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13179258 No.13179258 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend books similar to Gargantua and Pantagruel.

>> No.13179602

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.13179678

Not exactly what you're lookin for, but Mikhail Bakhtin has interesting commentary on Rabelais

>> No.13179691

Laurence Sterne, who wrote Life and opinion of Tristram Shandy, was a huge Rabelais fanboy.

Céline is sometimes considered a modern and cynical successor of Rabelais. It's a bit far-fetched but there's some kind of common thread between them. Céline even wrote an essay on Rabelais' use of language.

>> No.13179746

Antonin Artaud, it is not fun at all just grotesque but Deleuze thinks they have quite common.
Also look at the Mikhail Bakhtin, he is literary critic but most of people think he as philosopher. he talks about Gargantua a lot.
Aristophanes' works, if you want to greek version of him
Tales of Caunterbury and Decameron. to feel Renaissance as large as possible. historian, such as Lucien Febvre wrote a book about him in "the problem of unbelief in the sixteenth century". go look for that, and don't forget some of criticisms of it by Bakhtin.
life a user's manual by Georges Perec. this is IDK I just feel similarity

>> No.13180310

Don Quixote, Gulliver's Travels

>> No.13181229

bouvard et pécuchet

>> No.13181901


Simplicius Simplicissimus is a picaresque novel of the lower Baroque style, written in 1668 by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen Inspired by the events and horrors of the Thirty Years' War which devastated Germany from 1618 to 1648, it is regarded as the first adventure novel in the German language and the first German novel masterpiece.

The full subtitle is "The account of the life of an odd vagrant named Melchior Sternfels von Fuchshaim: namely where and in what manner he came into this world, what he saw, learned, experienced, and endured therein; also why he again left it of his own free will."

>> No.13181919

Jacques the Fatalist

>> No.13182531

Are any contemporary experimental novels actually innovative? It seems like books like these have set the precedent for most everything.

>> No.13182549

if you liked raffel's gargantua and pantagruel you definitely should try rabelais' gargantua et pantagruel

>> No.13182922
