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13169014 No.13169014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that “Philosophy” isn’t just native to europe or far east. Racism is a fool’s past time, rise above it.

>> No.13169034

A tempered biological racism is normal and present in any healthy man; an intense spiritual racism is normal and present in any divine man. I doubt that you're either healthy or divine.

>> No.13169074

Have sex.

>> No.13169078

>Noticing a spike in racism on /lit/

yeah. We pretty much got flooded with /pol/ and T_d a few years back and never recovered

>> No.13169092
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yea bro! just have sex it's easy hahah just indulge in midnless phusical movei moveie fuck back and forth rock fuc her raw fuck that pussy slurp it like a mango bro hahahah just chill out broo hahaha just hit the blunt ahahah let's some to some mac demarco bro it'l lhlep you get laid cmon dont' u wanna bea c o=pp cool hip guy like me?

>> No.13169144

Have sex

>> No.13169157

didnt read you dumb nigger

>> No.13169159
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ahahaha yea bro just have sex dudae ahahaha fucking chill out ahahahah it doesnt matter bro dno't yo usee your sill yviews are just veucasE yo're an incel --how could anybody but an incel ever hope to criticize us???

>> No.13169162

go back to /pol/

>> No.13169184

Yeah this place is pretty much full of racist. You are better of going to reddit as cringe as that place is. People think because they skimmed a Jordan Peterson video that they can have input on literature.

>> No.13169193

Racism exists in all of us.

We're animals after all. It's a defence mechanism meant to keep you on your toes back in hunter gatherer times. Of course the advent of civilisation pushed various races into close proximity, and their natural distaste of each other has bred disorder and violence. There's nothing wrong with being wary of other races, it's how you were made.

Just don't get confused and do stupid shit like join supremacist movements, race wars etc. The races aren't equal, they don't like each other, it's not an evil mindset, get over it.

>> No.13169422


The conceit in your thinking is that the biological tendency to racism is latent, that it is uncontrollable and therefore fatalistic in nature. The paradox is that you have identified it (through reason), so now you have the ability to control it. A trait can only be biologically powerful if it is unchallenged by the mind, but you have actively identified this trait and yet you give in to it, rest upon it like a crutch. There is nothing to say that racism is beneficial anymore.

>> No.13169429

>t. evolutionary failures that still sniff their ass

>> No.13169451

CELINE - thought Hitler was killed and substituted by a Jew
POUND - Jew-hater and strong Mussolini supporter
TS Eliot - anti-Semite
FAULKNER - obviously racist
EDITH WHARTON - anti-Semite
V.S. NAIPAUL - heavily racist, including against his own people
D'ANNUNZIO - fascist
PIRANDELLO - probably fascist
UNGARETTI - had early contacts with fascism
FERNANDO PESSOA - fascist, racist, sexist and pro-slavery of blacks

''Racism is a fool’s past time, rise above it.'' - random poster on /lit/

>> No.13169459

bad example, he added nothing new simply ransacked western philosophy to cobble together an identity philosophy.

>> No.13169465

>le naturalistic fallacy

>> No.13169467

imagine thinking racism is bad in 2019
the jews have taught you well, midwit

>> No.13169468

>A trait can only be biologically powerful if it is unchallenged by the mind

You can't say that if you don't have a six-pack and an amazing personality plus hundreds of prodigious intellectual achievements.

Otherwise you know that it's not that simple and there are biological predispositions which you just can't change.

>> No.13169476

Anyone who hasn’t read the Chinese and Indian philosophers knows next to nothing about philosophy.

>> No.13169477

Shut up nigger

>> No.13169490


The rise of forced diversity, pc culture and sjws has embittered people against it.

>> No.13169492

Discrimination of different kinds of people will never go away, it's an essential part of every normal person and the way that person interacts with others and makes sense of the world. At best one can keep that discrimination to himself, out of politeness, and most people do just that.

But sometimes you have to wonder if public discrimination wouldn't actually be beneficial (say, if you're thinking about accepting 100000 immigrants from Congo into your country).

So really, I think it's inevitable. You could keep it at bay before mass immigration across continents was a thing, but now we're stuck with it.

