization of values. Unironcially just stop wanting to ejaculate. You never gave a shit as a kid. It's honestly not that hard to get a genuine Pavlovian disgust when you see porn if you just change what you associate the image with.

>> No.13190763


>> No.13190769

What if you cant feel genuine disgust?

>> No.13190787


educate yourself further then. the majority of those girls you're pleasing yourself too have drug addictions, spread STDs, come from backgrounds where they've been routinely abused. then think of all the harm you're doing to yourself. you're wasting your time time, losing energy, developing obsessions with sick people that need help more than anything, you're opening yourself up to more depraved addictions and seeking out what you see on the screen in real life, permanently damaging your relationship with a non morbid woman...i could go on but hopefully you get the idea

>> No.13190789

What about hentai though? Or erotica? Are they inherently bad as porn?

>> No.13190793
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>> No.13190796

The next time you do it, the next time you blow your load op, just take a few seconds and pay attention to the post-climax feeling. See how you should feel like shit after ejaculating and see how empty and souless this act was. See how it accomplished absolutely nothing but a few seconds of fake, chemical bliss. See what you just did and let it sink in. Better, stay a few minutes with your dick out and everything and sperm dripping on the floor. See how worthless it was. See how worthless YOU briefly were for succumbing to such primal desire and momentaneous relief. Think about God and how you'd rather spend your time indulging on carnal fantasies rather than on communing with your Creator. If you don't believe, think about your ancestors, your long dead family, and think what they would think about this. See them staring at you with contempt.
But all of this is useless if you don't feel any guilt at all, nothing whatsoever, after wanking. And if you not only do not feel even the slightest particle of guilt, but instead only think about how amazing that just was, and start thinking when and how can you do it again, then you are probably lost and need medical help.
My 2 cents, good luck.

>> No.13190798


not as bad, because of the lack of the human factor, but you're harming yourself. don't make excuses, cut it all out. there might even be music and movies that you have to stop watching too

>> No.13190806


>> No.13190813

I’ve done NoFap for months at a time. It’s a good change from time to time, like a cold shower, but it doesn’t give you any significant benefits. Masturbating regularly is better for you in the long run. Even watching porn isn’t that bad in the long run, the danger is getting sucked into the vortex or watching more and more fucking up shit and doing it multiple times a day. Like with practically everything good in life, just do it in moderation.

>> No.13190823
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>> No.13190824
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I fully accept that it is bad for me, but I'd rather watch porn than deal with the loneliness of never having a girlfriend. It's a pretty good trade-off desu and I don't really notice it much most of the times. However, if I do No Fap I just get really sad and so, in the end, it's not really worth it.

>> No.13190825

>music and movies
that's drawing the line too far
it's really not that difficult to distinguish between porn and art

>> No.13190846
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he presumably meant fapbait films

>> No.13190847

>quitting wanking
enjoy your prostatitis

>> No.13190856
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>there is nothing harmful about masturbating.
[no evidence to attest for this]
[absence of evidence is not evidence]

>> No.13190865

>How do I escape this?
Set a limit to how many times you do it. At first per day, then per week. Evaluate your other interests and dive deeper into them, preferably religion or philosophy. Stay away from hedonist propaganda. Remember, any step is progress. Don't give up on progressing.
Also, >>>/adv/

>> No.13190866

Any relief it provides, means you already have a swollen prostate, which is caused by overmasturbation and being oversexed.

Enjoy your prostate troubles and increased chance of its cancer from sexual excesses.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

>> No.13190872

Imagine being this bugged.

>> No.13190898

Thanks for posting this anon, it's a good book and easy to lose track of if you don't have it bookmarked.

>> No.13190946

$1000 a week on hookers? Pssshhhh......Listen kid, come back to me when you’re constantly kicking yourself in the dick while getting your arms burnt off, THAT’s a problem

>> No.13190952

Thank you, friend

>> No.13190959

thanks anon, you're a good guy.

>> No.13190968

My day begins at about six o clock in the A.M. I grab my cock and jerk out a load before getting up to brush my teeth and shower. Then another jerk off session before making breakfast and beginning my read. Every 50 pages or so I go for another jerk. I alternate reading and stroking until noon when I make lunch and eat lunch while finishing up the chapter I was on. From noon to six I'll be writing. I stop every 2000 words for a quick crank. Six comes and dinner is prepared. As I eat dinner I begin my evening reading which lasts from six to ten following the same rules as my morning reading. I go to sleep at ten ready to start the process over again the following morning.

>> No.13190973

Do you not work? How do you earn money?

>> No.13190977

If it is was ever this bad for me, I'd consider taking drugs to kill my sex drive.

>> No.13191011
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>6 AM: Rise.
>6:01 AM: Load up the computer and tug one out
>6:02 AM: Brush teeth, shower
>6:30 AM: Another crank session
>6:31 AM: Breakfast, Coffee
>7:00 AM: Another crank to take the edge off the coffee
>7:01 AM to 12:00 PM: Reading and crank sessions after every 50 pages
>12:00 AM to 6:00 PM: Now I am ready to write, every 2000 words I'll go for another quick one
>6:15 PM: Dinner is prepared, hands must be washed thoroughly prior
>6:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Wind down with another reading session, same rules as my morning reading
>10:00 PM: Rest, to repeat next day.

>> No.13191014
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Follow the imperative instead of the zeitgeist.

>> No.13191025

Fuck off you insectoid.

>> No.13191032

i'm just curious, are you balding by any chance?

>> No.13191041


lad why not just expel once and waste a max thirty minutes on it, more like fifteen. ho w can you possibly spend the whole day on it? i need to understand

>> No.13191044

Haven't wanked in three weeks. Not hard mate, just get the job and keep busy. Idleness is the mother of all sin

>> No.13191046

Are you ChasteAnon from months ago? Glad to see you are still here.

>> No.13191066


>> No.13191097

What if loving couples sharing pleasure with each other is what gets me off?

>> No.13191103
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>> No.13191117

net negative

>> No.13191118

Haven't posted in a while.
Only here because it's memorial day and I have some more time. I'll be gone for if my residency transfer is successful.

>> No.13191121


>> No.13191122

for you

>> No.13191134


Englishman detected.