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File: 466 KB, 728x486, Massive-suburban-sprawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13164067 No.13164067 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that critique pic related?

>> No.13164088

my diaru desu

>> No.13164107
File: 100 KB, 500x375, 923318448_ba482a4a44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too

>> No.13164115

same. op i can send you my high school journal if you'd like.

>> No.13164119


>> No.13164134

Jane Jacobs?

>> No.13164166

Looks like you're looking for the following term.

Suggestions: Consumerism, Consumption, Consumer society.

>> No.13164167


What's wrong about pic related?

>> No.13164178

The holy church of /n/ will have better resources for you.

>> No.13164180

>owning a home without land to grow some food and extra space
>muh neat front lawns which are a complete waste of space
>living so close to your neighbor you can smell his farts through the window
>this type of house planning depends on the automobile (which will go extinct in the near future and is one of the worst inventions of all time)

>> No.13164184


>> No.13164222

life is eternal struggle and ppain. Every living creature necessitates death of others such that it may exist. A carnivore eats an herbivore. A herbivore eats living plants. A plant competes with other plants eventually causing their deaths if it's successful in his strive for sun and minerals. There is no hell after death because we're already living in hell.

>> No.13164237

So I guess I should just shoot you and you don't get to complain?

>> No.13164253

Should you? You get to decide. Modern society wouldn't work if we just got to kill randomly but ultimately nothing is really stopping us from this either. If my death was quick and swifty such that I would fail at both anticipating and experience it, it would really make no difference.

>> No.13164258

I very very deeply hope you're baiting and not sincere in your question.

>> No.13164260

I love you, anon. I would never do such a thing.

>> No.13164807

Come on anon, no need to argue in bad faith. Just give a coherent answer to his question.

>> No.13164817

>we live in a society

>> No.13164949
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>> No.13164997
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>> No.13165001
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Cursed binary digits.

>> No.13165010
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just a reminder that this is the ideal way to compose a small town or suburb. sticking to architectural guidelines is not difficult.

>> No.13165460

Lewis Mumford's A City in History

>> No.13165493


>> No.13165523

AKA capitalist shitholism

>> No.13165690

... d-does he have three hands?

>> No.13165694

just looking at this picture makes me want to desperately move out of America

>> No.13165707

Slaughter of cities

>> No.13165767
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>> No.13165808

Fuck you guys. America is the land of the free.

>> No.13165955

90% of american lit written after/during the 50's

>> No.13165960

I think this is San Antonio. I wondered why I hated most of this city.

>> No.13166024

In one of my college classes we got into an off topic discussion about the layouts of suburbs and everyone got mad when I asked what the problem with keeping out undesirables and unknowns was

>> No.13166025
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It's like living inside one huge advertisement. The visual bombardment must be hell. Imagine having to tune out all these stimuli every day

>> No.13166050

No, its east coast-ish. First of all, it just looks like it + the radio has Q for the first letter rather than a K.

>> No.13166243

have you ever been to Tokio?

>> No.13166264

I guess the joke is they all look the same too.

>> No.13166266
File: 179 KB, 1147x835, tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop a pin randomly on tokyo in google streetview and 90% of the time you will find something like this. A clean, narrow street, a few well kept plants on the side, bizarrely bland modernist architecture that still evokes a weird 'Japanese' aesthetic that's pleasant and human scaled.
Tokyo is a mega city of high IQ conformists, something completely unobtainable for 95% of the planet.

>> No.13166272

Also Japan is literally filled to the brim with small businesses

>> No.13166276
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Another one closer to the centre.

>> No.13166281

ITT : Privillege wersterns who doesn't realise that 95% of the world population would drown their own childrens to experience the american suburban life

>> No.13166283

They always show us the same crossing.

>> No.13166287

>you should be ok feeling comparatively bad in your limited life experience because you aren't literally starving
wrong and wrongpilled

>> No.13166290


So I should feel bad because most of the world is wrong?

>> No.13166300
File: 258 KB, 1479x849, Dallas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrast an American suburb, this is pretty close to the centre of Dallas in what I assume is a nice area. A street wide enough to be a highway, trees and front gardens surrounded by fences to protect the houses from being seen. It looks pretty pleasant, but you can see why America has no decent public transport and no businesses in the suburbs, simply because the population density is so low. Cheap land and people don't want to avoid their neighbours at all costs.

>> No.13166313

I've been wanting to move out of California for awhile. I want to buy a house but the house prices are way too high here, traffic is awful, and I don't particularly care about living so close to the city.

Problem is I work in finance and there are only so many financial centers in America. I really want to move to a place with a much smaller metropolitan area, just don't know where.

>> No.13166327
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the japanese are truly different from us, in the best way possible

>> No.13166351

Seconding this

>> No.13166596

>What are some books that critique pic related?
Most of the modern capitalist art production is critique of your pic
What would be interesting is an explanation of the pavlovian reaction of hatred this pic generate in this thread

>> No.13166916

J G Ballard

>> No.13166997

People hate on these then move to cities that have basically the same layout just with taller building and act like theyre cultured

>> No.13167058

>life is eternal struggle and pain
It's also eternal wellbeing and happiness.

