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/lit/ - Literature

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13189796 No.13189796 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post basedboy and reddit-repellent

>> No.13189799

All Is Quiet on the Western Front is far superior to this Nazi trash.

>> No.13189810

no it's terrible written by a guy who barely even saw combat, total fiction

"one guy enjoyed war so clearly war is EPIC and redpilled"

>> No.13189812

You're no better than a basedboy.
>At the core of it, man is propelled by biological drives and functions, all of your wants, needs, and desires are illusions that arose to increase your fitness. We evolved in the context of groups and group conflict, the acquisition of technology only amplified and exacerbated the darwinian characteristics that are perennial for all living thing. As long as we're still under the pressures of natural selection, the principles of competitive exclusion and zero-sum game theory are applicable. Industrialization has only enlarged these conflicts, it didn't create them. At the very barebones minimum, conflict is MATERIALLY driven

Junger would have despised your outlook. Stop posting.

>> No.13189834

>/lit/ now has a deranged schizophrenic jungerfag to go with deranged schizophrenic guenonfag

Somethin' about this place, I tell ya

>> No.13189840
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bonus points for repelling redditors from both sides of the left right divide

>> No.13189847

The funny thing is that this guy doesn't even understand Junger. He disagrees with him, but spams this shit to try and win people over to a nationalist spirit of war.

The absolute state of nationalist recruitment efforts in 2019.

>> No.13189866
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>> No.13189933

based and redpilled
discord trannies pls go

>> No.13189955

Your mind is poisoned by memes
Take a break from this website and read a book

>> No.13189973

Why is this being memed so hard with an anti-anti-war message? Is America getting ready to declare war on Iran and they need to manufacture consent? Won't work, mate. Maybe on dim-witted Americans (redundant).

>> No.13190111

Remarque was wounded in combat though

>> No.13190297

Jünger wrote a book called "battle as inner experience" and that is very much a positive view of battle and violence in line with the futurists of Italy.
Maybe you dont understand Jünger?

>> No.13190307

Jünger was wounded 14 times and volunteered for the Stormtroop which was a near suicide mission.

What are you talking about? Anti-war attitudes are a very new thing in history. Only since the world wars did it become a thing widespread. Are you implying the Amerifats need to justify war lmao? They already ARE at war they just dont call it that.

>> No.13190369

>Anti-war attitudes are a very new thing in history. Only since the world wars did it become a thing widespread
A youtube historian said it so it must be true

>> No.13190399

>What are you talking about? Anti-war attitudes are a very new thing in history. Only since the world wars did it become a thing widespread. Are you implying the Amerifats need to justify war lmao? They already ARE at war they just dont call it that.

This is hilariously untrue to the point where I can't tell if it's satirical or not.

>> No.13190524
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>Anti-war attitudes are a very new thing in history.

>> No.13191438

>you just don't understand him
No, you fucking loser. You're the one who doesn't understand him. What I wrote in the last two threads is very close to Junger's real thought (we admittedly have our differences). And you refused to even engage with them.
You are a biological determinist, so I don't get why you even read him. Your ideas are completely at odds and irreconcilable.
You also refuse to consider the subtlety of Junger's work, a hardness in thought which you continue here. The work you mention is not as clear cut as you are suggesting either, as it even discusses some of the virtues of pacifism. And in relation to all the violence and dead bodies, the naked facts of war, he says, 'we are tired. So tired.' You clearly do not get his subtlety, how much importance he gives to the sublime and the play of forces. You even mock such thinking.
You assume too much. And the fact that you have resorted to distorting the views of a writer you supposedly respect, just to recruit 'nationalists' on a fanfiction speed running board, proves how pathetic you are. All you have done is alienate the few people here who understand Junger and turn others off from reading him with an open mind.
You have done him a disservice. He had to endure a period of repression during the anti-German years, and your methods are not too dissimilar in their result. May as well post about the gay musical version of SoS for all the care you have for objectivity...

>> No.13191487

I notice how none of you refute his claim.

>> No.13191517

gee i don't know how about, uh, The Trojan Women from 2000+ years ago

>> No.13191521

Aristophanes triumphed anti-war messages back in the fucking BCs.
Imagine being on /lit/ yet also being a complete retard who doesn't read.

>> No.13191525

I can barely imagine people on /lit/ that actually do read.

>> No.13191548

Imagine refusing to engage with people who have read him and then begging the speedrunners to debate with you...
Nationalism: A Growing Movement

>> No.13191924


>> No.13191932

aristophanes was a boy loving soiboy. Try again

>> No.13191958

Still more of a man than you.

