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13175092 No.13175092 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey anon, nice stack of books you got there.
>I’m sure if you keep reading you’ll get a girlfriend eventually. Women value intelligence more than looks, that’s for sure.
Well, he’s not wrong. Is he?

>> No.13175128
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If women valued intelligence over look, this world wouldn't have 99% of problems it currently has.

>> No.13175141

Hey there pretty boy. Yeah, you might bang a few alternative cuties, you might even end up in a long-distance relationship with one while she goes to college and you instagram model. She'll become a professional with means to support you. Because that metabolism won't slow, those looks wont fade into wrinkles and sagging flesh. You'll have that hairline forever. But you have a lot more to offer, anyway, right? You're cool after all--and that's something money can't buy.

>> No.13175143

Even looking like him is no guarantee if you're a man of principle.

>> No.13175151

Why did you make this shitty thread, OP? Kill yourself.

>> No.13175197

I'm going to go to the gym, so when I get big muscles and they finally start paying attention to me, I can pound their noses in and pay back all those barren years, when the fucking whores ignored me. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!!!!!!111

>> No.13175207

To make a larger point about evolutionary psychology and sexual selection, brainlet

>> No.13175210


>> No.13175221

Looks like a twink

>> No.13175224

hes cute

>> No.13175376


>> No.13175874

could you imagine the envy and anger on here if the guy actually was well-read too?

>> No.13176600

>Women value intelligence more than looks, that’s for sure.
I don't want women's approbation but yours

>> No.13176622

women dont even really value intelligence at all
people that are intelligent value intelligence because it makes it an even playing field. but most people women included aren't actually intelligent.

>> No.13176627

I look attractive and read. I don't philander either. There's nothing to be gained from it aside from ephemeral pleasure. It's unrewarding, time consuming, and ultimately enslaving.

>> No.13176633

A bit based and redpilled

>> No.13176640

The only downside of this is people tend to assume there's something wrong with you. Mostly envious people still. 'wtf, why isn't that good looking guy getting laid?' 'huh, must be homosexual or autistic, hehe, i win'.