>> No.13167124

>comparatively bad

only maybe compared to other americans, but you're better than 99% of the world population

>> No.13167145

This but unironically.

>> No.13167229

Can life prevail

>> No.13167236
File: 3.24 MB, 550x432, expressway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities are usually designed to have maximum possible interconnectiveness. Modern suburbs are all fractals branching off arterial roads. They're designed to discourage non-residents from driving into them.
Everything about them is detestable. The single use zoning that prevents any useful amenities being provided, the disposable 50 year lifetime of the actual buildings, the abominable architecture, the requirement for the 10 lane highway to get everyone from their home to their place of work.
Unless you live in a suburb or are visiting someone you know there is no point to visit any of them, an entire country of places no one could possibly want to visit. There is nothing worthwhile either to see or to do in them. They are single purpose dormitories that force the residents to drive to anywhere useful, which is how you get >>13166025, a whole bunch of commercial buildings surrounded by parking lots along choked roads. It's why the center of your cities look hollowed out.

>> No.13167278

I hate this city because there are huge swaths of areas like this full of bug store chains and tons of indistinct little shopping malls for miles and miles, but it' not like entire states are covered in this, every state has beautiful cal places.

>> No.13167472

Feels bad man. burgers put expressways through city centers, bringing in disgusting air and noise pollution, traffic, screwing over pedestrians, making it impossible to cross the street without getting killed, etc. I walked from my apartment to city center and back yesterday. Because of the layout and the constant 5-lane roads all over it took me 3 hours, mostly waiting at crosslights, and I almost got hit by a car four times. business entrances are the worst. the cars ram in at full speed because there's so few opportunities for them to turn, especially to make a left, they divebomb into the driveway without looking for pedestrians. when cars line up to wait for a chance to leave, they block the sidewalk, making you walk around them. and that's how i almost lost my legs yesterday, walking around a car waiting to leave while a cage bombed in like a bat out of hell without looking. if i had been three seconds faster i'd be in a hospital bed right now. and there is NOTHING to protect pedestrians from this. and if you bring it up? they'll tell you to just buy a car. cages are no longer about "convenience", they are literally the only way to get around the city without a significant chance of death. it's no wonder almost no pedestrians walk in america, they'd be killed if they tried.
>be american
>get hit by a car
this country needs to be firebombed back to dust and done over.
out of developed land, by landmass:
80% suburbs and single family housing
15% stripmalls, gas stations, etc
5% walkable areas with mixed use development, cafes, pedestrian infrastructure, and actual shit around. includes both actual city downtowns and "main street" type areas
HOWEVER, actual car-free pedestrian-friendly areas are more like 0.01% of developed landmass. this is places where pedestrians take the street and do not battle against cars the entire time they're out. my current city has maybe 3 areas that qualify as that, in a 40 mile by 60 mile area. (Yes. such is sprawl.)

I've lived in 3 different states, I have traveled coast to coast, north to south, and that's my take on it. Hell, I'm probably being generous with that. You can't just "go for a walk" here. There's no where nice to go in the first place, and the all of 3 nice areas get exhausted if you go there every day. In the second, you'll be hit by a car and killed, absolutely. There is literally no safe way to be a pedestrian in burgerstan. the infrastructure does not give a fuck about you and your needs. it has pedestrians cross 7 lane roads during the same timeperiod cars are turning. they don't give a shit if you die. that's evident down to the very construction. you can't walk a mile without needing to cross at least 3 roads 5 lanes or more with speeds at 50 mph+.

It's impossible to live a /lit/ life here. you can't just go for a stroll somewhere scenic--they don't exist.

>> No.13167485

Yuros are just jealous that they have to live in an apartment building.

>> No.13167494

You're definitely exaggerating. Maybe you've live in three different states, but I've traveled all over this god forsaken country and there are plenty of "walkable" areas, parks, walkways and even untouched wildlife.

>> No.13167496

>b-but you can't grow your own food
who cares. None of those things are really bad and the extent of argument against this stuff is "it looks all samey from a plane!".

>> No.13167508

Why do they proudly display all those power lines though?

>> No.13167523

Where else do you go if you dont want to raise your family in some small shitbox apartment yet still have access to potential urban areas? I get most cityfags dont want families but cmon now.

>> No.13167542
File: 96 KB, 500x500, c9fea4e1c07a9e51e3835c5002ab0abf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books that critique pic related?

>> No.13167549

>Highway exit

>> No.13167562

>post my experience from literally yesterday
What do you want me to do, walk around with a gopro on my fucking head so you cockwankers can understand how fucking screwed we are? I bet you "traveled" in a fucking car so of course you don't understand anything around you. What is a 40 minute walk for a pedestrian is less than one radio song for you.

