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/lit/ - Literature

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13160720 No.13160720 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want nothing more than to be an author

What is your passion?

>> No.13160735

Me too but I don't write or read lmao. I just imagine having sex with book groupies and being admired as a smart individual

>> No.13160875

this is the saddest thing i have ever encountered

>> No.13160888

Telling you that you will never make it.

>> No.13160898

Well, you are. You write /lit/ posts. And you know what, that counts too.

>> No.13160935

boys, I thank you for making my night, sadly I'm broke and can't offer you--kind strangers--gold so instead I leave you with these parting words
(obligatory spacing)

>> No.13160945

My passion is to feel. I wish to express, to show those feelings using art, visual or written. Or loving someone. I want to love someone. My passion is love

>> No.13160960

same here, OP
i've been receiving my first rejections from online lit magazines for a few months now
before i eventually accept my mediocre fate or kill myself, i've just been reading the books i've hoarded and pushing myself to write to cope
hope things go well for you

>> No.13160972

I fell in love recently, maybe around 4 months ago
it sucks though because I'm a complete loser
sometimes I wish I could just fall out of love

>> No.13160982

You can. Stop being a pussy. Love is an absolute waste of time.

>> No.13161028

I don't think you have EVER been in love. Call me whatever you like, my love for her is too much to just FALL OUT OF LOVE.
If love is a waste of time, so is everything else.

>> No.13161053

I forget passion exists sometimes, how gay
I feel nothing

>> No.13161069

I was going through some of Van Gogh's letters to his brother Theo the other day, and he said that there are three situations regarding love: first one is not to love at all, second one is to love but for that love to be unrequited, and third is for love to be mutual. He said the second situation was better than the first but not as good as the third. Love is suffering just like life is suffering, I love someone and they love me back but we can't be together. Even if she loved you back, maybe you wouldn't be able to be together. If you really, really love her, you will suffer but never forget that love itself, no matter how difficult or unrequited, is the most beautiful thing on earth and heaven, and you should be glad you're able to feel such beautiful things. I think it was Victor Hugo who said that the heart that suffers for love is a happy heart. Or something like that. Don't feel ashamed to love, anon. Embrace the pain and the suffering.

>> No.13161072

Lol sorry buddy didn't realise you were 16

>> No.13161086

so true

>> No.13161092
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i want to be a filmmaker

>> No.13161113

projection, no children allowed

>> No.13161122

this was genuinely a nice read, thanks for this anon

>> No.13161132

Yeah sure if you want to idolise an actual insane man who ended up killing himself, keep romanticising unrequited love. Truth is modern society cannot handle such forms of self-flagellation.

>> No.13161138

lmao anon are you me

>> No.13161156

I'm not idolizing anyone. I will continue, don't worry.

>> No.13161173

ha ha

>> No.13161179

Just want to write one good book of philosophy, just one and have it be known but not completely infamous

>> No.13161218

write about the philosophy of anal fisting

>> No.13161219

What is wrong with insanity? Van Gogh was probably bipolar, that only means he felt too much too strongly. His sadness and pain were as great as his love and passion for life. He died as he lived, passionately and by his own rules. What are you, anon? What are you afraid of? Van Gogh or this anon >>13161122 probably felt in one day more than you could feel in 80 years. They lived. When you're about to die, what will you say? You were comfortable and enjoyed earthly pleasures, but what else? Did you love, did you suffer, did you live? Don't be a coward, don't be afraid. Suffering is as essential as love.
Stop running away you fucking pussy

>> No.13161937

pls be a femme

>> No.13162023

I have none. I honestly think I'm broken, a defect not fit for living. No matter what I do, no matter what I accomplish, I feel neutral about it all. Only negative emotions can be felt fully. I guess I must be depressed, but it's been like this for so long that I no longer remember when it started, and nothing I've done has managed to change anything. Living life when nothing feels rewarding is hard.

>> No.13162057

Your accomplishments, did they involve doing something for yourself or for others? I've accomplished some things throughout my life, but I barely remember them. They mean nothing to me. Find yourself in helping others, it helps me feel passionate sometimes. Maybe one day we'll be capable of feeling pride about things we do for ourselves.

