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File: 396 KB, 1999x1702, 1553054736303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13171418 No.13171418 [Reply] [Original]

describe this image in your best prose

>> No.13171428


Disgusting American. Spits.

>> No.13171436

Vry badly composed image.

>> No.13171440

wtf my sister literally has that exact shirt and necklace, she wears them all the time. and the girl's build sort of looks like my sister's as well

>> No.13171450

Unsanitary flesh slave.

>> No.13171455
File: 201 KB, 894x663, 1430114723436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell.

Layers of grease and cheap cleaners, and you want us to describe her toe jam stink?
Can't even smell the woman through that shit.

>> No.13171466

>Wearing yoga pants, a thin v-neck cotton shirt, and tongs in a public establishment.
Maybe Arabs were right about something...

>> No.13171475

inb4 >plagiarizing Shakespeare

>> No.13171559

Wow, kinda mean...

>> No.13171564

Why the fuck would even save this?

>> No.13171573

Somebody needs to document the fall of Western civilization.

>> No.13171594

This image is propaganda by the jEws to make people associate the human foot (a divine creation by God) with the feeling of repulsion.

>> No.13171809

"It's gonna be alright," she told herself. "Everything is alright."
Outside the black windows night, broken only by streaks of clear white as halogen headlights arc past in the parking lot; other than that nothing but faint reflections of the dispossessed patrons, tables littered with crumpled yellow wrappers and cardboard burger boxes dented, half open, empty.

Hunger; she dipped her hand into a nest of fries, lifting them jutting in all directions between fingers, bending them into her lips as she hurriedly twisted her face back and forth mouth agape to take them in.

She twisted her foot out of her Birkenstocks. Unwrapped a burger with one hand, the other crawling along her thigh on it's own, sentient, like Thing T. Thing.

She loved the Addams family as a child. She did her hair like Wednesday for a full semester after she saw that movie. Her father had brought it over on one of the few weekends he actually came around. She sat on his lap on that old couch with the wooden frame. That couch was never very comfortable; it was much better on his lap. Later, a grey afternoon; he took her to McDonalds. The last thing she remembers is holding his hand in line. That was the last time she saw him.

Some highschool kids in hoodies swung the door wide, pushing each other, laughing. She felt her hand laced between her toes. How'd that happen? "It'll be alright," she told herself.

>> No.13171864

She’s eating McDonalds BREAKFAST which is served (typically) 5:30-10:30. Please revise to reflect these facts. Otherwise it’s okay.

>> No.13171893
File: 88 KB, 448x640, mcd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please revise your understanding of reality to reflect these facts (pic related)

>> No.13171898

Within toes, interlinked.

>> No.13171906
File: 344 KB, 1773x1153, 1212382215601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mean to McDonald's

Footfags, of course.

>> No.13172238


Nike flip-flops

>> No.13172262

Ask her if she was touching her feet in the MacD

>> No.13172273

Might the self sniff and suck onto the feet of a Goddess. How pure one would be if only let to worship as a humble servant of this eternal beauty?

thats all I got for now

>> No.13172286

Disgusting. Would not rape/10

>> No.13172349

I'm retarded lol.

>> No.13172362

Kill Yourself and stop fucking with butters.

>> No.13172506

your sisters ugly man