This country is absolutely inarguable godforsakenly fucking screwed, it's screwed down to its very infrastructure, it is unbelievably, incomprehensibly screwed. even POLAND has better infrastructure, trains that CAN get you where you're going and DO run on time, and doesn't have piles of trash blowing all over the place. POLAND. A fucking shithole of 80 IQ slavs can accomplish this but burgerstanis who pay 40k a year in taxes cannot have a train system that runs with more than 90 minute midday frequency?
>iitiisi-its' not
I literally TAKE the train every day you windowlicker. every fucking morning waiting 20 minutes for a connection as hobos run around me tripping out on god knows what. and that's during "rush hour" where frequencies are boosted. That same line runs at 90 minute frequencies midday. In a major US city on a popular line.

Go outside and try walking around. Try it. Go. Go for a walk. You think I'm exaggerating? Go for a fucking walk and tell me how many times you stared death in the face just to get from your shitty apartment to the shitty business district. Go do it. No excuses, go. You wanna run your mouth? Go on and go for a walk. I get nearly fucking hit by a car multiple times every fucking day just walking to and from my daily business needs and you wanna run your mouth at me.

Sell your car and then tell me whether america is or is not fucked for car-alternative transportation.

>> No.13167564

I'd honestly rather live here.

>> No.13167614
File: 2.54 MB, 1521x865, germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to post some random streets from around.

>> No.13167616

>A country 1/10th the size of the US

>> No.13167623
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>> No.13167626

You already ruined /his/ with your autism. Go away.

>> No.13167644
File: 1.61 MB, 1442x791, italy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13167648

why the fuck does that matter when we're talking about individual cities? you stupid shit. There is no reason that Kansas is really big, so LA can't have good transit?

>> No.13167652

I work doing custom furniture for civilians and government. I've had to travel and acquire materials locally on site, and have had to stay at most a week so not just highways. there are two parks within walking distance from where I work. one is about a third of the size of Central Park NY. there are so many fucking parks and just nice calm neighborhoods to walk around, trees everywhere etc. Places like OP's pics and the other ones are almost always relegated to business districts and busy main streets. Calm your fucking autism.

>> No.13167655

Land of the free™

>> No.13167661


>> No.13167665

Radio stations east of the Mississippi start with W. That is San Antonio's Q101.9. I don't know why they add a q.

Behind my American suburbia house are 15 miles of car free trails. They connect to bike only trails covering here to downtown. Maybe you choose shitty places you live? Maybe you are just poor?

>> No.13167686
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>> No.13167720

>Maybe you are just poor?
The tacit statement here being that an enormous underclass living in perpetual misery every day of their lives is necessary for American prosperity, lovely innit

>> No.13167814

ITT: Dudes who started following Wrath of Gnon on Twitter last week

>> No.13167867

The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton

>> No.13167895

90% of modern people are office workers who do not need a car
And as I said, you fucking drive past the shit, that is WAY different than walking. Screw off blue collar retard wrench-turner.

>> No.13167949

rural, like 20-40 mins from the suburbs

>> No.13168001

The LA metropolitan area has over 13 million people spead over nearly 5000 square miles. Good luck providing any type of transit accommodations that would work in a city like Warsaw, which has about 1/10th of the population of LA spread over 1/20th the land area.

>> No.13168016

Marx's criticism of capitalism and all the pointless jobs that cities are propped up on

>> No.13168018

protip brah: the sprawl was a choice. you could have built a replica of warsaw. you didn't.
>muh population
ten replicas of warsaw.

>> No.13168023

And have to commute for 4 hours a day? Fuck that

>> No.13168028

People don't really have a choice but to flock to cities to find employment. It's not a simple "dude just get a job in a rural area" thing

>> No.13168032

Not enough land around the house would be the main one.

Also, it seems very car-optimized with little or no sidewalks/bike lanes, no parks.

There are many worse places to live, though, it's not that bad.

>> No.13168038

yes. why did you build sprawl when you could have not built sprawl?

but go ahead and move the goalposts again.

>> No.13168045

What? I'm thinking of buying a house about 30 mins from work. Go shopping once a week, drive to work and back once a day. It's not too bad considering you come home to a comfy place with lots of land. You can do as you please on your own time. Raise animals and garden.

>> No.13168048

this isn't great but it beats living in some shitty rundown apartment or condo in jewyork or the like

>> No.13168053

Because people have to be employed to support themselves?

>> No.13168067

>automobile (which will go extinct in the near future and is one of the worst inventions of all time)
care to elaborate?

>> No.13168086

ITT: Dude why can't we just live in a utopia

Go ahead and provide a realistic alternative to urbanization

>> No.13168088

1. automobile is gay
2. petroleum won't last beyond this century in any meaningful capacity
3. you are gay
4. automobile defines man's obsession with speed and efficiency it ruins the exploration and joy of traveling by foot, horse, bicycle, or any other way that isn't meant for efficient modern industrial travel but instead takes a long time it's literally a tyrannical invention stripping man of his sense of adventure

>> No.13168099
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>> No.13168103

>God tier
Coastal suburb/town
Mid size city
>Good tier
Small city
>Okay tier
Outer metro suburb
>shit tier
Major metro area
Normal suburb

>> No.13168119

i say that as someone who owns multiple vehicles its just the truf boy

>> No.13168121

Stop looking at pictures of idyllic towns. It's ruining your standards of living and giving you unrealistic expectations for reality

>> No.13168124
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Transportation needs to become more efficient, but I wouldn't just get rid of personal motorized vehicles. Walking or bicycles aren't always practical.

