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/lit/ - Literature

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13182378 No.13182378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's be real, there are underages on every board, including this one. Let's take the opportunity to give them advice, whether that be to do with literature or just life in general. Zoomers are in incredibly lonely situations if they read, and this is probably the best place they can find to discuss literature and philosophy - that's sad. Let's try to make it better for them by giving them advice:
>don't beat yourself up about not having read everything, you never will, and even reading just 10 pages a day for a year makes you better read than most people will be in a lifetime
>challenge yourself: don't put off Ulysses forever because you don't think you're ready, because it won't be the only time you ever read it
>don't fall into the trap of only reading novellas and <300 page books, read doorstoppers too - a lot of them aren't even difficult, they're just long, like Don Quixote and Anna Karenina

>> No.13182385

have sex

>> No.13182389

Don't take advice from anyone. If it goes wrong, you are on the receiving end.

>> No.13182448

remember that in high school nothing is more important than how you look and what people think of you.

>> No.13182463

ADVICE: Go fuck yourself!!!


>> No.13182483

don’t browse /r9k/

>> No.13182523

This. High school is a mini-simulation for life. If you can't get a partner and get laid during these times, you probably never will. Same goes for good academic performance and extracurricular activities, too.

>> No.13182533
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>> No.13182542


Kill yourself now. Nothing is worth it.

>> No.13182546

Get a real degree in college

>> No.13183595

Talk to the sperg girl in your class because you're also a fucking sperg. In doing so you might make her feel actually loved by someone or at least desired.
Also make a daily schedule and don't spend all your free time on /lit/, even playing video games is a better use of time.

>> No.13183603

Bluepilled as fuck dude.

>> No.13183611
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everyone under 30 in the current year is eternally underage. They simply lack the frame of reference to what 4chan and the internet in general was at its foundations. And worst of all, they all come from reddit, which brings with it a phenomenomally distinct lens.

>> No.13183622

op is underage
i advice you to fuck off

>> No.13183628

I was born in 94 and been on the internet since 2002
Anything previous to that is irrelevant and not a foundation for the internet at all

>> No.13183630

dude im trying to troll people irl fuck off

>> No.13183640

> caring about teens
nigga, if they can't abstain from openly saying "im underage", they're not smart enough to be there.
if they can, they're too smart for your advice.

>> No.13183668

Most of the advice in the thread(s) is terrible and the rest is probably indistinguishable to you from the bad advice.

Here’s my positive advice: live according to your own means physically and increase your means mentally.

>> No.13183774

Is this real, guys? Should I kill myself

>> No.13183858

Nice ones OP, let me try.

>Reading is exactly as important pastime as you're willing to make it. Don't spoil your own enjoyment, but if you want to be serious, go for it and don't delay. "Nerd" is not an insult, it's a byword for a behavior that used to be displayed by pope and generals alike. Consequently, find the degree of discipline that suits your purpose.
>Regularity and continuity are key: build an habit of reading regularly for more than one hour straight. Week ends are good for that, having a designated no-screen time is even better

>Literature is not separated from life, it's an exploration and a retelling of it, so don't forget to go outside, meet people and have experiences, but don't forget to spend some time indoors reflecting and reading on it either (also reading outdoors is nice)
>You will feel you're not going to make it, remember every writer has felt the same at least once. don't fall for the overachiever meme, terrible moments of uncertainty are par for the course. Don't wallow in despair either, it's but a phase, just take it for what it's worth
>In the end nobody makes the cut to eternity (unless everybody does). Shakespeare is already feeling old after a palsy 400 years. Your eternity is now and the consequences of what you're doing now. On the other hand you'll have to accept that you're not responsible for what people make of your legacy (if you turn out to have one). You can only hand it down once its completed.

>Treat books as friends you must argue with for the sake of both enjoyment and truth, not as props. Adverse books and ideas are to be engaged with, not dismissed
>Don't listen to the pseuds on /lit/, reading translation is fine, reading for the plot is fine, enjoying genre fiction is fine, and reading for enjoyment is extremely fine. I know an remarkably well-read historian who knows 4 languages and who reads polars for fun. Reading to be challenged is excellent, reading to have your opinions confirmed is dangerous.

>> No.13183865

lol this underage nigga can't read

>> No.13183867

>Worldview and critical opinions take a long time to build, you have to be patient, read a lot, think a lot, experience something outside of books, be attuned to your own intuition but willing to put it to trial, and be constantly seeking new visions
>Don't cling to ideas, ideas are meant to be articulated, related to one another, challenged, improved and discarded. An honest, thorough and never ending process of questioning is what is essential
>Don't be afraid to develop ideas either, to write them down and argue them out, even if them seem silly (they will be, at first)

>Crave intelligent conversations and intellectual stimulation of any kind. meeting interesting people is unironically one of the best thing about literature, and you can meet them at bars or concerts like you can meet them in books
>Having a master and having a student are the two most thrilling experiences in a life of study, having pals and rivals is a close third

>Don't be afraid to start small in both reading and writing. cringe fanfiction is more conductive to great writing later on than refusal to write. Only withhold writing if you have a near-religious commitment to parsimony and laconism.
>If you want to write, write everyday, no matter how badly
>If you skip a day, don't beat yourself, but expect the following day with excitement
>Don't be afraid to share your writing if you want to be read
>Don't be afraid of criticism or let down by failure. everything you achieve or try in literature is a plus in this day and a age. don't shun your small victories, don't over-blow your small defeats. Relish both if you can.