>> No.13162248

>did they involve doing something for yourself or for others?
Both. But it's hard wanting to accomplish things for yourself when positive reinforcement doesn't really bite. As for helping other people, I don't have much of a choice. If I see someone need help, it feels completly unnatural not to give a hand. Not helping gives me a bad feeling, but doing something only removes the bad feeling, it doesn't give me any pleasure. I'll admit I've probably never changed anyones life, so I guess it's more on the side of common courtesy. Giving my seat to eldery or disabled people. Donating money when I have extra. Give a shoulder to lean on when I see someone suffering. Ask to help people carry stuff if I see them struggling. Help someone up if they fall. Just normal stuff. I'm pretty easy to take advantage off, but I don't mind. If I can't make myself happy, making someone elses day a little better just feels like the right thing to do.

>> No.13162308

I would say I don’t have much in terms of passion. I tend to be a conflicting person which stops me even further. Action type series are a better fit for comics and such, but I can’t draw, and learning or getting someone to draw for me is unsettling to me. As such I don’t even bother trying to write, which gets me nowhere, even if my interest is limited.

>> No.13162378

>If I can't make myself happy, making someone elses day a little better just feels like the right thing to do.
You sound like a good person anon. Naturally good. I'm not sure if there is such thing, if a naturally good person exists but you sound good. You act good. Reading your post also made me realize I don't feel good about helping others, it just feels right. Sometimes at least. Other times I do it out of selfishness.
How old are you? I believe one day you'll feel passionate about something. Don't give up. Maybe you just have to keep searching for something that makes you feel passionate, maybe it's just hidden, maybe you have to create it. But don't give up. Even if you're a boomer, your life isn't over yet.

>> No.13163658


>> No.13163727
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To love and be loved.

>> No.13163743
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>there are already two threads with the same topic
Also, philosophy.

>> No.13164434

i want to spend my life making incredibly beautiful music that gives people goosebumps but i have become bogged down in studying a degree so i can become a well paid wageslave instead

>> No.13164446

have sex

>> No.13165090

Just to be an artist in general.
I want to write books.
I want to make music.
I want to make films
I want to paint
And I wish I could be admired for doing all of these things

>> No.13165244
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>> No.13165285

>being admired as a smart individual
This is all I want too. I plan on spending the rest of my life doing everything within my power to attend a prestigious university.

>> No.13165437

The exact same passions you listed were followed by millions of others who are now dead and forgotten. Doesn't that fact dull the passion when you acknowledge it?

>> No.13165454
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I'm only surviving, I live for nothing and nobody.

>> No.13165469

Me too. I want to make things that make people happy.

>> No.13166307

Not him, but you could make that argument for nearly anything ever. Who at all has a truly original passion?

>> No.13166315

i want a boyfriend

>> No.13166317
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>What is your passion?
i have too fucking many

just stick to 1 passion, friends, life is easier that way

>> No.13166733

living that NEET lyfe

>> No.13166760


>> No.13166776

You're emotionally complex.

>> No.13166804
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>> No.13167244

Nah, it's not. It describes most of people on this board. They all wanna be writers but don't actually enjoy writing. The difference is that this guy is honest with himself about it.

>> No.13167266

where are you from?

>> No.13167268

Why would it? It actually makes me happy to know millions of others throughout history have experienced the same I have. My happiness stems from my passion and what I can accomplish, not from others anon. Life would be very sad if all I wanted was recognition.

>> No.13167920

I want to marry a wealthy guy who will cover my expenses so I can work on a part time basis instead of fulltime wageslaving, and then have time to write more manuscripts and get published. I'm pretty and good at cooking so this is very realistic. People have paid me money just to cook for them before, or to get a plate of my leftovers. Learned it all from youtube. Men care about two things: cummies and yummies.

>> No.13167993

I just want to be published, whether it's a lit mag or a novel or something. Planning to submit a short story later this year. Already submitted once and got rejected, though the editor said he really liked the story. It was probably what he says in every rejection e-mail, but it gave me the confidence and inspiration to write some more and try. Currently have a potential novel I'm working on, up to 84 pages, but I'm constantly worn down by self-confidence issues and the stresses of modern life. If I could just get one short story published though, it would help my confidence alot knowing I have the potential to be a writer.

>> No.13168361

Dubs and you, OP, are going to Make It.

>> No.13168421

LMAO, you also posted in sci
My passion is literature and philosophy and therefore also all the sufficiently general sciences

>> No.13168484

Masturbating to asian women and escaping the grim reality of my life with video games, reading, and idle shitposting on 4skinz