>> No.13168126

People in America valued having some modicum of personal space over a decreased drive time. The Japanese, for example, arrived at the exact opposite schema as a result of the same market forces. It's sad to see Europeans fixate on how every aspect of their lives must be centrally planned to be optimal.

>> No.13168129

Based. I hate the mechanical Jacobin for these reasons.

>> No.13168132

>that pic
>Transportation needs to become more efficient
that's what led to this shit ffs
listen bucko people shouldn't be living in towns and cities, those places are for work and business that's a big part of the problem
also imagine riding around in that thing like some cum guzzling faggot jesus christ

>> No.13168134

ITT: Mad NoCarz and shitbox owners

>> No.13168136

You didn't address the question. Why did americans intentionally build sprawl when they could simply have not built sprawl?

>> No.13168149

you are dumb
i own an f350 and a volvo
that doesn't mean cars aren't absolute shit inventions
you should prefer to use a bicycle, horse, or walk whenever you can
it's much more enjoyable, peaceful, and spiritually fulfilling than sitting in a metal box

>> No.13168154

What the fuck are you talking about?
If I want to travel 50km I won't go by foot or bicycle, because it's retarded. Also public transport can't cover everything.
So yeah, we'll still have to use some kind of personal transportation. Having big heavy 5 person cars like we do now is wasteful.
Although most people will probably just rent self driving cars on demand.

>> No.13168169

Something like 80% of car trips only have one passenger (IE the driver). Having most vehicles be 4+ seaters is retardedly wasteful.

Now that most jobs could be done from home to begin with, ALL commutes for jobs of that type (mainly office jobs) are a complete waste of time, resources, road wear'n'tear, gasoline, tires, pollution, and gridlocked traffic.

>> No.13168178

>If I want to travel 50km I won't go by foot or bicycle, because it's retarded.
few issues here
there's no need to travel 50km every day in a sane world (blame industrial society here)
traveling like that once in a while (once a week max) by walking, bike, or horse is a good thing for body and mind
i understand why you must, since i commute to work too

>Also public transport can't cover everything.
it should in cities and suburbs and it can if cars are scrapped there, cars should only be required for businesses and others who need them

>So yeah, we'll still have to use some kind of personal transportation. Having big heavy 5 person cars like we do now is wasteful.
cuckboxes aren't the solution

>Although most people will probably just rent self driving cars on demand.
more cars great
the solution is more public transport in heavily populated areas
but really you should look to live on your own aside from your job as much as possible so go buy some land and enjoy

>> No.13168181

I'm the other guy, but it wasn't so much a conscious "choice" as it was the most economically favorable course by which markets were allowed to expand. America is fucking massive, covered by large swathes of cheap, often semi-arable land. It makes sense that the most economically favored means of urban expansion would be through the expansion of lower-density suburbs that cover a larger area. There's also the whole narrative about making it harder for the USSR to nuke us, if you buy into that kind of thing.

>> No.13168184
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>Live in Vancouver
>Can bike or transit anywhere in the city
>Have never felt the need to buy a car
>Tfw no car payments, insurance payments, gas payments, repair payments, getting stuck in gridlock traffic

>> No.13168187

>>Although most people will probably just rent self driving cars on demand.
>more cars great
No, fewer cars, that's the point.
If a car is only used 1h a day that's stupidly inefficient. There's no reason why a car wouldn't be shared.

>> No.13168204

>thinking people will give up their metal freedom boxes to pay big bux for an overpriced rental every single day

>> No.13168205

I seriously hope you get flattened by some mad cunt in an Xterra. Mass graves for cyclists.

>> No.13168210

How much do they really produce compared to the costs? How many are capable of managing their lives even given the opportunity? American prosperity exists without regard to the underclass, not because of it. Maybe you are thinking of the working class? They are who OP's track homes are built for after all. They could add some bike/walking trails, but they don't because these people like cars.

>> No.13168212

I agree with almost everything you say but please stop repeating 'travel by horse' in every fucking reply like a gigantic faggot, as if that's no different to walking/cycling. Widespread travel by horse is dead and gone, and should stay that way.

>> No.13168220

I'd rather drive three hours a day in the comfort of my own car than spend even ten minutes with the human refuse you find on mass transit.

>> No.13168223

>Widespread travel by horse is dead and gone, and should stay that way
travel by horse is great
only downside is the poop
it should come back for light travel to replace cars in certain areas outside cities

>> No.13168227
File: 130 KB, 1024x595, 4751056214_59d7fdbfb0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit.

