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13171698 No.13171698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>taking a course on 19th century philsophy
>first day of class "sorry class but I've got some bad news, we will only be studying white males for this class"
>the people we are studying are Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Marx, and Nietzsche

I agree, we should diversify our course. Who should which people of color and women should I recommend to replace one of those stuffy old white males with questionable impact on philosophy?

>> No.13171706
File: 62 KB, 660x405, Bhagavan Vedavyasa Ganesha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa was a colored fella and he ended philosophy before it even started

>> No.13171707

Who's ass? I want to kiss it and suck it

>> No.13171711
File: 598 KB, 1596x1696, Real human being.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was her problem?

>> No.13171720

legitimately saddening

>> No.13171743

hannah arendt
julie kristeva
charles mills
frantz fanon
linda alcoff
simone de beauvoir (but she deserves much more hate than she actually gets)
hildegard von bingen
mary woolstonecraft

>> No.13171745

you just ruined my night

>> No.13171757


>> No.13171768
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I can't.

>> No.13171792

19th century anon. Only Woolstonecraft fits the criteria. Which philosopher of the ones I listen should she replace?

>> No.13171852

Stop. They tried doing this shit in UCLA. Lit majors need more diversity. When they finished their curriculum they realized they would be handing out lit degrees to students who never read a work by Shakespeare. They unanimously decided that there is something fundamentally wrong with that. Diversity is great, but talent is talent. I’m not gonna read some cook to get chow me in points. I’m not gonna befriend a nipple head to get curry points. To each it’s own best. Greeks do Philosophy. Germans do science best. Frenchies are the romantics par excellence. Italians are fucking hot. Middle Easterns make the best prophets. DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.13171870


>19th century anon

you should specify that in your post.

schopenhauer obviously. everyone else too important to drop.

>> No.13171875


yeah we all saw that video you dipshit. go sperg out somewhere else. this is an ecosocialist board.

>> No.13171911

I feel bad reading this, but I've watched an interview with her and she has an extremely low iq. Is it wrong to feel as if her emotions are of lesser worth because she is unintelligent?

>> No.13171926

if anything it is even sadder because of how unintelligent she is, very tragic

>> No.13171927

fuck women

>> No.13172005

I did

>> No.13172012

this. You should feel even more pity for her knowing that she is categorically being taken advantage of.

>> No.13172047

Why is everyone so sad about this? She's obviously from a ok background at least economically. She just wanted to be famous at all costs and started doing porn because it was easy. It makes sense. It's not sad, she made a very shallow choice which she continues to make in pursuit of a very shallow goal. After all, She is probably getting a little taste of what she wanted; probably end up marrying some fat Jew trustfund so-cal asshole and live comfortably from then on.

>> No.13172254

the next tarrant should shoot up a porn set

>> No.13172310

Porn ruins lives

>> No.13172315

Why? She's for fucking!

>> No.13172384

>POC philosophers

Spinoza, Derrida

>> No.13172391

No it isn't.

>> No.13172398

No, it isn't.

>> No.13172414
File: 51 KB, 913x685, 394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girl in this vid turned into the slut in the vid I jacked off to yesterday
>things have changed this much since 2010

>> No.13172437

>tfw you were born the same year as this girl
when did the world stop making sense, lads? any books for this feel?

>> No.13172466

Just wait until you start being older than the girls in porn. It's weird, man.

>> No.13172473

Weird? it's awesome.

>> No.13172507

How do I get my gf to have an ass like that?

>> No.13172510

Peoples' flare burns through as fast as a firecracker these days.

>> No.13172513

Ahh there's just so many brilliant women and poc philosophers to chose from! SO hard to just settle on one! You see if you can just replace ALL of those oppressive white males! And not just in philosophy ;)

>> No.13172532

Not really. Honestly if you even expend any energy or mental capacity over feeling sad or concerned over some porn slut you are a giant cuck and should just KYS immediately.

>> No.13172602

domestically abuse her

>> No.13172833

>dispersing her fecal matter on the handrails so that children and the elderly will pick up some strange disease

>> No.13172939

I always thought this. Dumb people cant event explain to themselves how it all went wrong. Imagine waking up in a dark hole

>> No.13173090

Women are retarded

>> No.13173117

Why is this so significant to you incel fags? She seems to legitimately enjoying what’s she’s doing.

