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/lit/ - Literature

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13185885 No.13185885 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this. I loved it. What should I read next?

>> No.13186004
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I read this while hiking through Ancient Greek ruins in Turkey. A street dog stole my copy from the table of a cafe I was at and chewed it to fuck and shredded it before I could get it back off the dick. I ended up having finish the last few chapters by looking for pages in a carrier bag of ripped up paper.

Point is it's a really good book and actually made me do a postgrad in classics.

>> No.13186021

Do you like the classical themes or the film noirish aspect?

>> No.13186035

I prefer Procopius' version tbqh

>> No.13186082

I want to read this. Was it good? I like Dead Poet's Society and that was a recommended book.

>> No.13186150

Yes, read it.

The second + the academic setting. To be honest I don't know much about the classics so I didn't quite get all the references, but still I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.13186563

Was going to offer some classical themed fiction recommendations. Not sure what to recommend in regard to the academic setting etc. I will say it scrstched the same itch for me as Raymond Chandler novels.

>> No.13188182

Brideshead Revisited go now