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13168749 No.13168749 [Reply] [Original]

Just turned 22. Books to help me get over my sexually frustrated teenagehood?

>> No.13168759 [SPOILER] 
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Get over in what way? Integrating it within yourself or moving beyond it?

>> No.13168780
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you can’t

>> No.13168828

>sexually frustrated teenagehood


>> No.13168914
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That's precisely the problem.

>> No.13168933

Look up the 6Rs metta meditation. It's the only thing that helped me overcome my porn addiction.

>> No.13168935

Same I masturbated to some weird shit in my teen years and that haunts me.
I remember playing thise game where I wanted to see how many fetishes I could get off to.

Cringe, absolute cringe.
I wanna die.

Don't even make me get to the few months I tried tranny porn and even used effeminate guys as "material".

>> No.13168943

the stories themselves don't really deal with or relate to it but Lovecraft was 28 before he lost his virginity
Just imagine the magnum opus if he'd made it to wizardhood uncorrupted

>> No.13168989



>> No.13169103

Don't, and read sade. Spring forth, and partake in the fountain of pleasure.

>> No.13169118

My favourite poster

>> No.13169127

No book. Talk to that cute barista at starbucks who remembered your face and ask her out. (I'm addressing myself here)

>> No.13169131

Like Humbert I feel haunted by a young love that I lost and still think of every week, most days, now 6 years later. It too made me into a hebephile, obsessing over those young girls hoping to recapture what I once had, please just once more and I can stop, please... I can never again have what I once had, she's just pictures now.

>> No.13169135

The anti-butterfly.

>> No.13169142

incredibly based.

>> No.13169146

Still regret not talking to the girl at burger king that asked if i wanted extra sauce on my sundae. Never had that happen again.

>> No.13169180

there's no hope, just jerk off until it's raw and you can't anymore, that will teach you

>> No.13169197

Reminds me of this:

"Emission not Necessary to Health.
--If it be argued that an occasional
emission is necessary to relieve the overloaded seminal vesicles, we
reply, the same argument has been used as an apology for unchastity;
but it is equally worthless in both instances. It might be as well argued
that vomiting is a necessary physiological and healthful act, and
should occur with regularity, because a person may so overload his
stomach as to make the act necessary as a remedial measure. Vomiting
is a diseased action, a pathological process, and is occasioned by the
voluntary transgression of the individual. Hence, it is as unnecessary
as gluttony, and must be wasteful of vitality, even though rendered
necessary under some circumstances. So with emissions. If a person
allows his mind to dwell upon unchaste subjects, indulges in erotic
dreams, and riots in mental lasciviousness, he may render an emission
almost necessary as a remedial effort. Nevertheless, he will suffer
from the loss of the vital fluid just the same as though he had not,
by his own concupiscence, rendered it in some degree necessary. And
as it would have been infinitely better for him to have retained and
digested food in his stomach instead of ejecting it--provided it were
wholesome food--so it would have been better for him to have retained
in his system the seminal fluid, which would have been disposed of by
the system and probably utilized to very great advantage in the repair of certain of the tissues."

>> No.13169201

Specifically, this:
>If a person allows his mind to dwell upon unchaste subjects, indulges in erotic dreams, and riots in mental lasciviousness, he may render an emission almost necessary as a remedial effort

>> No.13169205

how many opportunities for happiness do we let go by because we're comfortable in our misery and take pleasure in feeling sorry for ourselves. It's pretty sickening when I think of how much time I've spent moping in my life.

>> No.13169218

based and redpilled

>> No.13169309

Stop being a little bitch and realise it doesnt matter

absolutely based

>> No.13169399

The fact that you are ashamed is good. It's a proof of self respect

>> No.13169432 [DELETED] 

The hero we need

Fuck tripfaggots thiugh for real

>> No.13169528
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>> No.13169892

your age has nothing to do with your sexually frustrated teenagehood

>> No.13170021

I'm pretty sure these two are memeing but do Americans actually ask out random people working in fucking fast food and coffee shops?

>> No.13170062

>the stories themselves don't really deal with or relate to it
Oh it shows H.P., it shows.

>> No.13170383

kek, yeah his stories are a pretty big insight to his psyche but I meant he doesn't actually discuss being sexually frustrated which is what he wanted.

>> No.13170410

read up on hpv

>> No.13170430

This is just a cope.

>> No.13170476

Only social retards ask out girls who are at work. Asking out girls when they aren't confident in their looks, like when they're 16 and working fast food, is a sign someone is either a horny boomer or 20 something social invalid.

>> No.13170488

The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi

>> No.13170492

Just stop thinking about your sexually frustrated teenagehood, it does not exist anymore. It is irrelevant

>> No.13170509

The Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.13170534


>> No.13170544

Best way to get over sex frustration is to have a lot of good sex ;)

>> No.13170568

Wow, who would have thought that...

>> No.13170572

You are a fucking retard

>> No.13170573

I wasn't memeing, though she's not 16 she looks at least 20. But okay so it's wrong to ask her out while at work and I will have a negative outcome... cool good to know

>> No.13170579

honestly is there anyone sexually active that DOESN'T get hpv?
I get that there is a vaccine now but not when I was growing up

>> No.13170609

How old are you?

>> No.13170629

Almost 30 - google tells me HPV vaccine was released in 2006, but I never even heard of it until well into college and was already carrying HPV lol. Every girl I've ever been with has had it at some point too.

>> No.13170657

kek, wanna refute it? You want the OP to just stay celibate? Genius plan anon.

>> No.13170674

Ahh nice, you lived through nerds wearing saucony’s whislt walking around Silicon Valley, not walking normally, fast paced, trying to get to somewhere they’re unhappy about a way, pulling around a Copy of Infinite Jest and V. By Grandpa Pynchon. The era when Sopranos was the shit, I like you anon :)

>> No.13170685


>> No.13170688

I will get literally no response, or pejoratives at best, to this: >>13170657

>> No.13170691

Sex only temporarily relieves you of your internal pain, why allow him to use women as a cumrag you cumbrain, Sure someone like Albert Camus was folding bitches like car seats and sniffing loads of panties, but OP needs to overcome his problem and look beyond his shitty teenage self, just relax, read to enhance his vocabulary, up his wit, his humour, and his IQ a few points. Honestly just fucking read The Fall by Albert Camus, fucking Christ, have a good fucking time OP

>> No.13170694

oh look, right on cue. Mad ravings instead, unexpected but not entirely unwelcome.

>> No.13170695

Probably the first nice thing anyone's ever said to me on 4chan since I first visited in 10th grade haha. Thanks anon, let's get accused of sucking each others' dicks now

>> No.13170717

there is also a school of thought on this issue that states that you don't know the valueof something until you have had it. Go out and have a wild time with girls and you will soon see this Eldorado or Long John Silver's treasure is actually a bit overrated. That way you will settle down and be happy. But get monogamy or celibacy thrust upon you and you will forever ponder what life could have been. The Amish have a tradition called Rumspringa that is exactly this.

Apparently not too many people as I am getting a deluge of "retard" and "moron".