>> No.13173321

Yah those books are hard to read. I'm trying to learn sanakrit. It was extra subject in highschool but I forgot every thing

>> No.13173326
File: 186 KB, 952x717, 1558547967438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

---reminder there is no quicker way to ruin your day than to masturbate in the morning---

>> No.13173344

cumbrain meme is cringe

>> No.13173401

Yes, the great philosophers of the Western Canon are white males. You can whinepost all you want but it won't change a thing. Cope.

What does POC even mean, who qualifies as POC? There's depth in eastern philosophy too.

Do you wanna rewrite history to fit your slave morality "equity" agenda?

It cannot be done. Good luck trying to find an African philosopher to replace Kant and Nietszsche.

>> No.13173404

Bondage to flesh slavery is cringe.

>> No.13173417

Dani Daniels

>> No.13173418


>> No.13173421
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Good luck with that, you will need it...

>> No.13173424


>> No.13173433

i don't think a course in 19th century philosophy needs to be diversified

but the non-brainlet solution is to study 2ndary sources written by women and poc on the relevant authors

>> No.13173436

Forgot to add: there are no women philosophers, femininity is intrinsically opposed to philosophy, and your best chance for female philosophical thought are masculine andromorphic women like Camille Paglia.

That, if you're looking for actual philosophy of course.

>> No.13173440


>> No.13173447


Not really, it's not like she was ever going to contribute anything of worth to society so porn was likely the best path for her. At least this way she can feel validation purely using her looks.

>> No.13173450

Ayn Rand

>> No.13173458

Why do people assume female writers will have different or unique perspectives just because they're female?

>> No.13173461
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>> No.13173914

The idea is basically that because women are confined to specific roles in patriarchal society, then they're able to shed light on aspects of human life that men don't often see.

This theory holds weight if you examine literature written by women from from the 18th-early 20th centuries. It holds up less well today however considering that the number of things women experience that men don't is a lot smaller than it used to be.

>> No.13173937

I love her.

>> No.13173980

There must be some assumption of relativism because unless you're looking for female specific information like how pregnancy feels or how they live their day to day lives, what good is it? Truth would be true no matter who articulates it but if you don't think there is a capital-t Truth it would make sense to believe females could offer a "truth" that men couldn't.

>> No.13174009

Yea I bet her life isn't sad at all

>> No.13174068


>> No.13174104

How they live their day to day lives is actually a good example of the information that people who are interested in pushing female authors look for. It’s an elementary feminist belief that the experiences of women are often sidelined to the role of minor characters in fiction written by men whether intentionally or unintentionally. This, so the argument goes, ignores the unique social pressures women face in society (I.e arranged marriages, managing 80% of a household and it’s day to day workings etc.). Men often don’t want to write about these things because they find them boring, whereas women are more likely to write about them because it’s truer to their life experiences. You should read Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own” if you want to learn about the basic argument for why women’s voices are important.

As I said though, this theory has problems today due to the push for gender equality allowing more versatility in terms of gender roles. There are far fewer experiences that are exclusive to women today as a result. There’s not a lot of fiction that feels uniquely feminine anymore, which as someone who enjoys reading about women from time to time is something I think is a shame.

>> No.13174129

>imagine her brapius spurting and the liquid waste running down that rail

>> No.13174448
File: 41 KB, 641x530, DF5F0A9F-86DF-4B0E-AB95-A0A7D0808F83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>... and you are telling me you stole it ... this is stealing


>> No.13174514

>In June I got injured and thought I would never be able to do anal again.
now that's some existential dread you incels don't even dream of

>> No.13174619

>double anal mandingo
yeah, what video is that? I need to confirm..

>> No.13174903

what's wrong with your reading comprehension? she wrote "double anal AND mandingo in one day", meaning she shot those on two different occasions.

>> No.13174973

What a fucking reddit homo response on the wikianswers part

>> No.13174980

fucking hell, women are depressing creatures

>> No.13175025

Porn ruined more lives than opiates.

>> No.13175250

You fucking cuck. The simple fact of the matter is those are the best. To replace anyone if them with a woman or a nig would be to reduce your own learning.