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13179758 No.13179758 [Reply] [Original]

How good is it? I've pretty much haven't read any fantasy or sci - fi except the most super basic/essential like Lord of the rings. That's it. I want to read something where i'll really get emerged in the world, is this good for that sort of 'escapism'?

>> No.13179764

The plot amounts to "Stay away or I'll blow shit up!". Also everyone has a shield that when you hit with laser turns into an atomic bomb. And the book also tells you that 'atomics' are reserved only for the ducal families etc.

>> No.13179792

I never read the book
but I watched the first half of the movie
it was weird I didnt like it and I didnt finish it
and mental monologues in a movie are you serious?
book probably sucks too

>> No.13179800


>> No.13179813

>Dune (1965)
>Star Wars (1977)
what was meant by this

>> No.13179822

so good or bad?

>> No.13179836

Dune is very good. The second book is okay. The third book is the masterpiece. I recommend you read the first three books and stop.

>> No.13179844

Yeah, I really liked it.

>> No.13179885

I bought Dune today after the Pewdiepie recommendation. Almost 900 pages for 10 dollars. Well fuck my beaver and call me Ned Flanders if that isn’t a good price. I know this looks like a bait but nah i’m serious. I also bought Stranger by Albert Camus if anyone wants to know.

>> No.13179888

I liked it but I thought it was a little longer and more padded than it needed to be. It's worth a read if you want to read one of the most influential scifi books.

Herbert has an interesting way with words, he likes hyphenating two or three words together to form new words and it produces some interesting results.

>> No.13179930
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>> No.13179950

Great book

>> No.13179981

It is full of political intrigue. I would recommend Hyperion for a scifi introduction.

>> No.13179994

Children is a pleb filter and if you didn't like it you don't actually like the series beyond muh action

>> No.13179999

>pewdiepie recommendations
probably bait but if you are serious fuck off

>> No.13180030

Like Game of Thrones political intrigue?

>> No.13180229

I already said it’s not a bait. What the fuck is your problem? He motivates people to read books they would never read otherwise and motivates people who don’t read at all into reading. You don’t have to be so mean you sad incel.

>> No.13181781

Sci-Fi is for brainlets
Read greeks instead

>> No.13182937

I watched the Spicediver's cut the other day and I really enjoyed it. Don't know how it compares to the original, but maybe give that a try.

>> No.13182957

I personally didn't like it much. It had some interesting ideas though so it's probably worth reading it yourself to see if it appeals.

I also read the second book and didn't like that much either, although for very different reasons to the first.

>> No.13182960

Was it a recent video? Better get some books I wanted before they get more expensive for no reason.

>> No.13182980

Not that Anon but I got American Psycho of Pewdiepie recommending it (It was on my backlog to get eventually but I never really bothered) and it was pretty good.

The dude is probably better read then 95% of /lit/ desu.

>> No.13183005

read solaris and space odyssey

>> No.13183022

Better than lotr worse than got

>> No.13183092

It's a shittier edgier version of Star Wars with drugs, sex, and space muslims.

>> No.13183917

Ignore this OP you need to read God Emperor to understand the first three

>> No.13183945

It's pretty good.
Only read the first three books unless you get heavy into the philosophy in the books.

>> No.13183967
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>It's a shittier edgier version of Star Wars

>> No.13183972
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>> No.13184536

I thought people only read 3 so they could read 4

>> No.13184843

I said political intrigue, not edgy backstabbing.

>> No.13184877

It's long winded, confusing, and easier to just watch the movies.

>> No.13184994

>I've pretty much haven't read any fantasy or sci - fi except the most super basic/essential like Lord of the rings.
Dune is on this level of "essential" too.
It's shit but yeah, you'll like it if you want to be, ahem, EMERGED in it.

>Pewdiepie recommendation
>Well fuck my beaver and call me Ned Flanders
>I know this looks like a bait but nah i’m serious.
>I also bought Stranger by Albert Camus
r/books is right that way

>> No.13185042

>mental monologues
the studio put that shit in along with the opening narration. it's what made lynch disown the film

>> No.13185090
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Good book, they are rereleasing the others june 4th on amazon with better covers. It is a big fucking book, a little weird, but cool show of political groups fighting for resources till sandpeople attack and take over their drug operations. Shit gets crazier in the next books leading up to a giant half man, half sand worm god emperor. Also check out the porn game of it Behind the Dunes.

>> No.13185098
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>> No.13185115

And tell me how Achillies whining like a bitch in Illiad is better than space muslims surfing the dunes on mountain sized worms?

>> No.13185148

immersed is the word you're looking for

>> No.13185169

great book. Want to read the sequels but it's been so long since I read the original that I think I'll have to look up a quick plot summary to know what's going on.

>> No.13185706


>> No.13186513

Not really recent it’s over a year old.

>> No.13186527

Thanks for recommending that sub at least there will be less pseuds fangirling over some greek faggot’s thoughts.

>> No.13186759

don't let the door hit you on the way out

>> No.13186824


>> No.13187610

the dune series is the lsd of books

>> No.13188010

The book is good for creativity and "world building" but holy shit is Paul ever over powered, it makes the rest of the book boring.

>> No.13188053

>Caring about power levels
Maybe you should stick to Harry Potter