>> No.13192192

great image

>> No.13193563
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read it

>> No.13193582

Hitler was a soiboy himself.

>> No.13193710

>trojan women
how embarrassing

>> No.13193720

how did you find this site?

>> No.13193907

REEEEEEEEEEE /pol/-tier summerfags GET OUT

>> No.13193959

We need Girardfag back!!

>> No.13193996

So, not a single argument. Ok.

>> No.13194009

Anon I think you might just be really dumb and you dont realise it.
Jünger was very proud of the war and the experiences he had even as an old man, he was even excited at the prospect of a second world war and wrote "It's time to put the pen down and get to work."
His views on war mellowed over the years but he was still undoubtedly in favor of what he called "classical warfare". In his youth he was explicitly pro-war and pro-violence. Read "On Pain".

>> No.13194015

It's a couple edgelords from a board I won't reveal. They're trying to use it to push nationalism, but that's not even what Junger was about.
If at all, only a very short period and for very different reasons what these posters claim.

>> No.13194058

Did I say anything countering those claims? What I am saying is that those things were not primary, he was a deeper and much more subtle thinker than 'war good'.
And what you are saying is completely false. In WWII people were not enthusiastic about the war, there's even a quote from him in the last thread. I would like to see the whole quote you are referring to, but I would guess this comes down to his sense of honour and duty rather than a desire for a fight.
Call me dumb all you like, but it's meaningless when you haze no reading comprehension and have not once democstrated that you can even make a logical argument, let alone one required for this level of discussion.

>> No.13194079

An example of this, reading Tristram Shandy was more of a life event for him than the surrounding war. And, if I remember correctly, this was during some of the major battles surrounding the Spring Offensive.

>> No.13194093

I know he was a must deeper and more subtle thinker than "war good", I have read plenty of his books, he's one of my favorite writers. But if you're trying to tell me he was anti-war I think you're missing part of your brain tissue. He was not anti-war and he was very much against pacifist attitudes which he considered weak and a product of modernity.

>> No.13194106

You should write an essay explaining how "On Pain" is primarily about war and how his ideas are close to yours >>13189812
I'll gladly read it and laugh my ass off.

Keep relying on insults instead of making an argument.

>> No.13194148

Post where I make an argument resembling anything like that.
As for the pacifism, it certainly isn't framed in a way anywhere close to what you are saying. And no doubt his position changed after the 1920s. He even makes an argument considering what would have happened if every man and woman resisted the Nazi regime with whatever guns they had.

You're creating a flattened image of Junger for your agenda. Perhaps you'll trick a few fools, but for what purpose?

>> No.13194313

Its not primarily about war, its about the totalitarian attitudes rising across the world (aka fascism and national socialism), but if you know anything about either of those ideologies you know that war, or more importantly violence and pain, are huge aspects of it. The whole "renunciation of self interest, self-sacrifice, even death" of the Fascist doctrine is a major part of that world view. The machine like society of "human guided torpedoes".

>> No.13194328

You have autism and probably schizophrenia or some kind of severe paranoia.

>> No.13194810
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>> No.13194830

stfu dont disturb girardfags path to samadhi

>> No.13195329

>someone actually edited this

>> No.13195426

He wasn't a fascist either.

>> No.13195427

Maybe. But whatever you have is far worse.

>> No.13195436

>20,000 words of sizzling prose
Ulysses BTFO

>> No.13195458

I am aware

>> No.13195474

So what the hell is your point? You want to make all of these accusations of me, but you can't even string together a single coherent point.

>> No.13195536

What the hell is YOUR point?

>> No.13195578

is there a discord for /lit/ tranners? link pls

>> No.13195588

Imagine being this stupid and new.
The numbers take you through the thread chain. It's a good way to follow the discussion and retrace your steps if you get lost.

>> No.13195625
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Get on my level PLEB! NO one understands war like Heinlein. I bet your Jünger doesn't even have any deconstructions of marxist value theory in his book.

Plus Space battles<earth battles

>> No.13195633

What is your point
Explain yourself you retarded cunt
Your posts are full of contradictions

>> No.13195635

I think you meant to write space battles > earth battles

>> No.13195647
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>> No.13195655
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>> No.13195665

yes, kek. I'm retardede

>> No.13195705

he wasn't considering he made fun of boy lovers, for example in Lysistrata with the spartan delegation.
More evidence that you are an illiterate retard.

>> No.13195813

Name one.