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File: 63 KB, 720x580, spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13176119 No.13176119 [Reply] [Original]

*is right about literally everything he predicted*
How did he do it?

>> No.13176170

Used vague wording and borrowed ideas

>> No.13176247
File: 84 KB, 1152x514, uif17f7ojaxz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I kind of disagree with him on is art. Western art has definitely been degenerating since 1800 but atleast somewhat meaningful art has been created up to around the year 2000. Now we are really seeing the stale repetition in art he predicted.

>> No.13176259

jesus christ marie

>> No.13176269

>somewhat meaningful art
all humans produce 'somewhat meaningful art' but the art that Cultures produce is a distinct thing and infused with metaphysical significance related to that Culture's prime symbol(according to Spengler)

>> No.13176326

It's true that art between 1900-2000 has lost the metaphysical epochal style of classical music and painting but it still appeals to the Western idea of art and there was quite a bit of creativity left in it. I think the period 1800-2000 corresponds to the Hellenistic period of art in ancient Greece. In 2019 art is definitely finished, though there are individual musicians and directors who still have the creative flair, the age of Roman copies of Greek sculpture is here. All popular music sounds the same and Hollywood is obsessed with remakes and reimaginings. No more great art is possible from the 21st century on.

>> No.13176351

He didn't predict that the West would go down the drain as quickly as it did as he didn't predict the US ruling the world.

>> No.13176431

In Spengler's philosophy the USA becoming the most powerful Western state is Incident, not Destiny. It's Destiny that one state would rise above all the rest in its Warring States period, but which state is Incident. What Spengler cautioned against was the English idea of liberal politics, basically pussyfooting around and only caring about money as the deciding factor of politics, which by extension is also the US idea of politics. That's why he called for authoritarian Prussian politics to create a strong Roman or Qin style state. His fear was that foreigners would use Western technology against it and liberal English style politics would be thoroughly unable to prevent that from happening, or put up a fight if it did. And then the fucking retard Adolf Hitler doomed the West when he declared war on the entire world and allowed liberal English politics to infect every Western state when he was defeated.

>> No.13176638

>borrowed ideas
This doesn't make any sense once you understand that ideas control and have people, rather than it being the other way around.

>> No.13176644

>And then the fucking retard Adolf Hitler doomed the West when he declared war on the entire world
>declared war on the entire world
I don't remember this.

>> No.13177307
File: 40 KB, 500x636, Bl+Karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wrong side won the weltkrieg

>> No.13177960

he predicted China stealing the west's technology?
how the fuck did he figure these things out?

>> No.13177983

a refresher for you

>> No.13178005

does anyone have more based quotes than him?

>> No.13178008
File: 142 KB, 728x1059, OA2Tmki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-reading this now. Spengler is the coolest

>> No.13178027

>For the Age has itself become vulgar, and most people have no idea to what extent they are themselves tainted. The bad manners of all parliaments, the general tendency to connive at a rather shady business transaction if it promises to bring in money without work, jazz and Negro dances as the spiritual outlet in all circles of society, women painted like prostitutes, the efforts of writers to win popularity by ridiculing in their novels and plays the correctness of well-bred people, and the bad taste shown even by the nobility and old princely families in throwing off every kind of social restraint and time-honoured custom: all of these go to prove that it is now the vulgar mob that gives the tone.

he wrote this 100 years ago
that's how bad things were back then
imagine how he'd feel seeing things today

>> No.13178574

I just wanted to thank the legendary Anon that got Kissinger's thesis on him uploaded.

>> No.13178578

>I see further than others because I can look beyond the veil of ideologies and political desires
Don't remember the exact quote but he said something to that effect in Prussian Socialism
Reading his stuff nowadays it's easy to see why he might have been disregarded as just another doom mongerer in his time but pretty much every thing he said would happen has happened, it's honestly mind blowing that he was writing before world war 2 even happened

>> No.13178700

hey thanks, I'm pretty much always lurking in every Spengler thread.

>> No.13178709

What is this

>> No.13178726

Sounds like something an incel would write.
>Be too incelious to have fun like other people

>> No.13178732

Post body

>> No.13178760

I spend too much time here cause I remember that thread

>> No.13178835

bunch o’ schizo itt desu

>> No.13178854

He's wrong

>> No.13178925

west is pretty much exactly as he predicted
culture has degenerated to repetition and profanity
people's main concerns are material comforts and amusing distractions
third world has utilised our technology against us

>> No.13178950

He can't argue it, he just leaves oneliners with lol you wrong lol you schizo, its what butthurt leftists do

>> No.13178974

How has the third world used our tech against us?

>> No.13179016

India and specifically China are now challenging the West for global hegemony using the West's own technics against it. A state must always be ready for war, the very existence of the state itself is a sign of the people's readiness for war, and by allowing the coloured nations to be able to challenge the West in any way is the absolute failure of modern Western states

>> No.13179024

>using the West's own technics against it.
How? What are they doing exactly? China building a bunch of skyscrapers and India finally figuring out the toilet is not threatening in any way.

>> No.13179033

China and India both have nukes

>> No.13179037

and they haven't used them against the west

>> No.13179038

i was looking for this the other day and couldn't find it. show me the light.

>> No.13179040
File: 23 KB, 645x773, 1558741174190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Korea has threatened the US who knows how many times now. Just having nukes gives you relevance.

>> No.13179042

>being afraid of best korea
are you, dare i say it, retarded perhaps?

>> No.13179044

Guam took North Korea's threats seriously.

>> No.13179049
File: 92 KB, 740x663, 1555385528884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nukes aren't real

>> No.13179052

>a bunch of polynesians equals the west
so is this what spengler predicted? that some gook dictator in the far future was going to make vague threats to keep the still imperialistic west from invading his personal kingdom?

>> No.13179062

he meant that the west was going to have to respect the increased political leverage of then-destitute countries (i.e. wouldn't be able to continue simply marching in and claiming things are theirs, violently putting down uprisings, etc) as their access to technique and technology increased, sorry you can't into geopolitics

>> No.13179071

laughed out loud

>> No.13179102

>in the future things will be different
quite the nostradamus this spengler guy. the brown hoard is still our bitch, and they won't conquer us anytime soon

>> No.13179108
File: 815 KB, 1164x546, ymzeipty47e21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's to hoping

>> No.13179111

did spengler, as early as 1920, predict the people would emigrate to the us?

>> No.13179172



>> No.13179176
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1524019796886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13179192

Holy crap!

>> No.13179294

Kys pseud