>> No.13169494

How is it a fallacy? Racism isn't a disease, it's not a belief system, it's a biological component as real as fight or flight and denying this is absurd.

>Hurr racism bad, make me sad
Get a grip on reality

>> No.13169508


>> No.13169515

>It is an outrage that any clean lad from the country - I suppose there are STILL a few ENGLISH lads from the country - it is an outrage that any nice young man from the suburbs should be expected to die for Victor Sassoon, it is an outrage that any drunken footman's byblow should be asked to die for Sassoon.

>As to your Empire, it was not all of it won by clean fighting. But however you got it, you did for a time more or less justify keeping it, on the ground that you exported good government or better government than the natives would have had without England.

>You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew. Your allies in your victimized holdings are the bunyah, you stand for NOTHING but usury.

>> No.13169517

>reminder that “Philosophy” isn’t just native to europe
That's true, it's just relevant philosophy that is unique to that particular geographic region.

>Racism is a fool’s past time, rise above it.
Racism is a meme, no one who isn't a literal Redneck is meaningfully racist.

Your critique of philosophy being "too white and Asian" completely falls apart when it becomes obvious that the only reason you care is because there *ISN'T* relevant non white and non Asian philosophy, it really is just an inferiority complex, in which you mentally have to justify the irrelevancy of black philosophy by "racism".

>> No.13169535 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13169553

>The Kikes that rule the Universe, they understand them, those secrets of public opinion. Hidden in the corners, they have all of the wires in their hands. Propaganda, gold, advertising, radio, press, the cinema. From Hollywood the Jewess, to Moscow the Yid, same boutique, same telephone, same agencies, same Kikes manning the lookout, the cash drawer, the business affairs. And then, down beneath, crawling along the ground, are the same masses, pliable and imbecilic, of Aryans of starkly limited potential, of credulous types divided one from the other, fore, aft, all about, and above all... An immensity of drunken flesh, the universal teeming and moaning doormat for Jewish feet.

>> No.13169555

>implying something only invented in the last few centuries is a 'biological component'
Why do retards always bring up the 'ITS HUMAAAN NACHURRE bullshit?

>> No.13169574

>and yet you give in to it
If you desperately want to fight reality then do it, but PLEASE start by teaching non whites about the virtues of racial egalitarianism, they are the ones who apparently "need" it the most.

>> No.13169575

Because it IS human nature, racism isn't an invention retard. Where the fuck did you read that?

>> No.13169592

Have sex

>> No.13169594

Some facets of human nature ought to be controlled and overcome.
To deny this, you must be an anarchist.

>> No.13169595

Not an argument.

>> No.13169599

>the specific ideological power structures which I approve of are HUMMAN NACHURE
>the specific ideological power structures which I don't approve of are not HUMMAN NACHURE

>> No.13169615

I feel like Fanon was critical in my understanding of race and I don't think I can go back to time before recognizing the trauma people whose physical appearance is associated with evil carry with them simply by virtue of their existence in a society whose program for integration is exchanging their intense alienation in white spaces for the denial of their literal great-great grandparents colonization and enslavement. Fanon fought in the French army and received the Croix de Guerre after sustaining injury fighting for liberation he believed in and when it came time to celebrate, French women preferred to dance with fascist Italian prisoners than their black liberators. When allied forces crossed the Rhine, Fanon and other black men were removed from the regiment so that the photojournalists wouldn't sully the image of victory with a nigger.

Black children internalize this sense of being evil. I don't know how someone could fail to be repulsed by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZryE2bqwdk

>> No.13169620

>Some facets of human nature ought to be controlled and overcome.
I honestly don't see a problem with the pedestrian racism present in most people. Why is it so bad it needs to be excised from our minds, in your view?

Neither is him reeeeeing at people

>ideological power structure
Give it a rest, it's nothing of the sort.

>> No.13169621

If antiracism had...any evidence at all, then people might not be becoming racist. Like there is an enormous amount of data about IQ and crime rates, and whatever else, and the antiracists just say 'that's all wrong or misinterpreted', but if you ask them what their evidence is for the races being the same, they just have nothing, they have no reason to believe what they so militantly believe, it's just asserted.

