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/lit/ - Literature

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1316894 No.1316894 [Reply] [Original]

You know how /a/ has Dragon Ball Z, /co/ has Watchmen, and /v/ has Zelda: Ocarina of Time; which are the best anime, graphic novel, and video game respectively? What is /lit/'s equivalent to that?

The best book of all time.

>> No.1316898
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>> No.1316900

Dragon Ball Z? Seriously? I just don't

>> No.1316902

You can't argue it isn't the most popular and critically acclaimed anime.

>> No.1316904


>> No.1316906

Wow. Thats a story with just one picture.

>> No.1316907

>Dragon Ball Z

>> No.1316910
File: 117 KB, 600x750, The_Dresden_Files__Dinosaurs_by_L9pendragon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dresden Files

>> No.1316914

Any real answers?

>> No.1316916


I mean, we could say something boring like LotR or Atlas Shrugged or something, but nah. microwave cooking is where its at.

>> No.1316918

Yeah. Only you have to pick, because everyone will debate which is better, but these are all "god" tier here and all are over 800 so what the fuck does that tell you.

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.1316919

Who wants to pigeonhole like that? And, argue if you will, but books have been around much longer than those other mediums, so there is much more material to expect people to choose from

That and DragonballZ sucks, so thank you for convincing me never to bother with that board

>> No.1316920

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.1316921
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>> No.1316925

Samefag here.

Also to clarify that list is the board book, not the "best book of all time" because that personal opinion.

>> No.1316932


>> No.1316942

I love that not only did she dedicate her life to microwave cookery, which may have seemed awesome back in the 70s or something. But that its microwave cooking FOR ONE.

Dear god, what do you need a book for, just microwave a hotpocket and cry over your desperate alienation from the human race.

>> No.1316949

Or come on to 4chan.

>> No.1316954

Atlas Shrugged


>> No.1316956

isn't it the same thing?

>> No.1316966

>You know how /a/ has Dragon Ball Z, /co/ has Watchmen, and /v/ has Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Uhhh - no, I don't think so

>> No.1317015

>Best anime

>> No.1317019
File: 153 KB, 336x336, AWESOME_TOAST_by_amigopproductions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toasting in epic roll of bread.
captcha:skeet siree

>> No.1317042

Atlas Shrugged.

What a masterpiece. I just recently re-read it. It's as beautifully crafted as ever.

Who is John Galt?

God, that makes me well up with emotion.

>> No.1317047

I'm actually getting "Who is John Galt?" tatooed on my shoulder. I'm also getting a barcode on my wrist.

>> No.1317051

galt 4ever guyz


>> No.1317055

samefag detected

>> No.1317060

Oh, srsly? That's pretty cool. Personally, I could never choose a favorite quote from that book, since there are so many. I mean, how can you get a tattoo of the part where d'Anconia is asked what advice he would give to Atlas? It's too long, too poetic. But since "Who is John Galt" was a meme in the book, and one of the main ones, then that is a very good choice.

>> No.1317065

Wrong, but nice try.
Lol. I don't think you understood the book. Maybe it was too deep for you! It spoke to me in a way you'll never know. I'm unique and an individual, much like that of the protagonist.

>> No.1317072

I don't know, you sound like a bit of a looter to me. I think I might get a tattoo of one of the quotes about him finding Atlantis. Or maybe about the dollar sign being a truly virtuous symbol.

>> No.1317087


>> No.1317120

Does /a/ really think Dragon Ball Z is the best anime?
What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.1317123


>> No.1317130
File: 8 KB, 127x193, 7052546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey guys i found it
nothings better than the water margin, though the tain comes close

>> No.1317181
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First of all, /a/'s favourite anime is DBZ? No. My favourite Anime? Hell yes. /a/'s? No.

Second off I assume what you mean to say is what is one book that all of /lit/ truly respects enough to mutually not make fun of it. We have none. Because /lit/ hates books. We are entirely devoid of literary knowledge. We browse this board to look smarter and feel less bad about ourselves whilst lurking 4chan at 3:30 am in the morning.

>> No.1317275

Who is Gohan Balls?

>> No.1317306

I think you meant to say Romance of the Three Kingdoms there, bro