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13173166 No.13173166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about seeing a GigaStacey and then realising that at the age of 28, with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never having been to a pub, club, or party (and after university for 4 years), as an ugly faced beta demeanour meek charismaless nofriends loser (who lifts heavy weights but with no difference in social life), and who was also r9k pilled years ago and then incel blackpilled a few years later, it's all over? And let the protagonist be the ugly loser nobody talks to within the first day of all his jobs. And the protagonist is an intelligent guy who is starting a good job soon but he is still an underachiever because he puts no effort in to anything. He should also be immune to believing motivational BS and all spooks yet is still hurt by them.

He has a blackpilled inner monologue. When he stands near women he thinks, in a mock girl voice, "Ew, he's not Chad! Get away from me creep!"

He is definitely not an NPC yet he still feels like life is passing him by and he has no control because of nuked motivation. He knows that ugly people have difficult lives while women and chads get everything handed to them.

He has no motivations except maintaining a minimal career. He has no passions. He reads books not out of enjoyment but for social appearances. He doesn't have the will to do anything productive in his free time.

He wasted his teens socially (was playing vidya at home during prom), did a degree he had no interest in, wasted his 20s and is now on track for delayed middle management without the normieness needed to be promoted rapidly. Once his 20s are gone he will have nothing. Sadly, he is enlightened enough to consider all wagies to be cucks. He daydreams about being successful like the silicon valley 21 year old millionaires or living a carefree late 90s/ early 00s music video / teen movie set in California life. He reads Bret Easton Ellis novels and unironically sees nothing wrong (except murder).

>> No.13173173

I would recommend you some books, but all of the ugly losers in them fuck.

>> No.13173180

Whatever by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.13173196
File: 221 KB, 680x680, 4049D25D-51ED-414E-AA5F-8F91A90331C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>crush on e-girl that goes to my uni
>studies lit
>love her to death
>fuck it!
>walk up to her
>"hey femanon i just want to say that if you, uh,...want to uhm, wait, uhm, i forget"
>"oh! i remember, you mind sharing me your notes?"
>"yea sure anon"
>she dies a week later; the next day by falling down a flight of stairs and unfortunately through complications of a surgery she died

>> No.13173237

Have you tried reading your diary?

>> No.13173243

Was that the retard chick who went into an off-limits section of an old bell tower and fell through the old wooden stairs? She had it coming. I mean it was off-limits for a reason.

>> No.13173493
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>> No.13173533 [DELETED] 

I don't know about a book but you should probably become an alcoholic or heroin addict? When you kill yourself maybe do it on your birthday so that makes enough of a statement about how much sadness and hatred was inside you without you having to massacre any normies. Best of luck.

>> No.13173549

go on meetup.com and find a 20s and 30s social event, they are full of mid 30s women who want to get smashed out on the off chance it will turn into a long term relationship (it won't)

Or just read Houellebecq and mope

>> No.13174161

One of your best posts yet

>> No.13174172
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>> No.13174595
File: 61 KB, 768x512, fargo-season-2-ufos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw londonfrog transformed into the joker

>> No.13174616

Stay strong LF. You are our canary in the coal mine.

>> No.13174739

The Collected Works of Londonfrog

>> No.13174762

>He reads Bret Easton Ellis novels and unironically sees nothing wrong (except murder).
>unironically sees nothing wrong (except murder)
There’s no hope

>> No.13175033

The Bible

>> No.13175052

Stop looking to fickle humanity for happiness.

>> No.13175063

Stop being an entitled cuck that blames his problems on other people. Get your shit together and get out of the degenerative r9k mindset

>> No.13175079

my diary desu

>> No.13175154

You're utterly caught up in your embarrassing state if mind. You think you're suffering now, but the real suffering will begin when you're old and you realize that nothing was ever holding you back and that you wasted every Ressource ever spent on you. I understand when pre teens fall for 'da black pill' or inceldom memes. If you're a full adult though you likely just have very low IQ. Lost cause.

>> No.13176019

>middle management
so this guy never had motivation you say?

>> No.13176022

You’re low IQ if you think society is headed in the right direction and LF just needs to pull up his bootstraps

>> No.13176030

>He reads books not out of enjoyment but for social appearances.

How can you have no social life but read books for social appearances?

>> No.13176057

He daydreams a day in which he'll be in a roomful of Chads and Stacies, and a conversation about books will start. He'll dominate the scene with his extensive knowledge of the Classics until a Stacie wets herself from hearing his powerful words. She'll start flirting with him in an obvious way so much, that he won't even need to put any effort in the conversation. She'll basically ask "please anon, fuck me". Then they'll go and have SEX for the whole night.

>> No.13176084

I leave Londonfrog at the parking lot of the Starboocks. One always finds one's binge again. But Londonfrog teaches the higher blogposting that negates the normies and raises (you)s. He too concludes that all is well. This wagecucking henceforth without a stacy seems to him neither cucked nor spooked. Each PR of that lift, each determination to eat healthily, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward normiehood is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Londonfrog happy.

>> No.13176286
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Fucking hell I hate literally having aspergers.
I can't learn small talk and I can't connect with a single soul. It honestly feels like the demiurge is pranking me, that's what ASD feels like.

>> No.13176528

It's sad bro bit maybe what would help you is accepting that you can only attract 6/10 or so. Maybe your standards are too high, I know mine are. I guess once you accept this you can feel safe. All you have to do is only go for those you can perceive are around your level of attractiveness and gg.

>> No.13176801

I can't even get fat girls

>> No.13176826
File: 68 KB, 800x533, Culturageek.com_.ar-Joaquin-Phoenix-Joker-Guason-Batman-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that new joker movie gonna impact so hard in the psique that is going to be at least 5 big shooters

>> No.13178289

Books for this feel?

>> No.13178302
File: 161 KB, 1242x2208, 1557787728760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see Stacey
>she will never bench 2pl
>mfw I am fulfilled

>> No.13178316

In the uk, only pedophiles and 60 year old women use meetup
>inb4 fuck the pedophiles/fuck the 60 year old women

>> No.13178324
File: 166 KB, 970x542, 1542970997011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god...

>> No.13178327

Show me a picture of a 6/10

>> No.13178346

Sounds based af

>> No.13178348

Marcus Aurelius- Meditations

>> No.13178430


>> No.13178739
