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/lit/ - Literature

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13169045 No.13169045 [Reply] [Original]

if anyone wants to do a philosophy reading group, post with what you want to read and first to 5 votes can be what we read. please don't pick something nobody is going to be able to finish in a reasonable amount of time.

no need for discord, we can just make a general thread here and use that

>> No.13169208
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>> No.13169237
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>> No.13169239

OP here

i'm not gonna vote but this would be based

>> No.13169251

>Commie shit in op pic
Well it sounded interesting, but then I realized OP was a fag

>> No.13169270

That's right, stay in your own slow, pathetic, uneducated lane :^)

>> No.13169281

I second this

>> No.13169325

We are already reading this for tomorrow


I would def not start here I’d start with Plato, one of the short dialogues

>> No.13169356


>> No.13169381

Yeah ok I'd join.

>> No.13169410

haven't read much Derrida but I can read it I guess. just on the first paragraph, does Derrida assign moral status to presence or is it merely a metaphysical entity?

please vote for a book! maybe you have something in mind that a lot of other people want to read

>> No.13169433

If ur gonna do this do it right

>Gorgias (On Rhetoric)

>The Question Concerning Technology

>Francis Bacon
>Short Essays

>Sign Structure and Play

>> No.13169436

If we're voting here then I started Fear and Trembling recently but most have probably already read it.

>> No.13169443

>t. 80 iq

>> No.13169445

good point, something shorter might make more sense I guess

>> No.13169452

>Gorgias (On Rhetoric)
I'd be interested in this.

>> No.13169516
File: 46 KB, 464x691, B481758F-22CC-4D09-858F-4C3B1D5E050D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't read much Derrida but I can read it I guess. just on the first paragraph, does Derrida assign moral status to presence or is it merely a metaphysical entity?

Great question. Ask it tomorrow. Look for this pic with the title PHARMAKON.

Since I have the day off I’m gonna reread Phaedrus before finishing this essay, give me a bit ground. I suggest keeping a dictionary handy. See u tomorrow

>> No.13169587

>Let's just jump into derrida guys

Nice one pseud, can't wait for this to fail after the first 50 pages like every other /lit/ group

>> No.13169605

ok cool i will try to show up for it!

>> No.13169616

That’s ok. Failure is an option. Indolence is not.

>> No.13169674

Plato Tetralogy 1 :
The start of the quest
What is man?

>> No.13169707

First we read the extant fragments of Parmenides then Plato's Parmenides then the commentary of Proclus on Plato's Parmenides.

>> No.13169725

But I think that’s a tough start

I’m hoping this works and then we can cover more of Plato, thanks for that list tho I’ll read those others

>> No.13170139

So it's gonna be a Platonic Dialogue reading group

>> No.13170155

Ah the Gorgias is so good. Probably my favorite Platonic dialogue. If you have any doubts about 'the many' then you will likely enjoy it too.

>> No.13170177

I’m loving this new socialism of the middle classes.

>> No.13170182

Fuck off weeb commie

>> No.13170285

>no need for discord

Get the FUCK off my board you commie, tranny, tit growing, summerfag degenerates.

>> No.13170366

alright guys chill i'll fuck off

but i know you guys want to read some Plato

>> No.13170558

Advantage of being short enough that people might actually do it.

Isn't my creation, but seems good, https://www.plato-dialogues.org

>> No.13170567

*socialism of the middle schoolers

>> No.13170893

Hey, you don't get to concede to me!
If you concede after I called you names, I'll feel bad about it. Stay and fight me you coward!