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13166623 No.13166623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>When people at my work start talking about religion

>> No.13166657
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>yeah religions bad, think of all the wars its caused

>> No.13166661

Except Islam, of course.

>> No.13166663

>I'm spiritual ya know? Tarot, horoscope and good vibes :)

>> No.13166707
File: 47 KB, 800x450, EADB0FF0-F94E-478C-BE5C-FF3D1378E4A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. They discuss this pleb theory that muh Christianity put western civilization at halt. And I just sit silently seething inside trying to calm myself not to break into a furious and autistic rant. I think I’m starting to understand the “clown world” meme better with each day

>> No.13166708


>> No.13166748

lmao I know dumb fucking sluts who have this shit as their Insta bio

>> No.13166751

Lmao, such pathetic nu-males
Don't start externalising shit as a "clown world" you're just a lame coward

>> No.13166755

more like
>when people without a PhD in the subject matter start talking

>> No.13166758

Typical low test phase shit.
10 years ago you'd be posting about how you'd be seething inside listening to your parents say grace before a meal, trying not to break into a furious rant about how god is made up.

>> No.13166762

>Don't start externalising shit as a "clown world"
Why tho? Memes aside, If you think about it really starts to make sense. People are getting crazier. Idk if you know who Dugin is, but he has a video where he discuss how people and the world in general is becoming more insane

>> No.13166767

have sex

>> No.13166769

>being irritated by something is a phase

>> No.13166771

>he actually views "clown world" as more than a meme
Oh I didn't realise I was speaking to a manchild. Sorry.
I hope you're not older than 20.

>> No.13166774

So I’m in the wrong here? Oh I’m sorry I don’t agree with this npc bullshit

>> No.13166775

Have sex incels and then return to reddit

>> No.13166779

I have hardcore anal sex with my gf every night, never used Reddit

>> No.13166780

Phase or not it's still pathetic.

Fuck off with this manchild speak.
You could have easily calmed your self and raised some points, instead of being a juvenile bitch who couldn't express himself without going into an autistic rant.

>> No.13166782

Yeah, I agree. Internet enabled fringe ideas and attitudes to reach critical mass.
Like people who were social rejects in the past (incels, trannies...) are now participating in the discourse.
We haven't even seen the worst yet.

>> No.13166785

>having sex
that's gonna be a yikes from me dog

>> No.13166786

>I have hardcore anal sex with my gf every night
>bothering to capitalize reddit

>> No.13166788

Well I am older than 20 and I genuinely don’t see what’s wrong with that.

>> No.13166791

whats pathetic?

>> No.13166792

That's because you're a manchild too

>> No.13166797

its a reddit tactic, just dont make any point and claim superiority. shame /lit/ has gotten this bad

>> No.13166798

Feeling the need to bitch about this stuff online behind their backs
Being unable to argue in a calm manner
Having to seethe inside because some normies have normie views

>> No.13166800

this thread is going in my cringe compilation.

@ me if you want in the screenshot

>> No.13166801


>> No.13166803

>You could have easily calmed your self and raised some points, instead of being a juvenile bitch who couldn't express himself without going into an autistic rant.
Well I don’t deny that. I always had problem with my temper especially when talking to people I don’t agree with and I don’t think it’s a merit. On contrary I think that containing my autism and not bursting into a rant is a good thing.

>> No.13166807

compared to what?
green texting alongside a numale wojak?
/lit/ has been like this for years, different flavours, but still shit
some national bolshevik hack spewing some nonsense isn't worthy of effortful debate, nor is anything on this shithole

okay cool :)

>> No.13166821

Well I certainly don’t find it bad that I still possess some juvenile traits in my personality. Taking into account that most of the times I’m struggling with depression and most likely undiagnosed ocd and slight autism.

>> No.13166824

tell them they are wrong next time

>> No.13166823

okay cool :)

>> No.13166831

Yeah but what’s he fucking point? It’s not like they will rush into a library or change their views. I simply find it counterproductive to prove something to people like that

>> No.13166835

okay cool :)

>> No.13166845

Thanks for your contribution to this thread anon

>> No.13166853

All arguing does is make you look unhinged, theres no point calmly talking about it because they will deflect and change the subject.

I don't see any reason not to talk about it here.

>> No.13166858


>> No.13166863
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Thanks anon

>> No.13166879

sorry I'm on phone and she's sucking me off right Now

>> No.13166881

You know that pretty much everyone hates Islam, right? No one is doing Muslims favors.

>> No.13166883

that’s a lie