>> No.13168239

Why do people riding bikes trigger you so much?

>> No.13168242

you're right
massive bugman cities shouldn't exist in the first place
but you have to work with what you're dealt

>> No.13168252

They always ride in the middle of the road even though they are slow. It's always just poor hipsters who can't afford a car

>> No.13168255

>america, my son, you are country now
>will you build sustainable cities with beautiful, thoughtful architecture and convenient transit options, which your children and grandchildren will inherit, which will become a shining cultural gem and provide an enjoyable life for residents for hundreds of years to come?
>or will you throw up a bunch of plywood shacks and pave a shitty road system as cheaply and quickly as possible?

>> No.13168261

Why are you guys pretending America is the only country suffering from urbanization. It's easy to just blame them for everything wrong with the world but it's a deeper problem that isn't just limited to one country

>> No.13168264

They think they have the right of way in every fucking instance. Look at how special I am, I'm riding my $2,000 fixie!

>> No.13168270

t. assblasted burger realizing his big truck doesn't compensate for his tiny weiner
This message was brought to you by the bicycle gang.

>> No.13168276

America grew so large and bloated after its massive westward expansion that this was the only possible outcome.
In Europe on the other hand, nations would fight to the bitter end over the tiniest scraps of land

>> No.13168278

There's nearly 8 billion of us anon. Horses are not sustainable as a widespread means of transportation. They're also extremely gay.

>> No.13168281

it sucks but i really have no choice
i'm fucking out of this shithole as soon as i graduate

>> No.13168284

>They're also extremely gay.
To be traveling on an animal with a dick three time the size of yours, you have to be perfectly secure in your heterosexuality, and not some fragile dicklet like you. Horses are peak alpha.

>> No.13168288

Different country, different markets. Don't worry, I wouldn't ever take your drafty brick shacks or commie blocks that were planned for the greater good away from you.

>> No.13168293
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>90% of modern people are office worker

>> No.13168294

Sure, and to fuck a man up the arse you need to be extremely secure in you heterosexuality right?

>> No.13168306

>throw some gear on the horse
>wear a cowboy hat
>sit up straight as the horse gallops and you look over the countryside
>literally kang mode
the opposite of gay my friend
there's a reason horses are adored throughout history and the horse rider is a sight to behold
when has someone thought the same about a car driver? lmao

>> No.13168316
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>90% of modern people are office workers

>> No.13168322
File: 371 KB, 1538x2326, BA3A0FD3-276E-4C75-9BF4-30B0D33BD029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13168326

Sometimes alcoholics that lost their license. You can tell because they don't look like they're enjoying it.

>The working class doesn't deserve a house.

>> No.13168328

That's 410 and San Pedro, right by North Star Mall. I go to that Barnes and Noble sometimes. That pic is probably from the late 1990s or so

>> No.13168331

In the 19th century, you would be totally correct, that would indeed be peak masculinity. But this is the 21st century, riding a horse is gay and outdated. Incidentally, there's an entire ideology surrounding the automobile my dude, people love, respect, worship, and even fuck their cars. I don't drive personally, but to deny the feelings cars evoke in people is idiotic. The only thing I think when I see a horse rider pathetically clopping their way down a street (leaving a trail of shit) or wandering pointlessly around the empty wilderness (we built modern roads for a reason), is 'cunt'.

>> No.13168343

riding a horse is never gay and outdated, it's man taming beast
a car is just a shitty box on wheels, a horse is a living creature
>but to deny the feelings cars evoke in people is idiotic
correct some people cream their pants when they see a nice suv or sports car but this is just because most people are low iq status symbol fetishists
same people get a stiffy for a house with 5 bedrooms and 7 baths just because muh size and status
disregard these folks

>> No.13168370

You don't think horses were a vulgar status symbol for the entirety of their existence, up to and including the present? Cmon. Also, man taming beast isn't an issue, we've reached a higher stage of social existence. The goal now is not for man to tame beast, but for man to tame nature itself, as a unity. That's the ultimate challenge of human existence, and is what climate change/ecological meltdown represents in its most visceral form. We need to manipulate some of the most fundamental forces of reality, not ride animals like savages.

>> No.13168387
File: 67 KB, 900x750, ted-kaczynski-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technocrat SCUM

>> No.13168400

Get back to spamming Guénon threads or sleeping your horse or whatever it is you do, primitivist dog.

>> No.13168406

There are legitimate criticisms but in the current political context it's basically just a proxy for expressing anti-white sentiment

>> No.13168412

>Get back to spamming Guénon threads
maybe later tonight

>> No.13168434

Like POCs aren't the ones who covet these places now, while (managerial class) whites are moving on.

>> No.13168447

Least now I know the Guénon spammers are all posting from their barns I guess

>> No.13168456

This. Also Robert Moses stuff, try the Power Broker. Then some good old White Noise to top it off.