>> No.13169625

"You cannot drive out darkness with darkness, only light can do that. You cannot drive out hate with hate, only love can do that."

Let's not pretend lefties care about mlk anymore

>> No.13169632

>Some facets of human nature ought to be controlled and overcome.
Good luck with that. Try getting started on that with the non whites and see how it goes.

>> No.13169636

>it's nothing of the sort.

>> No.13169639

>Black children internalize this sense of being evil.
And they have no one to blame but their own race. It's not white people brainwashing them, it's their own race setting a bad example.

>> No.13169640

Antiracism is the act of trying to leech off of another race. Pure parasitism.

>> No.13169649

Black people ARE evil. Only the most violent could remain in africa has humans spread this is fact.

>> No.13169657

The problem of racism is best solved by keeping populations separate.
No amount of moralizing will make people color blind.

>> No.13169658

I don't like racism, I just accept it as part of being human. It's part of me and it served an important purpose long ago and even now it has its place.

I don't want to genocide blacks, I just don't want to live next to them.

>> No.13169664

Colonization was a huge mistake but not for the reasons leftists think why

>> No.13169696

this literally sounds like some jew propaganda lmao

>> No.13169709

reminder: no one who claims racism is wrong and evil has ever lived in low income areas/areas populated primarily by blacks and hispanics

>> No.13169713

Yes, but then you should have a very good reason *why* it should be overcome.
And if your reason is "to make multiracial societies work", ask yourself what is harder, not have multiracial societies or fight human nature.

>> No.13169716

What gives you the sense that black people are operating as a racial collective? Do you honestly think that black people have genetic features that predispose them to crime?

How should we go about achieving this separation? Keep in mind, every person who descended from slaves had their ancestral connections destroyed, and they have no place anywhere in Africa, which is composed of variety of nations whose members identify within those nations as Kenyan, Nigerian, etc. When black people try to create their own systems of support, like the black panthers, the government disrupts their operations. I don't see how what you want could be more than a personal autistic fantasy.

>> No.13169729

>What gives you the sense that black people are operating as a racial collective?
Look outside retard. Stereotypes are based in reality, not plucked out of thin air.
>Do you honestly think that black people have genetic features that predispose them to crime?
Yes, low iq.

>> No.13169739

>How should we go about achieving this separation?
Stopping immigration, for starters.

The situation in the US currently is more complicated. But if there was enough political will, blacks could be peacefully separated, maybe even get their own state or something. I don't really have a solution that will work in 2019, but in the long run many things could happen.

>> No.13169744

>systems of support, like the black panthers
So you accuse me of trying to muddy the waters and then you call a black supremacist movement a "system of support". What's your excuse for your hypocrisy?

>> No.13169746

My father travelled around the world and is still racist, mostly towards niggers though since he worked with them to get around certain areas in Africa.

>> No.13169749

Is Martin Luther King Jr supposed to be a philosopher? He was a shill. Malcom x was way more dank. It's not like only one race of people are racist. It's perfectly natural, since people have been racist/xenophobic throughout their entire history and since there are slight, but noticable differences between the different ethnic groups.

>> No.13169754

Based. When I spent some time in a ghetto my world view changed. It really is like a third world country.

>> No.13169756
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R E S T · I N · S I L E N C E



>> No.13169757

Obtain coitus

>> No.13169761

I judge people by the content of their characters yet I am called a racist in current year

>> No.13169764


I don't think I made it explicit anywhere in my post that my sentiment was reserved only for those of the white race. You seem obsessed with something anon.

>> No.13169788

>I don't think I made it explicit anywhere in my post that my sentiment was reserved only for those of the white race.
No, of course it wasn't. I am just telling you, if you want to fight against racism, start by teaching non whites to not be racist.
Because by any evidence they appear to be the ones who "need" it the most.

>You seem obsessed with something anon.
With what? Honestly there is nothing in the world that I want to care less about then black and brown people.

>> No.13169895

How does low iq in black populations translate to an increase in crime? How do you account for the fact that IQ has been increases overall?

I'm not convinced that stopping immigration would be an effective measure. What about the people already in the country? Also, what do you mean by me accusing you of muddying the waters?