>> No.13183869

>Publishing is not a necessity nor an absolute endgoal. There is no lower or upper age limit for publishing. There is no publication venue too dirty or too low as long as you understand what you're getting into.
>Everything you write (even shitposts) is writing, everything you live is material, everything you hear and remember can be committed to writing. it's not about where it comes from, only about your ability to single out what is worthy of interest.
>There are many ways of reading: learning by heart, rewriting, copying or typing word for word, and translating are unusual but very thorough and enriching ways. Likewise, rereading is a must and a fine pleasure.
>You live in a world with over six thousand living spoken languages. it's a gift that nobody can ever be good enough to deserve. enjoy the fuck out of it. Languages are our lifeblood.

>Seriously, reading poems by heart is incredible. It'll make your life richer at comparatively little effort, and it will stay with you until the onset of your alzheimer. I repeat myself, but learning by heart is an excellent way of reading.
>There are many relationship to writing: you can write for money, for glory, for experimentation, to make your voice heard or to honor the dead who have no voices. You can also write for therapy, or mere survival, or for "softening the passing of time". You can write for yourself or you family or everyone or even no one. But it is essential that you try to figure out why you do it and what kind of writing suits you. You may think your vocation is writing the next Moby Dick. But maybe what you really need is writing smut erotica as a form self-psychoanalysis. It is also fine. Few things are more painful, pathetic and tragic than a village fool in prophet's garb.

>That said, don't curb down your own ambitions. be as ambitious as you can afford to be.
>Learn whenever you can, and pay attention. You never know what detail you might have missed. I noticed that "withhold" has two consecutive "h" while writing this very post.
>Don't listen too much to old fucks like me (I barely even write), be friendly with others bookfags if you can, and learn to enjoy the ride. It never ends.

>> No.13183874


>> No.13183880

>even just reading 10 pages a day for a year makes you better read than most people will be in a life time
Sorry, OP, but my advice to zoomers would be to avoid doing things just for the sake of 'surpassing' a chunk of the population. Then again, I'd also advise them against taking any of my advice, so let the paradoxes ensue.

>> No.13183881

this x1000

>> No.13183922

>finish everything you start
>do not forget that you are immortal
>you are a three sided pyramid, you must fortify each foundation to focus power at the top
>get up at dawn every single day no matter what
>you are always alone

>> No.13183936

Incels are a crisis. 28% of men under 30, and more who don't fit the technical defitions but are still black pilled as a result of their near incelibacy.

Female privilege will need to be discussed in the future.

>> No.13185244

have sex

>> No.13185282

This x9000 :)

>> No.13185288

Ignore every bit of practical or life advice that teachers give you because every one of them is a loser and if you're not careful, they'll make you a loser too. An example of what I mean is when teachers will tell you not to read ahead in textbooks because if you do you'll be bored in class. They say this for two reasons, they personally experienced that sort of boredom which means they didn't cultivate a driven personality in themselves and they also used the classroom primarily as a place to learn. The classroom should be a place of review where you can correct your own reading of the material being covered.

>> No.13185449

>don't beat yourself up about not having read everything, you never will, and even reading just 10 pages a day for a year makes you better read than most people will be in a lifetime
make sure that you go through life constantly measuring yourself against some conceived archetype of "normal people" and use this to rationalize your own iniquities.

>> No.13185506
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No, be volcel.

>> No.13185517

even more cringe. A volcel is just a prisoner who's grown to love his cage.

>> No.13185518
File: 879 KB, 500x281, bidenshotgun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the worst advice to give to an underage

read what you like, not what people say you should like.

DON'T have sex, especially if you don't even have a fuckin job. like nibba what is you doin. you know sex make mabies right

become catholic

>> No.13185526


>> No.13185534

A prisoner is somebody whose basic needs is out of his control. Sex with another person is out of your control so if you treat sex as a basic need, you are a prisoner to it. The only true freedom in regards to sex is voluntary celibacy.

>> No.13185542

no and no

>> No.13185565

Your teen years when you and every girl is young, clueless, and in their prime is precisely the best time to start having sex though.

>> No.13185582

>better start young, your very own serial killer-rapist career

>> No.13185584

this. In hindsight women at that age have absolutely no demands of you other than you're kind and attractive. Once women get past 18, into university they start checklisting men with the most insane demands.

>> No.13185590

Monogamy and saving yourself is healthier for yourself and society. Chasing hedonistic desires is the worst advice you can give.