>> No.13168460

The right's kneejerk defense of every aspect of mid-century Americana is retarded
We were already on an unsustainable, doomed course back then, it was not the idyllic Coca-Cola commercial white utopia you fags fantasize about

>> No.13168463

I only bike in areas where I don't interfere with cars. I don't have a car but I've driven for years and know how shit it is to share the road with cyclists. I use transit in the denser parts of the city.

>> No.13168464

I sometimes forget about the brainlets on this place, this is one of them, pure negative IQ

>> No.13168471
File: 1020 KB, 2449x1717, hide ptg threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13168512

Yes, notice how the formerly much more prominent criticism of suburbia has evaporated as the subtextual motivation for the criticism, its whiteness, has diminished
See, you're mixing a couple different things (suburbs being economically unsustainable; suburbs being socially dysfunctional; the image of suburban tranquility being largely a commercial construction) just to fashion it into a weapon to denounce "ignorant reactionary whiteness"
This caricature parodies people I disagree with and am opposed to. If you're going to think in memes at least be a little more precise

>> No.13168531
File: 193 KB, 1280x853, good clean livin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suburban-fags are just jealous that they have to live in a McHouse on a cuckplot surrounded on all sides by neighbors in other identical abodes.

>> No.13168538


>> No.13168543


>> No.13168583
File: 2.88 MB, 640x359, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and horsepilled

>> No.13168613

Looks like Lord Bolton.

>> No.13168626

I could never leave California but outside of here and New York there are concentrations of finance firms in Boston, Charlotte, Houston, Dallas, SLC, Richmond, and probably a whole bunch of other places I'm neglecting. The trouble is they hate us in most of those towns.

>> No.13168670

Californians are a plague upon the rest of the country. They move out to middle America and slowly make it as unliveable as their home.

>> No.13168684

Most of the people leaving are from the churn anyway, it's people who moved to California and not actual Californians. Read any article about it, they always moved to California from somewhere else. I don't bristle at the unlivable parts, I bristle at the allegation that they're Californians, they're not.

>> No.13168720

Why are american urbanites so sure of what is "sustainable"?

>> No.13168774

White Noise Don DeLillo

>> No.13168851

>deserve a house
why the fuck would you want one? then add 2 hours of commuting a day and all this maintenance and repair cost? apartments/condos/townhouses are more convenient.

enjoy that $10k new roof expense and mowing your lawn every weekend.

>> No.13168864

I dont have much experience traveling outside the US but I've been to most of our states, spent significant time and/or lived in probably around a dozen (and moved around a lot within these states), and there does seem to be a lot of variance culturally and geographically. Suburbs somewhat similar to your pic related are certainly the norm in much of the country.

Interestingly though, I moved to the Pacific Northwest about a year ago from DC. Im currently living in a small town in Southern Washington, and I spent awhile on Seattle. Geographically and architecturally the area looks very different from any other area of the US I've been to, and it doesn't really have the same kind if suburbs that you'd find in other areas. There's also basically no traffic, and its a city, but unlike other American cities there are very few apartment complexes or townhomes or that sort of thing. Its literally a city of 700,000+ people that has virtually no violent crime and is filled with single family homes with yards.

They also have completely different rules of ettiquete here, like youre basically supposed to ignore everyone in public, not make eye contact or greet strangers, and its considered acceptable to walk into people and bump into them in public (although that seems to be more of a westcoast thing). This doesnt really bother me, but I did find it very strange since I've probably only brushed into people in public a few times in my life, but literally the last two times I remember seeing someone bump into someone else, one of the times my friend got into a physical fight on the sidewalk with a dude that involved maybe 7-8 punches, and the other time I binped into a guy and he stopped and called me a bitch and said some other stuff. In Seattle though, it's perfevtly acceptable to brush into someone if you're walking around them.

>> No.13168865

You make it sound like costly repairs take place every year. Man you are DUMB.

>> No.13168866

the foundation for exploration by sean goonan

>> No.13168880

thing is m9-0 i've known people who have lived in houses, i've even lived in a number of them myself. and if it isn't one thing it's always another.

remember to buy more gasoline for that lawnmower and spend 3 hours of your weekend getting covered in filth and sweat to slave so the neighbors won't get the wrong impression of you.

>> No.13168883

Want one they do. It is their choice. Just as third worlders are free to work in sweatshops. Do you believe they are adults capable of making that choice given their options, or can you not resist the authoritarian impulse?

>> No.13168884
File: 61 KB, 1100x685, unabomberprimary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13168897

>be am*rican
>go to vacation in europe
>wow this is so convenient, you don't even need a car, you can take the train or walk everywhere
>wow this is so nice, i wish i could stay here forever
>returns home

>> No.13168907

freeways and other infrastructure necessary for cars has to be some of the most disgusting abominations on this planet

>> No.13168909

Seattle freeze is kind of crap though. The friendliness of the south is better.

>> No.13168911

The Timeless Way of Building
A Pattern of Language
The Oregon Experiment

>> No.13168937

Is this nigga really complaining about mowing a damn lawn? Lmao nigger if you want to keep renting shoeboxes because thats all you need and you dont care to raise offspring then go for it. Dont be pissy that working class people have working class goals

>> No.13168942

At least you realize the errors of your way.
Help the rest of your country realize too, burgerfriend.

>> No.13168945

>you dont care to raise offspring
t. gen x with a 5 bedroom house and maybe 1 kid, if not just 3 different "furbabies"

>> No.13168958

it's difficult, friend. they're operating under heavy stockholm syndrome. they've even deluded themselves that paying an average $700 a month in car expenses (purchase price, insurance, maintenance, repairs, gas, parking, tolls, oil changes, new tires, etc etc etc) instead of a simple $100 a month for a train pass is "freedom".
Personally I like all my free money to remain in my bank account where it belongs.

>> No.13168961

To some extent I suppose. The problem is that in the Southwest you have shit weather, with no rain and crazy temperature extremes from like 10F in the winter to 110f in the summer. On the other hand, in California the weather is better, but the people are closed minded bugmen that dont understnad other cultures/people or even realize that outside world exists. This is especially ironic because Californians are probably the most likely to be SJW thought polices that insist on "diversity" and "inclusion".

>> No.13169061

It's not aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.13169088

So what are good american cities I should move to?

>> No.13169111

Discipline and Punish

>> No.13169121

Why the fuck would you ever want to use public transport

>> No.13169122

Average IQ in Poland is same as in Germany, m8.

>> No.13169125


>> No.13169138

Theres like 2 if you live in america

Youre a poorfag
Or youre coping by saying your saving the enviroment (likely also poor)

>> No.13169165

Cars were an option for those that wanted more freedom™
Now it's a requirement since everything is build around cars

>> No.13169194

Denigration of Poland is in 9/10 cases just a disingenuous proxy attack on European ethnocentrism in general. I imagine it's been identified as a "fracture point" by shills "fighting the alt-right"; Poland stands as this example of a modern, successful European nation being proudly ethnocentric; deny it to "the racists" as a source of hope and inspiration by constantly posting >poles >white and other such spam

>> No.13169210

It's easier than using a car.

>> No.13169212

It's been funny to watch so many people argue about Guénon and let yourselves get into so many arguments about him without really understanding him. Guénon's works are largely just an indirect commentary on the works of Ibn Arabi and Adi Shankara, in a similar way to how Evola is largely just an indirect commentary on and a response to Guénon. You'll never fully understand what exactly Guénon means and why he writes all the stuff that he does unless you read at least few thousand pages of writing from both of these thinkers. It seems like the the vast majority of people who read Guénon don't so this which IMO is why so many people seem to become befuddled or angry after reading Guénon's writings and why there are so many ad hominem arguments thrown at him.

I laugh every time I see people write stuff like "w-well uh he never fully explained intellectual intuition" or "he never solidly proved his ideas using logic according to my degenerated and emasculated empiricism"; that's besides the point!, Guénon was not writing to convince people who didn't agree with him, he couldn't care less about those people. His writing is aimed at fellow autodidacts who already read a huge amount of esoteric/metaphysics and who will actually read much the eastern thinkers he references. When you read Ibn Arabi and Shankara they literally take you by the hand and walk you through all the stages of understanding of all the stuff that Guénon explains and mentions in passing; it immediately becomes apparent once you read enough of them why exactly Guénon wrote what he did, many of the ideas that people consider to be his unique idea actually already appear in the works of these two thinkers where they are explained in even more depth than Guénon's treatment of them. I see many people complain or have criticisms of Guénon that he never demonstrates this eastern 'divine intellect' etc or 'metaphysical realization', that's because it's only something that very bright and motivated people can understand if they have the willpower and power of comprehension required to read through large amounts of both Ibn Arabi and Shankara; two sages who evade comprehension by the intellectually-dogmatic and dull-minded!

>> No.13169256

>It's impossible to live a /lit/ life here. you can't just go for a stroll somewhere scenic--they don't exist.
Bunch of bs man. Pretty much every small northeastern town has places to walk and stroll. You haven’t been to many towns.

>> No.13169279

This looks comfy to me

>> No.13170050

Yep, it's exactly where I thought it was. Theres a nice half price books over there I go to sometimes. That Barnes and Noble is where I bought infinite jest.

>> No.13170271

>in what I assume is a nice area.
>cardboard fence on the right


>> No.13170363

it's not exactly a secret that fossil fuels are a finite resource and air pollution from car exhaust is a problem

>> No.13170392

>critique pic related?
why would anyone critique the greatest living arrangement ever designed?

>> No.13170428


>> No.13170501

No. Simply, no. 7 billion people ought to die yesterday

>> No.13170522

Do yourself a favor and stay away. The only thing good about this country is that you can nominally own a gun, which is ironically only necessary because we have copious amounts of niggers and drug addicts. Don't come here. Better yet, let me live with you, wherever you are

>> No.13170578

Unless you make that happen, they ain't going anywhere anon. Until then, it's 'us' whether you like it or not. The climate and the finite resources of this planet don't care whether they're used by pure Aryans or Sub-Saharan Africans.

>> No.13170610
File: 8 KB, 222x227, 1533290991391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based /home/poster

>> No.13170637


Unironically Chomsky.

>> No.13170663

If given the chance, I absolutely would. The best plan I've come up with is a war against technocrats. I will follow in Uncle Ted's footsteps

>> No.13170678


>Justifying the death and carnage of the world as being morally acceptable because it happens

What a dumb nigger you are.

>> No.13170692


Relativism doesn't justify the abdolute state of consumerist, degenerative society, faggot.

>> No.13170781

I don't doubt your willingness, rather your capability. Nevertheless, you get right on that, and when you've killed 90% of the planet's population, get back to me yeah?

>> No.13170810

Will do. But if I succeed, there probably won't be any internet. Do you have an address or something so that I can tell you in person?

>> No.13170857

Oh yeah the other name I couldn't remember earlier would be Naomi Klein.

>> No.13170863

Check with your mother mate, she'll know.

>> No.13170865

Nah, she'll probably die without the mass produced goods she's so accustomed to before I could ask her

>> No.13170870

It makes humans like cattle. Strips them of individualism, and you just know every child in those households is a slave to their smart phones and computers.

Basically we're fucked.

>> No.13170876

Yeah, I know what you mean desu anon
1600 Pennyslyvania Ave

>> No.13170882

Alrighty. See you in a couple years, hopefully. Maybe a decade or two worst case scenario

>> No.13170883

Nice, my phone autocorrects to desu now. Great.

>> No.13170884


Every time I go into the city for anything I want to kill myself. I go from lonely roads and trees and fields to constant bombardment of advertisements. It's honestly overwhelming. It is hard to tune out. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.13170889

Yep, see you on the other side and all that

>> No.13170918
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>> No.13170985

Just think horses r dumb anon, fite me irl. I'll take that back if you can show me a horse that pretends to have read books so it can post on anonymous online imageboards though

>> No.13171013

do you drift in space?

>> No.13171023
File: 41 KB, 600x450, aqua 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a smug enough anime girl to post so here's Carl

>> No.13171342

I don't understand

>> No.13172554

Yeah everything is an attack on us, the precious White People™
You fucking incels would manage to look at the fact that lab rats are white as a sign of anti white sentiments.

>> No.13172691
File: 3.47 MB, 4160x3120, chliBQC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to live in a city? I live in a village in eastern europe and I would never change it to a city.

>> No.13172850
File: 2.86 MB, 720x480, american FREEways.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13172869
File: 138 KB, 852x479, justfuckmyshitupfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthquakes fuck underground cables up
Go to any place on red on this map and you will see the same aerial cables
The only reason you bury them underground is to protect them from heavy snow and hurricanes and Japan does not suffer from those as much as from earthquakes

>> No.13172928

He was trying to imply that you are the characters in the picture.

>> No.13172942

Haha stupid fucking BUMPKIN. Haha how can you ever experience The Greatness™ that is city living? Oh, wait. You can't! Lol lol lol. You people think you have it so great, but let me ask you this: can you walk down to Starbucks? Can you buy non-dairy milks? Can you go to an endless array of foreign food shops? Can you do anything other than be a dumb country bumpkin? Haha NOPE DIDN'T THINK SO

>> No.13172943

So what? Just don't drive then bud, I'm an American, I have no license. Totally unnecessary. Vote with your feet, refuse to live in areas of America where a bike or walking is not adequate. I did, you can too.

>> No.13172947

This breaks my heart more than any picture of starving kids. Why the fuck do I have to be exist now

>> No.13173198

Hello Chaim

>> No.13173206
File: 574 KB, 800x575, fahrradhauptstadt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does this trigger the amerilard?
I am living in the "bicycle-capital" of germany, its comfy af having bicycle lanes everywhere.

>> No.13173209

Fuck urbanism and fuck cars and most importantly fuck technocrats

>> No.13173211
File: 104 KB, 720x720, American Indians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, how did it come to this point? Life used to be so simple, green and beautiful

>> No.13173224

holy shit i can't wait for doomsday, technology was a mistake

>> No.13173234

The agricultural revolution was the beginning of the end. The industrial revolution and capitalism were the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.13173247

Why would you do this

>> No.13173445

I obviously already fucking am you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.13173546
File: 608 KB, 1024x543, 1541140156460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder what the world will look like 50 years from now

>> No.13173557
File: 36 KB, 387x480, 38566949-0291-43A2-8C2C-F0D532D29092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13173597
File: 36 KB, 857x437, analjihad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I know that guy, great show

>> No.13173603

Looks pretty from up in the plane desu. Like a river of Christmas lights. I bet it's Los Angeles, probably the only time it looks pretty.

Ha! That image, looks like somebody has propaganda and lies at least.

>> No.13173618

Oof, that's gonna be a yikes from me, incel